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<br /> . RE•RFCORDEtl 99'11.����9 ��°' ��1.��0 „
<br /> '. � at the optian ot I.ender, if mottgage insurence cnvemge (in the atnount nnd for the period thnt Ixndar rcquires�
<br /> pravided by an insurer approved by lxndec again becomes available and is obtoined.Borrn�vcr ql�eH pay the premiumn
<br /> . , required to mnintain mortgaIIo insurnnce in eYfect.or to provide o loes reserve, until the requirement for m�actgnge
<br /> insucance ends in accocdunce with sny�vritten agt�ement between Aortawer and[,ender ar upplicnble law.
<br /> 9.Inepection.l.snder or ita agent may muke ceasonable entries upon nnd inspectians ot the Pruperty.Ixndor shall
<br /> give Borro�ver notice at the timeof or prior to an inspectlon specifyinQ reasonable cause far the inspectic►n.
<br /> i0.Condamnutlon.The pracaeds o4 any a��ard or clntm for domaa�,direct or consequ:ntial,in cunnection with
<br /> � eny oondr�mnation or other taising ot any part of th�Propeety,or for rnnv�ynn��e in lieu nf coodemnotion,ore hereby
<br /> • arsigned and ehnll be patd t�Lender.
<br /> ' In tha event ot a totet taking ot the Property. the proceeda at►all ba npplied tu the aums cecured by this Security
<br /> •�� Instrument,whether or not then due,with any exoess paid to Borroaer.In the event of e parttal tn�ing of the Property in
<br /> •� which the tair market value of the Propetty irtnmedtntely be4ore the taking ts equal to or grest�r than the nmount af the ;.�:'�
<br /> sums secared by this Security Instrument immediately betore the takinII,uatess Hc�rroaeP nnd I.endec otheraise ngree ;
<br /> in�vritin�.the sums secuted by th�a Security Instrument shnll ba reducrd by the amaunt ot the proceeds multiplted by �:_�;�_:
<br /> the tallowin�fraction:(a)the totsil amount of the sume secured immediutety before the tt►6cing,divided by (b)the�nit ,,i�:,
<br /> merket valae oi the Property immedtutely bafore the taking. AnY balunco shall be pa�d ta Hnrrower.ln the ovent ot a ,___
<br /> � � partial taking of the Pmperty in Nhich the iair market value of the Property immedia4ely b:fore the talcing is less thAn �ti_'.?!'Ilf
<br /> the amount of the sums secured irnmedia�ly botoro the taking,un1e�BorroNer and I.ender otherwise ogre.e in wrlting
<br /> �°.�.._
<br /> . or unless upplicnbte law otherwise pravides. the Prnceeds $h°�) be applied to the surne sexurcd by thia Security �p�°:_
<br /> �� : � Instrument whether or not tha surns are then due. -
<br /> It the Property is abandcanod by Barrower.or ii,ufter notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to �'
<br /> mak�an award ar settle a claim for damages, Borrower fnils to rc�spond to Lender withln 30 days after the date the �
<br /> � � notice iR given,I.ender is authodzed to oollect and apply tha ptaceeds,at its option,either eo reston►tion or repair ot the _;- -
<br /> PropFsrty or to the suma secured by thia Security inscrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unlesg Lender nnd BorcoNer otherntse agcee in writing.at►Y 8PPlication oi praceeds to principal ehall not extend or �`__-_'��
<br /> :<� � hs 1 and 2 or ahange the omount oY such
<br /> � '� possgaone the due date of the monthly payrments reierred to in patab�'ap __
<br /> ,�.� paymente. . ..__
<br /> l l. Bonower Not ReD�ased;Forbtarance By Leader Not a Waiver. Ex2ensiun of the time for pay�nent or
<br /> modification oi amorttzetion ot tha sumis secured by thta Security Instrument grented by Lender to any successor in
<br /> ' �. intetest of Borrower shell not operate tu release the liability of the otiginal Barrower or Borvower's successots ia _
<br /> `ti, . intecest.Lender shall not be tequired to commence prcxeed;�88 8b�ainet any suocessor in intorsst or teYuse to extend
<br /> time for paym�nt or othenvi�a trradi�Y amortization of tha sume secured by this Sacurity Inatrument by reeson of any
<br /> ._ _ .�- ���t�a�le by the arigIna3 Bonower or Borrowec's successors in interest.Any[orbearnaoo by Lendar i��ex�rrcising
<br /> `r " any right or remetly shalt not be a waiver oi or pteclude tha exercise oi any righc o�io�ia��Y. __:_
<br /> l2.Succesaors and Asglgms Bouma7;doint aad Several Lia�ility;Co-sl�ners.The cuvonnnts and u nsements
<br /> of thIs Security Inatrument shall bind atnd benefit the successors and a�b'ns of Lender and l3omoaer,�sb�et�ta tha
<br /> � , " provisions of patagreph 1�.�rrowec's covenants and ogreements shall be joint and savaral,As+�Bosrower who•a�m�ssigns
<br /> •c;'a- �° �' tt►ia Security Instrument bu2 does not esecute the Note: �s) is co signing thia Sgscurity Inateument only to•morRgago,
<br /> •��'�` grant and convey that Borr�rer's interest in the PropettY under the terme of thia Se�ur3ty Instrurt�enu(#!�•ie not
<br /> . . ` personally obligated to pay the suma secured by this Securtty Instrument;and (c) agc+�ee�tD4pt Lender and�ny other
<br /> � • Borroaer may agree to ex�end,modify,�¢a8ear or make any accommodations with rogsnd t�o 4i.".a cerms oi�th�e�a,eurity
<br /> Instrument or the Note without that Borro�ver's consent.
<br /> l3. Loan Chargea.1[tho loan secored by this Security Instrument is subject to a taw whiah sem masimum loan _
<br />_ • chnrges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chArgas collected of ta bs collactod in _
<br /> �=:�-.�.,�-:� c�onnection with the loan eacced the permitted limits,then: (eI �+Y��h loan churg�shall be reduoed t�y tha amount
<br />_{� ��"'°"�`"'=r. ne�ssary to redu�e the charge to the pecenitted limjt; and (b) amy aume alm.udy coll�cted fram Botroaar whIoh
<br /> ' ^�ri.,,,�
<br /> 1..;,`,_,__._� exoeeded permitted llmita will be retunded to Borrower. Lender may chooso to mnke thts refund by reduti�n� t e
<br /> "_�'?�=�-� principal owed under the Notec�r by maQcing a direct payment to Hosrower.If a refund reduces principal.thvreduct�on
<br /> `�:`'f�•� aiii be treuted as a pactiel pn�+�ayrnent aithout any prepayment chnrge under the hSoto. �
<br /> _,�i;:.:;:, P
<br /> • �::•• 14. Notices.Any notic�to Borrower provided for in this Secunty Instr�s�►�re shull be given by delivering it or by
<br /> "" ' � meiling it by 4ipst ctess mail unlea�s app3ilcable!aw requires vse of anather metAai.Tha notice ahait ba dit�cted ta Lh�
<br /> �="'` � property Address or uny other address�a>moaer designotes by nozioe to I.ender.Any notice t�Lender shall ba gtvon by ,,111e,,,
<br /> , .
<br /><;.,:+..;:�.
<br /> :-.-k7,•-,� Crst clnss mail w L.ender's addt esv stated heroin or any othec adc}ress Ler►dor desi�ttates by notice to$ortower, y
<br /> :�� na�sa provided for in this Sacurity Instrument shcill be deemed to heve bEen�ivgn to Borrower ur Lender when given
<br /> .�m ao�rsav�ded in this paragcc{ph.
<br /> �±' 13. Oovestaing L�aw;Sev�r�biliey.Thia Security Instrument shall ba gaverned by federal law and the laa of the
<br /> .4� �'.:... ,�
<br /> '`'�".'L':��-_�_ juri:,Fllcti�m in��hich the Pr�+�r*y+a incated•in the event that any provision or clauss of thie Security Insuument or �: [_
<br /> _-""'"' �'� Note oontiicrs with uppl�cnble law,such confliot ahafl not att�t othec provicions of thi;;�ECtirity Instrumcnt or ihc>lnte
<br /> �" �vhiah can be given eifect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisIone ot this Security Instroment and `
<br /> Q , the Note are declared to he s�veraMe. --- -
<br />- •: Y' Form 8088 �/'D r._`
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