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<br /> �� tho Trust �otata, or past theroof or intoxeat thoroin, �ncx�r�se tho ��-;
<br /> �� � o theYefrrm or protect ttie security hereof and, with or without �.__ _
<br /> incom
<br /> _, � � taking poasosaion oP the Trust �state, aue for or o�horwiso colloc4: ��.� -
<br /> tho ronta, issuos and profPita thoreof, inaludi.ng those past duo and [-��
<br /> - .' ^ � tiu�paid, and �pply t�o F��a, leas costs and exper.sea of oparation and �+.
<br /> -. ,� } colleatioa in�luding attorneys• fees, upon doter ine��dThesent�ring
<br /> �:;� hareby, all in such osder as eenefiaiary may _
<br /> :�, upoa and tak�aq posaession of the Trust Eatatlieation� �ksereof as --
<br /> ,��"��� such renta, iasuos and profits and tho app .`
<br /> aforesaid, shall not cuxe �r waive any dofault or natice of default
<br /> �� �� hereurider ox invalidate any act done in responao to �uch default ox v
<br />," . ,;; pursuant xo such nofiice of dofault and, notwfthstanding the
<br /> coatinuance in possessfon of the 'Prust Estate or the coiloation,
<br /> � receipt and application of xents, iasues or profits, Trustee or
<br />:�. �'�,;`��,,� Beneficiary shall b� entitled to exercise every right provided for
<br /> in any of tho Loan Instrumonts or by law upon occurrence of any event
<br />:�;,.� ��. ' of default, including the right to exexcia� the power of saLet
<br /> y � b. Commenee an action to Yoreclo�e this Doed of Trust as a -
<br /> i;��y,�;, -, mortc�aga, appolnt a recoiver, os spec�.Pically enforae any of tihe
<br /> -� '� �" cov@nants hereo�t �
<br />��.��". . c. Deliv�r ta �'rizstee a written declaration of default and
<br />��i•: demand for sale, nnc9 � w=itten nntice of defaul� and olection to
<br /> �,;.�. . .. cause Trustor's intesest in the Truat Estnte �o be sold, whic�o�i�t�
<br /> ad��F.h
<br /> ;;�,�� Trustc�e ahall cause tv ��e d�ily fil�d for record in the app
<br />_;�y,�a,.� Official Records of thc� �ounty in which the Trust Estate is located.
<br /> a.-.�.za_�c-.n� °
<br /> ���='� � FottECLOStJR� BY POWFR oF _�. Should Benefiaiary eleat to
<br /> ��r�r��c� il.
<br /> ===-:+��� foreclose by exercis� of th� power of sale herein contained, Bonoficiary
<br />�—.,.��;�� shal]. notify Trustee and snall do�,vsit t+t3t2t Tzt�±eA this �sed of Trust and
<br /> =-=�"'� the Note and such receipts nn�i evidence of e:spendituros made and seaured
<br /> _�_.�r,n.�
<br />�-_- -- hereby as Trustee may requ re.
<br /> v --M��'�� a. Upon receipt of sutc� notice Erom Beneficiary, Trustee
<br />--�-Y�;;� u2�l ia he d an d delivere�I to Tsustor suet� .
<br />---_�:�;:,�:�. shall cause ta 6e zecozded, p law and by�
<br /> -_�=��`�'`� No�iaa of Default and Not3oe oE Salo as then required by
<br /> -- this I1oed oP Trust. Trustoe aha11, without demand on Truator, after
<br /> ��� such tirae ae may then be requfred by law and after notice having been
<br /> ____.,,�;.,� given as requirad by law, aell the Trust Estate at tho time and place
<br /> __--_�-=� o� sale fixed by it in such Not3ce of 3ale, either as a wholo, ox in
<br /> -_- - �eparate loto or parcels or. it�ms as Trustee shall deom exgedier►t,
<br /> �� �►nd in such order as it may datermino, at public auation to tha
<br /> highest bidder for cash in lawful monoy of the IInited States b�ayable
<br /> _.�-�._,,,1,��� at the time og sale. Tsustoo sl�all deliver to auch puxahaser or
<br /> __•=�l*,.�, purchasors �fiazedf its good as►a aufficient deed con e7y�=agth��
<br /> �_�:',,.4� property so so7:d, but without any covonant or warranty,
<br />- ------_ - - implied. The recitals in such deed of any matters n�x�s ncti�icludin�� •
<br />