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j . <br /> � _. �� . ., . <br /> � ° . , ' . � � ,. ,�•-.� <br /> ..` _ .. .. . .. • . . .. _ i� ._.. <br /> . o�-,��,oa� 99• �G1s�,� �e��o���u�r �aeo,� , <br /> la�n�fo��3�4�1 (Co�r�ta�e�) <br /> �--� - . — ._ —� � <br /> tuturo louses af�o ProRary asd nli Rent�from tho ProAwly. In nddillon,Tnrstor grento Lort�or n UNform Cammorciat Codo ovcurity Intoroat In fho , <br /> Runta artd Iho Pbsonel Progerty d3flrted belmv. ' " <br /> OEFINIYIONB.The fW►owlnp wo�ds ehnti havo tho tollov�inp ma�anings�rhan used in this OQOd of Trust. Torms not otherwiso dotinod In thls Dood of ; <br /> Trust eAatl have Ih�mennings alMbutod tc euoh torms In tho UMfmm Commeroinl Cod�. All rotoroncos to daltnr amounta ahall moan omuunts In <br /> I�eAul manoy ot Dio Unitud Stntas of Amcrtca. . ` <br /> . 8enetictitry. The word'Sonoflctery'mnans Flvo Pofnb 8nnk.Ib suocossora and usslgns. Flve Pofnb Bank also Is rebrted to ea tionder"in �; <br /> thls Dead otTrusf. -_ <br /> • • � Daed of �rusi. Tho words'fleod of 7rust'mean this Oood of Truat among Trustor,Londor,and Trustee,and includes without Ilmitadon all <br /> •- `�"' assignmanl and soeudly interos!provtslons relaUng to the PeraonN PropEUly and Rpate. - <br /> • • tiuerentor. Tho word`Guarr►ntof'means and Inctudos without timltaHon any and N� guarantorn,auroties, nnd axommodation partles in - <br /> ;, connecflonwlth the IndeDtedness. ��' <br /> �: <br /> � tmpioYarnenta. The wmd 9mprowments means and Indude3 wlthout IImltHaon�It exlsUng snd tuture improvoments,bultdings,strnCturea, _ <br /> ' mobile homes aflbced on the Reai PiropeAy,tadlides,addlUo�a,replscements and othe�conshuctfon on the Rea1 Property. - <br /> Indebtedneaa The word Wndabtedrtess"means eil pdndpN and intorost payabio under tho Noto and any umounts expended or edvartoed by <br /> � lender to dsaharge obUgaUpns o}Trustor or e�enses Inturtod by Trustea or I.ender to entorce obllgaUar,s of Trustor under this Oood ot Trust, <br /> � together wNh interest on such amounb as provtdod in Ihl�Doad ot Tnist. "� <br /> L,ender. 'Tha wad'Lendet means Flve Points Bank,lb suooessora and c�ssl8na ' <br /> � Note.Yhelrotd"N�ote"meane the K�te dMed Februnry 17.1088�(tl tlt@�rtnctpol amount of 5220�000.4a from Trustor to Lender, � <br /> toge�vAh�nevrsis,extenslans,madiflcadans,reflnandngs,and subs or�tor!fio Noto. Tl�o maturily dato of thi�Dqd ot Tn�t k� : ^� <br /> ' ��i;,r::. <br /> , •' Peraonaf Properql. The words'Pe�sont►I Propery/'moan at�equipmant,flxtures,end other arNcies of personat proparty now or herenftsr <br /> ��-�'�' owrred by Tnistor,and now or heraa8er attaehod or a4ibced to tho Real Property;to8ether with alt ecxbssians,paris,and addlUorm lo,ait �,,,,r: <br /> �� repiacerti�nls of,and alt suAsUtutlons for,any o!auoh properly; and togethe►wdh�II proceeds (Inotuding without I1mltedon all insumnce � - <br /> ;::�•t{� proceads eod telunds ot premiums)irom any sate or othor dispositton of the Proporty. *��v- _ <br /> •' : �,:••, :,.,,: <br /> , ;:�:•���, PropeRy•fiv word'Property'meana eolteotivety the Reai Properly and the Pereonal Propedy. •�'-= <br /> •:�'•'::",.' / -.. <br /> - ,.,.;-. ,; -. Rest Pro�tAy.The words'fioet Ptopfxh/'moan tho properry.interest�and dghta dasaibvd sbove In She•Conveyanoe end tirenY'seotlon. �:,�: <br /> , i:.;r <br /> - :''`.",, Relelcd ffoottmenta. The words"Relnted Dooumanta"mean and inctude wilhout NmiteUOn ati promissory notes,crodft agreemants,loan <br /> ,:.,;,� agreemer�b�anvironmentei epreemanis,guaranBes,seou�ity agreemonto,mo�tpeges,deeds of bust,and eUl other insUumenb,agreements and _ _ <br /> . '• •.�`.r,:, doCUmOnti,whether�Ow ot heroBft6T exbtlng,exeouted in conneoHon wfth the IndQbtedness. <br /> ��.';�;;,',�� Rerne. '�he word"Renffi•mearre Nl pra*�ent and future rents.rovonues,incortro,tssues.roysities,pro4iMb,and other beneflffi dedved from the � ^ <br /> r: n <br /> -�` �,,= P�si�1Y• <br /> �•� Tnutee. 'IAe word`Trustee•means Fhre Potnts Bank and any subatltuto or su000�sot busteos. <br /> �� <br /> �' • Trwtor. The word'Tnistor'means any and atI persons and enH@cs eueoWng thla Deed ot Trust,tnc�uding without IlmltaGan atl T�ustors named - <br /> , � ebove. <br /> y TNIS�EED mF TRUSY�IHCLUDINO T!� A881QAIMENT OF RBNTB AND T!�SECUAITY iNYL�REBT IN TFlE REtQTB ANO PE4i80NA1. <br /> PRQPEATY�19�IVEN TO 6�CtJR6 {1)PAYM�Ni'OF TMB INDI5HT�9NR88 AND (�PERRORMAI�lCE OF AN1►ANO IW.OBLIQATIOtiB OR <br /> • 7Ry8TCp 1JI�ipEq 4H6 NO+fB�1'F�REiAfED OOCUMENTB�AND ffllS OLF.D eaF TRYST. TN18 OE�D QF TRU9T 18 DIVEN AND AC�EPTLD - <br /> AN Tl�:FOLLAWINO YLRAISs � <br /> � PAYAIEM AP�D PEAFOHMMiC�. E�coept�s otMrwtse provtdod In this Q�d ot Tnr�l,Ta�tw eheU pay to Londer ul amounts seaurod by thhr Dwd -- <br /> ,,� ot Trust a thefy beeon»due,artd e etrlo9y and In a tlmery mnnnor paAOrm NI ot Tn[stole obl�ttions untior fhe Note,ihis Oeed ot 7rust,and!he - <br /> � Re1tUd QoOUrnlnts. =-- <br /> • u � P088E88ION AND NAIM�MANCE OR'1!�PRQQERTY. Truttor epreYS that Tntsto�'e posse3ston and uss ot tho Propaly shdl be Qoverned by <br /> !he toNowinp pro�slons: <br /> `��'�': •� Pos�oaton ar1A Use. Untli tbe oo¢urronoe of an Event ot Dehutt,Truator may(e)romaln In pasosslon end contrd of the Property. (b)use, <br /> -.., �,�y ePe��muuye the ProPerh►.and (o)oaloct any Renta from Iho RroP�Y• ., <br /> �""''°"4c t Outy to wAYntadn. Tnistor shail mslntain the Propaty In tonant4bta oondHton and promptry perform NI repNra,replsoemeMs,and maintenence <br /> �;:'"i�:;'�; ' neoesstrytopreserveitsveiue. `�— <br /> ,.,�;s;;.f�� Mm�r0out6ubstan�x�. The terms"ha�ardou3 weate"9mzardoua eubatana�,"dbposai,Yelease;and 9hreataned retseso;as used In thls °�_ <br /> O�ed of"frost.ehall have tho Same moartlrgs aa set foRh In tho Comprohe�ivo EnNronmental Re3ponse,Compe�aUOn,and Uablitty Act of R•_ <br /> . .. , taiendsd.42 U.3.C.Seotton seq.("CERCLA'�,tho Superfund Amendmente artd Reauthpiretion Ibt ot 1988,Pulf.L.t�lo. ��;- <br /> "� �� 99-499(�9�iA�,the Harardous MstertAls T�anspartatlon!b�49 U.S.C.Seatton/801,et seq.,tho li�ourco Cor�ervetton and Recovary Aat, �-�- <br /> . .-;r.j.;; . 42 U.8.�.Seatlon ssq.,a other epplbabie state a Fedoral Iews.ndo9,or repufaflo�adopted purauant to any of tho toroyolnp.Tho � - <br />- -��,1�+.. . , fwrm 9u�ardow waste"end'twmrdoua cubstanoo"sha0 u�o lnoludo,wtMout qm[tnUon.peUWeum cnd potr�oleum by�-produots a any haollon <br /> "`.,�ic 1��'x�g. •. j ��p}Q�d��, Tnuto�represonts artd warturda to londa thnf: (a)Oudrt9 the pedod o!Trustors owrtaship ot the Praperty,there hos �'`� <br />�''-•ri;iti}�,. � � been no u�.OeneraUon.manufacture.storepf►,tr�atmonL dispoaat�retease or tArestened rebase ot any hamrdous weate or substance by any ��: <br />= person on,undar,about or from the Nrope�ly; (b�Yrustor ha�no kno�vledpo of,or roason to beileve that thare has been,except es prevlous�y o_L, <br /> _:��•,>::..._�; �q��Q�eckna�!�edg��bY l�ndpt[n wrlflrg. {I�sny t►�+,�Ona►stlon,M�n_d�.�t��,etere�.trmtnwnt,Qk�a?et,rotaasn,a th�ealencxi -- <br /> . - ••r: ..� ,+ reteose og airy htaudous waste a subsiaeoo on,undor�oboui ur fn►m the Prcperty bY anY Ddo��,w�ars ar wcupanb of tfre Frope�ty or (uj any E= . <br /> ope <br /> ,'#,;���� �' eotuat ar Uroatened UUQatlon or ciaims ot any tdnd by uny pmaon rotadng to such mattn�s;and (o)Exoopt as previousry disctosed to and �;__ <br /> ;��y;,:�� eeknowlcadpee by Londor In wrteng� p)netlhot Trustat na any tenant,confrflotor,epont or other eulhodzed usor of the Propedy shaA uso, � <br /> �t.,,:;, .. ; ponorate.manutaeture,stor0.treut,disposo ot.or mtoas9 eny harsMous evagto or substanco on,undor.nbout or Rom the PropeAy artd m)anY - <br /> j � suoh aatiMy shaU ba canduated in compllanpo wfth aU npppcabto fudoret,state,and�ocnt Iaws,repulatlor�a and ordinsnces,lncludlrt0 wilhout � <br /> � Amitallon Uase Iavrs.ro9��tatlons,and ordinarwos dc�cdbed a6ove. Trustor cuthorims Lendsr and i!s agonta to enter upon the Propody to = <br /> mako auoh NspeatiAns u�d t9sta,at Tnastor's o� Wndor muy doom appropdato to dotermine compllanoo of tho Property wtth thls ,'�l <br /> section o!ua Doed ot Tn�f. Any inspec8ons or tosb made by Lertdur shaU tre tor Londo�a purposes oniy and ahali not bo co�truod to aoate <br /> � �.'.� <br /> .. . .� - <br /> ,, , . <br /> �; - <br /> , ' ' 1S , ^x' �o.. ., .. ., , ., . , <br /> . i:, <br /> .'.ii , . , ' . . _ • . � . . � _ .. . - . . • . <br /> .. �`I . ; `' . . , ;111:r��, �� ' .. . , n - ' ` ., <br /> a .... . -t �� r �+ � .�1 • '.�;�'';1 • r;� .. . <br /> � b y� , • ti?� 1+ �� �� � . 'i;':fj, t� :t?�,' n <br /> ��,�I� . � . . .1;4h�, • - ����� �� . -Si�-4 ��� �� � . ��i:��� �� , �i�f��. . �lf1�lt�1��1 ., . . _ <br /> ,7JC . . '•.�' .' .�!? t� ,iN :��. ,`r�i . - b'� - 7 � . - <br /> . • . �•�L:i.; , ' ��.1"'�1%l�t 1-- /� :1i1 i � �n�� �1r . � `t . .;,(-:•.�;� � . <br /> j�G„�.� ' ;;i .• ��,.,:t,r�, . �.,. i i , . � H . <br /> � . ' -�}s.�' � . -';'�:::1'• _ . �`�'`:tat . - , :,rrs�, . -� _'t� 1 <br /> �i,_ ',� ,. , , :�� , , .���',�,.`1�d n� • �����t.: <br /> ` „ , � , • . <br /> . <br /> . ,. . �l,� - � , , <br /> ,,. , . <br /> ., <br /> .. . . � .. . <br /> � ,,,, j�,i c,x , ,. . <br /> << <; � � <br /> �"��''i?' , ' ,. . ., �h . � <br /> � .. ' t:X <br /> . <br /> . , „ <br /> . , „ . <br /> . . . . , ... . �-- -- - ' _ <br /> , �i _-- _ -- <br />