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1 � <br /> �1} p:nmrnl ,chrilulr wll he <br /> . ' \undw•1.,1 I'd�mCnh ��1m�.uu1 ul{'a�m:nl. \\h;n 1'.�.n 1 ' tiIYIIP���: � .101 111t1'd �l'lUflll 111IC(Ctil 111 <br /> knn.ur I ur - - != b <br /> 'I�.hiu.d�d lu hr ��_. d.��+:tU�r Ihe d.Ue I IhC�;�a�J�.�i����e�.indpn,{xm t+ein�pu��ha�ed.:�nd <br /> 1�1 P.���ncnt ,� 7ri_(�(l ;�'I Ihc l'omplcUun('�•rtd�:ate , _' m} ncd r.l,itr anil impro�emenh. includmN m� <br /> �'�f J I + - -t huutic. all at oi� ":1ddrc.:'dc+ign:itcd ahn�c. <br /> ��- ��-/// � A1I .uh�C��UCnI �m1a11nuni� �»i Ihe �.tnk �ia) nf /{] `, <br /> r,�{G f C.t�'h iOIhC�'tlU\� uti+il�h uOhl r;�IJ 1 �I Eilin �RCCAfd�D'fCtS$-.{r�_'�°.� <br /> S_�d_ �Y ,�:.��.��i7� �' � <br /> Intps ---) —- -- . ..---. . .8� l.xte Char�e: If a pa�mQ:nt{�i� <<,a�� ten t10I�►ys <br /> � Crcait life in,u�ance and cre�h�d�sah�iuy imurantt arc nut rcqu�rcd tu��hta�n credit. und ��i:l latr. I ��dl t� CABTt,t(I �pS.UO �i �ro �f the L•itr pay <br /> nat t+e pmvidrd unlc�t 1 sign and a�;rec t�►pay ihc additivnal ca��. menta, ahiche��er iti lecs. — <br /> Tlrnn�- "---- — <br /> �_pc_ f'fCmium , SiFnrturr PPl�ly}'(pCq1: If 1 pay off earl}•. 1 will not hacc ca pay <br /> Credit Life 1 wam credit life �f • . � u �xnalty, and I�m:�y he entiUcd tn u refund of F+art ��f <br /> inwranrr �the finance char n. <br /> S �:uurr a}cr R <br /> ji �I� GQ .�gn�lurc- �* ��cr --� � w��� R�•itw 01F1e� Ol]�ItOI1S Of IIIIS cantract <br /> for additiemal informati�n about nan-payment, default, <br /> Crcdit Accident 1 want c�edit ucridcw� am�required n:paymem in full brfom the scheduled date, <br /> & Hcalth O und hcalih insurance. ,�,,,,,,r, „�cr and prepayment refunds and penalti�es. <br /> � d� 0 means an estimate. <br /> Pro(ieMy Iqs�n�nce!s reqWrcd.And 1 may obis�i�such insurance from apyane 1 w�ant who is ncceptabk to�•ou o� I may provide it through <br /> an exisHng poUcy. I�I oMsin thls Insunnce throup�h you. 1 wiQ pay S��O0 fo��months of rnreraRc. <br /> CON(MEiVCEMENT QF THE FINANCE CHARGF.: The finance charge lir.tere�tl is estimated to .tan �m _ �Z' _� � <br /> liesett the datcl except in the event that}ou�v�mptete the inst�Uatian of thc ga�d+and�cn•i�r.on anuthcr date. �hcn thc tinnncc chargc lin wdl Rgin ta run oo the <br /> date thtu I shall sign a C�mpletian Cenificate.The amiwni i�t finan.e rharga(iotcrcsn may t+r murc ar Iess than thc amount di.rlo�ed dcpeoding on thc amaunts!pAy you <br /> aAd my timeliness m mak�ng payments. <br /> PRF•PAY111E1VT:1 may�•oluntarily prepay the amount I��we full or in pan,at any timc. If 1 makc a panial prcpaymen�,I���us�rontinue to make mp mgular payments Z <br /> unHl l havc paid all amaunt�r owed. <br /> REQUF.ST FOR FULL PAYMENT:If I da�ot pay when due,you can declare all that 1 aNC uader this contrac�pa}•abte a1 unce. I agme to pay you intemst on that amounl � <br /> at the muimum contractual rate allowed by law until the amo�mt 1��we y��u ix paid.1 also kno��•thal pou can foreclosc the hlortgage 1 ha�r gi��en to you. a <br /> COLLEC'f'ION C067'S:If 1 am in default of thic contract and yau demand full pa�•ment, 1 und�r�tand that you may�end it to an attorney far callection and enforcement. F' <br /> Tf you do so,l agr�c to pay�our rcasonablc attomeys'fecs plus any rourt co�ts and crpcnzes incurred by�•ou,that is,if�•uu are aUow•cd tu collect surh amounts by law. r j <br /> MOA7'GAGE:1 hereb�gr��ain, scll,com•cy and mnhvagc t� Mortgagcr. my�eal c.tatc and houu Icuatcd at my"Addrss'd�.ignateJ un thc Wp purtion Z <br /> • uf this conttact as secunty far all amounts due tu you under ihi�fmtallment 531e5 Contract. <br /> Z PART OF TNIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ANO THAT I AM B01lND�Y THEM IM THE SAMETMANN R�AS IF�THEY WERE PRINTEO ONENTIIE FRONT OF tH18AY Ry u <br /> O INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACL NO110E:PROYlSIONS PNINTED OM REYERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITIMG SELLER'S WARRANTY OBLI6ATION. Q <br /> NOTICE TO BUYER <br /> a 1. 1 �!o tat havr to sign this cont�ct before 1 read it ar ii any of the spaces iniended for the agreed terms to the exteat of then available informadon ,�—� <br /> W�-are kR Wank. 2. 1 am entided to a w� py of this contract �t the tlme I sign it. 3. 1 msy pay oR the full balance due u�eder this rnntract at any J <br /> dme, and in so doing 1 may be entitled to a rebate ot the unwrned tlnance and insurance charges lif any1. 4. 1 understand that this insteument Q <br /> p b based upon a home solkltallon sak and that this instrument is not negotiable. 5. it shall not 6e legal for you to enter my premises unlawhtUy Z <br /> u,or commit any breach oi the pwce to repassess goods purchased nnder Wis oontract. <br /> z BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL � <br /> � <br /> �1 Y�� f!�Yf!d if�:� a�s�:Y:�T �T nni� iiwvi� °a°i�n iri �iuwioai t�� �tic tetlta O{�Jt11CJJ UAT RfICI� 111! UII�L U� II�IJ IIWIJIICIIUN. I� �YE C� - <br /> REAO THE ACCOMPAUYIN6 NBTICE OF Rt6HT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RI6NT.) ' <br /> COPY RECEIVED: 1 acknowledge mceipt uf a completely filled in copy of this contract along with two (2) copies of Ihe Natice of Right to Cancel Fotm. <br /> IN W(TNES WHEREOF. this Installment Sale� Contract and htongage has been signed on this � day of �Q� ' ,I9� , ' <br /> d< <���Y1 ���'���C� . State of yebra,ka. <br /> THE PACESETTER CORPORATION �SEI.I.F.R �toetcncr.e, = <br /> ' .:.� <br /> � �/, • _ <br /> By IAIT�IQR R1 HU}' -.1URTGi(R)R •� 'S. <br /> , `� r� :..P.a,..•�.�.. <br />' By: /./�• • v- ,i <br /> s .; <br />� �MCTORY Rl:PRFSh\7ATICFi (')- U F.R- rJRTGAGOR � <br /> State of Ncbraska �y �� <br /> �` ��M� The foreg��inr in,trument was acknowledged before me on this.�day of? <br /> County pf ���� Buyer(ti��rt a or( 1 • �9� ,by the above designated � y. <br /> � .,�f' <br /> My commission expire�: ���tary Puhlir :� <br /> � <br />. N <br /> � <br /> � • � � �' <br /> ti <br />. ��! <br /> l� � <br />