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<br /> � r on�itlad to all compona�tion, as��ards, t►nd othor payman�a or roliaP F �,_=-
<br /> ` P thorofor, And ahall laQ onti�lod ut ita option to commc�ncBenoPiciarynehall '"-"""'"
<br /> "ss°� pxoaeeuto in ito own nama uny uction or pzocoodinga. ��.r_.,9
<br /> a18o bo enti�led to make a�y aompxomiso or oettloment in cannoction t�ith _
<br /> ��. � ' auch tnk�tnq o� d�a41o• All nuch conponsation, awards, damagos, righta oP .,
<br /> ., . �."�
<br /> action, and procaede uwa�rded to Truotor (the "Procooda") arc h�xeby F�``_ '
<br /> ��•�';�s�� aasigncad to eenel�aiuxy, IInd Truetor agraea to execute such further -
<br /> :*^- .
<br /> aasigrunanta aE tAo Rroceeda as Boneficinry or Truateo may require. �;
<br /> 4��•:�- .-a 6� n n�PMFNT O� 9UCCCSSOR TA[I9T�E. BonoPiciary may, f rom time �_�
<br /> ��:� E��`.
<br /> to time, b y � written inatrumoat executed and aaknowledged by �onaficiary,
<br /> ma�.lod to TrustoY an d Reaor da d i n t h e C o u n t y i n w h i c h t h e T r u s t Eatate is
<br /> !���'�•'��� loaated aad by otharwise complyinq with tha provisiona of tho applicable
<br /> lao� of the State of Nebraska, substitute a auccessos or auccesaor� to the -
<br /> ��,,,�_ , Trustee named herein or acting heraundar. -
<br /> �`�'��'' �l Q rrc�ne R j�Nf�A9$T(�jS. This Deed of TYUSi: applie8 to� iriu=os --
<br /> :-.��:vir.=�� I• �i.�3Li iY`i�R �_
<br />/°','����°•� t� the benefit of, and binds all parties horeto, their heirs, legateea,
<br />—_ ¢y4'l�� .
<br />�.-_:.%£.Y.a�e
<br /> _:�,� . c�eviaeea, p�Yac�nal rogre�entativea, �uccessorg and assigns. The erm
<br /> "'� �'`��� "Seneficiary" shall mean tihe owner and holder of t&o Note, whather or no�
<br /> ..' �- named ao BenePi�iary herein. �
<br /> "':'n::'� �
<br /> ,����—
<br /> - g� T13Ai_�F.�T?QA a. l�enerficiary, or its agents, repres�ntatives, or
<br />.''�2�''��
<br />:;� worlanen, are authori.zed to �nter at any reasoaable �ine upon or ia any part
<br />_ _,.;�� of the Trust Estate for the purposo oE inspectimg �h4 same and for the
<br />- __- - purpoae of pexYoim3.ng any of the acts it i.s authori�Erl �o perform under 4he
<br /> �:,_� terms o� any of the Loan 7nstruments.
<br />_____._=� g. �,►��s oF nEF�tJLT. The occurrence oP aay of the following
<br /> - aventa slzall be an event ot def�ul.� under this Deed of Trusts
<br /> ----- a. failure to pay any amount on the ivates whon duet or
<br /> b. Pailure to pay any other Indebtedneas betweon Trustor and
<br />_'�^,. SenePi�aiaxy when due, whothex secured Hereby �r not Secuxed Herabyt
<br /> >,,, or
<br /> c. dePault ox breach by t.hQ `�rustor under the tRSCns and
<br /> conditiona of the Ag Capital Comp�n}7 S�oan Agreemont datQd February �
<br /> __ L� lgg9, exocuted by tho Trustor an� giv�n to the 8eneficiaryt or
<br /> d. default or bremch of a$y covenant or agreomont of �the
<br /> Truator or any ao-maker, endorsez, gu�rantor or aurety of the Ndte
<br /> in th� Note, this Qeod of Trust, ox �a�ny othar agrooment, instrumer►t ,,,
<br /> �ursusnt to�ox in corui cti n�with thexNote orythis Aeed of Trustsror
<br /> :��� ' p . �
<br /> •---- e, any stateme�t m�de by the Trustox oY aay such eo-anaker, _
<br /> - ----- , eridorsor, guarantos or auroty to the Boneficiary at any time shall --
<br /> ptrove to have bet�ts incorr�ct or mia�.eading in any matozial rospect
<br /> -_-_ ..:,� wtaen ma�i�s or
<br /> �— � Y. the Tzustox or any such ao-maker, endorser, guazan�or ��: "=
<br /> --
<br />