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. •t: <br /> ,` <br /> � � . � .. . . " ,�,�_., � <br /> � � _ ... <br /> � ., • <br /> .. _. . . .. . ... <br /> .. ... -----....,._. .... ........ , <br /> . , . .... , <br /> • 18. 80P�Owet'S Rlaht t0 R01118tBtA� If Bortoriar meats ccrtain oondltlons, 8o►rowor uhuli hnvo tho ripht to huvo � " <br /> - anlorccmont of this Sneutiry Instrumont dlecontlnuod at any dmo p�ior to tho earlicr of: (u) B dnYs tnr such othar perlod aa app8wblo <br /> " law mey ep¢clty tor ralnstntomant) bototo aalo uf tho Praperty purounnt to any powcr o1 an�o conin►nod in thlo 8ccurity�nstrumont:ot <br /> • (b) cntry af n Judgmcnt cniprcin� thlo Sccurity InaWmcnG Th000 condYlona aro thnt 8ortowar. (n) pays Lcndar nn csums whleh than <br /> wauid bo duo under tAla Saourtty Inatrumcnt nnd tho No4o uo If no eceeiorntlon hnd occurrsd; (b) curos uny dutault of eny other • <br /> covcnant or aQreamcnlo; (o) puya a11 expenaes tneuncd In eniorcing this 8ocurily InotrumonL lnciuding, but not Itmitad to, rcasonc�blo ,. <br /> pttomeys'tees:and(d)tnkeo auah acYlon as Lendcr�may reseanebty requiro to aoauro thnt the licn ot thla Socudty Inatrument,lendu's <br /> �tflAto in tho Properiy and Borrowar's obligatton to puy tho sumo aeeurod by thle Saeuruy Instrument ehati eonttnuo unehanged. Upnn <br /> relnstateriienl by Boreottcr,thla 3�cudty instrumcnt nnd Iho ohflQstfans secured haroby shnll remtdn luly atloctivo as It no ucceteratlon <br /> had occurted. Howovor,th►a dght to reinutato shaq not tppry In tha caso ot acccla�aGon undur pnrn8reph t7. +�,.''�� <br /> 18. �t19 O}�OLO� Change ot Loan 8ervte��. Tho Note ot o pattial intemst in iho Note (togelhcr with thfs Sesvrlty , -`►�in;:� <br /> .,. -• Inetrument)may bo eo�d ono or morc+timos wtthout pria noAco to Bortower.A sate m:►y retwit tn a chango in tho antiry(knawn ao tha <br /> • � •Loun 9enlcor') that cotluato monthN puymente duo under tho Noto and this Sewfiy Instrument. ThQte ulao mey bo ono or maro , <br /> ' chnngos of tho Lonn Sorvlaer unreslatod to n anto ot tho Noto. If there Is a ohnnge of the Laan Smvieer, Borrower will be gNen wdtton <br /> , notico ot tho ehanga In accurdo�ao wlth para4raph 14 abovo und appllenbte taw. The nodce wN otuto tho namo und uddress of the _ <br /> new Laan 8ervtcer and tho addroso to whteh p�yments eMould 6e mads. The noUco vulil ulso contafn any other intprtnatlon raqutrod by � •±�• <br /> nApllcnb►e Ia�v. '�L(." <br /> 20. Ha�rdaus Subatanees. Bortawor �hai r►ot eausa or permlt tho presenea,uao, dlsposai,st�rage, or relesse of any ;`,�V_ <br /> Hazt�rdoua&ubstanena on or in the Propatlq. 8artawa shaA not do,nor aliow nnyone eise to do, nnything ntteating the P►aperty thnt � /`y�.�: <br /> 82 <br /> la In vlofaUon of any Envlronmantni Lsw. The pntcadNO two sentenees shaU eot apply to tho proaenco, use, or elorage on the ,:;;:7�1� <br /> � Properry ot amnll quanUUes ot Hozardoua 3ubataneos 1Mt are generelry recogniaed to bs Appropdato to nomnal realdentla�uces und to �„a ,: ;-_., <br /> „� matntonanee of tho Property. Q -�':�,_-_ <br /> ' 8onower shatl prompty glva lcndY�tiY'riten notice ol eny tnveatl�atton,cialm,domand.luwsuft or other aation by any govemmentni� ;�,;,�.`� <br /> a or regulntory agenry or prhruW pnrty lnvolv'�ng the PropcAy and nny Homrdous Substsnce ar E�viroamental Law of whteh 9ortoweT has t;:;�;:= <br /> � ���� actuai knowlerlgo. It Borrowe�teams, or is notlfled by eny govemmental or regulstory authoriry,that any remova�or other►emedlatlon� n_,,,_ <br /> ;,,.,,,. _ <br /> " of uny Hazardouo Substnnce a(feeting tha Property b necoseary, Borrower sfia0 prompty take all necasanry remedtal actiona tn� :+F�, ._� <br /> .. %,�� sr,co►daneo with Environmentai Law. ,,:,:-,-T- <br /> ,�T_� <br /> Aa used in thle pamgroph 20. 'Heuirdous 8ubalances' are those substancea delined as toxia Of hBZB►dOLB 9UbD1(iDCOS f1y r.-,,�__ <br /> � �� , Enrironmentaf law and the tollowing eubstanaas:gaso6�e. kerosena, other fiammab�e or to�da petroleum products,toxfo posUddes and :v_+.Y:;. <br /> - .� heabictdes,volsUle eolvenks, mnterials contnSning asbesloa or tortnatdehyde, nnd radioa►cdvo matedals. Aa used in this pa�agraph 20. :��„� <br /> , �� 'Environmental law' mennn tadetal laws and taws of the Judsdictton where the Properiy Ia located that relate to heaBh, satety or 1:�:." <br /> '� environmental protecdon. �}'�,xM'` <br /> • NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower nnd L�da fudher covennrA and agree ae tollows: �+:_____ <br /> ' ���'''';"�:'�� 21. Acceieratton; Fiamedies. L�onde�shall gtve n�xe ta Borrower prior to aaceteratlon toQ�wl�na� _ <br /> .� . ,,��_.:..���� , �- <br /> <:,;,-=:j;-:. ,; . �asra:sss s brs�ts �! An� e�n�a�t or ae�reement in this Seeurity Instrument (but not prle�r t� _ <br /> :"�%F:�?;l�tir acceferat8�n undcT p�ragreph ta un[oss applicable Iew pravtdes othennrisa). The natice siiaii apsaiiy: _ <br /> �_.� , (a) ths defaut� (b)tQ�, actton roqulred to cure the de�isui� (a) a date, �ot less than 30 days hom th� �°x,=="_ <br />=,, „ �. date the notice Is glvan to Borrower�by wtn�ch the defauR must be cured; and (d) that 9o!!ure ta cure <br /> tho detAUit on or betore the data sp�aifled in the no4lee mey re TM8�naRice'shali fuether�infomn <br /> �� . !r�r� � secured by th�a Security Inst►ument and eale ot the Property. <br /> ' , ���:,, 8orrawer of tha rtgM to retnste� ufter acceleratloa ��ea�the �ight to bring a��urt action to asaert th� <br /> eoa-existonce of a dotawlt or eroy othar detenus of BoRawer to�acelera4ton ar�x! eale. M ths dsfaui4 is <br />_� no! eurod o�a or 6o�re the d�e s�►ocifled in the notiee� Lsnder at ita optton may nqnsiro tmmedtate <br /> . payment in fuli of a11 sums socured by thte Snaurity InsRrument witi�out luether d�man� art� may <br />�. ' tnvoke the pawe� of sale and any other semedtes por+nHted by epp��cebfe ta�v. Lsnd�r ei�att be <br /> , ;,.� :: <br /> � , eMitled ta coltect all �xpsnses Incurred �n pursu�i�n the remedlea provided In this paragr���h 21. <br /> `��>��^�� ' Inaludin�, but not Iimited to. reasonabl�tttomeye' tees and eosts ot Nt�e evidenao. <br /> -' It the power M stle Is Irnokad. Tweta� shatl rer.mrd a notice nf detnuR In eaeh eounty in whtah <br /> i^ � � any ptrt of the P►operty Is loaatsd and ehall matl copies o! euaN �otl�e In the mannor proseribed by — <br /> • �� applluble Iwv to �orro�wer snd to tha athsr �ersons prosari0�ed by appllct�ble law. Afto� th� ttneo <br /> ° ' � requlredl &ry appltcabte taw, Truatee shall give publt� rtactice ot enle to the pereons and In tha manner <br /> ' pneszribo�l by appllcablo law• Trustee. withovt de�A�ad on Borrower� shsil sali tho �ropeAy at puWia ___ <br />_ � � auctlon to the highost bidder � the time and ptuce m��l unde� the tar.ns de�slgn�rted In Ma nmRtgs af F__ <br />• � sa is tn o n e o r �r+�,r m p a r c e l s o n d i n a n y o r d e r T r u a t e e d e t e�m i n e a. T�ustoe m e y p o s t p ian� sa�o of e�� •- _ <br /> -' � . or any parcel of 4�� Properiy by public announcement at tha tim� and ptaae of any provtousty f�'�- <br /> � eehadutsd sate. tee�der or its deaigneo may purehaso the Property et am► sat�. ;� <br />--.r �.,,;�;.;,,_. Upon reaelp4 of paymern ot the price btd. Trustee ohatt �ettverto the punshaser Yruatee's deed 6__� <br /> -'�''`��;'i R convoyl�ng� Ppo�aaity. i r�� ee�a�ig 8e�t�:e Trzs da'u dsed sh�! �primt�r tf�aete evidence af th�truth � _ <br /> - . .. �1��.4.,:` r <br /> ��:, t• of the slatement� a�nasle thereDw. Truslee shall appty 8i+o proco�da of tho �� I�+ 4Q�e��ftas-rin8 ordor. e_ : <br /> -;� ° y� (a� M ail eosts e�a�! m�enses of exercisingl tho power of sate� am�the safe� inefudQng �ho payneent of =_--.J <br />- . • •`' the 4�usteo's tees eGtually incurred�not to exaeed 1095_ 96 ot the prino�pat art��.�M of tho noto �';'�_ <br /> - - .•.;,y`�; . et the tl�o of the dealaration o4 dofautt,and roasonatelo attorn� s fees as permitted b�law; (�D to atl <br /> lP �_ <br /> . �'�'%'� `.: sums e�ured by thls SecuNty t�s4rume� and 4c� any excess to the perso� or personn loeetly �-_-= _ <br /> :�:;;. , <br /> ' �•� t�_.; " � eMitlod to i4. ___ <br /> 22.RBCOavey�euCO. Upon puymcrrt ot alt eurt�s seeu�d by thts Secudty lnatrumen�lendzr ehell requast TNateo to moonvoy <br /> � the Properiy end shop surtr�nda�thts Socudy Inatrumont and M notoa wtdendng deht sewred by thts Sc�curtly to Tmstaa. <br /> rt a� <br />-��` ' F Truateo sht+ll recomay thv Propedy without warmnty an�without chnrge to tho person or peraons Icgaty entftled to it. Sucb paraon or j �:-- <br /> `;;:� pcisona shal pay any roeordaUon costs. <br /> �. <br /> ,�.�,��' <br /> � 2�.SUbStituQe Tfu8tE8. Lendcr, at fts opdaa,mny trom time to Ume eEmove Truatee end appoint a sucoessor trust2o to _ <br />- -------_'----' _.... T��m �netntnd hmeundcr bv on �nstrumentrecorded in the county in whiah this Security Instrum�t is reoobctd. VY'dhout <br /> , — - ----. — _.., ..____ .T.-- - - �--�- -- <br /> �... <br /> convayan�e ol the Properiy, succossor truateo shn�suca:ed to a7 tho ritlo. prnver nntl auttos comened aPan T�+o�ao �n+°n��^� ..� <br /> appttenble taw. <br /> - �� 24. Requeat 4or Noticos. 8orrower�eque�ts that copfes ot the noUces of dehtuft and snta bo sent to Bortower's addroua <br /> � whfch fs tho Proparty Addrtsa. ' <br /> 2b.Ridors t�tQola Soeuelty I��umo�. It ono or moro tid2rs aro cxctxAad by Borrowor and retcorded to8nlher with <br /> r • this Security Instrumont, tho covennnta end agreen►mte ot esch esuch dder shall bo ineorperuted fnto and shnli ummd nnd euppiemcnt <br /> = tho covenants and agreementa ot thls Security Inatniment an It tho dda(s)wero o part ot this Secwity Instrumen� <br /> _ �� Form 30Y0 9A0 , <br /> _ , ' Pt0Y9.1M4 1�A9) Pape 4 ot S � ,+ <br /> __ „ � \ <br /> 9900nJ <br />