.�:ri�� . :•
<br /> ;�:Y{f T °'.% .
<br /> . { .,
<br /> f
<br /> ,. � � . �� .
<br /> �
<br /> �.
<br /> ...� :•,_�.�.:;: .. , �
<br /> ' �� ,� • ,
<br /> „ ��� ���.��i� ZPabe 4 of 3� �
<br /> p perty� (h)a trunater Inw en tntet vi�vos truat in which the Borrow�r ie und remuinA o baneti��ary at�d `�
<br /> �� uwner of the ro �
<br /> whioh daea not relate W a tronster of rlghta ot aacupuncy ia the property, �r (i) uny other tranefer or dIe�asltlor�
<br /> descrlbed in roQulntlons prescrtbed by th� Federal Homa Iaan Bank aflnrd, Harrower shall cause to ba submitted �;_1-:
<br /> iaformutton required by I.endet to evnluute the trnneferea na if n nea lonn cvero betnB nnnde to the tronePerco. �ano�ver
<br /> tvill continue to ba obligated under the Note and this Deed ot Trust unless Lender tele�ea Horrotver In wrlting. �:
<br /> It Londer daes not ogreo to such enle or trurwfer. Lender muy deolare nll ai the suma secured by th1R Deed at Tr��at -?�
<br /> „ . � W be immediataly due tind paynbte. If Lender oxervisa suoh option tn accelorate,�.��of not�s h n 30 doys ttrom ���
<br /> A
<br /> n c c e l e rn t�o n i n u�;o r d n n c e w t t h p a r a g ra ph 12 hereof. Sueh notica ehnll provtde a peri s
<br /> � tha date the notice is meIled or dolivered aithin whicA Bonoaer may puy the sums dec lu r e d due.I f B o r ro w e r i n i l s t o M,_
<br /> •;�::�:,.-s� pay such euYns prIor to ihe oxpitatlon ot such perlod, Lender mey, without further nottca ot demnnd on Borpo�ver. �,.:..
<br /> �•� invoke any remedles permitted by ps�rogcnph 17 hereoL --
<br /> � NON-UIVIFORM COVBNANTS.B�rrrower und Lender further covenant nnd agree ae iollowa: !'R"`
<br /> 17.Accelero4lou; Romcdiea. EACepE es provided in poragreph 16 hereot. ar es other�vise requlred by la�v� `__
<br /> ; upon �ornm�er's breach oi any covea�at or �Qreement of Bonower in this Deed oi 'Truet. inclndin�
<br /> • Borrowcr'�foiiure to pay,by the ond oi ton(10)cslendar deys aiter tho date thog�ere due,sny aums seeured _
<br /> " . ;, by tLie Deed oi Trust.Lender pr14r to acceleratioa sheDl give notice to Horirowar es provtded la paraaraph 12
<br /> hereof specifying: (1)th� brescla; (�)tho actioa nquiaed to cure such br�ach; (3)�date.uot loss thsn 20 days -
<br /> � ` irom the dato tho notice 1s m�iled to Horrower,by w�ich auch bresch paust be eured;and(4� t�s4 tailure zo
<br /> "" �,� cure sach brosch oa or before the date apeolited in the ootice msy result In acceleratioa`o�fethoi the rI bt to .
<br /> • by this Dced oi Trns4 aad sate o�tho ProperQy.'D'�te noteco ehall iurthee inf�a�a �An g
<br /> ��� ' raiastste a�ter acceleration aad the rtght to briag court action to sasert the mm�oaietance oi s default oa aay
<br /> ather detense oi Bonocvor to acceloratioa aad �le.It the braaah is aot aured on or.before t�e date apesttted
<br /> � �un the notice, Lender. m� Londer's optlon� �ay dealare a!l 04 the aums secund by this Dead u?Trust to be tr�:_
<br /> ° .r'',;,�,. iaaamediately due andl pay�ble without �urthes demandl amd may invoke the p�Wea oi salo and any oth�r =_
<br /> .:•� ��v remedlos�ermitted by applictlalm law. I.eader shall be enEntled to collect all cos¢s snd eipansefl incu����tg _
<br /> . ��`'� urauin t�e reaneddes psovtded'nr�nl►is psragra�h 17 to tbo ortont purmttted by m��9Qcablo law. _
<br /> �,�i{�� p 8
<br /> � + It Lendet invo�es EEte �power o9 s*le� Lendxr ror Trustee sh�ll m�iIl coples of a ma�tice of s�la in the maaner —
<br /> � �* prescrtbed by appliars&!a 1tw to Borro�sor ondl t��a the ather p�orsons�a+r.�crihed by applicablo Daw.'I'rusteo sh�li �_
<br /> _ " $ivo aot8ce ai sale by psublic advortisemoat �rn the ti�se and ia 32e0 aaaaner prescrlbed bq applieable law. f�-�
<br /> � Truateo.s�nd�h�u!dem�nd on Bonawer�ah�ll sell ttte Property at publte auetion t�ihe highest bidder for caeh !_:-
<br />� - � ' at the tittra��d piatx�udt andor iYno ici.;.s ds�'��az�3�:'st aailct Qf�!�in oae wr more parcels and ia such
<br /> �sdor as Trustee mapy�¢+dermiae.Truatee mag postposte ssle oi alb or mny parcel oi the Property to sny later
<br /> :�;;w��,,..,.,, ' tia�e oa the sam�o �laQe .b�pu�6l�au�a�OS�� �op �y attaay ae� �ll�e oi any provtously sche8uled sale. _
<br /> ;, �_ �� ll.a�nder or beader's de,c�ga Y P _.
<br /> �"��.:�Q�:,��:�;� Trus�v�o��ll deliver to the pan�l�+ases Truatee's deed coaveying the lF'roperty so sold without any covea�►at
<br /> '"�;;';;'�1�:��•��� or waras��. o: ressed or im�Bae�. The rcaitsis ia the '�Qa�atee's deed ehalE t�e �:r�ma iscie evidence oi the
<br /> iY � :�•�r h. P
<br /> - �;.;;. ��3. truth oi t1G¢sta4emonts an�de tDatein.Truetee shsli epply Bho proceeds ot t�m eage ia tho lollowina osdimrr..(�
<br /> �
<br /> ��>;�F�•. '; :
<br /> ,.�,��,� �_��� to �ll reasonablo coflts snd eipea�es of the sale,faolud�ng, but nm3 B3e�ited t�,.��asoa�ble Truatee's ieey�a
<br /> �;''� attoraeys'faea oad cost+s of 4itla ovldeace;(b) to�11 euma seoured by this Dead oi Truet; aad(c)tho e:cass. it
<br /> �::_;,r�..�.,�
<br /> - ,; any�to the person or p�raoas lagally eutitte t orato.
<br /> .T�.1�,.f;�..'r�. �
<br /> =W;�};.� 18. Barrowar s ItiBht to Reiastate. Notwithstsading L.c�^,��r's acceleretion oi the sume seaured by this D�acd o
<br /> ...e._,_.,,,��_s Trust due to Borrowar's breach,Bornowot shall havo tha dght to have aoy procadia�s begua by Leitder to onidawn thig
<br /> -��-`�'���TM`'�� Deed of Trust discontinued at say time prIor to the earlier to occur oi (ns 4he fiftl�day before the�a1e ai the PropertY
<br /> -_'-:'��=�..P�'��1 pureuaat to the power of sale contaiaed ia thie I�.,��of Truat or (it)entry m2 s jud�nent enforcing�hi��aed oi Trust if:
<br />-___-' : ;�� {a) Borrower payre I.eader all suras Nhieh cvould rma thea due under tb3e Desd oi Trust and the Nota bnd ao aoceleration
<br />_- _'��u� oxurrsd�d�? Bo�s+ower cwes all breschea of any other covenuats or agreementa o!�aaamwer coatainal in this�aed oi
<br /> �'~,�.�,;°��� Trw�t; (cp �owa' pays dl reasonabla eapenses Iaaurre8 Tsy Les�dor aud Trustea nn enforaing ttzo cove�,�n�s aud
<br /> =;��. ageemeests oL Borrowec contained ia this I�cd af Truat�and in enforcing Leader's aad Trustee's remedioa ea providad
<br /> ,.-..��..-Y�� in parngraPh 17 hereoi�includiAg�but aot limited to,ressonable attorneys'faes w the eatemt permitted by appl�cable law:
<br />-�---�-�"'��-� ead td? �aer takes such sctlon ae Lendar may reasoaebly require ta assure thst tha lten ai thia Dad oi Truet, :.
<br /> —"_°_- -- Lendor a nrta��rast in the Prcp�."rtY suzd livrn,trer`s b�ligadan xo�..�sy trtc s�mna e_s:�u�i t�y tt�i6),.+';:�ai Trs�t e!�!!eea�*±vo .
<br /> �ra
<br /> w--_'�','�� unimpairad. Upon such payment and cure by Barrower. thie Deed of Truat and tho obligations seeured ��p.�11
<br /> -��;.�� reinaln in full fatre and eftact es i4 ao accelerndaa 1md accur.ted.
<br /> -�.����� 19, Assi�nmont o�Reate; Appointmaal�f Recolver, Leader tm IP"�ssession. Aa additiaa�l securlty hereunder�
<br /> ��=t�irir?.`", , �orrower hdreby essIgas to LeA�Yer tha rente of t�xe Proparty.Provtded that Botrower shell� Prior to acceleretton undar
<br /> �':'�F��-�".� -;' �. '� ➢7 hs�refli or abnn�ffonmeat of the Pcoperty�have the right w collc�t and reuaim,such reats as thoy hxome dvo
<br /> ��"� . -
<br /> ., .r..,w and p�yzL�.'`�.
<br /> . . � Upan accvleration under pare8raPliY 1� hercof or abaadonmeat ot the Property. Lendor, �a p�rsoa. bY ag�►i or by
<br /> • nnd w collect
<br />,�� ' . _ judicinlly 3ppoiated�atver.shall be entitled w euur upon.tsGce pn�on oi i+ad mnange the�nOpertY .`
<br /> `:... •. tho ren��Y tho PropenY iacluding thase pawt due.All reuts collected by Leader or tha receiver ohait be appiied tiret to
<br /> _: _.. ,�� payrt�ent�,'t the casta ot muaagement of the Property aad coilection oi rento, inclu�iag, but not Itmited to. recei�►er�e -
<br /> fee,v,premiums on ceceiver's boads ead ressonnble attorneyo'fees.aad then w the ssrans secured by this I)e:d��Trust• r
<br /> '� . ���� Loader and�he e�ecetver e4�ntt t�e liabie to account o�ty for�hose renffi ncevally received. _:
<br /> r�_ � �„ 20.Release.Upon poyment oi all eun►e secured by this Deed of lrugt,azed,it thie DEed oi Trust secun�a Revolving �
<br /> � --=.�--"— -- n_��Y....�.e r....�.�..,��,�ia Dned oi Truat. I.ender ahn11 catrse thte Deed of Tnrst to be =
<br /> — l.osn �nona. mni�..c, ..ry...00 =
<br /> . ,. :,; �^leased Htthout aharga to Borrower.Horrowar shall pay call ooste of recordation.ii nay. f.
<br /> � " � 21.Substi�tute Trustee. Lender� at I.ender's oprion. moy from time ta �ime appoint e guocesaor trustea to enY r
<br /> . " � ' Trustee appoiatod hereumder by an instrument e+ecorded in the county ia�vh�ch thia Deed oi Teust te recordod.�'Vithout _
<br /> conveyanoa of the Prop�rty. the suooe�r truste�sha11 succeed to u11 the title. po�ver und duties conterred upon the =
<br />-- �� � Trut3tea het+ein t+ttd by appl3cable laa. -
<br /> _ r t +tt
<br />-- ' ' 32.Request ior Notias. Borcower reyue.ate thnt copies oi the notiee of defoult and notica oi sale be cent to
<br /> ' ° Borroaer's addr�s cvhich io the Property Addtesu. _
<br />-" , N�007834 °
<br /> . ' 04-08-89 OOT
<br />- �i =
<br /> „ .. .
<br /> oA,o,�� i�v������e,,,����a,��r
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