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<br /> „ N�.�
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<br /> . � 9g� �o�.�z ._
<br /> or aa tacense !n tc ^
<br /> t7.R'mnsfcr of the Pcoperty or o BenePlclnl Interest In Borro�ver.lf nil or nay pact oP the Property y �
<br /> � ig sold or tronsferred(or l�I a baneficlal intcrest in Boeroaer ia sold ur triuisfeaei!nnd Barca�ver la uot u naturat parson)without
<br /> � ' I.cnder'R prior written ronsr,nt,l.ender may. nt itn aption, requiro fmmedtnte payment la fl�U oi uil sums securcd by chis �.�.
<br /> . Ser�.►xity lnstnamcnt.However. this optton ehn11 not bo exenlsed by Lender if exercise ie prohibited by federal lnw a�ot the dato �;;;,
<br /> of thia Securiry Insttwnent. 6.�.i
<br /> • ' If L,endor exercises this optlon.l.ender ehnil ivc Sarrotiver nottc�of accelerntion.'Ihe nollcA shnll provtda n peHed of aot ;"`
<br /> less thun 30 daya fro�n aie d�te Qia�it�ticc la dei�ver:d mr m�llect�vlthin�bhich Bornowee enuat pay nll sums secured by this � .
<br /> Security Instrument.If 8orrower fnila to pny the�e sums pdor to the expimtion of this gedod�Lender may invoko a►y reiaedies
<br /> ' _._.:_.� pemiltted by tdls Security Iasttument withaut furt�er naticeor demand�n Borro�ver. -�:-
<br /> 18. Dorrotiver's Riqht to I3etnstnte. If Borrotver mrxta ceetuia conditiona, Borrower e4all hnve the dght to hnvo �,
<br /> '"`"�� � enforcement of this Security Wsuument discantinued nt uay time pdor ta the eurlfer of: (n)S dnys (or such otber pertod as �_
<br /> � applicnble lnw may spectfy far reine�Atement) befora sale of the Pro erty pursuant to uny power of sato contained in tb�g �__
<br /> nauumeat.Those condidons nn�thut Bonower:(n)pa s �:�
<br /> gecuriry Inam�ment:or(b)eatry of a jud�menc enforcius thia Secwiry -_-
<br /> �� � Lender all sums wWch then would be due under this 5ecudty instcument and the Note as if no uceelemtioa had occurred� ) . •,�,
<br /> cures any defuult of aay other covenants or agrcements: (c) Pa a nll eapenses Incurred ln enforcina t6is Secud�yulrie to assure r _
<br /> including.but aot 1Gnited to. reasonnble attorne�s' fees: aad (d�tAI(CS SUC11 BCdOA OS I.CAdE?rilAY tCAS0A8bIy l�Ctj ��;.
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instcument. I.ender s dghts ta the PropertY t�►d Borrower's obliIIation to pay ttw suras secared bY u_
<br /> � this Securiry Inecruraent shalll re�����effocs ive os i n acce etrntiont h d occurred H wover�tt�is dght to retnsm�shu11 _
<br /> � obligations secured hereby shal Y
<br /> �° not apply ln the case of acceleradoa nnder parAgraph 1?.
<br />�:• „ .� 19. Sale oi Note; Change of Loan SPrvicer.The Note or a pactlal interest ia We Note (together with tbis Secur3ty
<br /> Instcument)ivaY be aold one or more tiixces without prlar notice to Borra��rer.A sale may eesult in a chnage ia the et►tity(known ._
<br /> as the°Loan Servicer")that coUecta montbly puyueenta due under the Note nnd thia S�uriry Iasuu�aent.There��may�vlll be
<br /> ` ��, , or more chan�es of We I,oun Servicer unrelated ro a sale of the Notc.If there ia A change of the Loan.Sen►icar.
<br /> '';'t= ven writcen notice of the change in accordeace with pa�agraPh 14 above and nppllcuble law.'fhe notice wiU stete the ntuae nad _
<br /> ,��:;��::' 8�
<br /> . .„ t,��;.; address of the new Loan Servlcer and the addmsa to whtch payments shoutd be made.The notice will also contala eqy other
<br /> �� • '"'''�' lnforma�ion mquii�ed by appltcable law.
<br /> . . ,,:.
<br />_,,�, ,. 20. HaAardans 5ubstuncc4. Borrower shall not cause or pemiit the pcesence. use. dlRposal. atorage, or re�e�og�y� �_.:
<br />°%-r �aa.ardoua S�bstaaces on or in the Property. Borrow�r ehall not do. nor altoa anYoae else to do. anythiag __
<br /> . �. Property that is in violation of aay Envimnme�►tal Law.itie precediug two senccnres sba11 aotapply to the preseacx,use, or .._
<br /> I� �•r, �,r,' ^ stornge on tae Pmperty of small quanUties of Hazurdous 5bbstcu►ces that are geneially retagAizcd w be approprfat� to aomaai
<br />' ' cesidential us�s and to maintenence of the Property.
<br /> -� .,' � Bormwei shall mmpdy give Leader wrlttea aodce of any iavesdgution, claim.demaud,luwsult or other action b may
<br /> govemmeatal or re�atorY aSeacy or prlvate party invo�via�the Property end any Hozazdo����or�ry�0�ty�a
<br />#:,�' " �-i of whiah Borrower has nccuai imowlatgo.if Sormu�cr .ra�,�or is nodf�s!bY�Y E� � �
<br /> �• � � ai►y remov�l or other cemediation of az►y Hazardous Suissteace affeeting the Pcoperty is neeess�try�Burrower ehalt promptly u�lce
<br />�i���,;'���...��? ' all necessaiy aamediel ections in acoordeace with Envlronmental Law.
<br /> ' ' '"���'�'%'�1��'+ As ust�in thia paragrapb 20, "HnzAMoua Substa,nas" ace those substances deftned as toxic or ht�.ardoua substanas by
<br /> .1��-''`�'' Eavironmemat Luw and the foUowing subatanoes: gosoline,kerosene, other flattunuble oa ta�lc petroleuin praducts. toaic
<br />��r`,;.`a't:
<br />��a'�'�'�`�� peatieides and herbicid�,va3atfle solvente,materials o�ntdaing asbestos or for�aldehyde.and aullioactivo mate�ials. As used in
<br /> iai����"�'r" t�.►s paragraph 2Q, "Bnvi3�r.mental Law'means fedaral laws and laws of the.�uris�diction where the Pmperty ia lacated Wat
<br />�;�'` relate to health,safety or envimnmaual pmtection.
<br /> �...?��.,�;��:• NON-UNll�ORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Leader l�rther covenant and ag�as followe:
<br />- ;_�� 21.Aecelerationi Remedtes•Lender sleall give�smUce W DureY►aer prtor to accelerattaa BoAowtng Borrower�y 6��
<br /> �+-�'::�x,�,�� uq any co��nunt or agreement in t61s Secudty Instrument (but aot rtor to eaxleradon under ppragcaplt
<br />��:����•�,� a itcable Inw provldes otherwise).The nottce shull apocitys (o)the ddaWt;tb?�1►e ad[on requir�to cun tLe default;
<br />-��n�''��" E�p
<br /> - ,o,_,.��o. ��a date,not less than 30 dnys from We date 4hu aodae ts�tven to Ban+ower.by wWc6 the defaWt�a7s2 bo curedi
<br /> - ---"'�� that t�]fure to cure the detault oa or before the date specifted in tlte nm2lce may result[n aaceleru2tna of the sums
<br /> ��T� secured by sPfls Sociu[ty Iastrument and sale oi the Property.'L�e not[ce shnll fiuther QrQorm Bore+nwer of tlie rlght to
<br /> --- -_�"°�� reinstate s�?d�r acceleraUom nnd tho dglit to bring c3 wurt s���s to�.s.aert the noa-eadstence ot n detaWt or aay ol�her
<br />-��--�'�i d e tense o i Il 3 o r r o w e r t o a c c e l e r a t t o n a nd cude. It the defaWt is¢��!cund on or beYore tAE dete epuclfled Ia t6e ao2�se,
<br /> ='�'-�- , Lead�,at Ite optlon.�ay re9Wrc Immefltate paym�eat in tYill of sU suma sec�red by tB�ls 3ecurltY Instrum c a t w i t h a�e rt
<br /> �Oi.^SC\911�.li f - _
<br />° 9�e t her dcman d e n d n n��n v o k e W e p o w e r o i s a l e�n d a n y other remedles�rsrnn9tted by ap21 lacludtagr 6ut n o t l i m i 3 c d -
<br />���� �►tItled to coued all e�c�ense�tmcue�d[n pwsuiag She rentedte�pmvtded i�►4hQs paragrnPh =_
<br />�""'�--�� to�reasonsi3�7e attorneys'fees aud costs of titte evldena. at�e
<br />'" I[t�s�ower ot sate is fnvoked,'11ruste� shali record a aot�ce of detattlt in cach county tn whtch aqy pott
<br /> --""_� nm�C'rrY ea 9ncnted and sLnll welt wPies of such notice in thP rnunner prescribed by appltcable law to BomoWer and to `
<br /> ----- the osiier peisom Yr.�u�hed hy apglEcahlc la�.Alt�-thQ tf�c�qE�irr�i br uuui6��ie t8�.'!`t�•,..r.a'�!'.e!re�hl.��!�e
<br /> I�=..R�m ot salc to the persons end In the manner presrrt�e3 by applQcable law.Tru�t�ee,wlthout dewand on Bon+owu,sristl seil
<br />—��+•�_■ the pi+opesty at pv�lic auctlon to the highest btdder at t6e tim�und p�nce a�d under the tem�s destgoatcil in the n���f
<br /> �-���°^;�����' sate in ane�r more parcels aad tn aciy order Trusteedder�ln�s.'9Yustee me3'p�P°tt��e of etl or any�I
<br /> ='-�?�`�;�:s�:;<,� Property my�gubltc nnnouucement ut the dmo nnd plaee aY uny previonsly sch�eilcd sa1e.Leader or[tn�esl;g�c�t ua.r.�y
<br /> ��•;;'�'7�'�'� purchsise We Pcupenty n4 c�ny snle.
<br /> �-'� -`_:
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