. . . ::.
<br /> � . .
<br /> �, �y
<br /> .. „ � ,. _
<br /> „ . .-.,.k .,,, • .. .. � „ .. . .. ._._._..._.
<br /> .. - ,. ,, .,._. _.. .. .... . ...
<br /> .
<br /> , _.����....-----.. . � _r . ... ... .
<br /> . � . . . �9� ��9.'766
<br /> � ' • � S, Preservatlon and A�iatatennnce of Progerty; Le�eholds� Condomintuma= Pinnrcd UN4 Isevelopicsente.
<br /> Borrower ahall keep�tte Property in goad repair tutd shnll not co�amlt waste or permit impalnnent or deterloratton of •
<br /> � . tu:Property and shatl wmply with the pmvislona of uny letise if tWs Deed of?rust is oa u Iwsebold. If thia Deed of
<br /> � � - � Tcust le on a unit in a car.dominium or a planned unie development.BorrowEr shall perfora�all of Borrower's obligationa •.
<br /> - � , under the de�iacatiou or covenants crcatinn or govemiag the condamWum or planned unit devetopment.the by-lav�a r.
<br /> �. and regulations of t6e candonalNum or planned unit development,tutd constituent documenta. �
<br /> �:F;.r
<br /> ':i�:
<br /> '::,�,�:,:-. 6, Protectton of Lendcr's oecurlty. If Borrowcr faila w perform the covenants aad agreen�eeats contained ia this Dee� . �-
<br /> , �� � ot'I'ruac. or if eny actioa ar Fmceeding ia commenced��hich materIaliy affects I.ender's iaterest tn the Property,then �:�'�;
<br /> . • Leader. at Lender's opdon, upon aotice w Borrower, may meke such appearances, dtsburse such suma. iacluding 1'~�-
<br /> ' � , , reasonable attom�ye' feea, and take auch actiana as is necessary to Pratect I,ender's intottsst. �"___=_
<br /> ����
<br /> ' ' ' '. �� Any amounts disbursed by Leuder pursuant!o this paragrnph 6.wlth intereat tbereon,at tho Not�rate, sha11 become ___
<br /> ' ' additional iadebtedness of Bormwer secured by this Ueed of Truat. Ualass Borrowor and I�cader agret:to other terms �
<br /> , �, �,_�;�.�,. of payment.such amounts shuU be�ayable upon aotice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. Nothiag _v_
<br /> , . contalned in this pera g r e pfn 6 shall require Lender to iacur any expense or tulce aay actlon hereunder.
<br /> ,�;,
<br /> ' ` - 7. Ingpediom. Lender may make or causts w be made reasonable enutes upon avnd inapesdos�s of the Pro�ty, �.
<br /> ':;:;�� provided that Lender s6aU gtve Borrower aotice prior to any such inspecdon specit�lr�g r�vn�ble aause therefor��elated ----
<br /> , w Leader's intYt+�st i�a the Prnperty. �;�;--
<br /> R�'._�,�_.
<br /> ' ��.� 8. Comde�nsition. The procee�s of aay award or claim for daaiages.direct or conse�Neuda�� �►�°��on with any -
<br /> � . �` .�' . coadeamation or aher taking of the Property.or part thereof,or for oonveyance in lieu of wndemnation,are hereby ;_
<br /> � assigned aad ahall be pald to Lender subject to the tern►s of any moatgage,deed of tn�st or other securIry agreemeat with
<br /> '- ti� a lien which has pdorlty over this Deed of Tivat. _
<br /> � . � . �, , 9. Horrower Plot Reteased; Forbearnnce By Leader Not a Waiver. The Borrower ahall remein ltable for t�ll W
<br /> � paymeat of We principal antl interest on tha Note(or any advancement or obligation)secured tiereby.norivtthstand{n�
<br /> —. r I any of the followin (aj nwe sate of atI ur a p�,�r►f tii�gr�3�.(!s)the srs�nFtila by?r-"�'' �►of the Bomawer's
<br /> � „ ��`;r�;', g:
<br /> + ,...j�,r,,}, ` '" obligadona het+eunder,(cD the forbearaace or extenslot�of time for payment or perforr�nanoe atenY obligationheseunder.
<br /> � . �. whether granted to Bommwer or a subsequent owner of the proporty.and(d)the rrlease of aU or any part of the premises
<br />' " securing sald obligations or the release of aay party who assumes Pay�aent of�he same. Noae of the foregoing shall
<br /> *�.. . , , T.
<br /> .� •,... ':-� in aay way affect tte�tWl force and effect of the lien oi thia Dced af Trust or impair Lender's righ�w a deflciency
<br /> 7. .', Judgment(in the evem a8 tbreclosure)againat Bormwer or anY party asswnir►g the obUgsitions herewtder.
<br />��+ ,,;�,.:� .,; licable law.shall
<br />_ ,� My forbearance by LeAder ia ea�ercising aay right or remedy hemunder.or oWenviss afforded by epp
<br /> �-•} �;. �•%� aot be a waiver ot ox preclude the exercise of any such rtght or remedy.
<br /> Y.:'',•_:. :_ . 10. S¢crossors mnd AsSigc�Bouad;Jo[nt nad Several I.iabtlityi�Bn�• '1'he coveneats and agreementa herein
<br /> -�-'"����• mnWn�d ahaU biad,aa�ihe dghte hereunder shall im3re to. tho respecdve successora end assigas of L�endar aad
<br />_-=`,�,u„r,.., P F 8�P ataof Boimwer ahall be jofat
<br />= `�--''��"s� Bosower,subj�t to the rovlaions of ura h iS m��vf. All ooventmts arcd egreema
<br /> i-�.�--�-..--� and a¢veral, Any Botroaer who co-sigp�thfa Deed of Tcust�but dtir.s nat execute thes Nate;(a)Is oo-slgaing t6ls Deed
<br /> �±.:���.� ,
<br />-�•• ��� =�.;», ' of TNat ody tar grnat and convey thr�t&3azsoaer's interest in tie��c�pertY to Lender under the terms of this Deed o
<br />� ,;��,. ...:, that LraWer and at�y other
<br />`e�,;r:�...,� 'frnst,(b)is not personally liabie on tho Note or under this Deed of 7'rust.and(o)a8rees
<br /> - �,;,' ' ` Barrower hereuader m�y agreo to eMend.modify.forbear.or make any other axommoda4ioas wlth 1'�Sard to the um�
<br /> y.�f r;"`�:`";�. of this Deod of Tivat or the Note without that Borrower's consent aad wlthout rcleasing that Borrower oc�nodify[n8 this
<br />�:�r.;;�. -- -
<br /> �t s�.��+`��.._ Deed of Trust tes to that Borrower's iatenst ia the Property.
<br /> _•_"'_'._..:�.i.l_Y�u.�� __
<br />�;�,���"--, _� 1�. Hotlee. Except for any uuUce requtrcd zsuder syglfcatste!aw to Ese given in :ueoGsa,�er. {a}na�r:soi�c;,ca __
<br /> i,a��rt;l;,�..:�.. Bo:rowcr pmvtded fot i+n this Deed of'ftust ehall he�9van by delivering it or by�ailin6 s�xh notice by fuss s7atis.q m�i1
<br />--�;.r�.a�f�°`„• , addressed to$orrower or�&e current o�vncr at the Propeny Address or at sach oth�r addc�es,+as Bora+ower m�y a�esignate _
<br /> ' �:: �'`° .. , by nodme tm Leader as provided herein.end any other person person��illy lisble on this Note�ahese prrson's�aud �-
<br /> . .. �'� actdresses a�eas ia the Lender's reoords nt th9 ttm�of giving notice aad N)eIIY notice to i�xr shall be given by lirst _
<br /> - �- ° �� class mail to Lender's afldc�ess stated hemia ox to such otlier uddress os Lender may desigaato qsy nauoa to�o�°nr __
<br /> �. as provided herein. An1 aatice pmvidcd for in this�ced oi Tiu»t shall bo deemEfl to have beea given to�raower or
<br /> ;�,• Lender ak��u givea ia x�P tnanner desiBnuted herein. «-`�
<br /> . ,, -
<br />-- ,, i 12. Goveum�a�Lnwi SeverabUity. Tha state tu►d tocal iaws upp�ur,a�12 to tbia Bged of Tn�t s:htill ba the lawa of tho --
<br /> � � Judsdicdon iu wLich the Property is locatc�d. The foregoing sentr,��shaU rs+i L�t d►e aPPl�ca�'.i�ity of Foderal law to �_
<br /> ocat
<br /> � , t h is b e e d o f T r u s t. I n t�e¢v e a t t h n t a n y p r ovlsion or clause of Wis Ueed of'Pu�ss�or the Note oonflIcts with applicable �_,_
<br /> . law,such contl�cta shall nu2 affect other proviaiona of this Doed nf Tcuat or the At�tx whichcaa be gt�en effect without �;..
<br />-. . " the wnfltcting proviston,nnd to this end the pmviaions of this Deed of Tmst and the Note are declared to be severable. �-.-::_
<br />_ ----• •----�.r.a._..�...�.a���•;..,•���al!mums tn the ca[tentaoiDrohlbited bY 8PPlicab181aw tx;_
<br /> .._.-. ._—-_-- !'►S DbLII¢C[Cin �i�vsa . cn�cu�a maa w........�.. .�.- ..-------� � -
<br /> -. 0!limited herein. .
<br />- • . 13. Borro�ver's Copy. �r[owcr shull bts fvrnishe�a omifornned copy of the Noie,this aeed of Tn�st aad RideKs)
<br />- •� " at the time of executlo�n or after m.cordation herEOf.
<br /> - .. �1�� :
<br />_� . :. � ., � ��� �
<br /> . " 23VAI lRa 071 P�e I at S �l��SWAR QNtl.�MAS�
<br />