., , �i:. . , �
<br /> , .�� . ,;.z ,'r1ys:,��`'
<br /> .. ' .. �- , . . . �� i1;°....'ki
<br /> 11 „ •�n«w, .+nr,. ` - � � /) .. ,. _ ... ... Q. . .... . . ...__._�f�Nf�i�'. .
<br /> .. , • ,
<br /> „ , „ .... . .
<br /> m . .. ..
<br /> .� .. _ ..__:c., .... ... .._._ . . .. ���.,���..,, e
<br /> 1. ��_,j!. . . . � '
<br /> �. • iZ»�tR�19�8' DEI�b OF YRU�T 9�`° �d��"��9 Pape 3 �
<br /> 6ehn No 028 (Cor�ttnuod) .
<br /> . ...-::�"_-'__::-_-_•�::::'������ —�J� _ �� _.G'-��_ � �'�� ..- .
<br /> _ ��.,..
<br /> nr Invoi�ntnry�Whether by oulriphl nata,dned,Instaiimont outo contraot,land cantrnol,conGnot for dend,loasoho�d intorost wlth a torm groater than
<br /> Ihre�(3)ya:►ro,�eac�m►Hon aontraol,or by eao,n*,sipnmont,or tmnsicr ot any bonailcfal intorest In or to�tny tand truat holding titte to tho Rea► �!�-�•-
<br /> . " h�n lar al a�incWdo9�any chanpo�n ow oroNp of oro Ihan N en�1y-tiqa,pc�rcont(26°bf ot ihe vo�g s�loc'�cppaAnarslhlp inferasls�o bllmltod Iiapblll�r . .
<br /> eompnny Intt3�oato,n��ho caco msy bo,ol Ttus tor. Howovar,t h i�o p tl a n o h n i l n o t b e o x o r c l s o d b y L o n d e r i f s u c h ox er cise Is prohiblled b y federal ',: �
<br /> IAw ar by NsElraeke law. ,. o�.:;�
<br /> 9Atll'.H Atin 61Qhi0. Tho Ioliowin9 proH:�ons ratutinp to tho foxo�und It�ns on tho Proparty aro u part of this Daod ot Trust. • •
<br /> Piymet9l. Tru�tot ehan pay whon duo(and in oti ovonts prlor to deunquonoy)ab taxes,spoclnl taxes,aasessments,ohargas bncluding wntQr =_='
<br /> pad Cnv�ar),flno�ond Impositlons levtod agafnst or on acoounl of tho Proporly,end ahall pay when due ati cialms lor work done on or for _
<br /> CerviCO9 tondarad or mptoriGl lurnlshod lo lhe Properly Trustor ahnll mnlMuin the Properiy frea of all Ilens haNng pMorlty aver or equal to lha �,•;�
<br /> " ,.m,r, Intereal ot lende►under lhis Oead ot Trust,oxcopt for lho Ifdn•ot 1Ntes and ass�ssmants not due and ezaopt as othsrvulso provided in thls Daed ��y r
<br /> , ., ot 7nt3f. ,. � . ., -'-
<br /> �• tdl�ht TO COa4ee1. Truslot may v�lthhotd paymont ot any 1ax;.acsos'smsnt,or cialm In connoctlon v�ith a good falth dfspute aver the abllgatlon ��;�"-"
<br /> -., � lo uay,ao lonp M Lunder'a Interost In the Proporly tn�ot J9opprdlzed. If a Ilen cuises or Is Nsd as a result ot nonpeyment,Trustor shsli withln �.;_;�----
<br /> Nrioan(16)deye utter the flen adse�or,II q�;en Is 81od,0111M'n 1ih�Qn.(16)days aftar Trustor hes notico ot ttre Ning,seauro ihe dlsoharge ot the �h;
<br /> :. If9n,or H reqtte�ted by londar, daposll wltb Londer aish`ot.a�sufficlont corporete surety bond ot other seaudly sntlslaotory to Lender In an _ _
<br /> � � nrooi�nt euNta!e�t to dlsoharQe tho Ilen plu�any oosts and attamoys'loos or othsr ohargas lhnt aouid accrue ss a result ot a foredosure or soia _
<br /> undar!he Uvn. In any oontoat,Trusior shnl�detond it�eit and lond,�r and shatl antlsfy any advers3 Judgmant betore onfucemen'r agnlnst tho
<br /> . Nrppotiy.Trustor ehall nnme Landor uo nn uddilfonai obilpoo.u`der`any surety bond tumishod In the aontest procoodings. _
<br /> HvlQrnce of Paymtnl. Ttustor ehnll upon demond furnlstt FD Londaz sstlafactary evidence ot paymont ot lha texes or assessmenta and shatl �.._
<br /> 1� Nulhorize lhe appropritts g�vernmentel offioln�to deilver to Lender at any Hma A wtldan statement ot tho taxes and assessmenb agalnst the .
<br /> ..� „ ..�: Rtoperty,
<br /> �c NO11C�Of C6tltttuCt100� 7rustot shnll notiiy lor�cier et i�ast Hitean(1S)doya botoro any work Is commanced,any services are turnished,ar any _ _.
<br /> m�terlRtm en ouppQed to tho Praperty,If any.meehnn q'e Iten,��t�dNmen's tian, or oiher Ilen coutd be asserled on acaount of th�work,
<br /> � neMCes,or m�bdals and the oosl exceedo 06,0OO.OD. Trustor Wtl upon request at Lender turNsh to Lender advance assurenees sstlslactory to �f,,^
<br /> , L�nder Ihat Truslor can and wlll pay iha oo3t of auah Impravamon�. ,. ea<<�°`
<br /> �1µ�:i:`�:
<br /> .. ,� ppQpEpTY nAfFAt#E INSURANCB. The Icgowinp provislon3 rblbArlqto�insUiing iho Property ara a part ot thls Osod ot Trust. =�v
<br /> '" MRnt�nincm ot Insut�nCt� Trusta ahs�i procure and mnintain aollolas ot flro insurance with standard extended coverage endo�semonts on a
<br /> rsptac�mmt batla far th�fu�insurabt�vattte oovminp vll�mprqvomanta on tho Roai Proporty In un amount sutflcient to evdd appllcaHon of eny
<br /> " " aoinaurance cf8use.end wlih a nfandard moAgaQeo cipuso Ir�.fpyqr p1_I.pqder,together with auch other hamrd und Ilablllly Insumnce ss Lender
<br /> mey reason[�bry nx�uUs. Pollcles chRU be wdlton In 1orm, amoun�s,ooverufles and basls reasonabty ncceptabl0 to Lender und tssuod by a
<br /> comRur.y or aampanUs r9aeonabty ncoo�tablo to Lender. Trusto�,upon rsquost of Lender,will doliver to Lender irom time to Unse the pollctes _
<br /> or c�R�NOttn ot In9unna In torm eetisfaotory to Lender,Inclydiqp,8tipulatlons ihcit oovora8os wUl not bo cancellod or diminished without at
<br /> � IrAtit thtrly(30)delro'PdAr wdtten notice to l.cnder. Ench in3ursncp Aotloy atso shall inctude an endoreement providing that coverage in favor of
<br /> �,�ndsr will eot b� Impnind In any wey by any not,oml$sidn''or ddiault of 7rustor or any othet pe�son. Shouid tho Real Proporty st any Gme
<br />° ,.... . .
<br /> �.ne�a�acatid in�n u0t destpneted by tha QlrpctOr 0��h��Federal Emerganoy Management Agenay es a spoclel flood hererd sres,Trustor
<br /> � � �eprasa lo o�tRin a�d matntein FeCx�t Fl000 tnauranee toP Nro it±si'u„WOI�p�ndpal bat3r.�N.!he lQan.�p in tlua maxtmum po(loy Ilmits sat� -
<br /> und�r Ih�NI�QOntt Flood tnsura�co Propram,or a8 othe��iy'r��JU�rnd bY�endor,and to melninln such Insurartce tor the term ot thp Iosn. �,^,
<br /> �;. .
<br /> �t�:�:, ..
<br /> . N:�,;,;;,, Applts�tbn of ProswGs. T�ustor ehall prompUV nOtffy Len er..of,any loss or damaBe to the Properly If 1he esflmated cost at repalr or
<br /> � nplaa�rMat excoed��1,000•OD• L�ndK msy mnko proa!ot Icss�t,TrUator fatt�to do so wtlhln flflsen(1b)days ot the casu�lty.Whelher ar not ������
<br />'?�'.:. ' �`�`. L�n d s r'�s�a u dry t s I m p a l r e d,L�nd�r ma ,at Its eteetlon, ro`,qelv�and retaln tho prooeeds of any Insurnnce and apply the prot�eds to the.
<br /> ,,� , , ..
<br /> ��dunttan ot ihe lnd�bt�dn�s�,p�yre+�M o any Ilen attecting,��Proqorly,or tho restoraHon end repa lr o f t h o P r op erty.I f L e n d e r e 2 e o t a t o a p p y
<br />. .:�:.�.. :�,,
<br />-��;.,;,,;,,,��� lM pt9oNda to►istotatlon snd rpfalr,Trustor shall repatr t replace tho damagod or deshoyed Improvemenb In a manner satlsiaotory to
<br /> ^i,�;14:,.r_',;,�r L�ndar. Lond�r ehaa,upon e�ttst�otory proof of sueh ezpvnditure,pny or rolmburse Trustor hom 1he procesds tor the reasonable cos!ot repalr
<br />=�.+:w"w�� or rostonHOn I}T�usta Is not In dotautt under tNa Doed ot TrusL Any p�ocoeds whlah have not basn dt�bursed wlthln 180 dayu atter thelr
<br />_--. ;�;�, ►ecelpt ind whlch L�nd�r h�s not oommltte0 to tAe�ep�lr or�estoreUcn ot the P�operty shaM ba used fl►st to ay any amount owing to Lender —
<br /> _ �,...,,,� t�nd�r tMs Qe�d of Tru�l,th�n to pay accruo0�ntq(ost,and the'ramalndor,It any,shall be appllnd to the pdnc�pal balence af the Indebtmdnoss.
<br /> �+ 1}LandK hotds any proa�da attu paymsht In 1un o}•1ho'Ind�tedn6sa,auoA procaods shall be pald to Trustor as Trustor's Interests may
<br />-- _�s„��� ePPwr. .. •,,. ,.• ... °
<br />_ _";'�.i� ���b(nWrsnC�p!BN�. Any unexRtrod Insurmnco eh�IJ.lnu�a to the boneBl of,ond pass to,the purchaser of the Property covered by thls -�
<br /> -_�ti i,�� ONd ot Trusl at a�Y trustw'a aat�or otha etlo hetd undor the ptoNalons ot thls Oeed ot TNSt,or at any faectosure aele ot auch propeAy.
<br /> rd, Iqn ot thla Ooed of Trust,ar N any acUon or proceeding Is comm9aced that �+�•-°��
<br /> :.�.::r=�.'1D'� EXPENQITURBB AY 4�NDEA. I}Tnl�tor lalln to compty wllh R�y P. 9. �",°`.
<br /> � but ehatt not bo roqulred to,tako any aclton that Lender
<br /> —�—�— wauld mat�rl�lhr ethot �mdK'e lit�nats In the Propwty�4�nda:•4n�uSSora.bohalf may,
<br /> -- -� dNm��pp�dat�.Any tmounl lhut Lendrx oxpandi In IIo d6lnQvrll!G9�i Intsrost al t�eY (aj b payeb�e ontdemandfr{b)be dded toutho balance
<br />__-�_;;��t�� by L�ndK to h�dltt�ofwp symtnt by T�uitev. Nt euch s�onse�,at l.onders optlon, �
<br /> �.=V��. �� ot th�NotA md tseeppal�onod a�nanp and b�p�yabt�w lh any.lpst��lns�nt paymonb to beeome due dudnp elthor (q the tarm ot any applcahlo�
<br /> �' '-�� Imurrnco paiay ar pl)IM r�mUn►np term of tao Ne4�,oi (o)bo hettod e4s e balloon payment whloh wII�be due and pnyabto nt!he Note's matudly.
<br /> :,�`�,. � Thls Deod of Trust elso wGl swtuo PoYm�ont of th=so an►ounb: Th4 dghtsi �OVlded tor In thts paragmph uhaU de fn addltlon to pny oiher dghb or any
<br /> -�•a�,t"'il� romsdl�s to whlah Lmder m�q b�ard0kd on aetount of tHY dofAU,l..Any�itch actlon by Lendor ohall no!bo construed es cudnp tho datault so as to
<br /> _ ` "'° bar l.�nOM from any ramedy(hl111 otlbrwl90 wau1d hnvs htd.• .. ,.� �,�•
<br /> - -' �,� �`lA.sr�HFJTYi t3���s Yi i�a. i'no i�firrdrni�c&'.�al�lr r-��!!��'q o::'�h!p N.th�pmpoAy aro e vart ot 1Ais Deed of 7ruat. `_
<br /> � � �g�. TN510f Warrenb thtt: (�)Trutta hdda qood and rtiukettb�11i0o of record to tho R�opody In Me slmple,tree and cleer of aU tier�s und
<br /> ""-"="��x enoumbr�neof othH thnn Ihos�eel fath In lh!pezt Dr��eriy dosml�tlon or In eny UUe Insurartce pollay.dile reporl.ar Onnl tlite oplNon Issued tn
<br />��'-�:%��y;: t�vor at,�nd�oa�ptod by,�.�nd1r tn cortnsctlon wlth 1h�9 Oood of ru�b end (b)T�uator has tha tull dght,power,and aNhodty to exeoute and
<br /> J'`�'�� dalvn Ihls OHd ol T�usl to Lend�r. ,,� . .:
<br /> . r ti
<br /> p�ts��t o!Tlti�. 6ubJeC1 to!he�xctptton In lhe pareflrapb abovo,Trustor wam�nb and wlll forever detend the tlde to tho Propody agn►nst the
<br /> �r � I�wtut otqfma ot all perflona. In Iha ovunt any actlon m proceedlnp Is oommenced Ihat questlons Trustor's tllte or the lnterest ot Trusteo or
<br /> „ � " on�BhQIHbe�ani�d torharticTpAtp in Ihe�roces0 n�and to'b0 rapraz�ed In t e proaeedtnp by counsel�ot L�endor's own o�h ocro�and � _
<br /> Trustor wlll dQllv�r,or cau�u to bo dcuvn�od,to lend9r ouch InSM►mAnte a�Londer may roquast hom tlma to tlme to pcsrmlt such partblpaflon. __
<br />� � �+p�p{��e WlM 4ew�. Tru.t�watirnnts Ihal ths PrApaty and Trustcrs uso of tho Proporly complles wlth aA exlsdng applloubl9 laws, `;-
<br /> ",, ordlnnnc�s.ond��putatlam n!aova+nr�sntsl authoriRoa, . •.,, , .
<br /> ;• COHD811f.NAYION�Tf�e fottpwlnp�roNnlona a1aunp to eontNmndiUOn proteedlnes er�e pnA ot thls Doed of Truct. �__
<br /> . ,_r t L App;k�tkm o!l�Ht Pratddr� II nA n�eny ptuf 4f Ih9 R�nptHly 1e condomned by ominent domntn procaedings or by nny prxaadm8 ar ��;9�
<br /> � l� putahAt�lH II�u a1 Cottdemoat�on,lendor�nny A1 fts etewtlon tMQulr�,lhet ntl or anY portlon ot ih�eet proceeds ot tAa award bo apptted to the q:.t;�
<br /> R�`� ' ' tndebadniva o►t l�re A U ar r a�t o r p t t D n o t l h s P r o p M l y. Th e net p�dcaeds ot 1M nward shall mean the awerd efter paymont o!dt reasoneble tiir�`�•'
<br /> ,._
<br /> _________� �L ern�nt�a��d a fo�neYe'tea�incurrad by T�uttu�ar LendK In aonneollon wlth lhx condemnotlon. °
<br /> . r
<br /> � } Rtocndingf� t1 any pruteetiu�0 io canxomutlion i9 tded.'�rultpi ehiill�rotr»tiy notlry lender tn wnnnp,nnd Tvustor snan prompiry iaico oa�T� _.,..
<br /> ' at6ps no mAy b9 nec�tAry lo dotRnd thq�tttrtn and oHltlo Iho Avnrd. truslor muy ba the rtomfnal pady In suah prociaeding,but Lender oholt �__
<br /> be enGl'�d l0 DL����Pats m tieb protsetl:itp nnA to Ao rts�retgnta�f ln Iho proceedlnp by counael ot Itu own chotco,nnd 7rustor v40 dellver or �,_
<br /> � causs Io be di:►wrecf tu 4euQer cuch�nbtwraente a�m�y Nu rec�u�twd by tt hom Ilmo to qme to permlt suoh parttalDatto�i. _..
<br /> 1�81TtON t�P TRXES,�FB9 RHD CttARtiE�Btl Q9V�'RNM�NTA�A{lTIISp�Y�EB• The latowing provislons rolaUrtp b govommentat tezes, Q'._.
<br /> : V tees end ahnr�oa�ro o paA o1 ttii�Uosd of T��ttt ��
<br /> .---
<br /> Ct�rnnt Yucn.l'oa utA Chaao�� t►pnn ropuasl by 6ontleh YruslDr ahstl oxoauto auch documenta In uddltlon to Ihts Ooed ot Tntst and take ����
<br /> whatevsr olher adion�a rcaii�.IQr1 bV�.enm�to pafcct t�ntl cttn�mUO Londoro tten on Iho Roal Propts�ly. Trustcr shntl relmburco Londor fot NI K_
<br /> � " tp�p�,p� desC�ibed Isoiow. Ic►�tha wdh NIt oz�zuncca i��cuunA�n recwdinp, peReoting or co�tlnulng thla Daed of Trust,tneluding wllhout �q
<br /> ° Ilmltallon nll laxa�,l8ea,ducurnanlsry n�an�s,Ai��t att;er chsi�s�lor ieaordtnp or replstc+rinp thls Daod of TrusL �.
<br /> `° " Tvcq, Tho totlowing ohntl Const�tUa I:iKr�r In wt�:r,h Ihio CflCIiDn 0{�pltc�: (a)0 opoClfto tnx upon tM�type ot Qood of Trust or upon all or any ��
<br /> "' part at tho Indnbttdnat7 CBl:NrtA AY Ih;:1 I)CSti n}Turl; �ql o elKtlno tAx o�i Aonowar�ry�ot�ead�ot Tw9f ohnf d or roqulred to deduot hom
<br /> pnymunto on the Indebted�zcta cc:t�uon hy I��t�(yp0 01 11DRO Q1 Yq�11; (a)a tax on Ihta goubl9 ngafnst tho Londer or
<br /> l .
<br /> � .
<br />