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<br /> �";��, paynieata mAy no IonAer be required,at r�be optton ot Lender.if martBAge inaurunce covernIIe(la�the ac�ount and for the perfad �: _
<br /> �r,�� that Lcridec requires)pmvided by nn insurcr approved by Lendar Again becomes avuilable and is obt�iae�.Borco�ver ahall pay
<br /> ., �" the premiums required to muintuin mortBage iasnr�nce in effect,or to provido a los�reserve.uatil the requireacent far mongage �'�_.:.
<br /> ��' insurauce end�ia ncCOrdAncc v.+ith u�Y�'mitten ugreement between Hoirower nnd Lender or uppltcubie law. _:.=-
<br /> • 9.Iaspection.Lender oe i�a Agent may muke rensonable entcles upon uad Inapecdons of the Property.Lender ahnll givo �;�::
<br /> ' Borrovier notice at the time of or Prior to nn iqspection sgeciFjring roasonable cttuse for the inspection.
<br /> � 10. Con�emuu9lofii.'fho pracccds of any at�rnrd or clttim for dama�es, dire�ct or consequentl�l, t�•���aon��i��►y �.F
<br /> . n
<br /> =�� coademnntioa or other t�kinQ of aay ps�tt of ttte Psoperty,or for conveynnce In Ileu of condemnation,are hereby usslgned aad _
<br /> �'-' ` shaU be puid to Lender. -
<br /> --•���� In the event of n total takinII of the Pcoperty.the proceeda shall be upplied to the sums secun�d by thia Securlry Inauumeat� _
<br /> R whetber or not tkQa due.with any e�cess puid to Borrower. Ia the event of a parti�l takinQ of the Property ln which tho fair
<br /> ��� � mneket velue of tha Propctty immedintelY bsfore the takin� [a equAl to or greater tttun the amount of tha awns ser.ured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrumeut immedtataly before the tekin�, wdess Borrower nnd 1.eader otherwise agree ia v+ritina,tha swns se�used by
<br /> � thio SeeucIry Iastrumeat sh�li be reduced by the ataount of tbe procezds muldplIed by the follqvvinB fraction: (a)the totsl
<br /> • � � amount of the sums secured Imraedtately before tho takinQ, dlvidal by (b)the falr matket velue of tha Pro�erty imnaediately
<br /> '� , befom the takiaB. Any buleace shall be puid to Borrower. In the cvent of a pattial teking of the Pcogeit,y an which the fair
<br /> ` mazket valuo of thc Progerty immediataly bBfore the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured ix�nedlately before tka
<br /> Uildng,unless Borrowar and Lendar othenvts$agree ln wtlttag or unless applicable luw othsrwise pmvldes,the procceds shall
<br /> bo applied w the swns secured by this SecurIty Instrument whether or not the sums aro then due. _
<br /> If the Pcoperty ie abaadoaed by Boaower,or ii,a9tcr uodce by Lcndec to Batrouer that the condemnor offatr� t���►
<br /> �' award or seule a claim for damages� Borrower faiIs to respond to Leader wiWin 30 duys after the dnie the notice is given,
<br /> , LUnd�+r is authorizal to collect and apply the proceeds,at ita opdan,either to mstoratiou or repair of the Ptopacty or to the sums _
<br /> : ,.�:; " sa:wad.by.r7�.ua Secuttry Iasnu�aent�whether or aot then due.
<br /> Untes�s Lender and Barrawer ot}�erwise a�C+ee ta writinB, �Y aPPlt�n�of praxeds to priaclpal ehaU aot extead or
<br />- postpone the duo date of the monthly payments referrerl te iA ParnB�P�1 �►d 2 ar chnpge the amount of such payments.
<br /> � `~� 11.Bon+ower Not Released;ForbeuraRCe II�r fl�ender Na!a Wutver.Bxtension of the time for payment or�odiftc�tion
<br /> of rwnortlzulon of the sua�s secured bY thia SecurjtS'last�nettt granted by Leader to aay successor W iatereat�of Borrower ahaU
<br />_ .: �s not operate to release the llabiliry uf¢?�$orlRiufil Borrower or Borrower's successors in inter�t•Lender shaU not be ra►ulred to
<br />_�;;;�:t,S '� m���p�dings ngaipst any successor in Wterest or rett�se to eatend dme for payment or othecwise moditj►amortlzation
<br /> '"��-� of tho sams secured t►y tbis Security Instcument by reason af aay demand made by the arfgiant Bomower or Bonrower s
<br />.,��'i?�_ succzssors in interesc. Aay forbcarauw�y Lcndcr ia exercf�3ag an;rl�hs or*!��y ehell nn:bo a waiver of or�rxlude the
<br />- ;_�� . • exercice of eny dght or remedy.
<br /> 'rn.=�-�:'�'�' L�. Buee�ssors a�cd Asstg�s Baund; Jotnt end Several LlabiUty;Co�atgnere. 'I1ie covcnants and a�ents of this
<br /> _�.=LL'`'���, Securlty Instmment shrall biad and benefit the successots and assigns of Lender and lsonrower, subject ro We provialattn of
<br /> ._�-�r-j�,{ pnragmph 17. Borrower's covenants aad agreements shall be joint aad ueveral. Any Borrower wLo co-signa this 5ecvdti►
<br /> - �ent but does not execute the Notc: (a)Is oo•s�gnin8 this Securit�► Iasuvment only to mortgegc. grnut and convey that
<br /> ��*;=�1 � 8orrawer's interest ia We Property under the tectas oY tbia Securtty Insuvment;(b)is not personally obliQnteQ ta pay che sums
<br /> —.-�°��'� secured by this Sccurlty Insuument;and(c)n8rees that Lender and eAY other Bornower may agreo to entend�modifY�fotbear or
<br />,"n�;r,�,
<br />�:��� make any eccomuiodations vvtth regnrd co tho ceims of tbis Securizy Ynsuument or the Note witlaout that B�rower's consent.
<br />-_�'�-^rr _ 13.Loan Charges.If the loan secured by thia Securlry Jasm�ment is subjeci W n law w�ich seta maaimwn loan ckargq.
<br /> --=��� and that law is finaUy �ateipreted so that the inecrest or other loan char�es coll�or to be oollcetal ia cnnnoctton wIth the ' -
<br /> ��' � loan eacaed the permittal limita,thon:(u)enY such loan charge shall be reduced by the umount nxGSSary to reduc,et the charge
<br /> -- —° ro tha pertuiued limit: and(b)any sums already collected fmm Bormwer which eacocded perntitted 1lmita wi11 bo nfluidod to
<br /> - - Borrow�s. Q,ender may choose to malce�hfs ref�ad by roducfng the priacipaf owed under t6e Notc ot by n�B�out}any
<br /> .�- `��; : P�{yment ta Borrower. If a reti�ad reduces principal. the reductiom wUl be matod es a parttal Png�Yme
<br /> , �[epnyment charge under the Note.
<br /> -�-�-�� 14.Nattaw.Any nottce co Barrower provided for ia thia Security Insaumoat shall be glvea by dali�ucri�g it or by mafling
<br /> -:•_:a"'�"'� it by first�lags muiI ualess appiicnblo!nw requlres use of another method.'iLB not�ao slu�ll be diraxed to the Pcoperty Addreas _
<br /> �,�—; or any ather address Bormwer dct�i�aatcs by nottce to Lender. Any nodoe to Lender ahnll be glvcn by First class mail co
<br /> _...`� I�,�1E,';addr�s��lat�henela or a.ny nrt�pr ndMess Lender desiRnutes bY aotice to Bornower. Any no3ioe providod for in thie
<br /> ��v..� Secrority lnsteument ehall be deemed to heve beea given to Botrower or Lende.x when glvCU ea pcovEdcd�:t ttEs p�r'•s�c:.�r�. , :
<br /> '—� iS.Governiag 1lln'�+i �'�bwt3'• T�e S��Y ��ent shnll be goveraed by fedeiz�l law and the law of the
<br /> ,::;;'::� jurlsdiction in which ihe propertY ia located. In the eveat that anjr pmvieioa or clnuse of tWs Sxndry Instivment or the.Nota .
<br /> ""_�- ��_" oontitas.n�vith applicable law,such contitct shall uot affect ot�er prmvis[ons of this Socudty�nsuumcnt or the lVote whtc�cna be
<br />- _�=y°$�� given aF6ect wtthout the confltcting pmvision.To this end the provisfoas of thta�Cauity�aa2rument tm�d the Note are daclared
<br /> ���; to be severable.
<br /> ��� , 16.Bormwer's�q}�y.Borrower sBull be given one conformed copy of the Note and of tbia Se�urity Insl:ument.
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