; • . , ' :
<br /> .�� , . , .. ,.
<br /> ... f , . ., ,.�+,
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<br /> ,.
<br /> • �" • .�,. r�. . . „ ., . _ .. .. ... .. ... .._......:��__.�___..._...__._.___�e+nr
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<br /> .
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<br /> . Auy rtder C'I�tder") nttuche� �crei�und executed of even dute is tacosgsamEed herein and t&�c,cuv�ant r��d
<br /> ngireenxents ot t!¢e Nder ehull nmend nnd au�ptcmcnt tho coveuua4n nnd aSre�menta of Win�Jc�oP'�ruc3d a�iP
<br /> . ttta Rider�vere a part her�l.
<br /> o Borrower covenante that Borrower is lawtully seizcd of the estate horeby conveyed and hea th0 rlght to grant and aanvey _
<br /> the Praperty.and t6ut the ProgertY is uncsncumbared. eacept for encumbrances of record. SotroW4Y co��s�lan4i�thAt _
<br /> ".;-`:::=-� , Bortower warcas�ts end will defead �enerally tho title to the Peogorty a�ainst all claims aad damando, s�itiftmt to
<br /> „::«,.,.^ `;_
<br /> •..� � encumbranceu of i�ecord• =
<br /> j;..;:
<br /> ,j UN��ORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender coveannt aad agree as followa: =
<br /> .. � �
<br />-.�:,• —
<br /> -.� i. Pnyment of Principal und Interest. Sarnower shall promptly pay when duo the principal and interest indubta ass
<br />��t.�, � evidenced by the Note and late cherges as pravided in tho Note. This Dee.3 of Trust secures payment e4'said Y+1qte
<br /> �"'�r� accordiug to its terms. which are incorporated herein by referenee.
<br /> � �,i'�i;t�t
<br /> � '+1���;:� .
<br /> .. . •�•. 2. A p p l i ar t t o n o f P a y m e a i 4 s• Untess e P Plicuble lae�provldes othenvise, all paymenta recelved by Lend�r wldur tke
<br /> r � Note und paraBraPh D hert�aY ahal�be epplied by Lender flsst to iaterest due on the Note.secoad ta t i�a p r l na 9p n i��.ue _,
<br />=;.' ��;
<br />- � on ths Note,end +�en�t4late charges due oa the Note. �;a._
<br /> ,. � �;;i,.,, �,.
<br /> �'�.`31
<br /> '�s�'�ryr es aad]kect9 of 7ht.sti C��i Lleas. �arrower shall perforns all of Borrowor's abBaatEnme,
<br /> - � ����'• 3. Pc3or Mortgag _
<br /> .,� uader any martgago,deed of uusto� aher securiry aBreement wlth a lien which has priority ovor thto Deed at'xtvut,
<br /> inclnding Borrower's covenants to make paycnents when due. Borrower sUall pay or cause w ba p�id a11�taa�s. �
<br />�• �� asse.ssmeats end other charges, �S and�Posidoas ataibutable to the Prapesry which may attaia u prtorcty avm tP�is �;:
<br /> .,,�, Deed of Trust�and leasehold papments or ground reuta,if any.
<br /> `.• ��' t 4. Ha�ard Iosurance. a) Borrower ehaU keep the improvemeats now exisdng or hereafter erecte�on tbu Pmpa�rsy
<br /> ;;r{:,�..` .� = insu�ed aBainst ivss�,3r t3rc�h.�cds 3acls�d w!!Ln�he�erm"extended cav�rafte'. aud any othor bnvaMp�ineluding
<br /> tii�, .
<br />:F� .. �f Aoods or tlood. far w�ich Lender requic�innurance. Thia insurauce abn71�e walntained in ttte amauatv and•Q'Ar the -
<br />�w.,;•. I�'�•`�;',��`fz periods that Leader requines. '1Le insuraace carcler providing tho inswanoE ahell be chosen by Bo�ow.er subjaca to
<br /> L
<br /> :c°•�� Lender's approval which shall txotb�wreasoAebly witiilield. Aff Borrovuer f�ils ta maintain coveraga desec�bad�nb�+�e�
<br /> ='���'.? �� Leader may.at Leader's opdon,obtaincover�Ie to pmtect Len�Der's rights in the Property ia mocordance wlth•Pt��Fb
<br />�.,h1;_�.�,•:: 6.
<br /> -:,,;. �.,,_....
<br />� ;x, �.::,;.
<br />-';�;m-�;;,'�; b3 All inauranoe policies end renowais st�alt be acceptable to Lender and shali include a standard mortQuga cUeuoe.
<br />===_-_==� Y.eadzT aLail have the dgitt to �aold zhe golicies and renewals. It L�ender :+equic+es. Bunowes shu11 pmmPtly St��tm
<br /> =•,7M,,•�•�,�' I.ender aU rexipta of p�id preini�u,ns end reaewal notices. In the eveac of loss.Botrowcr shuU giva pt+nmpt to itte
<br /> .:�°^-�.-!-. iasunn►ce carder au�Lea�er. Leader may mnke proof of loss if not made pmmpdy to Borrowar. _.
<br />— M�"'� c) Unless Lend�r unef Borrower othernise agres in wrlting.insurauce procESda sbell be appliad to reswrabton�or rapuir "�-
<br /> �:����_�� zd,if the nstoradon or tepFdr 9s ecopamisally f�lu and Lender's securlry�.y�+t lass,nafl►• C4 -
<br /> - of thE�'soperty damag
<br /> _--= the iestorattoao:�a1r is not vaonomicully feaslbie oz I.ead�r`e sFxueity wouldbe Aesseaed,the inswts�praaeeslo s3�hll•
<br /> ���7��� be y►plfed to the a�ms secured bY this SacuritY Inatnuraent.c�hEs�er or not 3hen dug.with any exce�s9�a��to 13airutivrn.
<br />�"�^?��� If Bormaer ab�n4ona the ProFe�►1'olaoes n�Z�swer with9a 30 days a�i�'tico from Lendor thut t4te a.'mutanne�cs.tt-Qtst
<br />°�:,°��'�-� hos offcr�d to settle a claim,tiacn I.ender may avllect tho inswrauoe Proceen'!�. I.euder mny use tha�raaeedrt to mlpnir
<br />°';�_'"*� or restom the Properiy or to pay eu�s secw+ed by�his Secudry InstNmea�'n+he�her or not thea due. 'Pho 31}�day g�ad
<br /> �,=��'-n� will begin whea the notIce is givea.
<br />-�-'�_-_� �
<br />-�,;•:•�+_-:-�� d� gxcept as pY,o�,3��in subparagraQh 4(e)below. shoutd paK[al or anrcrplete deauuction or damage uorut'e�s tho
<br /> = �'"� pcoprrty,Bomns�R l4omby a��es t�at any and ail insauments evidencins�;��:auranoe praoeeds c�ceiv�d by i,en,dvr ns a _
<br /> �._..;�::�;;
<br /> -_'-;r;��-�;� : result oi said damage or desuuctton. shall be pinced in u non-inte�est be�n8 css7+ow uooaa�nt wlt8 LendEUr. A4[.eador's
<br />-�;=;:.=»_a^ '` discsetion, Leader may nelease soaie or all of the pmo�ads from escrnw a4�er Hatsv�er pcosanm L�aader. wtth o -
<br /> r - .•. - .�. . table to Leader which m.lutns to tde nopait amdfor
<br />-��._t•..==- - reoeipt(s). tavoiee{s).wrltten estimata(s)or other doeument(s)accEp _
<br />�":•' ... improvemente of�e Pcoperty neoes.asiy as a result of stiid damage andlor desuuctlon. l�bs�sat an��giw*sme�t eo�ho
<br /> :1- ' oontrary�I.eader shaU aot be requirod tm Pay Bomawer a�►ime�est on ttic praoeads held ta tlto es�emv�a�ount. Any •_
<br /> _ ;'�.,. amounts remain�aB in the siocount ztter all cepaiis und/ar impmvements hudo boen mada to tho Lendt�r's satikfecdon�
<br /> �. , s oco
<br /> ti .. � r. � sLa11 be ap�lled to the aums secwad bY this�e�i of Tn�st��d to Sssure Debt.or Moct�+�c. BonYSwer Su�r 2�tt�s.a
<br />+� �ti'�?Y� te eooperau wath Lender by�dors�ng ail�checka.drafts an�Jor othcr inswm�te QvfduucIn$fasuranoo prao�l5:fmil
<br /> f" :. ,. an,y Qea�s;,aty�scnents. Should Borrower faii to provide auy�equL'e�!atdotsemant andlor excrutton wlthin thirty(30)
<br />`� , ,�� days aRer L�sr.��e sends bon+ower nodce that Leader haa reoeived an inat�uedent evideACittp inswt�oe prooeeds.or _
<br />- � dacument(s)requirtn8 Borrower's signature. Borro�ver hereby authorir,es IRadPr to eado�ss s�! idamiment aad/or �
<br /> ' .-- ---..r n,,,p,.,,�t,�s�it nnd oollact and aDDiv eatd A�s et��'s optIoa�either to t�estomtion or:+epafc _
<br />� �.�``- .� ���•�,��or to suias sscurod by this Deod of Tniat. Deed to Saure Debt.or Mortgaga. It ns not trte incenuon M
<br />_. ., of ttee Propctty
<br /> P Y
<br /> ,. of either pany thut this cscrrnv provision. aud/or Lende�r's endo:semsnt or execution of an iusnument(s)oad/or -
<br /> � . - ;, doc�ment(s)on behpl4 oi Borrower crcate a fiduciury or ageacy reladonaIiip betweea Lender a:ta�latcocver.
<br />-- . � ' e) Untess Leadec ssnd Borrower otheiwise agi+ae in�vcitina.rinY aFPlixtioa of proa�ds to priacipal s1w11 nat e�ctead -
<br />; � or postpone the dite date of the�ortWy payments refenrd to In paregrnpha 1 uud 2 or chunIIe the a.mount of the
<br /> - p,�rments. It nmder paraaeaplz 16 tho Itmperty is a.cqufced by Leader,Sorro�ver's ri�ht to any ins�u�unce paltciey and
<br />" • . pmoeeda resuldng from dmnage to the property prtor co the usquiaivan shNt pass to Lender to tha extent of tttee aums
<br />' • : secu�ed by this Sec�vity Insteument. ���
<br /> i° �
<br /> r' „ 17G74J(BevUll Fb(.e lot! ��, Qpp3/0H1F9UARN0IPRI'.tO.�RAtAN
<br /> �
<br />