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� � . - . ...�1'�'��� . ' � . . :,�{: . <br /> � i -} � .�. �• . ;4, ` • ���"�jr:r. . <br /> ',�',` .� ' 1��.�_y(.li. �:�"�j<,.. <br /> / � .. ��S"r%-;1�1 <br /> , .. <br /> . , <br /> . „ . � . <br /> . i. ._._...._.__. ... . ,.... .-----•--- <br /> .. <br /> .�.r�wam..w �. . . --_-..._....._... _... ...._...__....... -�.,,�,•.r.���s... .. <br /> . -. �9o�c��.��.� <br /> � 92�Z-189t3� D��L1 O�YRU�T Pege 4 <br /> . " I.oe�9 No 028 '(CaMinuod) <br /> --,�—_ . <br /> . tho hoidor of tho Noto;end (d)a spcclAo tnx on atl or any portlon ot the Indebtednoss or on peymsnts of p�incipal and Intorest mnde by - � <br /> ° eortowor. • •• � •^ <br /> Subsequtnt Tefxee. if any tox to�vhtch thh3 seotion uppilps Is enaCtetl subsoquont to ihe dute of thls Oeed of Trust,this ovent shell have ihe "�n. <br /> samo efft3ct t�s an Evont ot Qolauit(as deMed boiow),and.lpnder may e�cerclse any or ail of Ib evallnble remedies tor an Evont of Dotauit ss • <br /> provldod boiow unloss Trustor olther (a)pays tho tex before(R bego�e�delinquent,or (b)contASts tho tex ns provided nbove In the Taxos nnd -��, ��; <br /> liens sootlon nnd deposlb with l.ender casN or a suNiciont cor�orate surety Aond or other seou�ity satistacbry to Lendsr. <br /> ,•.-:,;.. <br /> 8ECUHITY AQRE�Nl�TRi FIt�AtdCIHO STATEMENTB. The toliawing provlsions reiating to this Deed ot Trust as s seaudty agreoment are a paA of �,. <br /> • fhfsOoodof7r�s1. � '���� -�� <br /> �� __., Stcurity Agreement. Thls Instrument shall constitute a securiry agroement to tho extent any of lhe Propedy conslltutes fuctures or other =_ <br /> ;,M•, persoral properiy,and Lender shan have aii ot the dghts ot•a••ser�ured parly under the UNlorm Commerclai Code as amended trom Ume to y <br /> 8me. •�..,,•.. .,. <br /> .�� „a �}�''_ <br /> BEtuNly Intereat. Upon requoat by Lendsr,Trustor shal1��Sied�Ytoflria�cir�g statements and tske whatever other action is re�uested by Lender r__�_. <br /> to perfeot and contlnue Lendufs seaurity interest In the Rst�ts•and,Personal PropeAy. In addltian to recording this peed of Trust In the reut rt� <br /> ' proparN records,Lender may,at any tlme and wlthaut turtl�orapth tixtdlon irom Trustor,file exeouted eounterparte,copies or reproducflons of g�„.._"_ <br /> this Qead of Trusl as a Qnancing stntamont. T►ustor shett:r(tpbur�e L�nder far ali expenses inaurted In pertscting or continuing this security _-- <br /> j and mak�it avafl�able�o Lander withlna three(3y d ys aflar aecelpt ot�J/rllten donnand homtlendere reesonabty eonvonlant to Trustor and 4ender _- <br /> `� � g an ed by ihls 08ed of Ttust m8y he obta ned(endch tas�requlred by theg Unitam Com�e cln Code),Ar es ststed on the flrst p�ge o(thisn0eed <br /> �a:.'�'; - <br /> `;i;`r�" . O}7tus4 , .��,� - <br /> •��• FIiATHER ASSUAANCES=A7TORNEY-![�t-FAOT. Th�fo�owin@ pSOV�slons retsting to turlher essurancos and attomey-In-tact are a pa�t ot thls <br /> ., , - �.. �evd of Trust. <br /> .. ,.. .,,.�..� <br /> �`� FuAhet Assurenees. At any tlme,and Bom dme to(Ime,upon request ot Lender,Yrustor wIU make,ezeaule and de�lver. ar wIH cause to bo __--- <br /> made,exeouted or deWored to Lendar or to Lendets daslgnee,and when requesied by Londer.csuse to be Nied,reaorded,refiled. or <br /> � :h�?%� � rereoarded,as the case may be,at such dmes and In such oNices and piacos as Lender may deem apprc�priate,8ny and�II suah morlgages, <br /> .= � doeds of hust,secudty deeds,secutty aA reem e n t�,fl n a n c i r lg s t e t e m s n l s,c o n t i n u a t l o n s t a t e m n n l s,i n s t r u me nb ot tudher assurence,corHflcutes, ,._ <br /> ,.� and other docurtrents es may,in thv sote opinion of t,ender;t�e;t�a�eSssry ar desirabte in order to eNectuate,Gompleto,pe�feot,continue,nr -_ <br /> presbrva (a)the obltgaNOns ot Trustor and 8ortower uf�dsr�ti�NotA;thts Oeed ot Trust,and the Heteted Ooouments,nnd (b)the tiens and <br /> soourlty interests created by this Osed of Trust as 8r�1 and;p�lor Ilens on the Properry,whether now owned or hereattar aoqulred by Trustor. <br /> • Untess prohlbited by Inw or egreed to the oontrary by l.ander in w�1tiqg,7rustor ahall mimburse Lender for all costs and expenses Inourted In <br /> conneation with the maHers refeRed to In this para8raph. � <br /> {�� �'���'�`���t In tha proceding paragraph,Lender mey do so tor and In Ihe name ot <br /> ,,, �, Attomeyan-Fncb It Trustor talis to do any,or�p9 ti,in�s.rQre��a�,q. . <br /> ,• Trustor and at Trusto�s axpen.e. For such purposas,l7usfor.hB1e4y.lrrevocably eppolnts l.ender es Truators attomey-In-tact!or tho purposs <br /> ' o!making,oxeouling,deiivedng,filing,recording,aq.dol g.�aul�ot`h��hings as mny be necessary or desirabie,in Lende�s sole opinbn,to <br /> �' , axomp�lsh ihe mntters referred to In the pY�cediri�°d��ha�ibf� • :'��. '' ' ' <br /> „ � �. ,,.,. ,r��r�,.,�. <br /> l � -° ' €'LR3.Sd.4F0S4�'!-£. !!SsrrmYer�+9YA sU the Indebtedness•whar�.dUQ��and olherwise perfams ai�the o6ligafluna Imposed upon Truotar under <br /> ' this Deed ot 7nnt. Lender shaii oxeaute and detiver to Tniste�FR�,iQq��l�t;�aT ful►recanvayance and snatt axeaute and deiiver to Truaim euitatta = <br /> r '��'y': statementa of termEnatlon ol eny(Ir.andng statement on file oVipon��n�:l,enders seoudry interest in the Rents and the Poisonai Properly. Any <br /> °;��;�':. reconveyence tea requlred by law shall be paid by Tntstor,lf pe�m(nHd by�appllcable taw. <br /> �`�,•' � nYi <br /> ��'•�:�. ...,. OBFAU.T.Each ot the toliowing,at the optlon of Lender,shal!consHtute an evsnt of default("Event of Oefaull")under thls Doed ot TrusL <br /> -�:Y��.��� •"� Detautt On IrtdEEtednea�. Fafture ot BoROwer to make any ppyment when due on the Indebtedness. <br /> v�;'a�!'�%r pofault on Othet Peymenta Failure af Y�ustor w8hlndhe tfm�,required by this Deed of Tnut to make any peyment for texes or Insurancv,or <br />�'•,�`:..'_:'' any other payment necessary to prevent flling�ot or ta eBeat dl$oherge�otany Ilon. <br /> T�:�1''•:�+. Detauit In Fsvorof Third PeRlea Should BoROwer:or•nny'Rustar.dotault undar eny loan,s�donslon of credlf,socudry agreement,puroha�e ot <br />-b�-;:•,,,;,, sales agreemorit,or any othor agreement;In tavor ot'a�y,other•crodltor or porson tha!may materialry aNeot eny ot Borrowers propurly or <br /> - - -r. Borrowe�s or any T�ustor's abllily to ropay the louns.;or poAorm thelr respectivo obl!gaUons undet 1Ns Deed ot Trust ot any of the Related <br />_,_�.-i,q..�. Oooumonts. � �.,• . <br />-�«.�„-;. , . .�,.��ti:..,�•���i:. . <br /> - t._-. Coropilanee Datautt. Faliure of Trustor or Bottpwer to aomp�y�x{11pj�tpy,�Rher term,obligaUon,covenanl ar condition cont3lned In this Deod at <br />�,--''-`�=�'-�°� Trust,tha Note ar In any of the Roiatod Uocumenb. :� +f�;•r'r.H• ' <br /> _,_:^'"•_""'_",�� <br /> ry�f;�_�_�ar_� Felse Statemenb. Any werranty,representation o�statement medo or turNshed to Lendor by or on 6nhnit ot Trustor or 8ortower under t s <br /> Deed of Trust.the NQte or the Reiated Doouments Is false orr►Sisiefldlhb In any mntodril rospect,elther now or et!he Hme mado or furnlshod. <br />��:�%?�.�,�n�— Deteetive Co9�etereUutlon. Thls Oeed of Trust or any�of 1he:Reat tl Dxuments ceases to be In tulf roreo nnd oNoct Qncluding feilu�e N eny <br /> ��. �� <br />�,,.;,,,:: :,i,;, cottntarul documents to croate a velid and peAoated secµdtYlrittir�t: r,llon)at any dmo nnd tor eny reason. <br /> "�`} ''�'� Oea4h ar Inaohency. The douth o!7rustor ot Bortav3�r„ftio i�"sqlvgnoy of Trustor or Bor►ower.the eppointment of u roauivor ta n�y pnrt ot <br /> �- ' Trustor or Bonows�s propsrty,any asignment,lor.l�et��t�eAllot��c�editora,any type of croditor warkout, or the commen�wrnsnt oi any _ <br />�������'�°- procoeding under sny bankruptoy or insolvenoy lawa by ar apalnst•Trustacor sarower. <br /> -�-_=x�..�# • +•� <br /> Ferectosuro�Fodeituro,eto. Commonoamant of forec�qSU �r,j�r�b�(u[e proceed�ngs,whelher by judleia!procroeding,solf-hetp,repossesslon <br /> ___�� or�ny alhas essdhed,by ctny Ct°�lter ot Tntatnr ar by ony g�d,�iM6��a�Rgonoy agnir�t nny of the Propmiy. However,ihis subsecUon nhail not __ <br /> ' apply In the ov�M of a good ituth dfspute by Trustar ss to ttu��ir�ft�ft •ot reasorsab�snass of trso dusm vlhtc��tno bn^� of tho foraci�uro or . <br /> u } u. Y <br />_ °'°"�"�;, foretelture proceeding,providod lhnt Trostor ghre3 Lender wtltfen nodco ot suah cinlm and tum:shos reserves or n surety bond Mr the clelm <br /> •~-�:�i�� satisfactoryto l.ender. <br />��eF.:S:n�;Nf�,. . <br /> g�e:ec7�of Other AprEement. Any breach by Trustor or Boaower under Ihe terms of uny other ugreemont batwoon Trustor or Bor►Ower and <br /> '� -�• �•�• ' Londnr thnt is not remedled wlthin any graco podpd prqvid�Q t rp�„inCluding wNhout Ilmitndon any egreemont co�eminp any Indobtodnoss <br /> t,<,.•`•` _� .. . <br /> z._ - _-- or other obllgalton of lYustor or RoROwor to Lond�r,u�hether.�tlst ngipD,�ir.,a later. <br />' ��.-'• ' Ebente Atteetinp tiuerantor. Any ot the p ediqg.aY,ents o�euis,wjlh regpoct fo any Quarantot ot eny ot tho Indebtedness or uny Qunrantar <br /> � ' .rS����,�',; � dtss or becomes Incompotanf,or rovokes or�dfsputes��e;vand��a,or.iia�mry under,any tivarany of the Indebtednass. _ _ <br /> - °"���;�., . IncaCUtEly. Londe�In good hilth 8��ms Ilsalt Insecure. • ' �;.. r� <br /> � `�F' RIGNfS AliD REl7HOILS OH QEFAU.T. Upon tha occurtef�ce.ot any EYent ot Oefauit nnd at any Uma thereafter,Trustee or Lendor,at tts optbn, _..... <br /> " � may oxerciso any on�or moro o}IAe followlnB rt9his aod romodles;in addMion to eny ot6er�ights or romodles provided by law: `'� - <br /> ;..'�; - P:`;. <br /> �' AcCele►atton urA�a DetauHi Add�ttonal Remediz�. If any ovbnl o}default accurs as pe►the torms ot the Noto seoured heroby,Landet may ;�;_ <br /> ���;:.�, • �� daclare ell IndoDtodnoss securod by this Dc�d ot Trusf to Eo JA qnd pnyabto und tho seme shatl thmeupon become dae and pnynhto wlthout �� <br /> �••'•�•°•14�� � ; nny pr+sseMrrt3�,demnnd,protost or noHCa et any kind:�fi�uHer,'Iiondm may: <br /> << r �,- <br /> '`��?":``:`��� .. 3. (n) Elthor In per�on ot by agont,wlth or Wltnout�bdng'tng+nh�•ncfldn or praa�ding,or by a R�oehrer appointod by n coud nnd wflhout �� <br /> '-��+� •. .r...,w�.,��.,.w.���.�t im caw1N_nnlar unon and.tdkti trdsS6�slon of tho PtOpetN,or any pM thereof,in tb own nnme a in the name ==- <br /> _._. _: - ,00..--------�---• -...- -- _` <br /> � ��• of 7rustoo,and do any neb whlch It deems n�ssaryr br;Q�;i�bt�to prosorvo tho volue,martcotoDmry or romm�n�ry ot me eROperir,ar pari ,,:__, <br /> � � ° of tho Proporiy a Intorest In the Propet{1t;_{�at��5�j1a��gf����;tryo Propody or pr�tect!he sacu�ify ot 4t�Property;and.wtth or without �_ <br /> «" taking possossion of the Proporty,sue for ot othc�rw(se,c011oqt he�ronb,is�uos e�d protits ot tho P�oPaAy.Inctuding thoso past d�o nnd <br /> � '� u�p�ld.and appiy!ho sams,tc�ss cosb and v�srisbs of�opa� flon and eollec8on,inc�udln8 attamoys foos,to nny indebtodnuss secured <br /> ss a <br /> � by this Ooed of Trust,a111n such order ns Lvnder may�ddtatm i t itl:•7fro untering upon and taDdng possosslon o f t ho Prope r l y,t ho c o l l e c l f on <br /> of auoh renb,issuas ond proflt3,and tho appticaUon lht�reof�sh�i nnt cure or wulvo uny dofault a noflce ot defuult unda thts Oaod of T�ust <br />- � . or invalidato uny aat dono in rosponse ta such detau(f�dt•purauant fo sttch notico ot detaufl;and,nolwlthstanding Ihe continuQrtoO in <br /> '. possosston of the Rroporty cr tho co�ttution,recelpt nnd appl[cntfon of ronb, issues or profib,Trustco or Lender rh�ti bo entktad to :: <br /> _ cutotel^.�o orory dght provlded tor in tho Note or tho Rutnted Oocumonta or by!aw upon 1he oceurrence ot uny ovont of default,Including lh0 �.; <br /> - nflhf to oxorcts�iho powar ot s�to; <br /> �!%.; <br /> � � (b) Commanco an netlon lo forooioso thls Doed ot Tni3t as n�mortgage,eppoint a rseoivor or specl8wiry onbrce any of tho covunanto o►^=� <br /> hcreoi;nnd � . .. •�,�,.r �`` <br /> (a) OQfiver to Trustao o wAlten dectaradon oi dofuult and domand(or saio and u wdlton noNco of defoult end elecrinn to enuso Trustor's ��'�'� <br /> � ; . . . .. �' <br /> �• �i• . <br /> ------.—•._._..,,_._.. .��1�--,.;kQ.,.—. . �. <br /> .----KS-�-�:---_--��--�--�••-• -- <br />