....,.. _.. .. ._...._.__�. .....
<br /> . . . .. . .
<br /> � 99� �u�.s�.� .� � .
<br /> •7, ProteeUon o4 Lend�r's Rights In tt�e Property. If BortOwet f811s to petfomn tho oovanentt3 ind Yg�08mentB oOnUihCd N „
<br /> • thla Saou�ity InaWmcnt, or thore Is u lagal prassdbg that may slpnRbantry sHoot I.endcro riphto in tho ProRart�r(ouoh an e arootzedh9 M
<br /> �� b8nkrupt0y,ptabate,tor aondamnatbn or PoRe4ure or to entaroa bwa or roputatbna),thcn Lcnd;r msy do and pay tor v�hntover t�nc�;e3afu►r •�
<br /> � " to proteat the valuo of the Praper4y ond Lorsdcts riphto h the Properiy. t.endc�o aottona moy Inotudn payb►fl enY auma e�auosd by�tl�n �
<br /> whbh hos prio►ity over this Securlty insWmonl,tipp�atinp In ocuR�P8Y�8 �ieortabb ottomoy'o tos9 8nd enterin9 on the PropB�r to rtwke
<br /> , repaJro. Nihough L.cuu►►dor msy tako aoUon un d�this perNVaA��7h�n�o eaa�dJk�onn deb tot 8orrowor eecur�ed by thb St�ouRty InsWmenG
<br /> " Any a�rtounta diabursed by tsnder undmr�hla puaQnD
<br /> Untes�8ortowcr nnd Lc;ndcr ugrco to othcr tama ot puymant,thoso nmounts ahaA bonr Int�t hom tho anto ot dfsbursarr�ent tt the Note ,
<br /> �nto�nA sh41►bo payabt9,with htereat,upon notico from Londor to BoROwur raquosting payme�►t. - '• �
<br /> � 8. Mortee�e Insur�nae. If Landar requtrvd mortgugo hsurartco ua a oondiilon of makhg the ban oocurad by tAls SiaurAy ,� ,
<br /> • Inatrument,BoROwor shull par tho premWma roqutred to malncnin the mortgago hsuronao In oftcsct. I},Por nny reaaon,tho mortga.qe tr�surence
<br /> ""' ° opvexaqA roquY�sid by lendot Ispaea o► cat3os to bo tn eNeot, BoROwor shali pmy tho premiums roqulred to obmh aovere8e eubsWntia4y ; ..
<br /> Y
<br /> ' aquNekmt to tho moRgrlgo Insurance proviouay Ir� oHeat,et a oost subetunt�atty oQutva►ont to tho ooat to BoR4wo�ot!ho martgc�yo Msuranoe ,:,, ��;
<br /> pravkusty N aNeot, from nn nRemato mortgs�ye insurer aDp�aved by Londer. It substentlauy c3quNatent mortgago �nsur�nao caverage b aot t;__,,i�,'
<br /> � avaitabb, Borrow�r ohaii pay to t.ondor oach month a sum equat to ono-hvolfth ot tho yo6rtY maR�a� �8u��� p�wm ba„A Psb by .. .
<br /> .,,,.�:
<br /> Borrower when tho Meuronco covera$e lapsed or coased to be In eNoot• �endsr wW accBpt, use end retab these Wlm�+ta�a baa :�,,;��:-�.-
<br /> ��.,.,;.�
<br /> � resQne in Ifou of mortga�o beurcince. Lo�s roserve PaY�� �Y no lonper bo requked, at the opUon of Lender, H moRye� „su�e�+ ��t:..;-_;,:.�
<br /> rc nc "
<br /> �� ooverege(h the emount and lor the parbd tAet 9.endw requiret�)Drovided by an bsurer approved by lender e�yah boaomas aval�bie en�ffi ;�,=?"_
<br /> re •; _�
<br /> obtaBSd. 8ortowe► ahali pay 4hs premUev�a requlred to maintah mortpapc� hsurence In otiuot, or to prov�de a toas reso�vo. unt0 ths •z,-
<br /> requYement br rnoAga�o Msurance enda„ �tocordence r�Rh eny wrttten egreement bo1M►een 8orrou►er and Lend�or appiloabb taw. "{�w^
<br /> . �1 9. It16��et101f. Lender o� its sgent maY mako reasonabb onMes upon and bepnatbns of ths PropeRy. l.ende,r ahup Ure Bortower i-9T--
<br /> '�; notk�e at the tYne ot or pdor to an hspootton apaolrying reasonabte oause tor the hspeatton. �~�:
<br /> ,.}a,..-.�
<br /> ' � .':,�?� 10. Condemnetion. The procoatls of any award or otaYn far dama0es� dir�ot or consoquont�ab h nonnectlon wth eny ;�- -
<br /> :�_:_�
<br /> i�,;`� condomnadan or othet taking of any prrt��IM Proporty,or tor aonvaynnco In Ibu of aondannatlon, aro fioreby 888i�tad end �h�Y bs �a _; _ ..
<br /> ,', �s,nxcw�
<br /> :1� . {, t0 Lb(Id6f.
<br /> ,t,:.,•r '. ,� .llf,�i. In the event ot n tofal tekhg of tho Propartyr.tho proaaeds shail be epptiedof the P oma o�ured�h��������o Pro�or ' ii�'
<br /> ,:�ti�, not Nen duo.wkfi qny excess Peld W flomovrer. In the ovent of a pertiat talcinp P�Y �,J"�;;
<br /> ,Y�-
<br /> ��i:. . �s„:.;;
<br />-;�',., �,-�a, immedfatey belore the taklnp b equat to or qrouter t han t he amou n t o t the sums eeaured by thb EeourHY tnabumant Ynnwdktsy b�1or�
<br /> � takinp, uniese Bortowet and Lender othen+iso aaree{n wrRinfl�the suma sooured by thb 8eourlty Instrument shall be reduaQNl�d�i0 by(b)th9 =-_--
<br /> ��� � �, of the procoeda muRpped by the Polbwinp f�aatbn:(a)the total emount the of euma seeared immedlawb be1Oro the fakh0� - -•
<br /> tutr maricst vnlue ot the Properhl Immodlatab before tha takhp. My balante shali ba Paid to BoROwer.In the event ot a partfal tdcinD o!th0
<br /> � Property N whbh iho taY market value of the PropeAy Mmedintely betoro ths tekhp Ia tass than the amount of the euma�eurod tm�dkWy --__
<br /> ..'�.� befcro the takhg�untess Bonower end Lendar otherwise asree h w�tY�A or unless eDPOcabte law otherwb9 providea.the Procelds�hal bo _
<br /> �° :.c:,.;. a�p�a co me sums soauBd br�b SeouCy wisau:ss..~at u�o�ao!!hs surt!A aw thcr�due. �
<br /> ,`..,
<br /> .:;��`�, p tho propeny Is ebandonad by Bortower,or 8,efter�otiCO by Lendw to Bom�wer thflt the oondemnOr oflel9 Za m�a���a°�"'�
<br /> ����� a oYlm tor damapea, 8arower talis to resP�to Lender wkhh 30 duYS after the date the nottee is pNen�4+�nder b authoriaed to co➢ec!md s�
<br /> �.•• appy th�praceeda,at ke optlon,ekher to restoretbn a roaair ot the Propery�or to ihs sums seaured by thia Seaudty inetrumM+t�� _
<br /> �' or not then due.
<br />';:;.`t` . ,•.. . 1 Unteso Lender and eonowar otherwlss�ree b w�tnp any eD9t��+n ot proeeeda to Pmaa�shaN not eoden0 or postyorto tAs dus
<br /> =1;;01��. �ot the mont�y pa me�te reterted to ts pera9raphs t and 2 or ohanae t1�e amaunt of suoh PBY��•
<br />_ ;!�,:��.
<br /> ,;';,' .,;4��s±�, 1�•Borrower�lot Reteaaed:Forbe�ranae ey Lender Not a Wafve�.Extenebn of ihe 41me fot psym�nt o►modit�at�0�
<br /> � o!unortiation of the auma seeured by thts Soeurk�r MeWment pranted by L�ander to any sueaesser b hterest of Bortowar eha!ttot ap6rtt�
<br /> ;:i,,,_,:' ,.
<br /> s
<br />-' � to rel9ase the 08bHhy of the arighe�8or►ower or 8orrowofe euoCe3sars in IMemsG Lender shall not be requtod to co�mfenu -----
<br />��` � hst�ny succeasor M► 6nterest or retus� to exterd tkna for payment or othoiwise modity anvoRia�tbn of ths�ums Wourod by thb Ss��►
<br /> v;r
<br />_ �i� .��� . lnsWmant b1 roasan ot eny d�rnend mad�bY the odOHat Bortowdr or Botrowe�s 8uxo3sots N htetest My torbYrtnC�b�► lNtder in
<br /> �. . �oc�okinp any ti�nt a rorn�td�f she➢nnt ba t woke�af ar proolude the exe��cise of sny�i4ht ot te�►�edy
<br />;;; .. :" . 7Z. Suaaeat�ora nnd Ae�lgns Bound; Joint end Several Uebllity; Co-atpners. rnd eov�rw►�s .nu� oon«n�^b w
<br />-�+�.> j; ,';'„�, this Geou�r InsWrtoent shnY btnd�nd DaneQ the eu000aso�a and asslena ot Len��d Borrower.subleet to tM P�bbns of ptropnph _ —
<br /> Y�^�,.• � 17.BolfOwefe covenent8 enC fl9reert�ents sh8tl be Joht Md BeverW. Any Botrowut wh0 Co-ai�ns thb 8�ou►ih► InSlritmBnt but d0�s ROt __
<br /> y•�'< =-°
<br /> '' aoucute tAe Note:(a)ts oasienWO thOs Saeuri�► Inshument onty to mort�epe.pre��.and eonvey that Dor�ware hblqst 1t Uw Prop�t!u�d� --
<br /> - �-,�i; :, the termo ot thls Secttdty In4ttumen� lb)ts not pereonaYy obUgated to pay the eums Eeeared by this Stxu►ity Initrurtwn�ond (oI�MS� -
<br /> .; ,,;. to tertna d Mb�ar�I►
<br /> �!'�+��r�i! Lflnder nnd any other Bo�ower may ag►�e t� extond,modHy. torboar or riwice ony acaammodaUorta �vttb reyard -
<br /> ... __
<br />��'��,1�.s ; tnaWmant or the Note wkhou!that Borrows�te eoneent --_
<br />-::�;:,�,.... . 13. L�OS19 CPiffi9�.�f th0 ban s�aarc�d by thlo Seeurity�natrumer►t b aubl�to��w whbh�ts rtwdmum ban oha�s,md that
<br /> _;`�`.�F,�_�.: �.�.. � law b thelh interpreted e0 th9t the interrmst or othe►toan oherqes CollDOted or to bo 00119oted in contfe0tbn wRto tM btn �ied tM -
<br /> _ ..�-•_.;�,,,,, perm�d IYMs.then: (a)any suoh ban a�m0es shnU bo reduced by tho emount naosoarY to redurs Ms chorae to tTN p�nit�d 6�►��nd --
<br /> � melod to 8onoweG L6nd�t tnay ChoO�t� m1ie�
<br /> .'T ` ir:y�;`' (b)anY sunw efi�dy wL',.^e� kor+t Btvrawrr whtah m�ce�aueu'�'�ss,�.�l�.tt°a r�L"Q° t+!�! - --
<br /> ,... .. _
<br />-':,;�. . . MQ�. thb retund by rodteahp the prirtaipnl owa0 under the Note or by makinp a dYeot PaYment to Borrower. tt a reNnd reduc�R�'���� _.
<br /> �'; �d u p t b n w W p a�e n t 0 t!g s e p a r t i g t p t e p�y m o nt wkhout ttr+y RneAsYment oharg9 under Ma Noto. �.�-
<br />;r;_";, . ��" dsliwrY+p R or by m t i l ntl t b y H r s t '•`.':---
<br /> 94. Notioea. Any notice to Bortower provided for in thla Seaurtly Inatrurtwnt eheM bo 91ve�br L�.__`----
<br />_ ,�:`,_ A�dresa or eny otnar a�Jresa ---.-.
<br /> • ;,;�,� ot4es mn9 unlasa epA���w����of another method. The noti�o aheu bo diroated to tho ProDeR1►
<br /> '``<r1'r Bortower 6osbnates by notbo to Londor_My nottce to ltv�dor ahnU !ao p1�xf bY 1Mat ctasa mail to 4sutt3o�'o addtesa st�d henh ar anr �,,_ _
<br />- � oNa addrose Lende►dosip�►ataa bY noti�o tu Bomower. Any noUce Rrovrdod tCr b this SocurftY ins4r�umant 8haa be deer�d to hAVO Oeen ';,-,.,,_
<br /> . gb4n to eorcawar or Le�eBor wlton ptvan as p►av�dad h th�s 9�B�eAh• �`-��x`
<br /> - , . 7�. Qovarninp �ew; SSY@tQlaSlit�Tt�tu S�c�r�qr inoZrumont cAud bo garemaA by toderal Inw and th�Ina�ot tRO lurkdlatbn h �,'ti�,.°",;�-;_-.
<br /> ` whleb tho Pto�o�h► b IocaUtd. �n the ewont that any Provbbn or ol�use O!tAb SecurRy Instrumant or N9 Note confliots wRt�1ppY01bb(tw� + .,•,;.:;::
<br />_ � � sucA oontict cnuU not ettoet other pravl^.bna ot thb S�ecurAy Instrunema4 ar tho Not� whbh can be+Ql�en otlaot wkAout the ot�Plotb9 ' �:_:_
<br /> . � , provhion. To tAl�end tho provisbns ot�fib Eiocurkf►Inatrument end tho Note sre deelered to be s��uercbl�. `' _. °
<br /> = -u- 1B_ �errewv'a Ccbv.enr►cwer eha8 be nMen one contam�ed copy of tho Note and ot 4hfa Soc�rtt�r InsWmenZ , `
<br /> .�..r..n.�r. -
<br /> 1T. Trenaier of the Rroperty or a 8eneflcisl Interest In earrower. IT 8I1 Of dny p8�t oi me�w�'��=- --••�--------
<br /> R M aob or trenatu�rod (or M n baeaQoisl Mto�at tn Borrower b sold or tranatarerl and 8orrower b not a natuml P�rea�) wlteout 4an0ore
<br /> t h NII ot aU sums sc�c�+red bY thls Secur�f►�'+�t Hav�er'
<br /> — , prior w�USn conca��Londa may.at ka aplbn�requlre Munediate paYmon mstrumenL •
<br /> thb o8�ahAY no!bo eomroised by lander U mmrakte k3 prohbttod by fadaai taw ea of the dat0 ot trb Seeudlf► of aot kss�fiM 30 ,
<br /> - It Lender ezerotaes thls optbi� Le�sdar s�uY pAre Bomowor notieo ot eccaieration.Tho notlee shaR provido 4 P�d tr►Wuma►L if '
<br /> dayg from the date the �oUca b deN�enod or mailed wkAln whbh the Borro�rtx must Pay all suma seaured by this Soair�y .
<br /> . Bomowar tafls to pay tResY oum8 p�for to No axPlratbn ot thb P�d•londm�may hvoke anv remedbs Pe��by Mb Se�curihr UesUUmont .. ,
<br /> wRhout WrthOr notice ot de�nand on Bomo+�er-
<br /> Fwn dor 4Ko
<br /> Fl06AL6tp(10/QIII Pep��ot 6 •
<br /> , . ., ' i01 � .
<br /> = 1 �
<br />