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�r . , . . <br /> 1�. i . . <br /> n . 'I ' <br /> • ' I! <br /> ' �l . <br /> ':-`nF�4Alt(�Wl4}—. . "'_—__—__—'_"__.___-............_....._.__.... , <br /> C �W���V <br /> � � 9�- cpa$o�or s, . <br /> , TO(3�'THER wlth nll the improvementR nAw or hereafter erecte� oa the proparty, nnd aU eusoments, d�hta, �. <br /> ° appurtennacea oad rents (sub}�t hoNever to the rlghta c+nd euthorItIes given herein to I.ender to collect und agply sudt► �',: <br /> renw),ull 04�++hiah sh�ll ba deemed to d�and remutn o purt of the proparty covered by this Deed ot Trust;and�ll of the <br /> � toredoing,to�ether with eatd property (or tha leasehold e�stata if this D�ed of Trust ie An a leasehvld) are heroinattsr <br /> referred to ue the"Pro y." �. <br /> � �_, <br /> � Borrower covenante that Borrower ie lawfnlly seised of tha estato horeby conveyed and hae the right to grnnt and convey __ <br /> -� the Proparty, and that the PropErty ie unencumbered except 4or encumbrances of record. Borrower covanants that �-.; <br /> , ' Bnrrosver aorn�a�te and will defend �9narally the title to the Proporty egainet alI cleima and der�ondc, aubjzct to _,.. <br /> , . '' encumbrances of c�ecord. -_- <br /> (JNIPORM COVENAN'TS.Bottower and Lender covenant and agree es follows: - <br /> �.���' l.Paymant oi Priacipal aad Intereat. HorroNer shall promptly pay when due tha pdncipal and interest <br />� "'^"' '"�' indabtedaess evidenced by tha Note. includ�n� any variations resulting from changes in the contrnct rnte, and other <br /> " churges as provtded in tha Note. � <br /> ' , � 2,Fuade for f�xes an8 Inaur�aco. Suhject to appllc�►b!e lew or writtsa waivcr by Lendet, AOrro�lAr shalt pay to � <br /> • Lender oa tha day monthly gayments ai princlpal and iaterest are payable under the Nots,until tha Note is paid ia fult, <br /> � ' n sum (herein"Fonds") equsl to one-twelitii oY�cha y�.9rly tuaes ead assassments(iacluding condomiatum and plsaned _ <br /> •��{ unit daveloprnsat assesemeate. �f aay) wt�ch nney a�ttata prlority over thia Dced of Truat, and grouad renta on the <br /> � Ftoperty�if any, plus one-twelfth of the yearly premium IAS�ilmeata Por hazard ineurunce. plus oao-twalfth of yearly <br /> � premium iastullanente for mortgage inauraace, it any� ell as rrasonably esti�ated iniclallY end from tlme to t�me by <br /> • i.,ender on the�b�sis of assessments and btile aad teasonabla esttmates thereof.Borrower shall not lr�obligated to make <br /> �•�`n auch payments oQ Funda to Leader to tha oxtent thst Bonower makes such gaymeats to the ho!der of a prlor martgaga �" <br /> '�,;�,' or deed oi trust ii auch holder is en iasdtutioasl len�er. _ <br /> . : �;,, 1f Bartower pIIys Ftutda to L,ender�the fruads sball ba held in aa inr�titutton the deposite or accounia of ahich ere <br />�. ;; :r��,� ;naured or gusranteed by a Federal or stAta sgenc�(inaluding Lender if Lender is such an iastitution).Lender ahall app{y <br /> � �'`�`' tho Fuads to pay said tsses.esse�ments,insura.nce premiums and grouad rente.Lender may aot cherge for so holding <br />' , und applyiag the Fuads�analyziag seid accouat or verifyiag aad compiliag said essessments and biUs�unless Lender pays <br /> " Borrower intereat on the�unda eud upplicable law;�armita I.ender w make euoh u charga. Borrower�ad I.ender may <br /> e�e ia aelting at tha time of execution of thie I3eed of Trust that iaten�t on tha Fuads ehell ba paid to Borrower.aad <br />-� �• unlesa such agreament is mada or applicable!sw requires euch Intarest to ba pntd. Leadoc ohaU aot ba reqoired Caa pay <br /> �` ��' � Horrower aay iatetest or earaiaga on tha Funde. I.ender ehall�ivo ta BorroNer�withou4 charga, an anaual axouAting of <br /> ' . ��, the Punds showIag cred'ets aad debits to the Funds sad the pur,posd for whiah each dabit to the Fuads was mado.Tha <br />;,'" . :. Funds are pledged as additi�naat securtty for the eums sacured bq th#e J�eed ut�rust. <br /> N' <br /> .�,. ., ��� ,` If the esnouat oi the F'unda held by I�eader,togothor wit3i th�Euture moatWq inetellmeate of Fuade payable primr w == <br /> y;�;;��"�` ,; .. tha due dates ot t�exes,essassments,iueuesace premiutne and�rouad reats.shall oscead the amount requiced to pu�said <br />�r�'�:°.�;;.�; �f• �i' tages,ass�sments,inaurnttce premie�na aad�round e+ents es thay fall duo,such eaeesa ehsll be,ai Borrower's d�tt�oa, <br />�''!"'?`'�'�� • either pmmptly ropaid to Borrovrer or credtted to Bonoaer oa maa4hly insteltments of Funde.IY tha emount ot the <br />:+��i;''�=►. 1�unda held by Lender ehgtl aot be sutifclent to paq t�aes,asseasmaats.Insurnaas Premtums sad�raund renta es they tell __ <br />- ''.�'��'+��1 .� dUO�gortower ehetl pay W I.ender ang antount necessary to make up tha daticienoy►in ona or more payments as L�ender <br /> f n,t�r.,,r .;..�. <br />���%. F ��� mey require. <br />-:,•�,-TF�-°-- Upon payment ia tull of ell sums secured by thie Dad of Trust,I.ander shaU prumptly refnad w Honower uay i�andc► <br />*�r:�''p� .� held by I.ender. Ii uader paragraph 17 hereaf the Property is sold or the Property is otharwiee acquired by Leieder. <br />="`�-"`�=�• Lor►dar eh�ll agply,ao later thea tm�nedlatsly prlor to tha eale of the Properiy or�te aoquisitiron by Lender,anq Funda <br />'6"�""'�"�' held by Lender at tho rime of applicatioa ea a credit against 4ha eums secured�y this Deed oi Trust. <br />� - ` '��-� 3.�pplicatioa of Psymente.Unless applicable law provtdes otherwisa�all p:►ymcata e�a�ived by Leader under tha <br /> '�"''�``�''L''�`�� hs 1 aad 2 heteof ehall ba a liod by I.eader tiret ia yment oi amouate pt►yable w Leadcz by <br /> �-m�•u�=�- Note aad P�BmP PP Pa <br /> r.m.�.r...�s�� <br /> ,-�,,,,;,;,�,�,,,.�;� Homowor uader paragr3ph 2 to interest payable on tha Nata at the appliaable ooAtc�ct raW,and thon to th� <br />;;���� prIacIpal of tha Noto. <br /> Y.;-s�rrxr..� 4.Prior Mnrtsa�es �ad Deeds of Truat; Q"h�Tjes; Ldeae. BAmower ahall perfurm oU of Bon+o�se�'s obltgations <br />� ��`�:::�i:�� - under any mortgago,deed oi truwt�.r mther secudty agreem�s2�with a lien wGich hes prIority over thia Doe�oi Trust, <br /> y�,�' tncluding Borrower's covemants to a.:�aka payments ahea rit��e. Bon�ower shall pay or cause to ba patd all tnxes� <br /> A._��,� ����t� ��t nther cher¢es, 4ines and impasitions eriributeble tv the Property whtch mey nttaia a priority over ttds <br />� D�eed oi Tnrst�and ie�ahold paymea►te or ground tente,i2 nny. <br /> - ��•�, S.Hazard I�uranoe. Borcoaer ahsll kcep tfie improve�neata now esistiag or he:tiafter erectgd on the Prnperty <br />��—�T����pj��}" �naured against l�s by tiae�haz,�included within tha urm "este�tded covera�e�" end s�ch other hazards es Len.der <br /> "_�1n.L�_"_a�Sr�rv.:� . <br />-_ ��� may re:quire and ia euch amounts aatl Qor auch pertods os I.endet mny requiere. <br />�`�r�- �' Tha insuranoe c�rrIer grovidiag tha ins�ttance shall be chosea by tt►e Aorrower aubyect to approva �p Lender; <br />�:.:`�;�.�-`�� �� provided,thet euch ngp�vval ehall aot be unteasonably withheld Alt tnsur2�ce polictes and reae�vale thereof shatl ba�n a <br />�;;;� , . £aren acoeptable to Lxad�and stu�ll iacluda a�undard mortgoge clnuse ia tl�vor u!ead tn a torm��cc�eptable w Lender. <br /> Lender shall ha,ve the dght to�ald tlne polictes anra ren�wals th�eo4�aub�ect to tha tenae oi uny martgage,deod of t�rust <br />'� `` :.`:-r,.;,�`��' or othar security agreement wis8►n fl'sr.n whiah hae priority o�or�is Dced of Trus� <br />�.�. ,-_ . <br />= � In the event oi 1�.Borrower shal'!give prompt aoti�to 4h�ineurnnca carrier ond Lender. Leader may moge proof <br /> ��--�� : � � oi loss tt aat made pra�pily by Borrower. <br /> � � :+� Unless Ixnder aad L'�rower otherwisa ugree in writiag.iasurnnce p�r�ads eholl bo npplied to re�tAr�tion or regair of <br /> . � the propetcy the restorntioa or repair is eroaomiaxilly 4easible and Leader's security is aot lessened. V tha <br /> ,��'"�`��'; restoration or rep�ir is not ea�aamicatly feesible or Lender's�a:,xurity Hould ba le�ened,tho iasurnnco prarceds eball he _ <br /> -�- '-- —t_L �:��n..r� te <br />- �'`:�`.- --"-�= applied to the suma secus+ed ay cnis aecurisy insavmeni�w`c�wvr vr u�;¢ �a�n u�� RiHI OII�oa.� E.a,� ..,...,,,....a.., _ <br /> " - �� �� Bore+ower abandons tho Property,or does aot oaswer�+rtth�n 3D days n aotico from Y.eader that the insuranca cardor has = <br /> � � - ' ottered to cettle u cluim, then Leader may ooltoct the tnsuraaoe pr�ds. Lender may use the proceeds oo repair or <br /> - . rescore the Property or to pny sums secur�by thts Security Instrument.cvhother or not then due.The 30-dny perio6 wtU <br /> " begin when the notice is Qiven. . <br /> � � � It the Propetty Is ab�adoned by Barro�ver� or if Bon+ower inils to respond tn I.ender cvithin 30 deqs tram tha dcite <br /> nodco ta mailed by Lender to Borroaer that the iaouranoa carrier oftecs to settle a c1�im for�nsuraace bensiita.I.ender <br /> ' ,. �e authnrizrd to oollect und npply tho insarnnco pir�otesls at Lendet'a option either to ne.aWtation or tepair ot the <br /> � ,, � pmperty or to the sum9 eecured by this Deed oi Trust. <br /> .. 0Y-Oe-99 OOT NEOOl89Y <br /> ' o;i3O�KAI �I������,�,l�A����I,�II' <br />