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<br /> 02017-1998 �a�o �.�1.��"� ��ED��T�UST �A9Q.4 .
<br /> Lsen No 78�901 (Coj�Ur�uod) ' ' � .
<br /> .. �� .. �—�:—�
<br /> damaQed or dostrayed Improvamonts in a mannsr o�tbtaclory to Londer. londor ahnit,upon aat�taotory proof of ouah axpondituro,pay or ..
<br /> � � ffdresbureo Tiustor hom tho proa3ed�tor tho reasonnble aost of ropNr or rostomtton 17 TN3tot ts not in dofuuit undor thl�Oood ot Trust. Any
<br /> a3 '
<br /> �- ptoceod�wh:cb Mve nol boon dl�bursod wlthin 180 deys nRor Iholr r000tpt nnd whtoh Londar hno not committod to tho rcpalr or rastoration of
<br /> • � tho Property ohalt ba usod flret to poy any amount owinp to Londer under this Ooed of Trust.tlron to pay accruad Intorost,and tho romnirtder,It A},�;
<br /> any,uh011 bo app!!ad to tho pdnolpN bnlanoa o!tho Indabtedno:,�. It Londcr hotds any procc3od�aftor puymont in lutl of iho Indabtodnos�.suoh
<br /> �� ptooaeda ahal►ba patd to Y�ustor es Yrusla's Intcrssts may nppcar.
<br /> tfisxplred Imurance at ffet�. Any ueexplred lnsu►anoe ahnit inure to the be�fll of,and pass to,tlm purohaser ot the PropeAy coveted by lhls =.�
<br /> ' Qsed ot Ttust at acfy hustoe's nato or otha eate hotd undor tha provisions of thb Oood of Trust,or at any foreclosure sate ot suoh Proporly.
<br /> :-�-w�'! OIPENDITtJHEB B�LFAtDSR. If Tnttta fett�to eompty with any proNSion of this Oeed ot Tnist,or if any aodan or procaeding b�ommencad thet
<br /> �� ' would mutet�IlY atfoat LendAra int�res�s ln tlfs Propady,Londer on Tn�tora behelt may,but shell not bo raqulred to,take any acflon that Lender ,
<br /> doems appropriato. Any amount thn!Londar exp�nds in so daing will bcsu Interest at the rete provldAd for In ttro Noto hom tho dato Inourted or pNd .'•
<br /> � by Lender to tha dat�of repsyment by Y►ustor. Ail aucheapensas.at Londe�'s optlon,wIG (a)be payable on domand, (b)be adQed to the batnnce ,,�;_
<br /> - • � o!the Noto nnd bo npporUoned among and be payable with uny InztoUmant pnynr�nb to become due durinfl sither (f)tho tcum of any appt3cnbto
<br /> Insurartco poNOy or (fi)tho remalning term of tho Note,or (o)be tr�eated as a beltoon paymant whloh vdll bo duo and payabte at the Note's matudry.
<br /> Thls Daed ot Tnut Nso will sflcure payment ot lhese emounh►.The dghts providal tor in thls pnragreph ahall bo In addnlon to nny other�Iphis or eny
<br /> romodlos to whtoh Londor may be endtlsd on account o!the defaui�Any auoh floHon by lender shaU not bo constnuid as aurinp the dotaull so fla to
<br /> ' bar Londot from any remedy thst ft atharwise would hnve had.
<br /> .: � WAqqqNry;DEFEMSE OF TI71E.The icllowinp prov'stons rsladng to owne�shlp at ihe Properly ere a part of this Oaed of Trust. , ;`�
<br /> ''!`:,:�'��'%'f�s T1Ue. Tnmtor wartants thax (a)t�ustar hoids good and maukoTable dlia ot record to the Property In feo simpte,hee and dear of ali Iiens nnd '
<br /> � �"��'��..�t�� onaumbranoes other lhan t hose se 1 to r l h In t h e Roa l Pro p e r t y d e s a r i p b o n a r i n A m l t i l l e l a s u r a n c e p o l i c}r,H tl e r e p o�,o r�9 n a 1 U tl e d pinion Isaued in r`��•
<br /> z° , tavor of,$nd aewpte�by�Lendor In coar►�oHon wlih It�s qeed ol Ttu31,and (b)Trustar has tha tuif rtght,poerer,and au4�aity to exeotda and `�_�:;
<br /> , deliver thls Oeed ot Trugt to Londer. �.'�!'�_.
<br /> ru.t
<br /> '� � Oater�ae ot Title. 3ubjeot to tho excaptbn in the paragraph abova,Yrustor warirants and wiil forever detend the Nlte ta th¢►Propefi/egalnst the - -
<br /> �,:;',!�� r. lawJul datms o!dl peraons. In!ho�vent any actlon or procec�ding is commenced that questlona 7rustors Udu or tho interost of Tnlstee or
<br /> ' L Lendar under this Oaed ot Trust,Trustar ehNl detand the acUon at Tn�stor's expense.Trustor mny bs the nominal party In such pracoeding,but = -
<br /> st `
<br /> � . �' � Lendor shs�ii be enUtled to participate in the procoeding and to be represented in the R��d�n8 by counsel of Lendefs own ehotce,and �
<br /> Tnistat wlp dellvc�t,or Cuu3o W bo delhrered,to I.onder suah t�kumenb es Lender msy request hom dme to dme to permit such paAldpntion. �:_.
<br /> ' � �� COmpO�ttCO Wtth Ld1We. Tnrstor wcumnffi that the Praperiy and Tnutors use af the PropeAy complfes wllh atl exisUng eppiloable taws.
<br /> �� ' ordinanoxi,and repulaUona oi flovernmentnt sulhodHes. _
<br /> � � CONDBMNATION.Tho foUowing provlglons celaflnp to condsmnaHon ptooeodlnas ere a part ot thM Oeed of Trus� ;`,_
<br /> {;- Applteation o!Not PtoRS�d�. tf nIi or any put of th�Propary is aondomne6 by eminent domAln procaodlnps a by tnY Proceedlny o� _
<br /> pumhw tn�u ot cond�mrudton,t end�m�y�t Its ol�oUon nqutn tlut NI a any patlon ot tlw�wt procMds o!the�wud b�applNd to tM
<br /> � indtbt�dnsts a Iha npair or rostaaUon of t1w Propaty. Ths�wt P�da of tlu award ch4A natn ths award tRar D�Y�nt ot ail n�sonabl�
<br /> �- � aosb,�nsp,and attotMy4 tNC tnotuna Oy 7ntst»a i�ndw in warMaiIun vr�`n ifw�,ii�u':��Uass. °
<br /> p�ec�Ydtnpi. It any prowodtnp In condomnaUon b fibd,Trustor ehiil promptqr rtoAy Lsrtd�r in w►id�p,and Tnntor�haA prompt�►hice�uaA
<br /> eteps as rtyy bs n�c�ss�ry to debnd tM aotion and obWn t!w�wud. Tnistor may be Ihe nomin�l paRy In auah prooesdinp.but Wnd�►ehatl
<br /> ° ��r�t�ato tsn�suo�tr"�u�mina�u�y�bsrare u�ted by u�m alr�to ertu i permit s nn p�Pition Trusta w11 deNv�r a
<br /> iMPO81T10N OF TAX[:8�FEES AtdD CHAiiGEB�Y QOYERNMFaRAL AtnllOAITiFB. Ths tollowing Provbtoas rotatinp to povemmeMel Wtes,
<br /> �� ' • foos and eAeraes en a part of Mta Oeed ot Tnak
<br /> ` "� ��, Q�ent Teats�Fees art6 Charpes. Upon request by Lender,Tna�.a sha11 axecute suoh doouments In addtUon to thls Deed ot Tnc�t artd fake
<br /> ,y • � whntevor ather naUon b requested by Lender to pertect and conUnue Lendera Iiao on the Reat Propo�iy. Trusta shn0 retmburse Londo�ta atl
<br />- , .. taxos,ts desedbed b�low.topether wlth eli o�erues inaartea In recordin�,pertecdnp ar contlnuinp thts Deed ot Tnut, tndudlnp without
<br /> Itm1ffitlon ail toxea,tees,dooumerdnry stamps,and olher charpes for recordinp ar replstorin�this Deod ot 7nist.
<br /> T�ea.Tho toflowtng shc�l►►corc+iHuto ta�z+to wh�ch thls seallon appltes: (a)e speciflo teu uQon thb type at Oeed ot Trust a upon ati a amr
<br /> ;_� •:,:, part ot tho tndebtedness secured by thb Cced ot Tn�st; (b)e sPeo�f►o tex on TNSta whbh 7nista b a�thalu�d a requUed to Oeduat 1rom
<br /> paymems on the InEebtetfrress seaure0 by thts type ot Oead of Trusk (o)a tax on thb typo ot Dee9 of Trust cAerpenble e0alnsl the Lenda ar
<br />_--_�:��:i'.;;;;r. Ihc,c►ddar of tho Note;artd (d)a�ped8a tax on aU or anY Pa�lon of the Indobteanass or on paymonts ot prtncipat end Intmms!msde by
<br /> - • `' Tras'tar.
<br />. ._:'7':;;i:r-.
<br />�•,:;`::,•,.':,,- 8 t Teocea. If any tax to whtah thls seeUon appi!o3 b onacbd subceque�to tho date ot fhls Dood of Yn►st,this ever�sheN hava tT� �
<br />_ pseme��u�Ttustor�ei hOr�e 8 8 ihe tex be(ort�tt boCOmes doU�nqu�ent,ot (b�COn�teets�he tex p 4vidod above in tho Taxes nnd _
<br />'-.'r,n . OpYg �
<br /> •:�;;, ^ I.lons Eectlon snd deposit�with Londor cash or a sufAdeM capumto aurery bond or other socudty sutlsfaatorY to Lender. _
<br /> J' .�i`�';:�:�. SE�17Y1f AGREEMQRi FINANClNG STA'RM�MS. The foROwie9 Provblons►elaUrg to this Desd of Tn�st as a secw4ry agreement ero a pe�t of �
<br /> ==.�:l�tY?;>�'� this DeDd Of Tnnt.
<br />�+:�;". . SeqtAh A�reemetlt. This instrumorrt aha:i conatltute a seoudty egrasment to tA6 artent nny ot tho Proparly coretltutes Podures or atAer _-
<br /> � �"'�� � ' pnBOnai propc�ryr,and Londe�shell have all of the dghb o!e secured pnrty urtde�tho UNtam Commerclai Code as nmended from flme to
<br />���.L.�r..;. Um9. __
<br /> ,.q:�.:...: �. --
<br />-� •a;��+�.: SCCUAt�Inferest. Upon requ�t by Lender�Tnuta shsll eoceoutt►flnar►einp atatemer►to and fako whatever ottrer ecUOn is reque�to0 by t+ender
<br /> '-.-'✓..,;�;.:'f........ .' ��an��yR����n�.��fly Rnt�,�est M the Ro,�s and Personai Ptoperh►. t�ad6lUon b recordinp this Daed a!Tn�st in the rent --
<br /> r�._•:.�..-�
<br /> . •-- � .�'.•. prpyeA�r recotds,i.vndor mny.at any Ume and wIU►oul Nrihsr euthodmUon icom Trusta,fr!�e�ecutse em�nt=rp�ris.�c+nKuad�"��Q! �- -
<br /> .. � tRls Qoed ot Tnr�t as a flnnnclnp statemer�t. Trusta shatl retmburse londa for dt wcpor�sos tncurtc�d In patecNng a cont�nulnp Mts sacur►1�1 =
<br /> �; Interest Upon dofautt,Trustor shnit assomblo ttto PsBOnal Propaty In s manner and at a plaoo roaaonably eoeventerrt to Trusta and I.ent6er —
<br /> and make It avaflable to I.ondor wtthin throa(3)doy8 atter�pt af wdtten domnnd irom lvnder. --
<br /> AQd��. The me111n9 addmsses of Tni.,rtor(dobtor)and l,ondar(saoured pndy),trom wtrtoh�ntarmnUon ooricominp tho ceourlty intar¢5t Q=_
<br /> • . ; �nt�by thb Oeod ot 7nrst mny bo obtatned(eaeh as requlrcd by tho Unitorm Commorctat Codo).aro as ENatad on tho flrst Pa90 af thfs Ceod �'
<br /> G-
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