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<br /> .� aEfoa� Txuotao�s or aon4Piciarys right to xoalizo upon dr onPorco �any '�t.,..
<br /> ' othor Aecurity now or hexe�.�ten c��ld by Tru��oo or HenePiciary, it boing ,_'°_
<br /> ' agroad tP�at Trus�QO and 8c�n��iciory, and o�ch of �hom, ah�ll bo antitlod �___'
<br /> �� r to anforco khia Doed of Trust and any other Aoaurity no� or heroafter hald `=
<br /> '�� by �nnafiaic�xY or. Txuatao in nu�h ordor und mannor a� thoy or oit�or oP �
<br /> them may in thoir �baol�te disas:etion dotermine. No reraei�y inereitz
<br /> �:�� aonPerred upon or rQaorved to Tru.stee or HenePiciazy is intended to bo _
<br /> � �`"a� exclusive og uny othex remedy here�n or by law provided oz permittod, but _.
<br /> ��`�� each ahail be cumulative �nd ahall bo in addition to c+very othor remedy
<br /> `�`"'""`�'"� given horeundorc ox naw ou hazQaftex existing at lao� or in equ�ty or by __.
<br />� „�.�' statute. Evory powor oz remsdy gi.von by any of the La�n Instruma�ta to -
<br /> Truetae ox BeneYiciary ox to wt�tah oithar oY them may be otherwisa �_
<br /> entitied, may be exexcfaed, con�urrently or indopondontly, from t3ma to ,__
<br /> � time and as oftea as may bcs deetned expedient by Truotao or Box�ePicisry and �
<br /> � either oP thom may p�xauo inconsiutent romedioa. Nothing herein shall bo -_
<br /> • construed as prohibfting Bone�iG��xy fzom seeking a defiaienay judgment _
<br /> °� +��� ��''� � against the Truster to the extent sach action is permittod by law.
<br /> ;��. ,«�.,
<br /> v'::t;::....�_
<br />,_,.,', �,,.•,• 13. RFt]i1F.8 io N�ZC�. Trustes hereby requesta a copy of any L
<br /> '.�.s�3<<<t�.' ' notico of dofault and th,�t any notice of sale horeunder bo mail4d to it at
<br />°�n'����"'�"' the address set foxth in thQ Pirat paraqraph of this De�d of Trust.
<br /> :'r.�,�4s�' --
<br /> : r�, . .
<br /> ,.:�,,.
<br />;��+;�!E,�;��� lq. r:n�rnnn�i�a� LaN. 'this Deed of Trust shnll be governed by t e _
<br /> " � '��` '- f�. lawa o� the State of Nebrastca. In the event that any prova.sion or clauBe _
<br /> ..��,,�„
<br /> -��•t�: � • + of any of the Loan In$�rwatnnts coaPliats with applicable lawa, such
<br /> ``-'` 'r�'r ��� conPlic�s shall nc►t affect othes grovisions of such I,oan Instrumenta whiah
<br /> �:���ihr:,
<br /> „��f�"��,,: can b� given ofYe6t w�thout th� can!:J.ictin�� proviaion, and to this end the
<br /> ��" provisiong o� the Loan 2nstrvmrtntr� are declarod to be sevexable. This
<br />_�„u�r:�;k.:,
<br /> instrutaent catuiot be wa�vgd. cha�n.a����, disaP��rged or terminated oxally, ut
<br />-�=-`- only by an ins�rumant �a wr5.t�ic�a, sign�d b,y the party against whnm
<br /> ~m`A�-� . c�ngo�cemant or any wal'vasn sha.�r��e �i�c2�-�° ^r cc�rmtnation is soucht. _
<br />-r,,�,t�;,:,.��.
<br /> .:.�j.r.n.'=..''�ia'r
<br /> - "�"=`�"''� 15. ��aT���v�r..rr }3Y ma _�T�:�;. Upon written request of Benefic�iasy
<br /> ���`���a'�,�pyp stating that a],1 suma s�cured heie3my have been paid, and upon surrende� of
<br /> :°•"�
<br /> �-�� . this 1Dsad of Truet and th� Note to Trustee for cancellation and retent on
<br /> ='"I�'"T�'�� and �u�ct� paym�nt by �'xt�attorc of Truatee�s fees, Truatae sha3.l �ceconvey to
<br /> ----:_�...��..
<br /> ����;;,(� Trustor, or the poxson �r persons lagaliy entitled ther.axo, withnut
<br /> ;_:_;_�`��� warranty, any por�ion of the Truat Estate then hold hereunder. The
<br /> �l__.
<br /> -- ^H�°^�� recitala in auch reconvayancc� oY �ny mattexs or gaets shall be conalus vo
<br /> -�Fm-���� proof of the truthfulneas thereof. The grantee in any reconveyance may be
<br /> describad as "th� peYaon or porsons legally entitled thereto".
<br /> ---- 16. �1�• �onever eeneficiary, Trustor or Trustee a�hall desise
<br /> to give or s�rve any notice, domaad, request or othmr communication with
<br /> zospect to this Beed of Truat, eaoh such notice, d�.��nd, request or othez .
<br /> -�"'�" - comn►unicatiion sh�ll be �o writing and sh�ll be e�Cfec;�ve oniy if the same
<br />---- � is do�,iverod by pe�soa�I service or mailed by certifiad m�il, pastage
<br /> = propa�c3, return r�ceipt requested, addressod to thc� �dcire�s s�t forth at
<br /> :_-;;:�� the boginning of thi� Deed of Tru��. AnY party may at �ny L•ime change tts _
<br /> ��_-�=� address for such notices by delivering or mailing to the othar p�r'tles
<br /> _ __�,,�� h�iet�; as aforesaid, a notico o£ auch ctsange. f
<br /> __ 17, 8�,�`�'oTANG• BY TRQ3'i`EE. Tru8tc38 SCCepts th�.e Tlust when this
<br /> - Deod of Trust, duly execut�d and acknowladged, is made a public recotd as
<br /> _ _ - _= providod by lraw.
<br /> ��� 18. �,BA� ^ '�HE PROPER Y: �assUM�OH• If ali or any part of
<br /> _ ��,..+-�� tho Truat Estate or ers xnteroat theroin io eold, transFerred, aasignod,
<br />__,��;���;,,�,;�r�. I.easod for thrae t3) Years or moxe witch or without an option tn piarchase,
<br /> ,• ��_-�` or convoyod, �aithor in wholo or in part, whether voluntarily os
<br /> ���;'�{�� • involuntarily, lby Txustor aitMout Benoficiary'� prior written con�mat,
<br /> -����'�r!�'�!��� excluding a transfer by devi�e, d�scent or by operation of law �post� xho
<br />`j "-�.�:`::"�'�' + death of a joint tonan�, .�enoficisry may, at eQnefiaiary's o�tion, de'alare `
<br /> -�'° all �ho oums aecurod Dl this Deed of �rasti to be immediati�].y du� and _
<br />- _ payable. B�nefi�iary �Y�a31 have waived such option to aacelera�� •i�, lPziox
<br /> �``."•�' "���� ' to tho salo, ���angPar, asaignm�ntc, lea3e or aonveyance, Bene�ics.�ry and
<br />=_�:+�i�'- �� �; ' a_.._._.. ..s�..n, anrsaefiOrit in r�rist�na that the ermcl�t of such persctin_is
<br /> "" ���� '�� satisfactory�t� Seneficiary. The consent of Benefici�ry te such a 4atc,
<br />-���•+tr..ut���:,.:e�i -
<br /> __„L- ° �, transfer, assignntent, leaso or conveyance caanot b�a unreasonably withYield.
<br /> .:u . ,: If Sonoficiary has waived the option to accelorato provided in thia
<br />- ' � • paragraph, and if Txustor•a sucaQSaor in interes� hns exacutod a writtvn =
<br /> ' "�"� ���• ; assumption agreement accopted in writing by Doneficiary, Beneficia�y shall _
<br />-- �� . � } zc�lease Trus�or fr�m all obliga�ions under thfs Deed of Trust and Note. -
<br /> . , , �
<br /> �
<br />- ,. . . 5 _
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