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<br /> ° S. �zned or 1�o�ety Innumnee. Borco�vGr ehull iceep the improvomeats now exisNnB or bee�after ere.eted on the �"
<br /> PropectyJ ineured ngnla�t losa by ftre. huzurds included wlthin tho teem"extended eavereIIe"and any other bozntds. Ineluding
<br /> floods ar ftooding, for which Lender cequirea insumace. Thia lnsurnnce shull be rauintuined In the umouats and for tho perloda
<br /> re uir�s.'i'he insuranoe carrier mvidin the lnauennw ahull be chosen by 8orrower subJect to L�ender's nppravnl ��=,
<br /> that Lender q p B �
<br /> ��� � which eh�ll not be w�reasonubly withheld. If Botrower fa11s to nWntaln covemge descdbed nbove. Lender muy, nt l.ender'o „
<br /> . opdon,abtain coverage ro protect Lender's rlglita la the 1�mperry in accorduace�vitt►purugraph 7.
<br /> ' �� AU insumnce policies and renewuia ahalt be uccepmble to Lender and sunil iacludo a standard �uo�rgqge clause.lr�nder �-_....
<br /> �.t shall have the right to hold the galicIes aud rena�vala.If I.ender requires.Borrower ahtill promptly give w Lendcr n!1 recelpts of `'
<br /> � '� ° paid premiums and reaev�ul notices. In the event of loss.Borrower eht�ll give pmmps natice to the Insuraace curtler und Leuder.
<br /> ;;�'s�� Lender mny make pwof of loss it'aot mRde pmmptiy by Borro�ver. ;�
<br /> . z�.�,..�1►` Unleas E�ender and Borrower otherwise agree in wridng. insurnnce prareeds ehall be applied to reatorndon or rep�ir of the
<br /> �>� • % Progerty damnged.if We restorntion or repair is economicnily feasible and Leader's aecurlty is not lessened.If the restomtion or r�=
<br /> repair ia not economicapy feasible or I.ender's secuelty would be lessened� thc+insuraace praceeds shaU�s eAplied to the sums :.
<br /> • '� secured by ehis Security Insaument. �vhether or not then due, with uay excc�s ps►id to Borrower. 1f Borrower abaadons the _--
<br /> • Property, or does not aasurer witbin 30 days a notice from Lender that th�ia9urnnce currler has offered to sett18 a claim, thea �
<br /> �� Lender may coqect the insuraace proceeda• Leader mny use the proceeds ta repair or restore the Fraperiy or to pay sums ___
<br /> , secured by thIs Security Instmment.whetlier or aat then due. The 30�iay pErlasl will begin when tha notice is given.
<br /> . , . UNeas Lender and Borrower otherwise agreis In Wrltimg. enY ePPlicatian oY pra�eeds ta prjnctpal sha11 nat eactsnd or
<br />�: . postpoae the due date of the mondily p�ymeats referred to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the nraount of the paymente.If unde�
<br /> �, . paragraph 21 the Propecty is acquired by Lender, Boxrower's rlght to any iasurance policies and procceds resuttinB fru�n
<br />_ ., '�• damage to the Pmperty PrEor to the acquisidan ehall pass to Lender to the exteut of the suma secured by th3s Securlty Insuument
<br /> ';�;:� a immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br />;tm ISF; .,.. . 6.Oocupancy,Preservatiom,Matntennnee und P�ot�ion of the ProPeprtyi��wer's Loan Appltcattont Lcs�sset�olds.
<br /> _ 'ti Bo�ower shNl occupy.establlsh,and uso the Property as Bormwer's principal msideaccs within sixty days after tbe exxution of
<br />- . thio 5ccurIty Iastcume.nt eud ahall continue to oocupy tha Property as Borrower'�s prlacipal residence for st least oae yeur ufter
<br /> �� '' the date of occupanry.unless Lender otheiwlse ngree.a In wrldng,whic�consent shnll ttot be unreasonobly witl�hetd.or unless
<br /> _�:,�;;,�:'",..� , eatenuating clnnumstances exist w�fch are beyoad Boarower's coatrol. Bormwer ehaU not destroy� damage or impair tke
<br />-"�t�-. '� }�ZOperty� allow the Property to detedorate, or commic waste oa the Prop�ty. Borroaer shaU be in default if any forfeiture
<br />---,�=.:..,..; action or proceedin8, whether civll or crlminal.is begun th�Y in Leader's�ood faith judgment coidd result in farfeiture of the
<br />�'� Property or otherwtse materiaUy 1�npalr the lien created by tbis Securlty Insavm.nt ot Lender's secudry iaterest.Borrower may _
<br /> ��=�,�%;�;;i;9� cu:e sueh a default end reinstate�as pmvideci in paragraph i8,bY causmg d'ai uctivn Gi'prois�iilg iG CS 'i.a'bml�Gd�sitli:sul3ag �
<br />�f;°`;���'''�''" that, in Lender's good faith deterndnation, precludes forfeiture of che Hamower's incerest in che I>mperty or other material
<br /> 1�A'il��..,t , ' �
<br /> ;;:;,,;�?'�:�+,��' inapNrment of the Uen created by thts Security Inatrument or Lender e secutiry iutezese. Horrower shull also be un daf�ult!
<br />��;,',I;��• Bosrower�during cha loaa agplicadon process�gave materiully false or ina,ocurnte iaformation or statementa to Lend�s(or failed
<br /> =�v�� a pmvide Lender wtt2i eny matedal information)in counection with the loan evidenced by tl�e Note�including.but not lfmited
<br /> 3ht`,rn�'� .ar�+'
<br />�:__�_�;��u��°°�° ro,represeatatfons concerniag Bomower's occupancy of the Property as a prtadpul residence.If tWa Sacuriry pnsmmient is on a
<br />��=���" leasehold, Botrowet shall comply with all We proviaious of the lease. If Borcower acqui�s fee title to the P�+oparty, tice
<br /> �� .
<br />�ft�;;� leasahold and the fe�dtle shall not merga unl�.s Lendor agress to the merges in wtitiag.
<br />�.,,�...�;. •
<br />�;;�.,,�� 9.A+utectton of Lender's Rtghts in the Prapeity.If Sorrower f�ils w ptrform the wvenunta nnd agcxmenta contained
<br /> �=s����.���� this Securlry Inst¢ument,or thero ts a legat pmcceding�hnt mny signiflcantly affe.ct Lender's rtghta in the Propert3►tauch as a
<br /> __����� pra�ding in bankruptcy, pmbate� for coademnaHon or forfeSttu+e or to�afor�lawa or regulatioasl,thea Lender may do nnd
<br /> �r� pay for whatever is nccessary to protect the valuo of tho Property ond Lrudea's dghts in the Propetiy. Leader's ectioais may
<br />---� - includa paying any sums sccured by a lien which hna priorlty over this Security Itt�mtment� aPP�B ��� PeY�
<br />'_:;;� reasonable attomeys' fees and cnt�ring on the Fropecty to make repaira.Although I,e�sler may wka acdon uader tlus ParngraAb
<br /> =- - 7',Leader does uat have to do so.
<br /> - - Any amoursts disbursed by Lendar uader this paragraph 7 shall b�ome additional deht of�orrower sec�ucd by this
<br /> �^°w��=�1 Seeutity Instruiucnt. Untess Botrower ond Lender agree to other terms of paymenY�these amount�a2i�11 bear interest ft+om the
<br /> 3;;�; daTe of disb�usemenc ac rhe N�[e rate and �haU bc puyaE+i�e�with iutorest, upon notice from Lender to Bormwer teqt�esting -
<br />��t Psryme�tt.
<br /> �.—-�_� g.M�.���a tr�ssr�..�. If L�ader requirerl mor�gago inanrance as a oomsUtion of maktng the loan Recured by rhle 5ecuriry
<br /> --°---° Iust:ument. Burrower shall pay the premiuma required to mainuu�t�n eda tnorcguge iasurence in effecc. If,Wr wiy t�aSOn�thc �
<br /> �"'�'�" mortgage insuraneo caverage zequire�by Lendcr lupses or ceases to be ia effost.Boreower shaU puy the premiums riqtnircd to
<br /> -- a2rtain coveraIIe substanduUy equtvNent to tho anortgage ins�ueace�mvia�esly in effect,at a oost substantitlly equivalent to the
<br /> �k�`��?�'---_-_ oast to Borrower of the mengsge inaurance previously in effect,from an nitemate mortgage insurer approved by I.eadcr. If
<br />�ti�±°������ substnntinlly equivalent tnortgage insurance coverage is not availt�ble.Bormwcr shuU pay w Larder each month a sum equal to
<br /> -�:.-�.;�,���
<br /> y�;�,r,�_ one-tweifth of tho yearly mortgage insurauce premium beln�paid by Borroww�orr when tlie iasuraax coverage lupsai or aas to
<br />�`:'�'�'�`���'��'; be In effect.I.ender wlll uccept.use and retniu ihese payments as a losa �e in IiRU of mortBage lnsurnaoe. Loss teserva
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