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<br /> ' � , . �. . . .t��- ...
<br /> ,� , ��• �(�� M^,...
<br /> ��� �-�
<br /> 1�4 �A1lAILlf �IDER -:�--
<br /> ,� (Assignma��t ot Rente� -;:�:
<br /> r;;-
<br /> ` TH18 1-4 FAMILY RIDER b made this 1alb day of Februsrv . iQ9� .and ts Inoarpomrod tnto nnd ahnil bo ,.,,^'
<br /> ' dnamod ro omnnd und oupplement the MoRgaBo, Daod ot Trust or 8sourtty Oeed (the"Suourity lnatrument") of the ssmo dnto qMon by .,,
<br /> '`�`� tho undcmtgnod {tho"eorrowor")to etoouro HoRewa�o Noto to�4�t�Grinnd Na�ana RAPi� �1��1,�.��� �'y,:.�
<br /> . . ° ,(1ho'Lond�r") _
<br /> , ',:F� -
<br /> of tho samo dnto ond covarNB tho P►ope�ty deaor�sd M the&eourl feaWment and�oaatx!ot: �..___.
<br /> y^�:,:�;�,. 1018-1018 N KimbA��i ,and Istend NE 88RQ'� �;,__
<br />, �.._,1''rw�ll'� (v�oo.ny naar•s.� ...._
<br /> 9-4 Fe1PJ1lL1P COVENANTS. In nddRbn to tho oovsnants end agreem�nta made In tAo Seaurtiyy lnstrument,Borrower and Lender �,u
<br /> (urthor covcsnont nnd ngcao na foltows: ��..
<br /> A. AODITIONAO. PROPERTY�UBJ�CT TO �iHE SECIDRITV 16+ISTRUM�NY. In addiNon to the Ptoperty doscnbsal __
<br /> "� In tho Secur�r InsWment,the toibwing items ero added to the Property d�scrtptlon.and ehal sl90 oonstiiute tha Praparty aoverod by the __-
<br /> � Securtty Insdumenr buAdine materiat9, apq�tanoes nnd flaods of every nature whRtE.Gavar now or hmasfter tooated in, on, or usod, or H
<br /> intonded to be usod In aonnootion wHA tho ProRsRy, Inoiudhg, Out nat Iim(tod to, l�asC for tho purposos of supptying or dlstr�buthA 4..
<br /> ," heaNng,cooing. aiaat►icity. gas, water, eY and Itght, firo preventlon and oxtingulshing apparatus, aoourily and access contral nppamtus. F���.1__
<br />- 'N pNmbinp� bffiII h1b8� Wtltef hBffietd� W&!ei OIOet�e�8hke� f8fl$88� StPY('iS� (81(i$6fflt0�e�dl9hWII8h0f8� dl9p09fl1S�WliBhete� dfyflfe�BWIIb1A8�
<br />� ' stortn vdnct�:us, atorm doors, scrt�ens,bUnds,shades,curtains and curtaln rods,tsttaohed mVrota,cabinete, paneUing and atmehod Qoor
<br /> en
<br /> ooverhgs now or hereaRsr attaahnd to the Properiy.ali of whbh, Inotudhg replacemonts and addRbns thsreto,ohatl be deemed to be
<br /> � snd romain a paR ot L'�a Properiy aovared by the Securfty Instiument. All ot the faregohg together wfth the Froperly des��ed h tho
<br /> " Security InsWment(or�a toasehotd estnte Ii the SecuritY Instrurosnt� on n lrasehcl�)aro reter►ed to �n thls 1-d Femiry Hl�er and ihe _
<br />- � Securtty InsUUment as G��'PropeAy".
<br /> 8. 6�5� OF�6�OPERTY; COMPLIANCE WITH LANi. Roaower shau not seeK,a8roa to or make e ohance b tne use ot
<br /> tho Property o► fts aaning oiaseffbution, unbso Lender has ag�d fa wrftin8 to tho eMnnge. BortoNet shall oamply wllA e0 taws,
<br /> �"' �� � ordhancea.raputetlons al+d requYwnenh►ot eny povomm�ntt+t body apPlicabb to the Proporty.
<br /> C. SUBORD��`lJ'�i L1EN$. ExCOPt ea pemt8tss by fedeml l�w, Botro�vArr ehell not albw 8nY Ilen tntetbr to the SeCUKty
<br />. .•�• -. ��t � Inatrumant to Ge perio��n21 e9a„st the Property wtthout lsndor's prior wdtton partrt�si�n•
<br /> ., ;, } p� ��(�T ���$ QAISURANCe. Borrower shall mahtatn tnsuranco apahst rent tosa In addRton to tho other hamrds fo�whiah
<br />- hsuranco i9+equked by UnNom►Covonent 6.
<br />'.';�.�:;.: ' E. `3�ORROtNER'S RIGHT TO REINSTAl'E°D�LE7'�3D. Unttorm Covenant 18 b doteted.
<br />' � F. BORROd4�fEB3'S OCCUPAPICY. Unlesa lendor and BoROwor otherwise aSree h writhQ. the tlrst aentence In UnHorm
<br />� "��>; � Covenent 8 cortcemhn �3onower'e oacupanoy of the Property ta debted. Ail remaining tsovenants end apreeerteTte aet(oRA h UnHortt�
<br /> -•s:. �•'�
<br /> "'=';�•;� ' COVOtiN1t 88hfl1!tBrtlElin fi 8neot.
<br /> �--'��'i:��'''t�'4� Q. ASSIt#Ni11�T OF LEdSEs. Upon Lendor's tequaai.�Vrrow6i biiSR fl5ot�ii i8 LSridG.'II!! °!_3_°93 L�?l.hS P[L+�.+!�► pnd a(! .
<br />_iF��:;a._f�;�;.,, eec�r�ty�4eDesHa made in oonneotian erkh taases of the Prope�ty. �",�an the asalgnment,Lendor sAnli hsvo the right to modHy,extond tir
<br /> °.���;��„���(}; tamhata ths exisdrtp leuss�and to executo new Iea�es, h ler►ater's aole disaretbn. Aa used In thb paragmpb�, tha wotd "bese"
<br />�f�?���t: shsli mean'subiease"�tha 3eaurky Instrument b on q teasehotd. --
<br />_;,;»„i:�,;t�,
<br /> H. QSSiGNIlA��4 OF REN'f$; APPOC6a'G'b471�NT O�AEC�IVER;�NDER IN POSSESS6�U9. eortower ebsowtaty
<br /> 7`
<br /> �,�._LL.+r� and uncondRlo�aly as�t;lma and transfe►s to Lender afi 4lre rents and revenuos("i�4s")oi the Property.repardless 09 to whom th0 N3
<br /> .f` ot the PrapaAy ere Pe1��• �orroWer authoriaaa Lendor or Lendo�8 8gents t0 oolleot tAe Rents, and aprees that eaoh t�nant Of tho
<br />-�°��t'�'�� property�hn9 pay the Renta to Lendar or Lsndc�o e�gc�ts. Howev�r,Barcowor shetl recetve tho Renta unt►1(q Lender has plven Bortowet
<br />=��-�?-=--'��� notiCe oi defautt pursuent to pare8reph 21 of tho Socurily Instrument and(U)Lender has pken not�o to tho tertant(6)that the IWente are
<br />"'�T�""�'��1�-� to be patd to Lender or Lenders aQent. Thts assignment ot Ronta oo�sNwtn� en ebsobte assignment and not an asetpnment for
<br /> °''�0��� addRbnal BecurHy ony.
<br /> �:._;°r. °
<br /> �r,��� �f tsndpr gMes not�o of broaoh to Bonower.(q etl R�nts roceAred by 9orto�wsr shail bo hetd by Bona�wer as bruata�tor the baneik of
<br /> ��.�,�,.� �ender onry,to be apptfed to the aums secu►ed by tho Securtty Usuumen2;(Iq Lender eRail be entftled to cotlaat and recoNe aN ot the
<br /> � x- Ftenta ot tAe Property;plq Bonower agreea that eaoh tenmt of tho Proparty shau pay a11 Re�►ta due and unpatd to Lender or tanders
<br />"'—�:;�:5i� apents upon Lender's wrRten domanG to the tenen� (M) unless applfnabte taw provtdea otherwtse� aG Renta eoNeatod by Lsnder or
<br /> "'-��'�� Lende{s eyents Bhe4YI tse Bpplied fist to tho aoots ot teking oontrot of and mnnsg6nti tRO Propertlr and coNeednp th�Rw�ts.Inoludinp,but
<br /> -_��r--- not 13mRed to. sttomoy`s Vees, roceMer's tuas. Promlums on roacihrefs bonds,mpak eed mahtenenca eoste, haurance pn�mlums.tozos, , ,
<br />��q,�,�� assessments and ot4�m enar�eo on tho Proyat7t.�nd Rha►M the eums eecur�d�g lhe 6xuriq+inshument:(v)t.sndnr,l.snd�a apents
<br /> or arey(udbialN aPPohted receker ehaU ba Itqble!a$000unt for only thoae Rents acivaly recetved; and(vq Lendor ghtil bs erttAbd to
<br />--=�=�*"'�� h4ve a r�coNer eppohted to teke possessbn of and manage Qhe PropeAy artd oolieot tP►e Rents and protRo daked irom tha Prapartp
<br /> Tw�•:�-•-:�= wtthout u�y showha fls t0 the Inade4�aoy of th8 P►CP�Y fl9 t3eCaltR�J• � —
<br /> tt the Rents of tho P�ro�Y ere not suNbient w aover tho oosts oi tatcinQ conteol of nnd mennOinp tho Property end of co7i4ctMp the
<br />------- -- Renis eny Nnda o�enae0 OY ��rot SuCh �u�poses ehsil 6eCOm9 hdobtednose of Borrower to Lender�9CUred by thd Secur[ty
<br /> fnCtrttmesei u�►inUntii f8 t!R'o'OSrii CCt�l3Rt?.
<br /> �.�_:� gpRp�ygr repnlaqlt9 end wAtrentB th&t Bortow�or i�es not exeouted sny prlat t►cs�gnrrr,xd ot tr�e Rsnto anU tu+a nct cnd K�i nct .
<br /> —=—=�*'"""'-�' perfom►eny eat that woutd provent Lander trom exaroi9hg Its tl9hts undor this purepraph.
<br /> ...°=r�?'�� L�ender,or Lenders a�►ts nt a Jo�lotaty apPohted receNar, shall not be required to ont�upon. tako controt ot or meintah the
<br />���'_-;.� ,� prapeAy betore or aftc�r pMing nott�dl ttetauR to Borrower. Howwar,Wnder,or lenders agayts or o ludiotaly eppnintod�otae►�maY
<br /> - - � do so at enr t6ne �vhen e dafauR ccaur�. MY epP�ir�tion of Flenta ehali not oure or waMa any dofauft or Invaltdate eny other�right cr
<br />�;"��-. reimtdy of Lender. Y[sis asolpnment ot Renta ot tl�a Propody shaq tamina!e whan a11 t1�e num3 socured by the SecurAy tnsuument aro
<br />�k..�•.,.
<br /> v:.�:'�' �',` paid h tu0.
<br />-�:'.:'�����,/`�;t•�� � 1. CROSS�iD��1',U1.T PROiiISIOJd. iBorrower'8 dafauft or Dreaah under any rtoto or ngreQmen4 in whbh Lendet h(is en
<br /> �^,�,;,<.i1;,s�,•+1�. Intarc3at cthatl bo a breaah under the�eourity tn3tnement and Lendet mny hveko eny ot the remedies pormilfod by!h0 SacurNy In�humen�
<br /> '� - "' '?�"-.:'� • BY Si�NINa BELOW,Borrowrsr ascEgts and ngroes to tho tam�s�nd provisbna contahed In thts 1�4 FamDy Rldnr.
<br /> I_.," . � .
<br /> _ J...:'1�,�. .
<br /> � 1 ��
<br />- i•'.t i„�••�e:�+w _�-_-._._5�'� ��•���0���� ��� �5'Q$�� �..
<br /> ' ' •'"""�J 80tfONq Qen e 8 Q �. _
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<br /> r` ', �
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<br /> yr. 7 y -
<br /> •. �J�[!3Q [�..
<br /> � „ Oorrowu
<br /> _ ., �,
<br /> y . " -
<br /> z U • u f�..wf� __
<br /> �q.fli
<br />- \\ . .. _
<br /> IbttON�t
<br />� •• -
<br />— � MUITISTAT6 1-o FAMILY RtOEA-Fannb Mn�JFroddiu Mao UnHOrm Instrumant Fortn 31Ta 9190 u
<br /> �;
<br />- , C+�a.�MO te�o� �
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