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<br /> . THIS pF.ED OC TRt79T ie made as of the ,� day oP Febxuary, 1999, by �
<br /> � � Bellamv and Bonnie s. Bell�+my, tlusband and wife �
<br /> and among Joh=x P. d
<br /> ("Trustor"�, whoav mailing addxesa is 3112 W. 18th 8treet, Gr�nd Ssland,
<br />;;�:r,.0��, Nebraska 68803, and Galen E. Stehlik, attornoy at latr ("Trustee") , whoae _
<br /> ,�:,:��: a.ddxoss is 231 3. Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebras�hnAe ad�dress ie
<br />-__-��:tc'�.. Capital Ccmpany, a Dela�rare Corporation ("Beneficiary ),
<br />*i�;��;1��:. 15200 Radias9n Tower, 201 5�h Stroot, Fargo, Noxth Dakota 58102.
<br />-'°��i"v�.
<br /> °'"'�'�'���� COR VALUAHL� CONSIDERATION, Truato� irrevoc�bly transfers, coaveys
<br /> ����� and assigas to T�:u�tte�, IN TRUST, WI�H POWER OF 9ALE, for the benefik and _.
<br />_;�_!;;� security oE Berieficiary, under and subjoat to the tertus at�d condition� of
<br /> this Deed og Trust, and a certain "Ag C�pital Company Loan Aqreement" dated
<br /> . February 1, 1999, the real praperty loaatod in the City of Grand Ialt�nd,
<br />''�=�+� County of Hall, 3tate of Nebr�ska, and d�acribed as follows (the
<br /> , ,;�"y��.� "Qxoperty„� :
<br /> �"� Lot Five (5) , Westgate Figth 9ubdivision, in the City of arand
<br />- °- Islurtd, Hall Coun�ty, Nebraska,
<br /> � TO�GTHEA WITH al]. renta, easements, �ppurtenances, hereditament9,
<br /> iaterosts in adjoining roads, streets and alleys, improvements and
<br />- � buildinqs of any kind situated thereon and all personal property khat may
<br /> � be os hQY�aSter become an �.ntegral part of such buildings and impxovements, ,
<br /> --------- and all ynater rights. "
<br /> -'"�' The Property and the an�tiz�e� �state and inter��t conveyed to �he -
<br /> � Txustee are xeferxad to collect3v�:ly as the "Trust Eatate". •.
<br /> � A. Payme�t of indebtedneas fn a total principal amcaunt not to
<br /> exceed Two Hundsed Forty-Five Thou3and Dotlars ($295,000.00), with interest
<br /> ��`°����� ' thereon, as evldenaed by that certain promi.saory notc� of eve�s dato (the
<br /> � � "Note"? w3.th a maturity dotp of not later �h7n Febxuary 1, 20C��1e executed
<br /> �= . by Tr�x�'�os; which has b�en delivered and i� p�yable to the• c►rdar of ., . .
<br />------°— Benafi.cisry, and which by this reference is ti�rebY mado a part fiereof, and
<br /> -.':���+�� any and all mod��ications, exton�iona, and xenewala thereof, 'and
<br /> �`'�'`� g, paymenti of all sums advanced by Beneficf.ary to protoct�t�s�s
<br /> �-� . � Trust Estato, with iniceiest tharcvn at the rato �c�L �o��h �.st the Nate_ � .
<br /> This Deed af Trust, the NoY��, the Ag Capftal Campany Loan Agreemoat '
<br /> and any othor instrument given to evidance or further socure tho paYm�nt
<br /> and performanac� af anY obligation secured harmby aro rofexred to
<br /> _ �._��_= collectively as �he "Loan Instrumonts".
<br />_-�`;��.�.��� .
<br />- �-F 1, pavn��mT Q� it�DEBTEDt�F4�. Trustor shall pay �vhen du�a '�D�fl
<br /> ��� prinai�nal of, and the interes� on, tho indelotedness evidenced by the �to�,
<br /> =u-T;,��;�.�"-� charqe�, fees end all othQr sums as provided in tho Loan Inatruments.
<br />_.�Y�u��. .
<br /> _�"`;�' 2� ��. Trustor shall pay each installment of a11 tax�s and
<br /> __,- �,;._, special assess�rnts of revery�ki�nd,�of ro d lin encv.l withoutg notic��or
<br /> _ —�:=�t� Trust Ei9LaLO o= oiay r.o.... ....� --. —
<br /> �n��:::�,;e,��e demand, and ahall provide Beneficiary with ovidenca of the payment og aAmv.
<br /> ��.�;:�r,':::�;.� Trustar shall paY all taxea and assessments which may be lavied upon
<br /> ���5����'�+. � Benofic�ary's interest herein ox upoa th3s Deed of Trust or the debL
<br />�.,�..�..��.::..�..' g.:.
<br /> � � aecured horeby, without ragard to any law tQ�at may be enacted impos ng1
<br /> r;�"'.�`�:;��`'` " payment of the Frhole or any part thereof upon tho Beno�iaiary.
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