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. � h n"+T7+i . � � <br /> , <br /> .. ..vil�q' .. <br /> ._��.�.�'___"_.._""". � . . . . . <br /> .. .. . . . . _ .. .. . . ... . .. . <br /> . (...1 •- �' .+ <br /> . . � <br /> . • • <br /> .a�til:' ' � .. . .r" .l ..- _._�..+ .� <br /> � .. . . .. .. . . . . . � ., � �. . ... ..`Wl\ <br /> �. . .r.r��.- ,... �� ... . - � . � ' .. . . . ' '"'". ____'_,""__.._._.... <br /> , ' <br /> _"._._.... .1�. _" '".""._..�._......_-_.. ... . .._ .:. .. . n-., . . ..r. . ... .. . ... . .. -._. . <br /> -' V <br /> , .. � 99� �tQ���� =. <br /> ," � TOOE7'Hfi�t WITH�tl the improvem�nta now or hereafter erected oa tha propgrty,and all eusementa,appurtcnaaces.and �E <br /> •� `� tlatures'now or hereaftoe u ptut ot the property. All reptacementa und ad�itions ehall nlso i�a covered by Wis Secudry � <br /> � Jneuu�ent.All of the forenolna is referred to in thls Securtty Instrument os the"Progerty." �= <br /> � �� �ORROWHR COVBNANTS that Bomower is lu�vfWiy seised of the estute hereby wnveyed und hns ttto dght to grnnt nnd �� <br /> . . . convey the Property and tliat th� Pmpezry ls uaencum6ered, except for encwnbraacea of record. Borrower�vnrrunw and will �; <br /> defend BenQmlly the tido to the Propeny agninst NI clatms aad derannda.eubJect to nny encumbrnnces of rocord. <br /> - 'Y'HIS SECUFiITY INSTRUIulP.NT combines uniform covent�nta for national usa und naa-uniform covennuta wlth Ilailted �� <br /> � . ` v�dntiona by jurisdicttoa to consdtute a uniform secuclty Inauument eoveting n�ul pmperty. <br /> �� UN1FOItM COVENANTS.Horrower and Lender covenunt suid agtee as followa: � <br /> ���, 1. Poyment of P1rluctpnl nmd In4erest; Pireeppyment and Lute Chcuges. Borrower shail pmmptly pay when due the r_ <br /> P <br /> .`,.F��f principul of and laterest on the debt evidence.d by the Note and any prepaycaent uad lute chnrges due under the Note. _ <br /> 2,fi�nds Por 7'oxes and Insuranse.Subject to appliGnblp law or to a�vritten waiver by Leader� Hormwer ahail pAy ro .. <br /> ., , ; Leader on the day monthly pnyments are due undet the Nota,untU tl�e Note is paid in litU.u sum('Funds')for:(a)yearly tFU�es - <br /> and ossessmenta which m�►y ateain p�lority over tbia Socuricy lnscnunennt as a liea oa the R»porty;(b)Yearly lensehold paymenta <br /> . or ground rente on tho Propetty.If�ry: (c)Yoarly ht�zard or�mperty insutance premiums:(d)Yearly flaad inaurance premiums� <br />_' „'' •, i if rmy:(e)Yearly mortgege insuruna premiums, If any;and(fl aay sums payable by BorroweY to Lrareder.ln accordnnce v�ith <br /> 'Yi � the pmvlaions of paregruph 8. in lieu of the paymant of raortgase insurance premiums.These items are cailed"Bserow Items.' <br /> • � Lender may, at any time. wllect and hold Fuac9s in an amount net to exceed the maxtmum mnount a lender for a fe�erally <br /> releted mortgage loaa may require for Bonower's escrow nccount und$r the foderal Iteal Bstate 5ettleffient Proccdaras Act of <br /> • ;�;. 197R as Anaeade�i fmtii tGite to time,l2 U.S.G Scction 26U1 et seq.("RESPA"),unless anothex law t)tnt applies te the Funda <br /> sests a lesser emount. If so. Lsnder may,nt aay time.collect aad hold Fuads ia en amount aot to exa�ed the lesser uinount. <br /> " � �� I.sIIder may estinaate th6 amount of Fuwds due an the basia of aurrent data end m.usonable esdmates of expenditures of fhturo _ <br /> J ' Escrow Itema or otheiwise ia accordauce wIth applicablo law. <br />- � The Fuuda shall b¢ held in aa inatitudon whose deposits rue iasured by a federal agency. insuumantallty, or entlty <br /> � ,,,,, (including Lender.if Lender is sucb an institudony or i�any Federal Home Lopn Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay¢he - <br /> Bscrow Items. Lendar mny not charge�orrower for holding and applying the Funde.annuAUy�nalyz[ng the escmw ecoouaat.or <br /> � vedfying the Escrow Items.twless Lender paya Borroaer interest oa the Fuads aad apgltcable law pem�its Lender to make such <br /> � a charge.Hawever.Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-tjnce charge for an ladependent real estate tes reporttn8 seivlca <br /> � ' used by Lender ta connectlon with tl�la loan, unless appllcable law provldes otherwIse. Ualess an egre�ment is mado or <br /> applicKble Inw requires fnterest to be paid,Lendex ehail nat be requircd to pay Borrower any intenst or eamiage on the FUnds. <br /> ,';.=�ya;;::. � �orraircr aad Lender sst�y sgr�e�xT*.iag.tl41�4£YgT,that�±tereQt ahall be pald on the Funds. Iender t�huU Rive W Bomowet, _ <br /> n�;, wlthout charge. en annual accownin8 of the F�nds, showtng eredits and debita to the Funds And the pucpose for whlch each <br />-'`�'�=-•,.., ., .� debit to the Funds wes mnde.The Funcis are pledged as addidonal security for all sums secured by thia Securlty Iasmrm�nt. <br /> `°;x�:':�: .^' If the Funds held by Lender eaoeed the ainowtta permttted to be held by applicabla luw.Ixnder sh�ll�ccount to Bortowet <br /> =`''�''�``�f fpr the excesa Fuads in accordanrx with the requ�rements of applicable law.If the amouni of tho Fnada held by L,ender at uny <br /> r ..�.� <br />�`I�`-.'�1+,ic�.f•.;:r.i M1 <br /> _�.�.•,.;r;; •:, a time is noz sutfictent to pay the Bscm�v Items whcm due,Li;nder muy so aotify Borrower ln wrlti�og,snd.L►such case Boeam�v�r <br /> �;, , <br /> ' "''s'�'°' s�eU pny to Lender the amount aecessary to make up the deflcieney.Bonrower shaU mako up the deflcieney in no more <br />�'"`"��``'`"� nvelve monthly paymeata,at Lemder's sole discredon. <br />��4vµ:'��� Upun payaQent ia faU of aU swns securod by this SecurIry Insuwaent. Lcmda shall pmmptly retLnd to Borrowar any <br /> 3�:�1�. <br />;��-,.��Y, F�mds held by Leuder•If.under pa�h 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Propexty�Lender.prfor to tb;e¢cquisIdon or sale <br />���a�a�.;;�'' of the Proparty,shnU apply any Ftmds t�eld by Lender et the tlme of acqutaitioa or sale as a cretlit against the sums accured by <br /> -�'�`'"'"'�� tWa Securlry Iastcument. <br /> - - --- 3.Appltcatlon oi Fayments.Unless applicable law gmvides otherwtse�all payments received by Lender undar puegraphs <br />�'=`=�"��'':�■ 1 and 2 ahell be appliczl:first, tn any prepayment chaiges due uader the Note;secoad�to emotwta payubl8 uader paragcaph 2; <br />___�_::�;:� interest due;fourth,to princlpal due;and last,to any late chargea due under tha Note. <br /> _ _�:��,":•;:i.;;�,, 4.CQu��esi I.ienq.Bon+ower ahn�l pny all te�ces,asse,v��aents,charges. �es aad imposiHons ataibutahlA to tha Pmperty <br /> °��v��:��` ' wLich may altnin prioriry ovcr this Securlty Iastn+ment� and lesisehold payments or ground ret►is. if tiny.8orrower sbt��pay <br />��•.�;:? these oblIgations in the mnnner provide�d ln paragraph 1,or if not paid ia that m�ner.Bottn�ver.shall pny tD�mm on time d�rectty <br />�-.�:•�mii� to the gerson owed paymeut.Borrower shall prompqy farnish to Lender aU nodoes of amounts to be paid unncr thto patagrapb, <br />-''�� if Mrrower mekes these payments direcdy.Bonmver shall promptly ibmiah to I:;onder teceipts�vIdencu►g tbE paymeata. <br /> __ - - 13omower shall pmmpdy discharge any lien which flns piiarlty over thts Scutrity tasuutucnt uat�s Borcvtiver:Ca}soc�es 1n <br />_�i�rr<�� wtiting to the payment of the obli�adon secured by the lien in a manner�oceptable to Leuder.(b)contests in good faith the licn <br /> !�=-"�.�;',r;:�, by. or defeuds AgciIaast eaforcement of tho iien im. 1ega1 p��agn which in the Leader's opinion operate to pravint tho <br /> �:�:;�'L'� enfon+cement oY the Iten;or(c)secwes from the hol�ler of the lien en agreemant sadafttctory to i�eadcr s�abordirmting the IIen to <br />��'�-'�="�•' � this Se�urIty Instn�ment. If Lender detemiiaes that any part of the Property is subJect to a lien wlilch may altnfn prlorlty over <br /> " -. . �y. Y <br /> ?''�:":`'�"^�%' thia Securiry Instrumont.Lender may�ive Borrower u notioe idantil�ring the lien.Borro�aver shell sadsfy the lten or tt�oae or <br /> rr� `�' :`�� more of We acttons set forth ubove�vithin IO dnys of the giving of nodce. <br />-�. • Wm�3048 9IB0 <br />�': � .,.�:`"' �-BRINptfl��u.o� vom�oto � <br />_�}•' m:d <br />-;: ';.r; . <br /> ��;s�.�. <br />_ ... . i�b <br /> • <br />��• , __ __ . . . . ._ . ... <br /> - r_ w�'w!r�q�1l�Aww�'�' - . - a <br /> . ��q� . � . �� <br /> . . . <br /> �1ff[��`' ] ��.�w.w . -V l �� il �`�: S _ ,_ .'_ •' . yS�`�..}„i a..r ,.. .� <br /> I '.' r I <br /> .�i. <br /> ___�_1.. ._ � �. � <br /> -� 1 <br /> _ -__._ _ _.____ _..___ ___- _-__ _ - _ --._ _ .r <br />.-�._ _.-- .. �:� ._- .-_- ' _ __._ "" _"___. . u�- .. �� " . .. � '. 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