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<br /> Upuu rccelpt oi paymeat of 3ha prtce bid. Trustee ahell deliver ta tha purch�sor Trua4ee'R deod `�+li;.
<br /> caavoying the PruRaety. The recitale in the Tru�Mef��eeds t he ael0tla tP�e tollow�nAOrdce: (e)tatell co,te L
<br /> et�tennentR mAde theroit�. Truetee Abalt epply th p II • �'�'
<br /> end ex�SanscA of exerci�Ing the power of eele. and the���`h0 P;QCip��omOUAmO t tbe not at the timeeof t.�'�
<br /> " actualiy inousred.oot tn excead '���' g��CeS�B afmittad by law;(b)to ail sums seaurad by thiA �`��
<br /> ` the deoleratdon at default.end reasonnble attorney P .�,
<br /> �� j Sc.utity Inst:ument;aud(e�Auy exces,�to the p�rs�n or persoas legally xntitled to l��d�shall r�equ�t Truxc�e �'�-:.
<br /> ' ' � � 2 2. i teconvo yaace.Upon payment af ol!aums secured by th(a Seaurity Inatrument, °
<br /> ''} to reconvey the Property and ehnl! sureender this S e cu r ity Ia e trum e n t a n d u l l n o t e s e v i d e n d n�d ebt�ecured by this _
<br /> ,�____ ,
<br /> ;;;;�.�`��, Securlty ln�trumant ta Trustee.Trustee ehall eeconvey the Propsrty without wunanty and withaut chnr�e to the persan `�-
<br /> `b �^�*�--°'�'`� ar persons te�elly entitled to it.Suoh ptsrson or persona shull pay snY recordattaa cogta• Y W
<br /> � 23. Substltuto Truatee. Lendar.at its opdan,may from time to tima romova Trustee and nppoint n successor ^,A,
<br /> � trustea to any Teuvtee appainted hereunder by an instrument recor d e d i n t h a c ou nt y in whiah thie�urity Instrument ia �«
<br /> ' recorded. Wtthout conveyanca of tha Property,tha successor trustee shall succee� to ult the titie. power and dutics -
<br /> fi conterred upon Trustee herein and by appltcabla law. "�-
<br /> ,. '��.' . 24. Request for Noticea. Borrower requests thet copies of the notices ot default and eale be sent ta Horrowar's _
<br /> address ahich ie tha Ptoperty Addrese.
<br /> � 2S. Rlders to this Security Instrument.If ona or mure riders are oxecuted by Horro�ver and recorded together
<br /> � ._ : ,�� with this Security Inauument,tha wvenante and agreemsnte of each suoh rtdar ahall be incorporated into and ehall
<br /> ., .`� � amend nnd supplement the covenants and ageeemcnts of thls&�curity lnstrument es if the rider(s) were a part ot this
<br /> ° SECUrity Inatrument.[Check appltcable box(es)] 1-4 Family Rid�r
<br /> Adjustabla Rate Rider Condomituum Rdder -.
<br /> praduated payment Rider Plasuied Unit Developmsnt Rider S��d�Hom�Rider�der
<br /> � Balloon Rider Rate Improvement Ittder
<br /> `;
<br /> � VA Rider Other(s) [speetiy]
<br />�:r,�:, �
<br />�y",..;..
<br />;+;;- :; BY SICiIJINO BELOW. Borrower accepta and a�roes to thd terme and covennnts contained in thia Secutity
<br /> '- '"�;�V ]t l H t t tlfri8nt 8nd in any ri�ci(s)�ssxuLsd by BQrr�w�t and n�e\r��'ith it.
<br /> .;�-� � ,.,�
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