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<br /> � ' Unless I.�sndor nnd Hanawer otherwiae ngrea in�vrtting, any npplicatic�n of praceeda ta prtncipal ehull not extend or ��'_
<br /> „ pastpane tha due dnto of the manthly pnyments roterred to in puru�raphs 1 and 2 or chan�a the amoun�c af the paymente. �.
<br /> IC under pnrogruph 19 the Propflrty ie acq�utred by I.en�er, Borrower's right ta any insurance palicies und proceeda �:
<br /> resulting from damngo to the Yroperty prior to the acquisition shnll paea to l.ender t�the extent ot the aumn secured by �--
<br /> thia Seeurlty Instrufnont Immediataly priar to tho ncquieition. --=_
<br /> h,Peaserveti�n and b4eiatonance oit Property; Leasaholde; Condomlaiums; Planned Uait Devel�pmeate.
<br /> Borrowor ehnll keep tha Properey in good regair nnd shall not commit wusta or�ernit impair�ncnt ar detedorntton o4 �
<br /> tha Property nnd shuil comply tivith the pravteione of nny lease it this Deed oi Trust te on a leasehald. Ii thte Deed of
<br /> „ ;;: ;��j: Truat ts on a unit In n condomintum ar u plannad unIt davelopment,Sonower ehnll pereorm uli af Borro�ver's
<br /> . •TM� ,� obligutions undar the dealaretion or covannnte cteating or governing tha coadominIum or planned unit development,the
<br /> by-laae und regulnt�ons of tha condomintum or pinnned unIt development,and constttuent docur�ents. �
<br /> 7.Protecslon ot Leader's Security. It Borroa�r feils w petforan the covenents and agreernent�contntned ta thia �,���
<br /> �i Deet1 of Ttust,or it any action or proceedtag ta cort�menced which meterielly ef4ects i.cndcr's interest in tha Pr���rty, '-"'-
<br /> • � then Lettder� at I.ender's optton, upan notice to Horcower,may meke auch appearances,diabur:,e such Rums, including
<br /> reasonable nttarneys'tees,and wke euch action as ia nece.SSery to proteat I.eader's interest.I! Lender tequired mortgage
<br /> ' insucanae os a condItion of muking the loan secured by thie Deed of Trust,Borrower ehall pay the premiume requIred to
<br /> mr�iataia sueh insurance ia effect untll sueh time as tha requirement tor auah insurance terminates in accordnace with
<br /> '�, gorroNer's and I.ander's wrttten agreemeat or appttcable law. My amounte disbursed by Leader pursuaat to this
<br /> paragr�ph 7� rrIth interest therecm, nt the applicable contract rate, shall b�come addidonel iadebtednesa of Borrotver
<br /> . ';�;: �,d �
<br /> secured by thls Deed af Truat. Unless Borrower and I.eader a�rea to otl►e�' �e of pIIymeat, auch a�3ounts ehatl
<br /> , %���:��� "� payable upon nottcs irom L.ender to Borrower requesting paymeat thereot.Nothiag conteiued in this paregraph 7 ehall
<br /> , . requlre Lender to Incur any expense or tekd�ny IIcdon hereuadar. oAS oY the Pro
<br />� 8,Iaspectioa. I,euder may make or cause w 1oe made reasoaable eatries upon and iasgead PQl'LY�
<br /> "''.�,� provided that Lender ehall glva Horrower notice prlor to anY euah inspection specifying reasonebla cause theretor related
<br /> ,�',�j; to Lencfler's interest in the Propercy.
<br /> , ���'�� 9.Cmndemnetion.The proce�ds of any award or claim ior damages.dlrect or�anse411ential.ia connectton Nith aaY
<br /> A cQadsrn�nnti�a ar other takiag oP tha Property� or part thereoY, or for canveyeace in lieu of coadamaatioA� ere hereby
<br /> � a�Ig�ed and Ahall ba paid to Lender. eubject 2a the ternle p�8aY mortgege�deed ai trust or other securIty agceement
<br />' •-� witD e Diea which has prtority over tbis I�ed o�Trust.
<br /> ta_ �inrrawer Not Rolesstd; Forbasrna�ca By Leader Not a� Wdver. Eatenstoa of the dme for payment or
<br />..,>;,;:r,.;y_�° - ced'oy Lcn�i ttz aay st�c!'iA itlLeT�*_ .
<br /> • madi�icatina oi amortizattoa o4 the suma secured by ttuo d)eed ot i rnss gran�
<br />"� � of Banower sa8 all other patties wha ere or bereafte�' b�come secoaclerlly liable shell aot operats to releaao, in any
<br />_"':. :.,�:'.. � menner, tha lIability o4 tha orI�tnal Borrower aad Borroaer's successars in iaterest. Lender she11 not bo rEqulred to _
<br /> � ��:° commeaca proccediA�a e&ainet auch successor or reinse w estend time for paymeat or otherwise modtfy amortizatloA
<br />��`�.:�::,..;:�.,.
<br /> : ,.;�;�� op the sume seaured by this Deed of Trust by masoa of oay deme►nd made by thn orIginel Borrower ead Borrower's
<br /> ��;{{r�;;�1'; sucoe�sese in Iaterest.AnY forbanranca by I.ender in egenciaing any xight or remedy hereuades'. or othernisa as4torded by
<br />��:;�1''�., applicable law,ehall aot be a aaiver of or precluda the eaercIse oi aay such right or remedy.
<br /> -"`'�=`�`'- I l. Successora snd Asaigns Bound; Jotat and Several Liabilisy; Casignera. The covoaaats aad agreemeats
<br />�=�w;.�„,.�;� hereia contained sball bind�ond the r�gttta hereunder shall inure to. the r�pective suocxssors end aselaas oi Lender nad
<br />�`� Bonocr•er,subjeat w the provisions of paragraph 16 hereoi.All coveaent8 and agreements of Burrower ehsll be Joint aad
<br /> �� ::,s
<br />'1�-..--��''�� Eevera?, �ny Borrower Nho co�i�ns thia Deed of Trust.but does not eYOCUta the Note, (a) is co-slgaiAg tE�ie Dead of
<br /> �-:'-�,� Trust ony to gcaat and wavey that Borrower's interest in tha Property to I.ender un�er the terms oi thie Decd of Tn�st,
<br /> x r�i1 Z'f1R'i�
<br />�e�+���y,� (b)Is not personally liable on the Note or nnder tlus Deed of Trust�aad(c)a�rees that Loadet ead eay other rroa►er
<br />�,.µ.:;�.;� hereuader moy agree to estead� modify.forbeer,or mako any other acoommodadona with re�ard w tho terme oi thie
<br /> —�---=�—� Deod ot Trust or the Note.withflnt�that Bonower's consent and without teleasi��that Boreower or naodiiying th�a Dee�
<br />�.,::.;,�,;���
<br />��,�;:�, of Trust ea ta that Hornower's i�a8erest in the Property.
<br />_.-•-���;•-� 12. Notico. Except for nny notice requlred uader np�licnble law to be glven in aaosher inanaer� (a)an�+potice to
<br /> -` ���'� Honow�r provide�U�or in thie Deed oi Trust ehell be g�ven bp deliverin�It or by mailing�uch notice by certi�ed mrsil
<br />'-"��!�, nddrGSSed to Borrower at the 1'roperty Addc�e�a or at such other addres�es Borrower may desigflata by nottes to L�a�le�'
<br />�'�� as�vided hereta.e��d (h)nny not�ce to Lender ehalt be given by certitied mnil W I.ender's eddcess stated heteIn or to
<br /> _.�,.;,�u,� such other address as Lender may deei�nate by aotica ta Borrower ea ptavided tierein. As�Y aotice pmvick�3 iuc In t}�is
<br /> --s,:-� DeeB�7 Trust shall be deeme8 t�o have beea given to Bz�n�ower or Y.endor Nhoa�ivat►ia tt►e mauaer desiges I¢ocated e4m11
<br />��A� 13.2"rovern�m�1l.na;Sevcrsbility.The Ertats and loc�i laws of the juasdtction in which the Property.
<br /> T
<br />��',;:�+:. apply escopt wheec�uch Iawa confitct ai44n �ederal Inw; in which csse,Federal law ehatl apply. Ia th�event t c�ay
<br /> _.: -- provisioa or clnuse of tt►ie Aeed of Trust or the Nota conilicts with appl{cable law�sach confliat ehall not aftect other
<br />� ;� � pr�cv�nons oi th�s Deed oi Trua�or the Nota cvhich can be Bivea effect �vithout t��contltcdag provieion.and to t.�is end
<br /> � � the�nr�z►visions of th�e De�d of'3'rust oad the Note are declured w ba severable. !�s�ed herein�°cosm.» wBS�@IlSC9�w nnd
<br />- ' "attorneys'fces"Include all sums to the extent not pmhibited by applicable law or lienited hereia ,
<br />"�. � '; 14.Bonosser's Copy. Borrower sha1D be turniehe� a ooniormed copy of the Note and oi this Deed oi Tr.usc. it =
<br />_ . �" requested,at the time oi esecution or nft:r recordution hereoi.
<br />- .,�3, 1S.1Flehabilitation Losffi Agreement. Bonower she11 fu1Ci1 ull o! Boreower's obligndona undc.r aay homv
<br /> � 3' reha�ititatton� improvem�na. n.Puir. or other loan c�sneat whicts Borro�ver entere into cvith I.endzA•. Lender. at -
<br /> ' �� Lertder'e optton.inuq tequire�artower to esecute and deliver to Lender�in a form nc,oeptable w Lender.nn nsvignmant
<br /> ,�_�+� ��'-- of nnv dehta. cluims or defenses which Borroaer muy hnve agt�nat pardea��ho supply Lnb�.mnteriels or service3 in
<br /> � . ° ' connection wtth improvemesita mnda w tne a�ropercY. of the Property or nn intareat thereia�
<br /> � . . 16.Tra�ster oi tha Pra�esty. It Bortower sell�or trnnsfers all or eaY pru�t
<br /> ,;. , oxcluding (o)the creatton of n liea or encumbrance subordInate to tl►ie Deed�Y Trust� (b1 u trenafar by devtse, descen�
<br /> '. or by operntton of law upon the death ot n jnint tennnt�(c�Yhe grtu►t ot any leasehold intere�t oi three yeura or less not
<br /> � contoitdng un oprisn to purchasa,(d)the cre�tion ot e purchase money security interest for household oQpliances, (e)a
<br /> transter to u relntive resultinB from the death ot o Bonower. U)a�� �h��°gp°�oa children oi tha BorroNer
<br /> - .' ' become un oNner ni the propertY� (B� m t��' �ldng irom n decre�of dIssolutIon o! mnrriuge,le�¢i separntton -
<br /> � - agreement� or irom an in�idental propertY settlen►ent ngreement.by which the spousa 4f tho Borrocver becomes nn _
<br /> NE��1999
<br /> OY-08-98 OOT
<br /> . , oR,o,�� ��,��e��re�r�s��r'��,r
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