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� �l <br /> o i, r'� , „ <br /> � � .. . ...^.- <br /> .. r , <br /> OZ�17 99�9 DE�D AF TRUST "�" ���,��� ��� 3 . . <br /> , • . 4oan No 76ZB09 (Camir�uad) . , ' <br /> nny rosponaibltlty a Iiablllty on tAe puA ot Londau to Truatot or tq any othet pgrson. 1Ao�eprosflntatlons and weirnnites cont�lned horvin nro � <br /> bnsod on Trustor'e duo diligonce in InvosUBaUnp tha Proporty tor homrdous wasto nrtd hnrardous sub�tancos. TrvOlor I�roby(o)retnasas nnd <br /> wnlvoa any luturo clalms agnlnst Londcr tor Indomniry or conMbu�on in thu ovont Trustor bocomos Ilabio tor ctoanup or otha coat3 undcr nny <br /> such Inwe,and (0)a�rees to Indemnly and hold harml�s LeMor aQelnst sny and N)claims,toases,llnbiUtlos,damapas, pennluo�,nnd ,. <br /> oxponsss v�hloh Londar mny dlrctotly or Ind!rectiy euataln ar auNer resulHng hom o bteaoh of this sooGon�f the Qaed ot Tru81 0�n3 0 <br /> conscquonco af nny uso,Qon�mtiort,m�nutncturo,atorape,disposal,release er t�roatonod ro1�uo of a homrdou��vuato or eubotnno�an tho - � <br /> properUes. Tho provlsbns ot thls sectlon of the R�ed at Trust,InGuding the obAaeQon to Indemnity,shalt surirlvo thn pnymant ot tha ,� <br /> • � Indebtodnoss und Iho eatl�fdctlon end reeonveyence ot tho Uen of this Deed ot Truat and ehell not be affe0ted by Lendefe flcquislJon ot any " <br /> Interest In tho PropQAy.whothor by toroctosuro or otherwisa. <br /> .-�•«• Nuftan�o.Wss3e.Tn�or shaU not causo,canduol or permit any nWsanc�na�oommit,parmit,or auHer any stdpping of ar wasto on or to!ho •� . '� <br /> � Properly or any porUon o}tho PropaAy. Wlthout IImiU�the genorellty af the tmogol ,7nkctor wiA rtot remave,or gr8nt to nny otho�parly!he , • <br /> ct ' <br /> dgM to removE�.any tlrtiber.mlanrats(inctuding o!I and gaa),sofl.emv�l ar rodc produ�vdthout the prior wrtlton aonssnl of Lende�. <br /> ,�_h <br /> Removrl of Improver�enta Trustcr sheli not domoilsh or romove eny improvoment�hom tAO Resi Properly vdthout tha prlor wrlNon consent =.:t;� <br /> , ot l.onder. As Q eondlUon to the romovN of any improvemant9,Lender may roqulre Tnistor to make ar►engementa satisfadory to Londor to .' ,;?�,:;�� <br /> ropUtce suoh Improvemonts�Wth Improvementa of at I�ast equal vatue. ,:,,�t,.,:_ <br /> Lender'e iUqht 4o Enter. Lender and ILS agenb and represontallvos may enter upon the Reat Property at aA roasonable dmss to attend to •:,;:�;:----° <br /> Lenders interosb and to Inspoct the Property for purposes at Tn�sto�s comppanoe with the terms and eondlGons ot thb Doad of Tnist. ;;:'•'-_ <br /> � �.`.,�_. <br /> ' Compitartrx wlth Oovemmantai Requlremente. Trustor shali promptly compry with alt ta�vs,ordinances,and regulatlons,now or hemaftor In ' itwr:�•� <br /> , � eHeat,of ali govemmental authodtiss applloable to the usa or oocupanay of the PropaAy. Trustor may contest(n good toith any such Iaw, ..Y- <br /> ordinanoe,a rcigdaAon and wilhhpid compitance dudng any pra�eding.Induding appropdate appeals,so tonp aa Trustor hua tatlflad Lender , ,u,.` <br /> ��;;�:;� In tniHng pdcr ta ddrtg so and so Iong as,In 6ender's sota opinlon,Lendo�a Interesb In the PropeAy aro not Jeopardimd. londer may�equire �,,,.� <br /> ����t.,��� Trustor to post adequate seaudty or e surety bond,reasonebiy sadstactory to Lender,to protect Lender's Interast. �;�;!:`"'-`�� <br /> 1,` ;�;pye... <br /> . 1 � `,•� Duty to Protee4 Tntstar aerees naHher to abandon nor leave unattended tho Properiy. Tnistor shati do NI other aota,In ad�tion io thosa acta ,�' <br /> ,S, 1 k; set fiorth abovo in this seclion,whtch hom tha cheractor and use of the Property are renscnabN�eoessary 10 Qrotoat end pressrve tho P►oyerty. �'�E,�„ �. <br /> F^• �� , <br /> . ,'��.' :. `•' de�lare immedlataty due and payabte ati sums seaumd by Ihis Deod of Tnist }"'.•.�+,.� '` <br /> , . ,.�.'•,��'<�:! Dli�ON 8ALE-CONSENT BY I�IDER. lende�may�at Ns option, .!,,::•'_.--:-- <br /> � ' '�.>�,;, upon the saln ar tra�ster,vulihout tho Lendor's pdor wrNton oo�ent.ot elt or eny pert of the Reat Properiy,or any Inierest in the Reai Prapttrry• A ,:.;.,.,.,.p, <br /> 'Sa►e or tr�nsfer means tha convayanco of Renl Proparry or eny dght,�le or Inte�est thereln;whather legat,baneflclal or equHable•whether valuntary r'J��t'1�:` <br /> ' .i'ti:itf'1. <br /> '�" or�nvolurthiry;whethor by ouMght sate,deed,instellment sa�e contracl,tand contraot,conhaat tor deed,leasehold intc�test wtth 8 tBTm OteStet thEtn ..,^ :.__ <br /> rth ry; <br /> '�; � three(3)years,leusa-opltan canireat,or by se1e,asst8nmont,a tra�fer ot any beneRolat interost In or to eny land hust hoiding Utle to th0 Real : ;,�,�;:,� <br /> � Properiy,or by any other mothod ot conveyanoe ot Roal Properly i�t. If any Tnrstor is a corpatadon,partnership a Omited IlabAily compun, �;��- <br /> tra�for also trtciudea any clwnge In ownerehlp of more than twenty-fivo porcenf(2b96)o}the voHng stock,partneBhip Intor�ests or Omtted Itab@�y �.��; <br /> company Interosb,as the cese msy be,of Tnista. However,thls optlon shcli not bc eocercised by Lender If suoh exeroise Is prohibltod by ted�xel �:==- <br /> ,,, e��,•. <br /> . {.. taw or by Nebmaka law. =--_-- <br /> �t . T/UQ?S AND LIEl�IIS. The fo9owing provlslons retatlnp to lhe texes and&+ns on the Prope�ty are a part ot this Qeed ot TruaG -- <br /> p - �-- ° <br /> - PaymenL Tnista aheu pay when due tand In e!1 ovorda pdor to deUnquenay)eL taxes,s texes,asse�smonta,aharaes qrtotudlnD water <br /> j and eewer),Rr�es and impaslllons levted a�sinst a on atocount ot the PropeNy,nnd S�p when due atl cleims tor wak Eora�on a fa - <br /> " „ � servic�s rondared a�uteiial fumt�Asd to the Propwy Tnntor�hrUl mninWn theP�ope�►iree ot oll Uens havinp pdatry owr a punl to 4he <br /> ^ � , Int�rost of t,.�nd�r�d�r thls O�ed of'Itust,�pt-ta tM IMn of t�uas and ass�asrn�ma eot dua and�oa�pt a otMrwi�provtd�d in tAla t�d <br /> of tnis� <br /> Ri�t Yo Gantsst.Tiuttor may wtthhotd paym�nt ot any tu4�ts�stirttsnt,or clUm In coaneoflon wtM a qood htth dbqute ovar Me obS�ttlon <br /> to pay,fo tonp a l�ndlr�Ir�west in th�Propsrly h nof�op udlt�d. tl a 6on Wes ar Is fAW a a�a�tt of nonasyme�nt,Thas�tor sMll wHhin - <br /> nrt..n��a�aays artK tne tbn ulasf or,it a lien b Alad,witMn tifteen(16)daya Mer Tnator hAS notics ot th�t19np�aeouro tho dlaoharQe of th� � <br /> - It�n,or It roquested by Lender.d It wlth Lender caah a a eutAefent corporate e�roty bond a other aecurilY sallsfiatmY to Londer In an __. <br /> " umount sufAcleat to dlscherge the I n ptus eny co�ts and attomeya'fees w othor oharpos that coutd nocrue ee a resttd at n tongoloaurs a saN __ <br /> ' undor tho Iion. In u�y oontost,Tntstor shati detend ttsdf artd Lsnder�d shaq eatlsy any adve�se JudpmeM beton entoroement apsGW th� - <br /> Proporty. Trustor shatl namo Londor na an nddittcna�obOQee under any surety bond fumished in the aontest praaec�dings. <br /> • Eytd�rtee of Paymin�Yruatar shait upon demand tuml�h to l.onda satistaatory ovldonce ot payment ot tho�s or essessmont8 and shtu - <br /> _ ° apu.�th�o�rlm� the approp�nte govemmentat otRcial to detivar to t undor at any tlme a writton sfatement ot the Wxes and acsassmerds epdinst Me _ <br />:}.,•... ••�rW`•7• �'14.C�.�°_. <br /> No�tCe ot C�faWetton.Trustor shatl notlty Lender at least fHteen(16)days betore any�rerk is eommoncod,any sofvbps ero Qumishod,a any �s,�.— - <br />_�•�,.�':r' `� mntrxtata ere suppBad to the Propedy,R any mechanb's Men.matoriatmen's�en.a other Iten co�►d mo asseROd on anccuM o?the wak, a <br /> servtoes,a metedab. Tnrstar wili upon re4�est of lender Qmdsh to Lendor ndvenoe assuranoes saUsdtcSC+Y to Londor that Tn�tar ct�n nr+d arlB __--__.__._. <br />:". paY the cost o4 such Improvemenb. =:=-=_.. ° <br /> ' PRQPEATY OAMAtiB INStRiANCE.Tho tollotvinp provlsiona rde►tlnp to Ir�sudnp lhe PropeAy ere o ptut of thb Ooed ot Tnro1. �_�:-_- <br /> . i.;r.--: <br /> lVlNnten�nee of ineutYnce. Yrustor shatl prooure cnd malntal�pG;des of ttlree Insuraeoo evith affin�tord metondod eovara�e endaseme�s on a _ - <br /> ha <br /> . ;;;,,;.. , repleeemeM bssis for the fuli Insurabie value coverirp ell�mprovemenis on the Roat ProAeAy In an amount sufAeisnt to avo10 opplieatlon of amr m- , - <br /> :;t�,• eolnsu�nce Gau&e,and wYrtt o sfanEard m�aQee clause In favor o}Lende�,topethar wNh sueh other hamrQ and L'tLitity insaranai es 1�andar �._ <br /> = mny roasonabty roqttlre. Pollcies shail be n In tam,amounb,coveraqes and basb reasonnbly a000ptable b londer and Is�uod by e __ <br /> ,;� �; company or compantes masonabty aooeptabie to Lsnder. Tntsta,upon�equost oT L�tnder,w10 dolNa►to Lendor trom Nmo to tlme tho poUcles __ <br /> ..�" • or oeAlfleatas of I�uranoo In form saUStectar/to Lende�.kicludlnp sUputeUons that coverasos wUl not be canodk►d or dlminbAed wiMou!at '� <br /> _ teast ton(10)days'prla wAtten nonce to Lender. Eeah Insuranoe poliay nlso mhall Indude an endorsemunt provldlnp that coverapo�n tavor ot �-m�s� <br /> ' _-----' t aneR^•r rrlU noi ba im rLed tu en wey iiy er�l+flc�S,a�rlsslon a:Qa�ult a!Tn�la x r�sY oth�pc.rsae. Tlt,^.Q.e°!Frt��!y!�!r_�..�2[n rrt erPS `-z'= - <br /> .. . ,...i.�� F Y E-_:...- = <br /> dosignatod by the DtreCtor of tho Fsdorat Emo�oncy MdnagomeM Agoray es a epoalal Aood h�ard aroe. Y�ustor a9roes to obWn and ,a, __ <br /> Y`' matrKNn Fedorel Flood insuranco for tho ND unpaid prindput ba�amo of tho loan,up to the mddmum poiiay Ilmtb Get unda tho NaUom11 Fdaod - — <br /> ,. '?�� ir�urartoo Proprem,ores otAerw�se requlred by Wndc►r,snd to mNMCUn tsuuoh fraurenoo for tho tam ot tho�oan. -- <br /> 4.1:.��:':'�� <br /> Anpttcatton o!Proeead�. Tnqtor shall promptry notly Londvr at any lo,s a�amepo to the Propary. Londa mny moke proo!ot toss tt firsta • ;r��___- <br /> fNls to do eo wtthln ftReen(18)day!►of the easualry. Whethor�not Lendore cccudty Fa impatred.Lnndor msy.nt Ita otectlon,raaopw 4nd rMatn � .�:`�"__ <br /> ' : � tAe prooeeds o!any Inwrance and apply tho prooeods to lho oeEucUon ot tho indobtednnss,payment of any Ilen nttoaUr�g tho tho "___•, <br /> resfaallon end repalr ot the Propary. If Lsndar oteob!o appy tho pro�ooda to restoraUon and repalr,TFustor sAnil�apak a rostaoo ttw •��;;�- <br /> •.,•-- <br /> � ..__:�; <br /> •, r------ — ------*,—__. •_r•,.7 . � ., � . - .. .� "°—:r�-.-(�. ..�trl .. <br /> --- . .__---- - --- -�- --- .. __.. .._� - - -� --- -- - -- ----- -r-- ..--- ----- _. .- � --- --- ----- -- - - - <br /> . . ., . .. � � . . .� - - - ' ' ..� , , - .`. <br /> .. � . . ,u ��. ' ��� - <br /> .. , .+' ' '. �� . � � . ;.l"i::� . �,, .. :4i�%: �- . <br /> , . .,,. �j� <br /> ;ti ,• . ' � : ; ,�,;��.�, , . . .. t ti`�,�� � t;t;,, <br /> . {', ' . . i ' . " �i�: r �. si c���''. <br /> . . <br /> . ,.. <br /> :. i ,� �71. {':�. • ' -. ..- �Y. ��. � t� , �ll'S,i <br /> r,�.' - .. • � ..�„�r•: � ' � � �� ��' <br /> - '', .. �. � r� . . I 2:- ��Q� .�,� ' �+�,1 . , . rl�('��ia %. <br /> . , . �'., .l�. �r�,• , ''' ')�: „>>,p. <br /> . . , :., ' r`.� .i;,",,s`.,, . . "���'� ;;, ,;� . . <br /> ' . "..�. �,..;, <br /> • ''•�''' �7 � i " . �. .. ��, <br /> � ,> � . .. , ,. � .. , ' . <br /> n � , , . . ' _ . .:,I: ..,.. .. . 1 . „ - .. � � . <br /> . . ....�i_. _ __ ....... . <br /> .. . . �� . . .. . -_ - - - - <br />