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. <br /> 1 <br /> _, . .........._....__:__�..___..__... . _. <br /> .. <br /> 99- ����,��� �� <br /> � �18. Bos�ower's Rlpht to Rolnetete. {t Borroww moete eeRah ao�dkbna,Borroww ehutl hwe the�Ipht to hava anforows�t o! <br /> thla Seaurlty Instrumm�t disaontmuud ut any ttm3 prtor to tAU caAbr ot (u)8 d�yo (or suoh other parbd ae appibnbte I�w mty tpeody tAr •• <br /> rolnsmutment) bctoro onl� of tha Property Durauant to any poercr ot o0�3 �onust�ad !n thb 3.."curNq Ine�umont; or(b)onU�r of a�tdyrtwnt <br /> cntorot�g thln&�ourtty Inehumont.Thoao eondiUana No thnt Borrower. (a)peya tsnde►atl euma whbA then wouW bo du9 urtd�r th13 SQOUrtty . „ <br /> Inatrumflrit nnd the Nots had �o aocoksrr�tbn xaurra4; (b) cures any dafault ot nny othor aovonant ar agroartu�nta; (o) payo nll axpunnas . <br /> Inaurtad h entorohg thls Sacur�y InsuurROn t, I n c l u d i n g, b u t not Ilmftod to, roaoonabb uttomeys' t�oa;and(d) takos ouoh aotlon as lnnder „ <br /> m8y reaaonabh requ7o to aesure thnt tho�ot thW SCaurily �noWmcnt, londa�s dghta In tho Propurty and Borrowero obligntlon to pay -• <br /> tho sums oecu►ed by thts S[seurity Inatrumont ehait aonthue unohenped. Upon relnatntomont by Bortowar,thts Seourity InsWr�ant end tho <br /> �, � <br /> ' , Obl'��t�one soCUted hwoby ehaq ramain tuU� o��0ot�vd 88 n �0 aCCOfE1�tlOn had OCCUrted. HOwovo►, thla �Ight to rehatato ohnli not appN <br /> � the oaso of eccels�aUon under PeraflraPh 17. <br /> 1g. $81@ Ot NOtO; ChORgO �f LOa�1 S81'ViCQ�. The Noto or e partlal Intorost ln the Noto (toa0th� wkh this SoCUrhY t <br /> � InoWmont)muy bo soid ono or mora tfines wkhout prtor notbe to Bo�ruwer. A snb may rosuR h n ahengo In tho entNy (lcnown as the <br /> �� �'^� •Loun Scnlaor")thnt ooileota monthry paymente duo under the IVote and ihb Seaurity Instruman� Thero atso may bo one or more ohcnpas <br /> ' of tho Loan 38rvicor unrotated to u snb ol the Note. If thoro Is a ohengo of the Loan 3orvfcor, 8onowor wpl bo pMan wrRten �odae of tho <br /> ohango In nccordance wtth paregraph 14 abova end appifaebL3 law. Tho notice wlll BWto tho nama and addreso of tho rtaw Laen&siviCOr •. ' <br /> � and the address to whbh payments should be mada Tho notko r�Ul utso aontah any other Intormatfon requtsd bY nPPlioable Law. "' <br />- '.�.:�+.�, <br /> dtsposal <br /> 20. H�efdOQB SubStf111RE3SE. Borrower shaU not cause or pem►R the presence, use, , atoraae, or rekmao ot any h, n <br /> Humrdous 8ubatMCes on or in tho PropeAy. Borrower sfiaU not do,nor allov+a�+yone olss to do, anythinp afteotY�e tho Proporty that b � .{�.,; <br /> ;�: <br /> violatbn of any Emironmental Law. Tho precedY►O hvo sentences ahall not apply to tho presenco,uao, or otom90 or tho Prapsrty of smaN � l_`^ <br /> • ' quantttiea of Hamrdous &ubstancea tAat aro 9snemlN r000e^I�d to be upproprLate to oormal rostdsnttat usaa end to mahtanance ot thv ,,"._. <br /> -,, • � Property. ,"��- <br /> ��:;'� � Bortower shali prompty gNe Lender written �oUce of any invastipation,clalm. demand,tawsuk or other aoUon by any Qovamma�tnt o� _ <br /> regufatory agenay ar private peAy tnvaNCng tho PropeAy end enY Nt►�rdaus Subumnce or Environmental law of whbh Boaowm hps taWnl ,��- <br /> . ...� knordedpe. If Borrower leams, or 1s �oUttod by any govammsntat or regut�tory euthority, that eny removal ar cther remedlatan ot any --__ <br /> HE�rerdaus Substsnce aHaot�n9 the PropeAy b neceasery+. Bortovret ehali promptN taka nU neaassniY ►emedlei sotlons h eceoMartce wltFti s�;_-'�'` <br /> 'TSLL <br /> ;iiin:4, � � �nvironmsxilal Lew. ,��_�� <br /> ����+ pg V� „ ��g �(pp�gyh 2p� "HYS8fd0Y8 8Ub8t8�1088" t1r0 th080 SYbeW�iC08 dBfhOd fl8 LOxb Of ha�tdoua aube�reeea by _ _ '- <br /> `'" Environmontai Lnw and the touowing suhateiuen: qasoiine, korosons� other flommabM or toxio petroteum produotd� toxb Pestloid�s �nd <br /> � � herbbtdes, votat(IB soMente, matodals conteNhO asbeatoe or tortnnidahyde, and mdbuative materlals. As used in thls pareD�aAh 20� �,;.�- <br /> �a���__ <br /> " : � "E�IY�pn��iet�}g� LpW" R1880II tedetni lawe and tawa 0} thB jurisdbtlon WhelO the PfOpOtly 1S IOOBLed thfl! nlllie �0 h9�llh� Befel�l OT �' <br /> envlronmentol prot�otfon. <br /> . �•� NONdJNIFOFM CONENANTB. Borrowor end Lender Wrther covanant and agree as folbwa: „R„v__ <br /> � 21. Aeaeleretlon; Remediea Lee�der ahetl g[ve rtotiee to Borroeser prtor t� eaaeteeatton toilowinp <br /> �� . ��� Bo►rower's breaeh of sny eovenent ar agreement in tfils Securiiy Instrument (but na! prtor �,a <br /> � � ��� aceeteratton under peregrepb i7 unio�o s�s�il�18 !sL'S �lCB�'��D A1�R�MJ��. The noUce ahall t�ealty: (t�) _ <br /> ,:;.:,�4;� ,a the detnuiQ; (b)t�� action requtred tei cure the defautt; (c) a d�e, not leas 4hnn 30 d�ya irom th�d�tlse _ <br /> ;;,;;�" � rtoUee ts given tm Bo��ower�by which fha detault muM be au�ed;and (d)that fatlure to cure the dehbutt�r� <br /> � or b�tmre the date e�eclHed in the nottae may re�olt in ecaeleretion ot the aum� secured by ttn��S�cuHty <br /> � � Inatrument end sale of the Properiy. The noUee aYaa901t�rther inform Bonower of the right ts relnnato aft�r <br /> � ' acceteratton and the ripht to brinp a court actlon to essen the non-existenae ot +� dotnult or am► otl�er <br /> dotaa�se of eorrower to naceteretQon 8nd aale. lf the detaut3 te eot eu�ed on or betore the date apeclAed in <br /> � the not�ee, Lender at ite�aptian m�ey�equira Immediate peyment tn tult ot att eucns aecured by tHta Security <br />� Instruva�m�t without 1t�rther demand and may invoko the poanrer of sala and any o4her remedtea permitted <br /> � ; by appHcable tew. Lendhr2�halnbedi g���ut ot I'mit0d,to,��sonn�locettor eya'tees'en� ao�W of tl�le <br /> .. provided In this �ara�re� - <br />�- evidence. <br />_�� �f d7�►a power of male t� Invoked, Tc�as4ee ahatl aocard e �m4l�e of detevtt In ee�En ctauMy tn wAloh �ny _ <br /> ' 'Y•� . " �• paet oY tho Property ta IoeaLed and�hait pnap eopoe�ot sueh notiee in Ueo�nnnne� pr�scri�ed bv e�pticebta <br /> .. law tm Bor�ower end to the oU�ar per�ns pr��ac�bed by apPlieebte lew. Aft4r the tYme requtred by <br /> � •� ` epp�ieable �sw, Vcua4�ee ahntl �Ive pubil� noUce o4 aate to t6ne peraons nnd In tRne manrtec presa�ibed by <br /> eppllcabte tew. Trustee. wittwut d�r�m+nd on �orrowrer, e�71 sell the Property m1t pubtio e�uc4�on +�o 'the <br />==;'�� � � hlpltea4 bidder et the Ume end pteo� nnd ue9er tfee terms dosipnated In t�e�otice of eale In one er more <br /> � � pe�e�ls and in amt order T�ueteo determines. Ycuatee may poalpon0 eaie of att or any pa�cel 04 the �� <br />�� Pto�pmriy by public anrtoancement at the timo and ptace of �ny provtoaNy scheduled sate. Lender or itt <br /> t �.� �. dosip�ee m�y p�rehaae the Properly et any sate. <br /> _-____._-___ _ ��r ve���4 nt �vmemt ot the vrice bid, Trustee e�o-n7t del(ver to the purehmser Twstao'a deed <br /> � �a�ey0yi�� tt�e Properry. YDt�feClldag 111 �ii8 �7Y6t00'C BCC�i 9lt311 �36 ¢9PjIQ0.3 6�t3� £rb'��a6iiG8 S� !."� L�e.Mle �t �._.. <br />_ � � �� �, �lstemeMs m�de theroin. T�aatee ahatl �+ppty the proceeda ot the aa9a in t��e totto elnt of the T�stae'a =___ <br /> ., ,�, cost� end o�enscs �f exerciatnq the power of aale, end the aate� Inc[udlnp the paym =__ <br /> „ 400a sctt+a9ty i��wrred,rtot to exceed 9 _ 96 of the principa� amount of the note at the fime ot _— <br /> tho dmet�retton of defeult, and�casone�fla ettornoy'a foes as permitt�d by tew; (b)4o nil aums oecurc� by <br /> � � th�BeLw�ity Ina�ment; artd (c) any exacs�+t� the pa*�n or p�reons lepatty eMltied tm it ;:;�;,,� <br /> ' �": .?°.t. �OCOIritOyEDCC.UA� Ps1�t o4 eH sums cecurod by thb Seaur�r tnaUumen�Londer ohaY roquest Thistne M rticom�el► the p:,Y-_ <br /> ' p�Cporty ered 6ha/surtenddr thb&oeuM InatrumoM and nll notua or7denoh�debt cecurod by thb 8ecuri�l lnatrumett to Ytuttor. Yn�Ebo <br /> shaY�com�eY 4Ro PnaP�1►wltho�t wemnt�r an�witfiou!charpe to tha P�on or paraona te�ayl�bd to R.51eah paaon or per�ona etW _ <br /> � pay cny reacrdntlon eosto. <br /> : <br /> , :< <br /> -------,--- - . . � - --� ---_u � �.'------- r.rtr fn anv �.�` �. <br /> --_ <br /> ---�-.,:...--------- n . <br /> 6�. S�bstl�ute TrusLoe• ���8t �$Op��l� f�y�111 �h1�� tt1�0�16110 tINS[��O qt�Y�n • ^�---� '- —' . <br /> . •• ' TruBt�o cs�oinus�h�rcunder br en t�swmsnt �eeorded h tlho counh h wnbn tnNs Ss�curtqr Instrumar►t ts r000Med.wlMout ca�ve�rarta ot <br /> - , tho PreP�Y.sittxoseor int3tee sha�stbCeeO t�d the tkb.powar md duUes c�lerted upon Truste9 here5t und by aAPl�Ir�w. <br /> .. ' 26, peq0lQat bl NOUCBS. Bomower re4uesta thnt coptes ot the notices ot detauR and eale o0 6es+t to Borrowere tddr�saf whkh � , <br /> - . Is tho property Ad�s. �t, <br /> 26. Ridere to thls SeCU�ily InBMtl�tent� tt one or more �ldixe are exeeuted by estrower and roeorQed tt�p�lhu wAh t��a , <br /> a. 5ecur�y Instrmnont, tho cavenants �n0 e�roen+a►ta of each auch rider shaN b� Yecorporated into and s1x1 arnMSd nnd supplaMnt t1� .. <br /> covp,ante end egreemonts of thb SecaA�►Inatrument as Y tho dder(s)were e P�ot this Gecurtl�r Inatruma�+t corm eor�oloo � <br /> �, caooau�a t+oJC�1 Pap�4 0l 6 <br /> 091 <br /> ', --_ —..--,.-,c-....,-�_,—_._�—•..._....__.��_—��._ <br /> � — — -- ---- -- - —-- <br />