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<br /> ` �� ��6�8 V ADDITIONAL TERMS .
<br /> PREPAI'\1F:1'1'Atii1 Afl•R�:».���•�r�ir:h���•���F,(�H n R(�1�:�`j�n umr�a�jh Itd�lt�lhr Irn�l�ng ni�muhun�'r h�ml,t�u hu).��»�n it��n�l t��ii}u1c��Ihc i n,un�'�ih�fc
<br /> ta�repat•lhc�+hok amount ua mg iu�.:u in tul!at am un�z r p
<br /> �aly,1 knm�my finan.r ch.uge���I)f+r i<<•rt I maAe un rar 1�P�un�+�,hn��n•n thc'ncatFr.�d�tn ih�•�hinanr�l'hargcil�H I��C�{�a�m�m�iindihr�Tul:l�.:1c�Pnre ar��cHr
<br /> charge w�ll hr irfl�.ted in m}hn.d bdt:l;ih��I�n�,a ti�at th., ou wdl relun�
<br /> � inat.a based c�n the as�umption th Il yha i��IIY hr Icn�n�imt tuiio i�ur�banA.k�e�noi«��»put�e�the t naocc�charFa da),v.�nct�t�1��en:�}�he a�h��l y dnoi nt��e�"nath�r�
<br /> to refund if I am char�;ed on a da y rcxeduro F.nou'n a�Ihe nctuanal rtie�hi�d:und the um��unt uf my rebate will be figured on the
<br /> ta me thc unenmeJ M+n�on of the tinanre rhargr imtcre.�►by the:e:countm�p
<br /> ccheduled dates and amounts of m�•manih{y paymem and nnt on the actuai Jates and:imcnmtt of the prcpay ments th�t i pay tn}uu.I I�r,�w tha�a crfund of ies�than .
<br /> will net be made.
<br /> 8141'i'1� AN
<br /> �(T�1 have read,in detail.the�rparate"1[1-YEAR U�IITED�VARRAVTI'���ti•hirh,if maJe,accompanieti thf�eontract.It explainx the conditionc and circumstances
<br /> in which the manufactured praiuc�s K•�il be repaired or replaced.!tuke notice of the limilxtions on the wasranty,�nd I particularl}recugniTe that any implied warranty which
<br /> applies to the g � as s only as long:�s the wartunty ar tervice contract.
<br /> Ir)1 have rcad,in delail,the separate"LIMIT�D IVSTALLATIOy WARRANT:"'��'hicb.if made,accompanie�this cantrart•It explains the canditi�ns and eir-
<br /> cumstances in which the installation rt the siding will be�edone.l take nrni�e of the limrtations�m the waRanty.und 1 panicularly reeogni�e that any implied wartanty which
<br /> applies ta the installation as c on�as laog aa the watranty or�ervice contract.
<br /> Soods�hat�Rm eu�fGtIXred far m�spec fic hou e pmbablyewill not�tit any other houn�e.and uniler su h condii om�l kna��h�a I cannot can el thi.r contra 1 at any i me
<br /> aRe�the periodof time given to me,by law,in w•hich to cancel.After ihat legul perind of time.l kno�v that 1 ha�e the abligutian to pay}�ou in full the�mount awed.
<br /> OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPF.RTY INSURANCE AND 11Y REAL ESTATF.:1.1 promisz to f,eep my house in goad rep�u�nd Ihe Celic�must have
<br /> at least R0�of its replacement value by buying A firc and extended coverage insurance polic}•The in�urance cumpany must be approved by}• Pp , Y
<br /> a beneficia nsurance company t pay you directly fc�r any�1��s.�You can chaosc'u�u e thi�mn ur�ance�paym n!tol e ther epaytt.►n�amounG�1 owe cou or ta repai8my h use.
<br /> t h o ri a e t h e� Y I�c o r t h r u u c h a L c�inde ently ob�ained and paid for bv me.2.1 also pmmise that(will not
<br /> I have the optian of pravi d'ing prapenp insuranc e t h r o u F h a n e x i s t i n g p o� Y P" �
<br /> allow anyone clse to place any lien.un my real cstatc w•�thou your written�+crm�s�ion.?.i pri�mi�e to p y al l tase�.asse�smen t�a n d'o t h e r c h a r g e s o n m y r e a l e�t a t e w h e n
<br /> � writt n pern►ission.S.If 1 da not in�ure my hou e oi fulfill�m nyther obl gba ion o my��1 eatat�pr en you can do it for me if you want(but you do not ha e t)�if you do
<br /> be a ded to my debt�go you wh ch is secured by my reale�t e and �nae l 1 know that i�he h decide tw bu'y inauran etfor me thatty undo not have to obtain any home wner
<br /> ur liability insurance.
<br /> SALE OF A'1Y HOUSE:1 promise not to sell,lea.�e or gice my house to anyo ha�e fuli}rep:�id my debt to you.
<br /> DUE ON SALE:if 1 sell,lease or g��e uihat umau tnyone before I h fully paid ali � underthis contracs,you can declare all that I ow•e under this contract payable
<br /> at once and 1 agree to immediately pay y
<br /> DEFAULT:1 wil l be in default under this contract if�
<br /> 1, i don't make a pay mem w hen due:ur
<br /> _ :. . Z�;,.,�,��,n�nmmice I made to you in this tract;i�r
<br /> 3, Something el�happ:ns w hich cause ou to helieve in good faith that t�o nrn incrnd tv pay y.�u a.�.asn:�-"�:Q' ,-
<br /> .i. 1 default on any obligations for w ' I am using my home as rnllateraL•or `
<br /> 5. Something happens to my hou� hich threatens your rights,if any.in it.
<br /> IF 1 AM IN DEFAULT:I understand that you ha�e the right tn foreclose the Murtgage I have given to ou and have my house sold to repay any amounts 1 owe you if 1
<br /> am in default under this cona aTCete eef are�u for ynur r�aao able attorneysryf e�s and for other related expen�e.h�uch as co rtecosts,title searches!and money youtexpended '
<br /> or,to protect yAUi fl$FltS,1 g P Y) _
<br /> toprotect my fiouse.�f you are allowed to collect such amounta by law. __
<br /> OTHER RIGHTS:We ean choose not to enforce any of the rights under this contract as often ac we want witheat losing them.Or,we can delay enforcing any of the rights .�
<br /> without losing them.We can alsc►use any 'g now ur m the ture given to us bv iaw �_
<br /> DELAYS:1 know that you will use your e o to n�ta th rc�ducts 1 a purch i o �n use,but 1 also understand ihat in some situsiions you may encouater ,
<br /> delays that arc caused b��strikes,�veather tion d lays ou h ve in obtai ing m s.�r or o er reasons that are betond your control.1 understand thal you will �
<br /> not be liable for such delays. � � ;
<br /> { ARBITRATION:If 1 have a dispute o�cla m with you conceming the quantiry.quality or perf'ormance of the producu,l understand that my dispute may be submitted to ;
<br /> 4 and settled accarding to the mediaaon-arbitration pro�ram that may have devclopeJ in my community.I also know that any deeision made by an arbitrator(s)woald be en- r
<br /> � tercd in the coutt hav�ng junsdiction over me and}�ou. � ,
<br /> SALVAGE VALUE:1 know that the windows,wondwork.sid g. 'c nd ot r mate ' 1 at ha�'e to be remo�ed by you for this installation have ND salvage value. . s
<br /> i
<br /> �hen you remove them,you can have them for whatever purpose Wa •
<br /> � 5Pd aece li hiTU�ATaON',Duundentundihat thi��le oc ufrted n��u hom �a at y� nden may�not ha�had all he co.-rrct lnform�ation important tv d�is tran act on �
<br /> an p •�
<br /> : at our fingtrtips:l Sive you my consent to cortect any obvious err that may ha�e�xcurted when the blanks in thi�contract�e:e mmpleted.
<br /> � INVALID PROVISIONhan the law�V�rmit then you w 11 only ha�c the r�ght to collect frorm me the amountofhnter st wh ch he law allows you to rnjjec�contract requires ,'.i�
<br /> payment of more intere Pe
<br /> COMPLETENESS OF THISCONTRACT:This contract can only t+e changed if both you and 1 agree in writing.
<br /> The following notice brings to my at�a�nce n t ngh inthbc�ld face t en when thi�contract is���d to a financial institutioa or a bank,and 1 should rtotice that the impor-
<br /> eance of this pro�ision is stressed by its appe P° y�'
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