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<br /> . �...-
<br /> �� ., lg� HA .A(� t,lT� MA. ERI_11Iuq. Th� Trustor �rarranto that no toxia or _
<br /> h
<br /> a2ardous substanc�, waeto or conatituen�, as definod in any local, atato ���`_-,
<br /> ' � or Pedexal low ecvosning liAbil.ity fox any such substance, ti�asto ox C..-_
<br /> aonstl.tuAnt ie, or hs�e beon in the past, located on or zeleased Pxom the _"
<br /> � „ ;, p=��o�s, Txu�tor knc�wa of no other envir.onmental hazazds on the Fremisea -
<br /> ° excopt as dioclosed in tho Env ir�nmen�a x Surve y fos7n Trustor har� prepared ���-'
<br /> ���� Por �eneficiary. TAo Truator shall nnt, nor aha12 the Truator permit -.._
<br /> ' ' t o�hers to, uso �he exernises at a�y �ime to generate, transport, store, F;s::.
<br /> ��r procoss, troat, or dis�ose oP a toxic ar t9azardous substance, waste or �a�
<br /> ` "''"+��'� cons�ituent. The Trustar shall not tako, fail to take or p@rmit any action
<br /> - � j, which may result in a releaoe of any toxic or haaar dous s u ba t a n c e, vraste ���-
<br /> • ��:� � or aonstituent from the Preullses. Tho Tru�tor warrants that ttie Trustor i _-,
<br /> � .� ia not subject to any claim to which any local, state, or federal law _
<br /> �!',, governing liability fox any such substanae, riaste, or constituent may =
<br /> •�. aPP1Y• --.
<br /> ,� . �. Within ten (30) days aftor learning of the occurxence of (a�
<br /> -- - any evont rolating to any toxic or hazardous oubstanco, waste, or
<br /> '' conatituent with ��aPe�t ta the Prea�ioes, c;a (b) the commencemont of any
<br /> � ��-' litigation� arbitsation or other procesdinq that affects tho Pre�ui.�os. er
<br /> (c) notice from any gov�rnment or govarnmental aqency that the l�re�:ises or _
<br /> �, . any oparation�a Chereon ara not in compliance with any local, statE or
<br /> -- ' ��'�^'�. .� fet3oral law or notice that the Trustor or all or part of the Premise� is
<br /> ; � , y' � subject to any sut�stance► wastc or constituent, the Trustor shall c�ive the
<br /> Beneficiary oral and wxitten L:otice thaxeof, describinq the eame and the
<br /> ,.:',,., �� steps that w�ll bo t_akan lay t&�e Trustor with respect thereto. -
<br /> '�'-'=::.,*�i. Trustor is aware that Bene�iciary is �elying on the
<br /> �-.�•�-.
<br />-N;.f',�''�� repreaentatinne and war=anties contairied in this soction a�makinq the car►
<br /> ==�s•�'��� secured by t.1'�.is Deed of Trust. Trustor hereby agrQOS to �.nderanify, defend
<br /> j�;:T�"�:" aad hold Benoriciary haumS.a�s agatnst ar.y l�ss, coar9 or �ees it sutPera, v_
<br /> �"-'"'�''`"' whether during the tozm hereof or at anytim� thereafter, i�aluding, but aot
<br /> i'�:c�_,:
<br /> ' -��_��� limited to, reasonable attorney's fees as a resul� of arry �arar:cuxacy n any
<br /> - �-"':' rapx•eaentations or warranties herein reqardlesa of wh��t��ar Trustor had
<br /> — --== laaowledge thereof.
<br /> _r.�:r���_�w
<br /> ,°_:w_`��� 2Q. �.� Trustor hereby se12�, assigns
<br /> - =:i�� and transEers unto Ben�ficiary a1 of �Rae leases► rents and pzofita now due
<br /> "'�=��� and whiah may hereafter Decome due undo� or by virtue of any lease, whether
<br /> __'=�=�� writtea or ozal, or any agreemeat for the use or occupancy of tha Premises,
<br /> --_-`_�� it being the iatontion of this Deed oE Tru�t to establlsh an absoluto ,G.
<br /> " transfer and assigrumeraL of all such Ieases and agreements and alI of the ;_:;:
<br /> � rents and profits fxe�m the Premises unto Beneficiary. 'Trustor h�reby
<br /> -------- ist�vocably appoints B�ne�iciary as Txustor�s true and lawful attorney isi
<br />��--�� Ts�a�tor�s name and stsad, which appointment ia coupled with an interest,
<br /> �� tn coileat all of said rents and profita; provided, Tr�xetor shali havQ the
<br /> :� right to collect and retairn sucli ren�a arsd profit� un�ess and until an
<br /> --- --�„� �vent of default exists undeX ihis Deed of Trust. Upon the oceu���nce og
<br /> �L�`.��;,,:�� an sventi of def�ul.t, whether before or after the institution o� legal
<br /> �_,�sv,lvt
<br /> , proceedings to Pore�lo�e tho lien hereoY or bef.oro or a�ter sale heroundex�
<br /> �--- �"'`"�� ar deu:3ng ar.a► �,Q�i e�t o� redemption existing by law, forChwith, upon demand _
<br /> . ��^� _
<br /> - of Bene�iciary. TYU�tor ahall surrendor to Bonc���ciaxy and tsonoficiary
<br /> '°°---�°-`"°�� shall be ���itled to enter ��upon and take and maintain posseaston of tho
<br /> ��� premisos and any loasea thoreunder and aollect and retaia any ronts and �;,
<br />___l==�����"� �zafits Yrom the pxeruises and holdo op�rate, manag� and aontrol tt^se
<br /> _.-�_-�;;.�� �xamises and any such leasea an d to c f a �u c h t h i n g g i n i t� 8 i a c r o t i o n a s m a y .
<br /> �� be dae..�ned �Sroper or neeoasax+,f to eaforce payment or seC�xxity of tho rents
<br /> ��:;�, �. and profifi� of the Premiso� �nd performance of the tenants' obl3gations
<br /> �-'"--r�';`z= � undor any leases o� the Prenaisos, with full �row@r to cancel ar terminate
<br />�_:,�-:r.n.si i.;, '
<br /> - any leaso for any cause or on any qrounds fahich entitle Trustor to canc�l.
<br /> -,^' `"'����� �he same and to elect to disaffirm any lease made subs��.;uent to this De��
<br /> � of Trust ox subordinated to the lien hereof. �anefic�ary shall not !ov -
<br /> ' obligated to perfoxm or discharge any obl3.ga�3on or li3bi�ity of thm
<br />�,;�. '.-. landlord under any of said leases. Trustor ahal� �nd does hereby agree to � ..
<br /> _ , ��• indomni�y and hold Benofic3ary harmless �rom any and alY oxpenses,
<br /> �`�:�ru- ifability, loss or dartaage which i� might i ncur under said leasos or undor •-
<br /> -.��°��� �' _a «�..,e sea{.rntennt_ This Lndemnity d�os nat apply to any
<br /> --._:s.i.. ..-_.-._..., - Vr Hy L000vit v .....� ..___a__'_'__ .
<br /> ` ' '^����� liability to tha oxtoat it 3a caused by the wili�ul mi.sconauci of _
<br />_,,� •�..:�.. �. -
<br /> - ;: Buneficiasy. Any am�unts incurred by Benof3.ciary in connection with its
<br /> � � right� herounder, includinq coat�, expenses atxd roasonable attoxnoy's feos• _
<br /> - � shall bear interost at tho rate of eightaen porcont (18�) par �nnum and _
<br /> � shall bo so much additional Indebtednesa Socurod Hereby. Txustor shall _
<br /> reimburse Beneficiary therefor immediately upon demand. eeneficiary may :
<br /> - �� ,,. � apLoly any of said rents and profits rece�ved to tho cost and ox�enses nf _
<br />_ . 6 -
<br /> . �
<br />