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<br /> . : 9a��m9��o. ��������1'�u�r 9�01{�1°�19 �e��x
<br /> � n: ���n l��A�8 tC�ntin�eed)
<br /> .. _. 1. C:'2L::J:..'._"___�::::_::..._»"..::'..:-.��:_•.�_:::_:=.C=':.'il'_'._^._�- — ".' �
<br /> " e�y��t0 41�e�134�48�,84. ��
<br /> 6ondOf.Tho�vortl'1.�ndai"mcsuns U.9.DAN{t NATIONAL ASBACIATION,Ils succassors and asslgns. �
<br /> , � • NotO. TRO waTd"Not(i"�noans the Note dnisd Qecambor a2,to9rt,in the prinolpal amount of 5134,488.84 from Borrowor to �
<br /> Lond�r.toQ�ti��r�alih all ranowaln,ontonalon�,modl(Icntlona,rQMancings,and substttuflons 1or the Nqte. The maturlty date of thls Dood ot �•
<br /> ,, • Trust 1�Oeaombar 8d,EOD3. � —
<br /> " Parciamal Proporiy. Tho v�ardo"Poroonal Proporty/'mo�n all aquipmont,fizturet;,and other artic�es of personal p►operty now or hereafter �
<br /> • � . ownod by'Frustor,and navi or horaaNm aqaaMt�d or�f(Ixed to Ifia Real Property; togethor wlih ull occow,lons, part:,,nnd addftlons to.all
<br /> . �„ replucemanta ot,and nII oubotltullona tor,any of suoh prdparty;and together with aN proceeds (inciuding wlthout itmitation all Insurance
<br /> „ •-- procuedD and rotund�af promlum�)(ram any anio or othor dispoIIillon of ihe PropArtyr. _
<br /> • � '-��,� Propo7fy.The word"Propotty'maanu collootivcty the Reat Propedy and the Personsl Property. _-
<br /> ' . ReN Rropapiy.Tho words'Rout Proporty'menn tho prapar�y,interesm and rights descdbed abova in the"Conveyarece and tirsnP seotion. _
<br /> � iiOlOted Doaunsnte. Tho words"Rolntod Doaumanta" moan an�} "nclude wlthout Ifmitstion all promissory notes,credlt agreemenb, loan —
<br /> �i� apr�oment3,anvlronmontal Agroomonb,gunrantlas,csaudty apreemenls,mo�tgages,deeds ot iru:t,and all other Inskuments,agresments end
<br /> •• , dooumont�,whothor now or horeaHor oxistlnfl,oxooulod in canneallan wlth the Indebtedness.
<br /> . . � , � � Rontt►. Tho word'4iunta"monns all presont and tuturo rantb;.mvuqu�,inoome,Issues,royalqos,praflt�,and othor beneflts dedved trom the
<br /> . . ,,1,.. Proporty. •,�' �
<br /> � � TtuateM.The word'Trustee"Rmpna U.S.BANK NATIONAt,��ap3�OG��7�QN and flny substflute or auccessor fruslees.
<br /> �" ., t1
<br /> � Truatot.Tho word'Trusto�'means nny and all porttona Anditi le��oauting thls Peed of Trust,Including wlthout timltadon all Trustors namad
<br /> �• , ��� above. Any Truator who c1gna thta Oeed of Truat,bul doa�hai ai tho Note,Is slgning this pead uf Trust onry to grant and convey that
<br /> ��. 7rustors interest In fhe Reett Proporty and to flr�nt a seauflty Initireat in Tmator's interest in the Rents and petEOnal Prope�ty to Lender and is not
<br /> „ pomonNry Ilabta undor iho Noto cnccopt on othorvAso provld�d by aantuiat or t�w. �
<br /> '��"��ti'• � TRliflYOR UHD£R TH33 KOTfi�TF18 R�A�CO DOCUl1i�PiTil,AQ�D•YHI�OE6D OF TR1187. THIB DF.ED OF TRUST t$QIVEN A7�D ACCEPT6D --
<br /> f�� '�. ; ON THH FOLLOWINO THRM$: �:' �, .
<br /> .,. •� , .
<br /> A�� ;+ # TRUBTOA'8 RQPRLBENTATIONB AND WAARAt7TIQU. Trualor wArrantn that: (a)this peed af Trust Is exeouted at Bortowars request and not at
<br /> ,.,,t ; the request at LondQr, (b)Truator hna the tull powor,�tght+And.c�Ulhotiry to ontor Into thfa Deed of Trust and to hypothecate the Prope�ty; (a)tha
<br /> provislons ot thia Oesd of`I'rust do not con111at wlth,or rusull;ln n dAfuult undor any egreement or other Instrument binding upon Trustor and do not
<br />' ,;",,ti � rosult In e doialion of any t�w,r�gulattan,court docrea or ordnr npptlonbto to Trustor, (d)Trustor has eata6ii�hed sdequate means o1 obtalNng trom
<br /> :;. �••,. Bortower on n eonttnuinp benls fntormatlon ubout Ronowor'fl IlAnnaln�aondlUon;and (e)Le�der hns mado no representaHon to Trustor sbout =
<br /> -�. �� `� Borrower(tnoludlnp without Iimltation the erodllwodhtnssa of Borrowar).
<br /> •5�•�,.;'•'�•,_�:�� TRUBTOq'8 WAIYERB. Tmstor watves aU dflhto or deiontos,nriclqn,by,.�eeson of any°ane aoUon•or"antl-deficienoy'taw,or any other law wh►ch
<br /> << ��;:� s„�
<br /> , , ma revent Lond�r hom bdnQtnO any eotion agaU9t Trustor,Inalpoln�a ct�im tor deflclanoy 10 the extent Lender is otherwise Rndtteri to a m cn
<br /> �, .,' }; ������������p�.ng�w�p�Q.�r�r�t&4�pr��v��y t+nratinguro acUon,efiher Judlclelly or by exe►cls6 of e�ower ot 881e. ,
<br /> �•'•""• • PAYMENT AND PBRFORMANCB. Hxoopt ae othenvito provldacl,lt�,1hlu Deod of Trost,Bortower shall pey to lender all Indebtedness secured by
<br /> '' � � thi9 Oond of Trust as It becomes duo,and Bortowor nnd Yn�D1pr ohAq,stAptry perform ail lheir rospective obllgadons unde�1he Note,this Daed at
<br /> S�:'�:�,' ..��t!'-•
<br /> -'�+.�•-;•'i�j.,T•�i` Trust,snd the R�IOted Ooouments. ' • '" ' '���'. ''"�'' '
<br /> ���'�°i"" •�• "� P088E�8�ON APiD MAINT�NANCE OF TNE PROPIIttTY. Yrualor aed��Qoqower agree that Trustor's poasesslon and use of the Property eha(1 be
<br /> -;:;;;�s;.�,�•.:P]�...
<br /> ti�.;;;;;:•:';.,,.,,• 9overned bytha falowing provislons: . ,. ��;t•; , ,�. ,
<br /> :�^�1.;�•5`ti�. Poasesoton end Use. Untii tha acourronco ot on Hvant oi�afyl�ln'•�Yustor m4y (a)remain in possession end conhd ot the Properly. @1 use,
<br /> �+�,f, � oporate or manage the PropeAy,and (o)ooltoot pny NonfO troth ch�'P1'OpaAy.
<br /> ,.,o.,;:�.. � .
<br /> ���"'��?^ �ttty to Matnteln. T�ustor shall matntn►n tho ihoparty In tOnantnble condltlen end prompGy pedorm all repeiB,replacemenb,and matntenenae
<br /> °. ,:r,; .'' necessary to prosorve ib v�iuo.
<br /> -;i;'i::;:,` � Ha�rdoun Su�stencoa. Tho tnrms"hNBtdOVB Wt1619�'hAf�QTdO b,6Ub818fICB,""disposet."'Yeieasa;and'9hreatsned reiease;es used fn this
<br /> -_W�?,sstY�;,�� Oeed ot Trust,shNl have the Bamo mnaNnps aa n�1 twth t�,�h��praAfehons►ve Envlronmeniat Rasponse,Compensatton,end Llsbllity Act of
<br />=- --=- .� 19n0,as amended,42 U.S.C.Seotlon 9801,ot soq�(`�C�F�CtA"y,16a 5upoAund AmendmeMs and ReauthorizaHon Act ot f988,Pub.L.No.
<br /> -4— - 99-498("3ARA'�,th8 hlemrdou�MBt8�1�i4 Y�pn3pOTIn1�Aa AOf,Rfl 11.8.C.3eatlon 1801,et saq.,the Resouroe Conservatlon and Recovery Aot,
<br />—�"""'�'�'" 42 U.3.C.Seollon 6801,ot aeq.,or othor appGOC,bSn�t��ta or Fediral lavus,rutas,or regulado�sdopted puBUar�to any ot tha taegolr�. m�
<br /> "'c°`�°�-`�%�?��.1 torms`hosardous wasto"ond"hau►rdous subatnnoo'6tw�d]Ytt�o(ACIUdo,wlthout Iimltatlon,petroleum anrJ petroleum by-ptoduots or any hacUon
<br /> -_--_:_=r-:a�,�� lhereot nnd nsbcstos. Truslor ropresonts And wnrrantA ib L�ntlar tht1: (a)Dudng tho pedod ot Tnrstors ovu�ership�of the PropeAy,there Ms -
<br /> --` ��.+��� boen no u:c�,generallon,manutaoturo,storG�D,troalmDrtl,dlspostt;rN�ue or threatened reteese of any huzardou�waste or substance by any
<br /> _.�iu:_..?� e;
<br />- `_,;.s � percon an.undor,nboul or irom tho Proporty; (b)Ylruslttt he�ho tcnawtadQe ot,ar reason to believe thnt there has been,except as pravtousry
<br /> "':•<<;;�:�'�"i��j• . dlsclosed to and acknowlodgod t�y Lond�r U tvrl'_'�, pt any uso,ponRration.manutaoture.starege,trealmoM,dlsposat,release,ar thre�tened
<br /> -����a;}�.�� rels�se ot any hamrdous wasto or oubatenco on,un�Ll�6p,0,�t pr h{tT ths P►operiy by nny pdar ownera w ocoupaMe o!the Properly or(ii)any
<br /> ;r�yiy`;,�^•` aotuat w thmatoned Iitlgallon or otalms ot t�ny I:tnd Gy cny,p�n� n ril4tinQ to auoh mniters;and (a)Except es prevlausly d�aclosed to and
<br />- ='�:��'�� acknowiadged b Londer In wrlNn , 1 nmlU�r 7rtrtlRr naI�n , ngent or other euthorizqd user of the Ptoperty shaii use,
<br /> __ . _ Y 8O Y n�nt,conhaotor,
<br /> -- gEe�tate,insnuM_�t��rn,etnm,Meat,dispose oi,or rWNSa�nY N=lyd0ua waete or eubstance on,under,about or hom the Property nnd(ii)any
<br /> - �°'��-ep auch sctiviiy shall be oonduoted In oonpuarwa vA�h ad1 appi,pB}�feutrai,eiat�,dnQ 18cat 1aws,regulaUorq and o�d'inances,in�tudinp withaut
<br />_-�y�',r;v,.�e.A���� IlmitaUon thos0 taws,reputoHOns,ond crdlr►Tnoo�d�scrlbed abav�:�Trwto�euthodzes Lender and ito agenb to eMOr upon 1fie P►opetty to __
<br /> � 1�, .�� mako suoh inspoot►ons and tos�,nt TnntOr�aoperDnst,te C�nde�riiey dwm eppropdate to determine comp�anoe of iha Property with this
<br /> t,;,�X�,(` sc�otton ot tAe Coed of Tru3t. Any Inspootton9 a 12�tf mAde by lendOr ehtll Ds(or Lender's purposes onry and sh�ll not 4e consUUed to croate
<br /> i�'i '���iS�C any responslbltliy or Ilablllly on tAs pAH ot Lond�o tD Trustor or,lo ttny qih�r pwnon. The reprosentador►s end waner�los contaln�d herefn are
<br /> _�'i;`'it;:';:;c,?ri....., .
<br /> � based on Tn�tor's duo dfi:aonco in invastt�ry�tirr�t�ty Prop�My tor,hATardou�waste and hnrardous aubstancos. Trusta here y (a)reteases and
<br /> ���!I'f�������3:���,��� �, waives ony tuluro otalma agninst Londor lor Irw�nnity or contdGUNnn�In Ih�event Trustor baoomss Ilablo tor cles�up or othD�cw^ts undar any
<br /> .�.�,.,;� -
<br /> :'`.�:;F�";��,..s;;•��•�- suah Isws,end (b)agroos to IndemN9y�nd twid hnrmtesn lendor�qaUst any and atl ctatms,tosses,IlebNltes,demages,pe nalUOS,an
<br /> �1��,�f;�_+;:!��`� � oxpenses whloh Londer moy dlrootry or Ind�ri►�lly euslain or ouR�r reautllnp from a broaoh of this cecdon ot the Deed ot Trust or As a
<br /> �:���;��%;°-4.�-�� ; consoquoneo of any uso,gon�ration,mor�;,r,a�uro,ctorage,diepoutU ►iteage or lhrautenod releace at a harardous v�asie or subatance en fhe -
<br /> �.��'i;F1I"'��";•?�'�.� propoAloa. The provisiorr3 of tN¢cooti0n M the Oeed ot Trusl,Inoluding lhe obilgatfon to IndamNy, shsll survive th� paymer� ot ths
<br />_�'i�.���1'�l�P�,,"t�:, � � indobtednoss and the sntlsiaotlon a�!r000n��renoe ot IM1 il�n of IBI�0�ot Trysl end ehatt not be aHeoted by Lenders soqulsitlon of any
<br /> � �,, t ��•{ Interast In tho Propody,whothar by foroNOSUrt�dt othenll.o.� � � � _
<br /> � .���� NUIeBnce,Wtt�te. Trustor shnil not oau3�,o�Muot or pormq 4ny nu�twnco nor oommu,permit,or suNer any sldpping Ot or w99tg On or to the
<br />_ ;�,i�,s�G1;`}; . t Propudy or nny poRlon of the Propc�j. Wi��►�ut IImIUnp Ihs ponetqllty ot lho taapoing,Trustor wUl not remove,or grsnt to any othvr party tho _
<br /> dght to removo,any tlmbor,mincatata(Inofu�}i�t off and gsr��neih,yr4yot ar took ptoduob arithout the pdor written co►�sont ot I.ender.
<br /> t
<br /> �i�s�b��`�.: .,t � -
<br /> f-.: �� qarnoval of Improvoments. Trustor s�d9 nat demolish o►remov+�eny Impravementa hom the Real Properly without the prior wdttsn conseM
<br /> ��'��`��?%'�'3`� •�+ � �{ ot Lendcr. As a condl8on to tho rorr.oHtf u!eny Im r�ovemenS�,6�lnder mey roqulre Trustar tA meke ertang0menb sadsiaotory to Londer to
<br /> _ :°:r_. '_ �llt�. �����..�►��.. ...IIA Iw.w��M•,�•nf d �eu�ol unliu�
<br /> _,.._ .;'.-1y,�- top�nw own...q..r.v..................�....«_.....��._..�._��'___'
<br /> _;J�.;,;�;.. ., ,,:,�L���,�. Londer'o Rlpht to Enter. Landor end Irtt RponN and repreBentetivos rnpy enter upon the Renl Properiy st eli reasonabte Hmes to attend 10 _
<br /> :�;,�;��.,;•.,-..�;•� ,� lender`s intorosts nnd to inapoot IPa pto�vtaty for purpo::a�01 YrU�toPO comp�l�nco tvNh tho torms nnd condlHons of thls Deed of 7ruat.
<br /> -"•���:��,'�,"' •!� COtll�11dRC0 WIIA QOY8Tf101Qf14li HSQ'�1CiM01�. Tr�s!Or uh,II promptly oompiy with otl luwe,erdinanees,and ro8tdatlons,now or hereafter In =
<br /> � efl�xst,o}atl govornmontBl a�tlRatid�QxrppOnbfO t0 ih0 Us8 C►oCdtlpdnoy ut Ihe Property. Yrustor mny cont6st In good fatlh any auoh law,
<br /> ' ' � `'°�{}: ordfnarroo,or rogulation and wltisAdd ewrnpl{attce dunnp pny pulCeetlinp,Inc�udtnp appropdato appoat�,BO lan8 ci9Trustor ha9 noHfled lender -
<br /> ° '{°"`���• In wdtlng pdor to doing ao nnd uo I��sQ c��,In Lender4�ta!e dN�����n'��►��da�'o IMerosta ln IAe Properly sre not jaopardized. Landsr mpy requlre
<br /> - � _i,:
<br /> '-•�'�'�; Trusta to po�t adoqunto coeu�9iy or o seroty bond,reaaunabW ucUt�nUtUry lo Londor,to proloot Londar's Intevest.
<br /> - � , �•...,_ -
<br /> �� duty to Protoat. Trustor ngrooa nait'ru�to abandon nor loavo uratt��idod tho PropaAyr. Yrustar ahnll do nil othor eob,in sddHlon to those eots
<br /> _ , set iodh abovo in thls aaotlon,whl�ff A+orn tAO ohAroOtmr ond��yn n1�hR Property nro ruaoonAbly nocossary to proteot and preserve the Property .
<br />— � DU4i QN BALH-CONBENT Dtl L�pC1Qii1. Londet mpy,�tl Ito optlo�f,UsClare Imrt��edlntuty dae ond payubto all aums secured by fhls Osod of Trust
<br /> ' � ', •. upon tha sate on c��nstet,wlthout tP+a�lmr�t2rb prler wrlttOn contAnl,al all or any part nt the Reat Praporly,or any Intere�!In the Reat Propery. A
<br />-- :'�t;!� "'sNo or hamsMf ineana tho oonvoyrar+cu c!Ne�l fhoporty er any�Iph1,11CO or intr�roat ihaiuln;v�hothor tog41,bonoffclal or equitab�e;whether volunlary
<br /> •14�/ti
<br /> •� . � l
<br /> 1.
<br /> "
<br /> ',.�:
<br />