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<br /> ' 16r Barra�ver's Copy.8orrawer shall be Biven one conformed copy of the Nate and ot thia Security Instrument. �-
<br /> � • 17.'Cran»tcr of the Propert or a Benoficial lntore�t in Bor�ower. lf all or a�y part of ttie Praperty�r any "
<br /> interest itt it iA�old or tranaterred�ar if a benoYicioi int�rat in Horrowor ia sold or tru�aterred and Harrowor�a not u
<br /> nutural pesson)withaut I.ender's pnor wrttten cansent,I.ender mny,at i�s aption,require im mediate payment in tull o� 1:
<br /> all sums �ecured by thfs Securicy Instrument. Nowaver,thie aptian shall not be dzercised by Lender if exercir,e is
<br /> prnhi bited by federul low es ot the dnte of this 3ecurity Instrunsent,
<br /> � lt I.ender exetcise:�thia��ption,I..ender shnll give Aurroaer natice oi nccelerntion.The notice ahall provide a period ..
<br /> " ' of not le.ss then 30 days irom the dnte the notice ia dalivered or mailed withln�vhich Rorrower must pay all sums secured
<br /> � -• t�y thiaSecurity Instrurncnt.If Borrower faile to pay these sums Prinr to the expirutiori ot this peri��,I.onder may invake
<br /> uny remedte.s permittedby thia Security Instrument�vlthout[urther notica ar demand on Dorcoaer.
<br /> ' l8. BOfiOWBl�A Rigbt to Relastt►te.It Borrower rneate carwin conditions Horrower ahull huve the ri�ht to have _
<br /> •�� entorcement of this Secudty Instrument discontinue�ot any time prIor to tha ear�ier ot:(a)5 days(or such ather period
<br /> •�-• • as applicable lativ may spoc�fy for reinstatement)beYore sale ot the Propetty�ureuunt to anypo wer of sflte cantained in
<br /> � this Security Inatrumcnt; or(b) entry of a udgmont �ntorcinQ this Securtty Inatrument. Those coaditiona are that
<br /> ' Bano�ver. (a) puys Lender all sums which t�en would be duo under this Secutfty Instrument and the Note as ii no
<br /> acceteration had occurred; (b)cur�s ssny default of any othar covenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred irt '
<br /> sniorcin�thia Security Instrument,lacluding,but not limited to.teasonable attorneys'tees•end(d)takes such action as � o�`.:''
<br /> • I.endBr may reasonably require ta assure that the lian o4 this Security Instrument,Lender=s rlghte in the Property and _ __
<br /> Borro�ver'sobli�at�ontopay thdsumssecuredby thisSecuritylnauumentshallcontinuaunchanged.Uponreinstatement ___
<br /> : byBorrower,ttusSacurity�lnetrumentandtheobligationsaxuredherebyshallremainfullyefiecttveasitnoacceleration ��,.''°-
<br /> � had occuned.However,this right to reinstuteshall not apply i n the case of acc�loratlon under paragraph 17. -__-
<br /> 19.�ole oi Nota;Cbsnge o!Loan Servicer.The Note or a partial interest in tha Nota(to�ether with this Security �`"
<br /> lnstrument)may be sold one or more times aithou4 pdor nottce to Borrower.A sale mey result�n a chenge tn the entity �_
<br /> �: (knawn as the"i.�n Servicer"?that collects monthly pnyments due under the Note and this Se�curIty Inatrument.There ��=_=---
<br /> '� also may be one or moce chengea of the Loun SErvicer unrelated to a sale ai the Note.N there is a ct�ange oi the C.oan «�_�_
<br /> Servicer. Borrower Nill be given aritten notice�4 the chon a in accordonoe with paragraph 14 ahove and applicable law.
<br /> • � The notice wip atate the n�me and address oi the naw Lasn�rvicer end tQ�c�ddress to which paymente should be made. r'�-;,=:�-;,.
<br /> The notice will also contain any other intormation required by applicable laa. �,t,��z`'�`
<br /> ++ � 20. H�asrdoua Substences.Bnrrower shell not cause orpetm it the presence. use.dtsposul�etorage�or releas�oY ---
<br /> any Hau►rdous Substanoes on or in the Property.Borrocver shell not do.nor allow anyone else to do.onything a4i�cting �.__
<br /> �'� thB Property thet is tn violatian ot any Environmental Law."Tho preceding two sentences el►all not epply to the pre.sPnce. �^�--
<br /> ' use, or etorage on the Property of amall quanttties ot Hazardoua Substances that ato generally recogn�zed to be ____
<br /> � . appro�priate to normal residenttai uses and to meintenanceof tho Property. --_
<br /> „ �= Borrower shall promptly give Lender arttten notice ot uny investigatIon,cicum.daman�,laaeutt or other action by �:--_-
<br /> � „ any governmental or regulatory agonay or private party involving the Property and any I'lnzerdous Subetanca or
<br /> , � Bnvironmentel Laa of�hioh florronar hnv actual knowledge.Ii Borrower learna,or ie nottfied by any governmental or
<br /> _ , �gulfltnry authorlty, that any removaS or other remedtation ot uny Hazetdaus Substance atfecttng thd Pcoperty is
<br /> <� � - * nexessary�Borrower shall pmmptl�tuke all necessary reri►edial aations in secardance aith Bnvironmental L.aw. __
<br />: �,. As used m this p�rngraph 20, Hamrdous Substances"are thosa substnnces detined as toxic or hazardous su6stances
<br /> by Environmental La�v end the following substoe�c�a gasoline,kerasene�atfier tlam mablo or toxto peuoleum products,
<br /> ` � wx�c pestictdes and herbicides, volAtilo solvents, materiale contciii�►in asbestos ar larmaldehyde, und radioaedve
<br /> t g
<br /> mater�als.As used in thia parogtaph 20,"�nvironmental law'means tederal lawa and lawa of tho jurisd�ction where the
<br /> „ � � Property islocntedthatrelatetohealth,safotyorenvironmentalprotection.
<br /> NON-UMFORM CUV8NAN15.Bnrrower t►nd Lender further covenant and agree as tolion�
<br />-� . 2t. Acceleraticnm; Remedies. Lender sbsll giva notice to Bonower QrIor to eeceleration iollowing
<br />-s� BorroWer's breach o4 aay covenant or agceement in this Sect�rity Iastrument(but not prIor to acceleratioa
<br /> uader par�gap6 l7 unless�ppllcsble loa providos ot6arwise)."fhe notice sh�llapaiiy:(a)t�o deiault;(b)the
<br /> � aotion required to curo the de4awlt; (a) a date.aot lasa th�n 30 days trom the dwte the notica is given to
<br /> ' ',� ti l�anow�r.by ahic6 the defauEt�auot be cured;and(d)thnt iailure to cure the default oa or before the dite
<br />- .. aps.cltied in the notice may eeault in uaceluratton of tse eure�e secund by this Seeurity Ynstrumeut�ad sate oi
<br /> .�.�1• .:�� tho Proparty.The notice shall ia►rther iaform Bonower of tha rtght to rainatate�iter acceleration and the
<br /> •� rlg�t to briag a court aotioa to assert tuo noa�eYistenca of a detault or any other detease oi Bonower to _
<br /> . .v�� 7n , acceleration and sale.It tho dofnult;a aot cured an or Oetoce the dste specitied in ihe notice. I.eader.at ita
<br />- �;� option, msy require imniedietcs ppy�nent ta tull oi aQD seucrns secured by t6ia Security Instrument without
<br /> ' � � � ' turt6er domind �ad map invofte the �SOwer of salo affid any other reme0�ea per�reitted by appltcable lew.
<br /> " , !���� Leader shail bo entitled to collesct nll ex�cnses incurnd in purauing the nmedies provided in this par�gesph
<br />-� . + . 21.includiag,but n�t li miWd to.roaaanable ar.uorn�ya'teers wd costs oi tttle evtdencx. ____
<br />�+ � � �..:Y, If tlte pawer of sile is iuvn6�d��'rustee a'hall recot��aotice oi default In uch county in wbtc�a�y part oi
<br /> the Property ta located aad eholi meil copies of such noAice in the menaer prescri6cd bq�epplicable Id�v to
<br /> '��;''� i equieed b
<br /> ar� •.�• Borcowar and to t6e oti�er�aer�auas prescribed by appIl3cable law.Attor the t me r y appltcable law.
<br />` `"•���t��l�r Trustee s�ell givo publie acostucce cu?eale to t6o�reosaeo�md ln thz m�nner prascrlbed by appItesble Isvr.Trustee.
<br /> - ' ''°'���T' withou4 demsnd axs Bortower.s6a11 se11 the Frop��ty et public auction to t6e 6ighest bidder�t tha time and
<br />-,.:��...
<br /> -_____ .�....� �larrw a�r!��RLIwr tEyw�orlg�I�sgigt�eted in the Qenties t►P �le ia one or more o�rc�ls aad in any order Trustee _
<br /> -" •�• ��- detetmeaes.Truste�may pvstpone sale ufi mb�vr any Parcet nf tLn 1'ruporiy by public�nnuunceme�nt et 1Le �-_
<br /> - ' �° tiene and placa oi any pnviously schodulad sale. E,encaer or its deaigneo may purchase the Prapesty a!any
<br /> - ..;;.:}" sale. �_.--
<br /> �,��,.�s>`n e=::
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