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<br /> g� TntcilsaANC� AND AEPAIR�. �he Trustor ahall ohtain and keop in i•°w:.
<br /> full �orce and c£foct durinp th4 term of thia Deed oP Trust at thoir �olo ��..:
<br /> aoat and oxponso, inourunco nqa�.nst losa by fize, lightening and riak �r_
<br /> ' customasily aovered by standard extended coverage endorsemeat, including __
<br /> " � . , Y,he coHt of debri9 removal, togather oiith a vandalisra and malicioua
<br /> �� � misahieE eadarsement, all in tho amount�► pf not Io�:. than' thc gull �-
<br /> '� inaurable value or full replacement coat of the improvements on tho
<br /> Premisos, wh�chever i.s great�r, and Plood insurance in tihe maximum __
<br /> ��� obtainabla famouat unless evidonce is provided that the Premisos are not ___
<br /> �lith�n a flood p1a�Ln as dafined by tho Federal Inaurancs Administration,
<br />' ,,• }� and rent and rental value� insurance covering risk of loss due to the �
<br /> ! occurrence og any hazarda insured aqainst under the required fire and
<br /> extendod covorage inauranco in an amount equal to gusranteed incomo from
<br /> ,, .�+ the Prenises Por a period oP one year and based upon estimata of aanual -V
<br />-. . ;� incomc� from leases of the Premises as the BenePiciary may reasonably
<br /> � estimate. Such insu�ance policies shall be written ghall name�as wthe
<br /> ' insurance companies satisfactory to the Beneficiary,
<br />=t`,��: ` insured parties the �Cxustor and the Beneficiary �s thoar interests may
<br />- •- -�=��• as BED'�k'��IARY/L03S PAYEE� shall be in amoun�s 9afficient to prevent —
<br /> �y appear �
<br /> �_ .�` {�,l the Trustor frcrn becoming a co-insurer of any loss thereunder, and sha _
<br /> •. �,,P;�. b��� �, satisfactox� �Q���iciary clause in favor of the Bea�eficiary, with
<br /> f -�3� loss proceeds unGex zny such policie� to be made p�yable to the �_p
<br /> l�,+�•'�'•,f'��, Beneficiary. The Trustor ahall alao oY��ain and keep in full force and
<br /> effect during t�ne term of this Ce�d of Trust compx�hensive general public
<br />-���°';''�",� liability insurance covering ti�e legal liabilit�p of the Trustor agains�, _.
<br />�:.'. �' claims Por bodily irijury, dea�h or property damac�a occurring an, in or
<br /> ~° }�' . abou� the Premisea in such minimwn �moiants and with auch minimum limits as
<br />�/..•., !!d!'�
<br /> ,.�. ` it+� the BenePiciary may reasonably re({uise. All required polic3es of insurance
<br /> _ ,:�":`' : v
<br />�;;��aw� . � or acceptable certificates thoreof, together with evidence of tho paymen _
<br /> ���'` o� current pramiums thereof, sk�all be delivered to the Beneficiar�. The
<br />�"'��'. ° irustor aYiall. :�f.ttsia th3zt, �3n� �iay4 prior to tlh� expiration of �ny .such
<br /> r.,=.,i=j?`'+.t..�
<br />�.�-.:• jr, :.�� ,;; � policy, delivery cther original policies or cextificates oY the �.nsurer
<br /> �°"��`•�-'•'". ` evidencing the renewal of suah insurance togethex with evidence of the
<br /> �'�'�Yt paycaent of aurr�nt paemiwns thezefor. In the event of a foreclosure of,
<br /> 1� this Deed of Tr�ust or any acquisition o� the Premises by the Benefic�.azy�
<br />;;{� all such pobicies and any proceeds payable therefrom, whether ayable __
<br /> bofore or after a foreclosure sale, or during the period of redompt�oa�a ��
<br /> - any, shall become the nbaolute property of the Beneficiary to be utili2�d
<br />��T�� at its discretion. In the event of foreciosure or tho failure to obtain
<br />--�..',e;��z�� and keep any reguixed insuranco, the Trustor empowers tY�e Beneficiary to
<br />=RA��� effect insurance upon the Psemisos at the TruatAx's expense and for the
<br />��- ?"�'?� benofit of the Beneficiary in �he amounts and types aForesaid for a period
<br /> — of timo covering the time of redemption from Poreclosure sale, andThe
<br /> - - necessary thereforo, to c�naol any or all e�sisting insurance policfea.
<br /> � Trustor agreea 4o furnish the Beneficiary copies of all inspeotion reports
<br /> 3� and insurance rac�mmendations received by the Trustor from any insarer.
<br />=�s . rmT*Tr m�i�T ESTATE. Trustor shall a ear �n and
<br /> s'` 9. �cT To�FF,E PP
<br /> -'— �� contcst any action or proceedSr�g purporting to affect thQ security hereof
<br /> ---a°`"�"t�`:;� or the rlghts or pow��s of Benofiaiary or Trust.oe, and sh�ll pay all costa
<br /> � and expenses, including cost of evidence of title and attorney's fees, in
<br />-----�� any such ac�iora or Nzvcaeui;�g �.n whf�h Beasff��Ary or Trustee may .�PpBB=• _
<br />�;�;i Should Truator fail to make any payment or to do aay act t�s an�1 in Che =_
<br /> _-�;� manner provided in any of the I,oan Instriunents, Benoficiaiy and/or�°S��stee,
<br /> �,�,,,�,� �sach in ita own d�scre�ion, without oblaa�ation so to do an� without notico
<br /> to or demand upon Trustor aad wit��ut zeloas ing Tr�.s tor from an y�
<br />�°�'���� obligation, may make or do the same in such manner and to such e�ttent ae
<br />=�=��;,:«s;r; " either may deem necessary to protect the seauri�y hereof. Trustor shall, _
<br />„"'"i'-""�'"� � immed�ately upon dc�mand therefor by Beneficiary, pay all costis and e�enses -
<br />..'�` ;tiry�r ��
<br />�,�.t'sni��:,�,i;,,� incurred by Boneficiaxy in connoction wi2h tho exercise by 8eneficiary o
<br /> t,,,,•. the forogoing xightso includinq witt�out limitatfon costs of evislence of
<br />=;w^."" �.�'�i' '� title, court costs, appraisals, auxveys and attornoy s fees. Any such �
<br />;{�'� � � costa and o�genses not paid within t30) days oP writton demand shali draw _
<br /> .�.,. _ , . .
<br /> y�;�.. _� �;; intoros� at the default rato paovided in the No�c:. Trustor shall. no uno `
<br />-,�.__ '� or allow uso of the Truat Estate for any unlawful purpose. Tzustoz agrees
<br /> '� �*•� not to sell, transfer, lease, or further encumber the Trust Est�te in any
<br /> �`--��`-� � .��� �ithout nrior written apprnval of Beneficiary.
<br />_ ` '`;::�.' ••-. -
<br /> ��^ „ �� 3�� g. ��T DoI�BIN. should the Trust EstatQ, ox any part thereof _
<br /> � � or iatoxost therein, bo taken or damaged by teason of aay public
<br /> � , improvemont or cond�mnat ion proceo d ing, o r i n a n y o t h e r m a n n e r i n c l udin g
<br /> deed in lieu of Condemnation �"Condemnation"), or should Truator receive _
<br />=:: � any notice or other information regarding such proceeding, Trustor ehall -
<br /> � �� give pxompt wxitten notice theroof to Beneficiary. Benef3ciasy shall bo _
<br />_�. • 2 =
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