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a�-�` <br /> -:�: <br /> �� <br /> -- � � <br /> � N�T1VE ' <br /> This credit contract financea a purchase, All iegat rights which tha Buyer haa agai�st the Sefler arisinq <br /> out ot thls transactlon, including ali clalms and defansas, are aleo vaUd ag�inst a�y halder of thls contract. <br /> Ths right to recover mansy f�om the holder under this provlslon Ia Ilmited to the amouM pald by ths buye� <br /> und��this co�t��ct. ' <br /> A zlsl� t: a l��ally va!!d raasan tar r�uln� th� ��!l�r. A d�te�sa is a la�afiy valld raastan tar rat pay�n� <br /> � the S�1le�. A holder is anyo�s trying to calMct for ths purchase. <br /> Ititi!'RA1CF.t'ANC1s1.1.ATIlD\:If 1 h��ac rcqur+ird m�uranrr in th1�urrha�e,l nu��ranrcl.uch roque�t tar imurancc fur an�masnn«uhin t ifleen(15)days 1'rum the <br /> date uf thi.contrart hy natif�•mg�•��u i�r the holder��f thi.r-contract in��nu •.1 An�� at 1he ranreHation�if my c��verage a•ill tie attanged��ith Ihe insurancc cartie�ts)und <br /> afuitrcfundafmypremmmttiltagetheru�ithapphcahkfinanrrchargradf •cre t�tlulhi.cuntrart. <br /> P1.FAtiF.10T�:ff 1 ha�e rcqursted in�urance in Ihic purchasr.I will receice thin thiny 1?�1 days a cenificate af insurance more t'ully deseribing the insurnnce rnverage. <br /> I know that if�here iti any rontlict in the rovenrge or th.:lsng+s��^��f Ihe ce i te oti insurunce and the follm�•ing Notice of i'roposed Insurance that f nm cave�ed only ta <br /> Ihe ettent ctuted in the foUo�ti•ing Nutice i�f Propose�l Insuronce.1 al.o knou• ;u 1 h. •e imurance co�erage only if 1 ha�c heen charged for il. <br /> NOTIC F PROP SED INSt1RANCE ��+ �0�78� <br /> 1 take noti�u Ihal euher Crcdu Life arCrcJ�1 Hea Inwr.�nce,or tx�t ill be applicu6le ti�tAis Sule,Contract on the averse side only if 1 have chosen <br /> ii by siFning the nrtques�for such insuranre.This in�urance w ill nnl�•c ce�the penon signin he rcquest at the co�t for each r•pe of insuranee shown.Sub�ect to acceptance <br /> by the msuranee romp:my.Uie inwrance will t+e rffec�ice a.uf tciday�md w•�II cantinue onl r the number of manthti u�ter the effective date equal to the number af <br /> monthly payment�.1 understand�hat thit punicular imurance may not pm�ide ru��enge fur my last few Fayments,and�h�t du�ing that pericxl of time 1 wiU not have any <br /> insurance co�•erage.All benefits tmd pr�xecdti ot the insurunce will be paid tn}'ou or tu a finanaal�nttuuhon or a bank if it purchases the Sales Contract to the extent af its <br /> interest�and any balance will t�payablr to me.The initial amoun�of CreJit I.ife lnsur.�nce is the amount requircd to repay the Total af Payments;thereafter,the insurance . <br /> decreaces by ihe amount of each monthly payment on a acheduled�0 day b��.+is.If I am jointly ohligated on the Sales Coniract with a Co-Buyer,and We have both signed <br /> the rcquest for Credit Life Inswrance,death be�efits K ill be pa}�ahle only a•ith rccpc�1 to the finl one af us to die.Subject to excluxions,eliminations or Kaiting period stated <br /> in the rosurance policy o�cenificute,Credit Accident and HealtA Insurance i�for the benefit amaunt of 1'zOth ofeach month'�puyment farexh day that 1 sm totallydisabled <br /> due to an injury or sickne�s while I o►�•e any payment ro y��u:ho�cever,1 understand that 1 have to be pre�ented from w•oricing Jue to sueh total disabilit�for more than four• <br /> ' teen(14)con.aecutive drys before the insurance benefit�s paid back to the fint day of my total disabilin�.l also know that 1 cannot oMain Any ins�irance irom you iil <br /> am ove�65�•ears of age today.and 1 also know that the insu�ance coverAge provlded to me may contain a maximum amount atcaverage whkh�rUl no1p�y in aome <br /> cases.the entirr amaunt that 1 owe you.Due to the maximum amnunt of co�•erage stated in the in�uranct pulicy,l know that any unpaid amount in e�cess af t�e insuranee <br /> coverage will stil l ha�•e to t�r paid.lf the Sales Crnttract is prepaid in Ful l prinr to the last payment date,am•uneurned incurance prem�ums wil l be refunakd ta me in the mao- <br /> ner prescribed by law.\�'iti�in thirty 1301 da�•s.1 will recei�e the ceniGcate of insurance more fully describing my imurance rn��ernge.If the insuranoe fis noi accepted by <br /> ; the�nsura�ce company,1 w i11 zecci�•e a refund of the in�urance prcmiume 1 have paid. <br /> } BUVF.R:Thenesltwoparagraphscontainu�arrantie+relutivetothi«alegivenbyustoshefinancialinstitutionorbankinorderforittabuythiscontract. <br /> SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSfGNMENT OF INSTAILMENT SALES CONTRACT AND MORTGAGIE <br /> FOR VALUF.RECEI�'ED,Seller hereby�ells,assigns,comeys,tran,ftr�and deli�en to — <br /> • (Assignee)ull of its rights,�itlr and interest in and to the fnstallment Sales Contract and\4ungage,together with all liens existing to secure its payment,and ihe propaty <br /> encumbered hered�+.Assignee is hereby•substituted as 1longagee under the�lortgagc pro�•isions of tbis contract.Seller warrants and�epresenu:(1)It hus the ri6At to make <br /> . ihis assignment:(..1 All statements and figums in thi�contmet and in the Buyer's statement are materially tive a�d corcect;l3>This contract arose from the bona fide sale <br /> � of the go�ds and sen•ices deccribed herein;la)1'he cash downpayment shawn in Ihis contract was actuallp paid Ay Buy�er and no pan of said downpayment was loaned di- <br /> rcctly i�r indirecdy b�•Sell.�to Buy er;(5 ti hach Buyer is IegaUy caropetent to rnntract:l6)This contract is not and w•iU noi be tubject to any elAim,defense,demand ar right <br /> of offut:l7)'f'he execution��f this contract and the underl�•mg sales transaction gicing rise thereto did not violate any federal or state law,dinetive,rule or regulation now <br /> in effect.(Rl In the event that this contract or the underl�•�ng cales t�an�actian i�aubject to a right of rescission or cancellation�b�y tbe Buxer.such rescission or cancella- . <br /> tion period has,�xpimd and neither the�ale nor this contract has t+een ca�celled or m>cinded.TNIS CONTRACT IS SOLD Br SELLER MrITHOUT RECOlIRSE. <br /> IN TESTIMONY W HER@OF,Ihe undrnigned iti an authori�ed representati�•e of the Seller and has signed below�.n behalf of the Seller on this_ . <br /> day of � .19 . � / <br /> . ; -_ <br /> The foregoin�inscrument wa�ac nowl ged before me on _ THE PACESETI'ER CORPO ON (SNb�) � :`f <br /> . 19 <br /> gY — . . <br /> hy the authori�.ed agent of Selle who i+ . <br /> �1)•cc�mmissionexpire�: . 4 , <br /> : <br /> i <br /> - ;� <br /> • ���tan Pubhc , <br /> 1 <br /> 2 ��. <br /> ' �.' <br /> k!!�. <br /> �� <br /> ., '� <br /> I <br /> N <br /> � � � � �. <br /> .� <br /> r.. <br /> _-_ ,�'t'i <br />