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<br /> " r�g Inetniment to 7rustea. Trustea ehoU ��oonviy the Prpperiy without warrar►ty and e�lthout ahargo to tho pcmon or pemonn I�galty p-•;.
<br /> _ =x• entRbd to tt.8uob p�on ar pweona ohatl pay uny rtecordat►on 000to. "�
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<br /> ` � to any Yrustsa eApolnted hereun9or by an lnatrumnnt rEtcordad En the aounty In whbh tB+ta Sscuriry Inntrumant t� rc�oordud. �
<br /> � Wlthnut aonvayanco of tho P�opctty,l�o cuccosoor tmafc� ahnll aucccad to ait Mo t(tio, po�ror nnd dutles oontQrcsd upon � e
<br />' ,`` .,`���` livatee hereln and bY eAA�Ctb{s Inw. �
<br /> ' 24. �3CQ,L�C�S �E! NQE�4P,°1. Bonowor roquo�te that aoplcs ot lho notilpl at Cotnuh and omb bo aont to �orrovinru � `-
<br />_����' addresn whbh is the Props�9y Addre�a. • �
<br /> � �6. �41dE�a ti� t1118 fitBUrltS► IOfIPYPSt@i19.!t ono or more rldera are Eutoeutad by Borrower 8nd reeorded togethu
<br /> yy�' wMh this Secudty Instrument,the eovonar+ts and agroemsnta of eaoh 3ua0 �td2r uhnll be Inoorporetsd t�to and ahatl amend end �
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<br /> supptnmont the oovunents and agmamento of this SaaurAy Inadumant aa N the�ick�r(n)ware e part ot tht�Secur�yr Uotrument.
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<br /> - - BY SIdNINti BELOW.BoROwer scCOpte and apr�s to the terms and eovensnts aontalrtod In this Socurlry Instnement nnd in
<br />-��■ any rtder(u)exeauted by Borrower and re$orded wkA{t.
<br /> �,.-�i
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<br /> ----- � Borromr,.. 6otrow�r . . _ • ;
<br /> ----..SVi � . •
<br /> -� STATE OF NeSraska
<br /> . �se:
<br /> —_ ' COUNTY OF Hall
<br /> � On thb 18th dey ot Fe!lns�ro � . 1999 .betore me, u�s underolpr►ed,n Namry Pubfio�uiy
<br /> comm�sbned and 4aaufied tor catd counry,pe�sonatry oruna iq,ei�MQ'�.Va�l�d�s .a� ms�ed PerNo
<br /> to rrw tcnown to be the t�nttoat pemon(s) whoae mme(o�ere aubscdbed to the�arepofnp hsuumcmt and acknowtwlaed the
<br /> ---_—=--� �,..xri4sr�4't�E�t to va Ee3e whm�,r aat w:��.
<br /> WNness my hand and netui4l eeat nt�rAn�d 1�1�1td in snid county,tRo date abresald. '
<br /> � - — My Commisabn e�Yes: 'm�a,����/� Hot„y osro
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