. �• ` ,
<br /> ., . . .� ,
<br /> � . .. �
<br /> „ _���..... .. , . __......_.
<br /> .
<br /> .. .. . . . . _ ..
<br /> .
<br /> ,. . .���. . . �,
<br /> . ., ' � 9�� ���.'�6�
<br /> , , .
<br /> 14. �tchnbllitatton I.oaa Agrcemeaet. Bonoevot ehall Nifill aU of Borrowce's abligiitton.9 undor any hnrna �;
<br /> rehnbilitation, impmvemenc� rep�lr ur other loun ngrcerncnt whlsh Horrowcr entero fnta�vith l.endor. lrendor, nt
<br /> •� l,endor'e option.may require Borrower ta oaecnto nnd dotiver ta Lendcr�in n form acccptablo to l.ender.nn asfllgnment .
<br /> ., � ' of any r{p4ta,ciulms or defenaes v�hich�onowor mny have nguinst pnrties who Rupply it►bor. mntedals or servfces In _
<br /> connection witb improvements mado to tho Propecty. "'!��;,:
<br /> , �. 13. Tracuter of the Property or u�eneYlcial Interat in Borrower�Assumptton. It all or uny pnrt of tho Froparty ��
<br /> � -- or any intorest in it ia sold or transfcrred(or if a beneficint intereat in Borrower ia sold or transfened aad Borrower is
<br /> not a nutural persoa)witLaut Lemder's pdor wrttten consent. l.ender mny.at L.ender's option,for any reason.declare F
<br /> � . a11 tho sums secured by t6is Deed of Truat to be immediutely due and payable. However, this option ahall not be ,y".
<br /> eaercistd by Lender if exerciae ia pmhibited by Fe�1erN law as of the date of thia DeEd of T:ust. �4w�
<br /> f
<br /> , ���� If Lendur eaercises this option,Ixader shall give Borrower notice of ecceleration. The notice ahull pmvtde a period —__
<br /> of aot less than 30 daya from the date the notice la deltvemd or mailed witbia which Borrower must puy all sums secured �_
<br /> by this Deed of Truat. If Barrower fails to pay in tWll these eums prlor to the expiratioa of thia padod,Lender may =
<br /> _ invoke any remedies perm�tced bY thi$Deed°f Trus�wiWout ft�rther notice or demand on Borrower. —
<br /> Sti�.�j�� - - .
<br />=t���iii.� . _.
<br /> Thia Deed�f Truat may not be�sswned by a purchaser wlthout the Lender's cansent. If an asswnptlon is allowed,the °�►=_
<br /> s
<br />�:).•� " Y.ender�nay charge an assumpdon fee and requfre the persoa(s)essuming the loan to pay addidonal charges as authorized 1:�.;:;
<br /> ;��. �� . _.
<br /> ;•:
<br />;.t�:' .. by law. ,..,::�_
<br />_ ,'° „_.°
<br />'�,;',�� ,c�
<br /> AIdTICLE II � '
<br /> , .��., ,�,� �%r'`"-
<br /> '�:
<br /> < <•�s --
<br /> •.•t,; • ���;«r NO1V-LIIVi�'ORM COWEriAI�1TS. Borrower aad Lender furth��cavauant and agree as follows: �
<br />�' � � '•,; . ent of Borrower in thts Deed
<br /> �.,
<br /> �1� t. 16. A,ccelerallos�.Reame�les. Upon Borrower s breac6 of any oovensn4 co�a�n �.,
<br /> �".,. � rritl�a:ac l�afi�s�*hP!rvenants to pay�v�sn due anY sums under the Note secured by this -
<br /> � � , r{;.} Oi�[lfi'�f IAC�i�u�
<br /> .��'.;'.'•t�4 Decd oi�lrusl. Lender,at Lender's optton,subj¢d to the fo9ia�vtng sentence�maY decina�e aU of the sams secm�eri
<br /> z,;; , 6y tmfs D�ead o!Trust to bo Lnm�dtately due aud paYcible without demsnd or natice and may invoke ffie power _:::
<br /> s'�;t � � otaale,a�ad tu�,Y other remedles permitted by ep�llcable taw. Prior to reu�rQiug uny nottco of defaalt a.ender shalt �c,..
<br /> t,�
<br /> ... .. � . F}ve Borrower nattce of ddault� Borrowber'shaU once�pmvtded b9 aw�dsvc twffi e�aty(?A�duys atiter s em
<br /> . � iotYnre to make a required PeYm b y
<br /> � - nattco fs given to cure s¢ch detaW4 by tenderin�the amonnt due at We time of We teader,wtthout aooeteratlon,
<br />'_;,...� . plas eny nnpnid churge�. After e+ecordtng a uotdce of default,Leader ehell be ent[tled to oolled In suc6 pmoadtn8
<br /> , , al!espenses of forcciosut�e, dacludWg, 6ut aa! llmited to, reasonable attorneys'fees or trustex's pud costs of
<br />�`~• .. , documcntary evtdence,abstrade nnd dfle eeporte.
<br />=�;�-�-�':;::� If the power oi sate ia iavoked.Tn�seee ahall record e nosice of default W each county ia which any part of the PmPcnY
<br /> �-,-:T:°N..,.'� io locntod and ahaU mail oopies of auch aotice in the mauner prescribed bY aPPllcable 1aw to Borrower and to the other
<br /> y-=-�-_-=-�- b licable law,'Ptustee ahatl8ive public aottce of sale
<br />�_-""'�.T' ersoas prescrlbod bY aPPlicable law. ARer the eia�e req�►ired Y ePP
<br /> s'�'~�-"--'� � licable laa. Tmscee.wi@►out demaad on Bormwer, shall seU the
<br />_-,�..
<br /> �� ,._' to tha parsons and in tho manner prescribed �,?
<br />-'�<��t'"� praperty at pe►blic suction w the 6lghest bldder at A�z dme ead plece and unt7Ee the tc�s desigmated ia th�notice of sale
<br /> Y.�.:,.�-•, s ne sale of all or any psurel ot ths
<br />-"��-�:� . in�ae or mon paroels and ta eny order Ttuatee determines. Tmstee maY P��
<br /> -,.. � � .:,:.
<br />�''�=.-_--=. Pragesay t►Y Public announcement at the time and plase of u�►y�ceviously scheduled sele. Leader of its des gnea msy _
<br />'`'.'�`��:; � ,�- purchase the PropertY nt anY eate. . -
<br />"?y��-y-�j; -•- , -
<br />_—_'="-� T t u s i ce s h e l l�g l y t h e e a i a p i,x�.fl r t,s o t��c�ead e.__;+�+�of raAerdainp�the Uower of s.�le s�dl of the�Iz. '�_,
<br /> -_=�.:��:_�. -
<br />�����+'��"` tnclud:ag the paymeat ot the T:ustoe's fees actwillY incun+ed na't to exoeed fii�een peraeat(15�)o f We gc�ss s a ta p r icx, -
<br />-"=�f"""' '" ot the obli ation stxt►red by thia Dced of Tntss. third, to the payment of juntor trust deeds,
<br /> y, -.."�'J;?s,;, secon�. to paymeru S :
<br />-"'�'T--°ri---�.; mortgages or ot�erliznt►olders�and the balaace.� ituny.w the pe�son or p�n�sona legally entttled therEto.
<br /> �A:.:
<br /> '�r.Y�1.-..... � . ...
<br /> �.�.: �.. :�. . � intment of Rm�ivcx. As addidonat s�ity hereuadcr,Borrower heraDy aseigns to . :,
<br />- - .. p_ •� :.. 17. Atsigame�ot Rentsi APP�
<br />- [�e n s e e r s h e r e a t s of the Pco p e rt y.pmvided thnt Borce�ver s'�all�Prior w acceleradon under puragcaph 16 herca�o�
<br /> � '� • ��� abandonment of the PropertY.have the rlght to ooUect aad n.°��in such rente as thaq b�ome due an d puy a b le. �__
<br /> ' . t� �;
<br /> - L Upon accelcradon undcr paragrnph 16 hereof or gba��cionmeat of the Propeny.I.eader shall be entttledco fn�ve a reaeiver �-.
<br /> - appolnted by a oourt to enter u.pon,take 1Pos�ession of nnd ms�naSe We PropertY and to oolloct tkffi s�m�nhe Pcoperty `_
<br /> , � � ., i�ludi n g those past due. All renta oollocced by the receiver shall be apptied firat W payment of the wsts of manugement �_
<br /> � of the Pcoperty nad oollect�on of rents.inc lu d t q g,bu t ao t l i ro i t e d t o r e ce i v e r's f e e s.p r e m t u m s a n r e ce i v e r's b o n d s a n d �.-
<br /> �, � ; re�onnble attoraeys' te�s.amd then to the sums secured bY t h is D e e d o f Ttus t. T h e r e x iver shall be liable to u000uat �;:>
<br /> - _ ..,.w r�*�unre neam astuullv t�eoetved. �"s;
<br /> -- - --� -- ---- -
<br /> -. . V lg. �C�,�uge�. If the loun s�ecared by thia Dced of'1'n�s3 ia subJect to a law which seta mt�ximun►loan char�es. ,
<br /> -- .. , and t�at law ia fin�aily inteipreted so that the interest er mher loan charges ooAocted or to bc eollected in conne�tton with
<br /> - •� ,� ths IoAn exoeed pumitted!lmiss.then: (1)uny such laan charges shall be reduood by We amoant necessary to redace
<br /> _. . the chtu'8$to tlte per�nittod limit:and(2)tmy sums alt�eady oollected fmm Bormwer wbich ea�ceeded permitWd limits
<br /> �� �� wiU be mPoaded to�orrower.
<br /> _ . .. J���
<br /> nr �
<br /> �: ' umov aee�on wn��r s co�rv�f Hs�e,an�ue�et.oeca �.•
<br /> 000a+ea+s+ enoxrea�+a+
<br /> s �
<br /> - �` � — - - _ -- - -- �
<br />