rS•;y�f�;•:,.;: `:'
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<br /> L�idar anY time, eoltaot end hoW Funds h an amount aot to c�zcead th� maximum amount a tender tor a taderallyr rolste9 moftp2ya ; .
<br /> • ban maq requtro tor Oorrow:,�a onaroei eeoount un6er tAo Md;:ml Ront Hotrato&ntl�rersnt Procaduru� Aat of 1974 as amended hom tls�to �
<br /> „ time,18 U.B.C. ?.801 it soq.(°RE6F'A'), unt�is onothcr b��thnt uppi�to tho Funda aClo a tauocr tunount.If eo.L.ender may,at enr t6�e,
<br /> " eoitoot and ho� Funde fr�un enleunt not to carocosf tho k�seor omoun� Landw may esthnate the emount of tunda dae on ths baeb ot .�
<br /> aunont data and reaaainbla e�timntes o4 a�cndlturas of tuture Hoarow ttems or otherwtso U eeoordanao wRh opP���'�• �
<br /> Tho Funda ehoti Co hotd in an instttutlon whoao do�cafts aro Insumd!ay n fedoml agenoy. InaWmentalit�r.or Qntity(Ino1uG►ne tAndtr,tf
<br /> Lender b saoh an hellutbn) ot In eny Fedsral Home Loan Bank. Lander shau eP01y the Funda to par tho Escrow Itcuno. Lcnder may nat `�,:..:
<br /> ^ ohargo 8otrov�cr for hofd7ng and apptyin0 tho Fundo,annuely annryri+g tho esorov� ncoount, or verifyinA 4ho Esorow itemu.unbss 6ender
<br /> „ •• pays Borrower intere�t on tAe Funds nnd applbatif�taw ParniUs Ls+�der to rnotco cuch n oh�rg�. Ho�vovcr, �en��• may ra4ulro Bortowar to
<br /> r� ,,,,.-
<br /> � pay e onattmo ohtu�tofor an indapendont roal eatate ten roporting senrica u3sd by lender in aonnectbn wRh this loan,unbsa eppibflbb k�w ���
<br /> • . -,, provlda9 othor�niso. UnMse an a8roamca�� b rtus�O a� oPP��b law roquYas Interest to bo paEd, Lundef nhnti not ba roqu�c{d to ptfy
<br /> •"'°°'' Bortowor nny intaeist a eamin0s on the Funds.Bonovrer und Londor maf agreo tn vniting,�ut Mereat shali bo patd an tha Funda �
<br /> .,_,.'
<br /> t.�mQor ahdli gMo to BoROwar.wfthout oharge,an annuut occountin0 of the Fundn.showing crodits and dob[ts to thq Funds and tha purpotsa T-
<br /> fot v+hkh anoh dobR to 4he Funds was mada. The Funds nro pbdped as addlllonai secu�ty tor all suma seaurod by thb&ecurtt�r lnetrum�t. , . `4J
<br /> If tNe Funds held by Ler►dor exaeed th» emounts permittod to be hold by epp�iCable Inw. lendnr shatl�cCOUnt to Bortowar tor tha . . .
<br /> � oxcosa Funds in acaordance vrkh tha requiremsnts of applbabte law. H the emount of the Funds held bY��r et any ttne b not suflfCimnt jl;:;_,A
<br /> ' to pay tha @tstro�►ttana when duo,l@nder rtwy so notiy BoRawar 1n writin8�a^d, in auah ctttse BoROr+er shnQ pay to Lsndnt tho emouM �.�;Y,--
<br /> neoessc�vyy to meke uP N+e defbienoy. 8orrower shaA mako un the deflotenoy In no moro than �.velve monthy paymw►te, at LQndm's soW :_
<br /> � � ~ � d(sCrettan. ���L=
<br /> �pon payment M fuA ot au suma seau�ed by thb 8eaurity Inslrumont,Lende� ahalt prompty refund to Borrowor any Funda hold by
<br /> Lender. If,undar Raiaflraph 21,Lendc+r ehaU noqulre or eell the Proparty,Lender.Fdor to the acqulsRlon or oaio of the Prope�ty.sheA uppty ,�
<br /> ,. any Funds held by�ter et ths time of aoqutsitbn or sale tta a credh aAainst tRe eums ssauried by thb&�urky InsbumenA �:•.�-
<br /> `r 9. Appiication Ot PAy�1@Otd. Unless appUcable taw provldes otheiwise,atl paymente roceMed by Lendor under pamQrnPho t and f�".�=�
<br /> ' 2 shnl{be applbd: fYa� to any PrePeY�nt ahorp[3s duo undor the Note; s000nd,to amounLs payeble undor para0raph 2; thlyd to htatest �
<br /> , � due;tourth,to prkiclyd due; end tast,to tv►y Iate oherAes due under tha Note. �=�.
<br /> 4. ChRt�CO; liena eo�►owe�shau pay au ea�oo,asaft�rtrents�oherpes. thea end MposRbns aarbutoDTa to the Propaty whish rtuiy `
<br /> ,.;;•:, '� attah prbrlty ovx thb �ecurHy Inotrument� and leesehold payrtante or Bround rents�N any. 8ortower shau pn,y theae obAQadona fn thn �° -
<br /> ��.(,�.y mannar provldeE In ptr+spreWh 2. or N not pafd in that mannbr. Borrowar shaU pay them on 9lrrs QMaoty to the porson owed paymt�nA `-
<br /> ' �. h It 0orrower makea thtirs permsnte
<br /> 8orrowar ahaU prompUy Nmish to lender a!! nothes ot amounta to be paW undar thb paragrnp • ' �-,_
<br /> .�`:'�,�•;. diroety.Borrower shet PromPUp tumBh to Lender oecs�pte ovtdenotr�p the psyme�►ta. ^.
<br />' � Bortower ah e N promp t t y d i s o h a r p e an y Iien wfolch t�ae P��Y o����ufily InsUument unbss eorrower.(a)agr�s h wrR)n0 to tht► _
<br /> �._-- �'- �ayr,�#a!!hs 444�i�seeurod by the Iten h a menner eeeePtuble W Lender;(b)oontests h pood f�kh the Uen bY.Ot dofer�da saahat
<br />_ �`'��,�� _ � rot�edhps whlah h the Lendera ophbn operete to prevent ma�tnfo��i vi ti�3 i os��(z3�'��
<br /> }�-}r;`+. entOtCemePtt o!the tlan In,IepRl P
<br /> , l�' � the hoider ot the!Nn an aQroement eetislaot°n to Lender euOoMinatNp the Uen to this SeCetiM ir►stNrtt�n4�f Lender dt��mf�es a1A��y
<br />'_ , ptR ot th�PropeR�/b subjeat to e!bn whiah may attaM p r i o r k y over t h i s S e e u r R y I a s Wment, lender moy yNe Horrower a aatxs tdtnityAeO
<br /> � ' .,,,„ � the Ibn. 8orrawer slup eatlSb the Ibn or take ana or more of the eattana set torth abave w�hin 1C daya of tAo gNhO of notkx.
<br />�'. . ,
<br /> ���� 6. Hezard or Property Ineurnneo. 6orrowet shaU keep ths inFrowmenle now ex�sthp ar her�9ter�notef! Op tM PtOp�R�►
<br />°,.. •,,•.;^i;'�" Ytsured flpnhst bss by tire. haaards Inotuded wilhh the te�m 'axt�ttdud aoveteEe� and any m'thtv heruds�InoUdhp flooda mt 490od1lp�lo►
<br /> •tii. � wAbh I.ertdar re4uk�es insurance. This insurance shan be rtrahffii►ad in tha anounts and tor tho psrbds thitt ironder�quY�. 3i'�r hEUr�
<br /> �. :,•.,...� pwryr Providinp tho hsurenes shap be ohosen Qy Bartower subjeet fo Lenders aPprav�► whbh eh� aot be un ��s �� �'tha
<br /> • � '� eom�wer f�ib to nuhtaY� oov�►apo descrlbed abovo. t.e�+ci�x rtwy. at Lnndere optbn� obtaln eover� to Prot�at
<br />_ •' .�t,,�,.,; Prop�ty N acoordanoo wRh para9►epA 7. �
<br /> �-`-� `,:�:�;:+�• Ail lnaurenas po0eies artd renewat3 ehall be accePtebte to Lweder u�d ehnU ho4de a�r►fla7d mat4ape akuas. Lenda sh�ll haw tl»
<br />-�ii�,;�;,�;�„•;.�A,�b,, Ne to Lendm ae recaipte ot pUd p►�nLms and nnew�
<br />`__,,i�;��;�,� �ipht to hold tho poktes tnd ranswnb. If Lendar requires�Borrower ahttl prompty q __
<br /> Y noti¢os. tn the avent of bss,Borrovrer aha8 pke prompt noUce to Me Inaunrtc�cnrtMr and I.w�dar L�dx m�Y mtice P►o0f of loas tf aot
<br />�_n._:�-�-
<br />�r�,r::_�� • msde PromPttll bY �orcOwer.
<br /> orco
<br /> •: •r;. . ' Unler;a L�endx md 8orrower otheiwise sprr+e h wrRtnO� insu��ance Proceeds shell be ePO� to resYom2lon or re�M o! ttw ro
<br />'. .. datr.�A N Me re�orslbn or rePnY b eoonombeAY fetsble ond lendere seourkY Is not 1as6med if the restorotton er nWM b not
<br /> . „ � eaosomicaRy Y,�Ibb ar lenders eeau r R y wou l d t o o t e s a e n e d� Borrowa.�I t So�r r o e wer aband�ons ths ProPeAfr� or doea not�inawer w�flh 30 - -
<br />- �.���;;:::'.' InsWmen�wfro4he►or not then due,w@h enY e�ccess Pe1d thon Lender msy ooMot ths hwrar�Woasb�. Ltrt�
<br />'"';�.,":.r.:��'.' daya o nOUco lro�n lse�der Nat the Nswanee oarrter haa othred to cettirs n etaYn� _
<br />-�}�M� may use Ms proaeads to rePatr or restoro the Proi�or to Day sums sec�red m.y this SeauAlY Inefluinsn6 wMther a not thm 0u�.Tlaa -
<br /> --�.-�.�;��re1.:�_ _ �w�Y�adne!wW Ooph when fh0 rtoUCe b O:ven.
<br />-''"i�;,.p'�p,.:' �nk�ia Lende�md Bonawsr otherwhw a�rse i� �Q�anY aFPIlcr�EMn o4 pracr,�ta p�tna�g�i ei�e�na:�d ar��!!e!i'!�1° �:-,
<br /> T-.`.��9+�< .� de�o ot the monthty DoY�te roterted to h paneprephs 1 end 2 or chert�s tl►e unount of the WI►�� It undu pan�Ph 81 da Pro�Qr --
<br />-. , b eaquted Dy Leredr. Borrower's riQht to any h�urerx�a DoNates end proceeda r9auklnD trom dama9e to the Prop�h P�to ths�aquistlon v-
<br /> eAsll pau to tsndar to Ne extent of the suma socurod by thts Seourt�/Inswnaerct inmedlatsty pAor to Ihm aequtaRion. �;==
<br /> ..� , •.�' 8, Occupnnay. Proservetion� Matn�enance and Prote�Uon ot the �roperty; Barrower's Loan AppUca4ton; �:_.
<br /> �� 6.�L23E!hOlde. Bartower ohaU occuAY�ostabush, end uso the Prag�rlY a3 Bor►ow�s pdncl�sat rosidonoe wkhM s6ft�r daya aTtar tho�c�c�Ua� ��;;�
<br /> � of this SeGUtily InBWment end ehall COntYtuo t0 000uPY�o Prop2tly Ae BO�rovter'e prhCi�al td180deitCO!or flt lea8t One yeer ett6r ths dut0 0} �f�
<br /> �' �: ,. h wr3lmp, which oonssnt ehgq not P�o uam,nsonnDy wkhheld, or untess eoennuatMO cireumsta�a Q�"
<br /> ocCUP�Y.u�les.,le�odor othorwlse Q�rees
<br /> . •� ' m�st whbh aro boywod Borrowe�'s control. Bo+m'ovrer shnU not dostroY� damago or impat tho Propo�tl, e�ow the PropeA�►to dM�bra'De,mr � :�
<br /> ,,,, eart;m� weatn on Ua Prope�fy. Boaowor shult bo b dotauh H any fafofluro ctetbn or proaeed'ep.whother oMi or oAmina�Fs bpur�t?�.ffi 0� [�f:'-
<br /> �:,.�:'. - �'."
<br /> . %1:.... I,ec,�s 9�d ������t rouut rosult h foAothiro of t�� ProDortY or othc�rwlse rrtatar7�Ryr lmpatr the fion cre�tsd bY �� �N
<br /> Inatrume�tt or Lendofo scicun'ty htaos4 Borrower mnY Cure GuoD a dotna�R end reh8t8te,as providod h parai�nPh c�uaYq crio aaNa�
<br />- � �_� .W.. _...�s.,.�n� h ��ndors nnod Ukh dete�mhaUon� preaM�doa torNbsn of ths 8orrow�te N2enat In tAt
<br /> ----_-�- __ - Ot pf9C98QIt�iv w vai�oo.. ...... �.��. --�-- -- - - .
<br /> � . Prepe�qr or otha tr�ted91 Mr�pskment of tho tbe� crmted by thi9 Secutly Instrument or I.ettdet's seCwif► bterYSb Bortotrlt stoa��iao os o
<br /> dafauR N Oortowor�duAnp the loan apPllcallon Rrocess.QflNB fRIItMb�l �h0 Ot(f1QOC11fIIte h}OtRtlt10r11 6!6t0U1fIMlb!0 LYfld�f IOt ftbd�0
<br /> p�Mdo Londer w�h any materls!tr�tortnnUon)M�onnc�oUen wtth the ban a�doneed bY the Plote. Inak�dteq�but not pmked ts��mprase�►� .
<br /> 00
<br />' � CottCemhp BOrrovwf6 oCCUpartoY ot the Property as e prirtoa8!tt»iderio9. It thi�8ocurfty InsUvmont is on a IBatohoSd. Bono�w�r shil
<br /> - - comply w@A 4o tQu ptovfslon8 0!t►to leer,e. if 6ortower ecqutes fee Ntl�to the Propah. the ieasehald bu►d tho fso tate sh�ll not merEls
<br />;` ' . �� Untasb 6,eitdet 48� t0 the mor�a h wrRhp. .,
<br />- Crorm 90Y�W� .
<br /> �, HDOAlMO(t0los) Pay�P e16
<br /> � CC1 ��
<br />