i .
<br /> . ,, . ,
<br /> .
<br /> . . �_. .�; .
<br /> . . .. . . . . _ ,
<br /> ...... -- --,-°..ti......_..._... . 1
<br /> .... _._ 4
<br /> , 97. 'PPBY181@P 0} thQ P�Ap�P�I A� a �@f18QiQi�1 INtAP�Ot fll�ORAYV@t. If up ar any part of tho Proporiy or -
<br /> ' uny tntaro�t�► Il is aold or tmnatetted(or If n bonefbtni Intnrost N Battower b oob or translerrod cnd Borcowor Is not a nntural •
<br /> pVraon)e�(thout landar'o prlor written oonaent,lendar may.at its optton,requte inmedl�te paymont In tuA ol uli ouma aoaurod by
<br /> , ,. lhls Snourl�r Instrument Mowaver,thfs opttan shpll nat ba euarolsod by Lond�r if axoroiso fs prohmltad by todcrul t�w ao of iho
<br /> daro ot this Soourity InOWmont.
<br /> If landor oxcrolsoa thls optton, Lendar ahAll gMO @ortowar notico ot aceo�mYon. Tho nottco shnl►provtdo n porlod ot not �
<br /> 1�3o thnn 30 dnyo hom fho dtato tho nattco la d9lMerod or mntlod wlthln v�hlch Bortowor mu�t pny ali ouma scourod by thls �
<br /> � � Soouriry InBtrument. If Bortower tnils to pay thoso numa prtor to Ihe G�tsatbn af this porlod, l.ender mny Invoko any romod�os �
<br /> , ' � pnrmlttcd by this ficourity InatrumEnt v+ithout tuRhor notka or demand on Bartow�r. • �
<br /> � 18. earrower'e �I�ht to i�eina4�¢e. If BoRawer mgota CoRah oond�ttanc, Borro�:�cr shall hnvo tho rlflht to hnvo ,y !•�_
<br /> " onlorcGmar�t of this Seaurlry Inatrument disoonttnuod at any thn9 prtOr to the ear9er of: (a) 6 dnys (or suoh other perlod us � ;
<br /> �,�-�--• upptlanbto law may BpooHy tor rolnotAtement�botoro anb of!ho Pra�ty purouant to nny pawer of sate eontelned tn this Socurfty � �
<br /> ,M Inetrumont;or (b)entry ot a Judgment ontorotng thts Sacurity Inadum�nt.Thoee condttlona aro that 8ortownr. (s)pays lander all
<br /> aums a�hbh then would bo duo undor lhis 8�ourity lnetrumont and tho Noto as tl no accoWratlon hud oceurtod; (b)curos any �
<br /> dcfault ot nny othor aovonant or ngreement6; (o)payo aIi m�penuos Ineurred h onlaroing thls Securtty Instrumont, Inoluding,but �
<br /> not tlmked to,reasonpbb attomeya' fnos: and(d)tak�s such action as LenAt� rmY rensonaby roqutre to asaure thpt the Iien of �j-,
<br /> .,, thls Saaurlty Instrument, Lendor's r►�hta tn the Properiy and 8ortowota oONg�itbn to pay thA �ums saoured by thl3 8saurlty �t„�
<br /> �. Instn�mont ahnU oontinuo unohMpod. Upon reinatntamant by Bortower, thb SceuNty InsWmont end the obllgatlons seoured
<br /> • ±' horoby shall romain tuty eftaotivo as B no accofcmtlan hnd ocourted. Howercr. thts right to rotnsmto shntl not appry N tho cnso -_
<br /> jy , � of accabratlon undor psragraph 17• :__L
<br /> �. � 19. $H�Q O� I�O�C� Chnnge of Laan Seevlae�. The NOte or 8 �p8Rkt1 tnteretit in the NOto (togOthOr with this :,,-�__
<br /> Securtty Inatn�m0nt)msy be sold ona or mom tUn9s wYhout pdor natice to Borrower.A eale may resuk k►a oAanpo in tho entlty ` `
<br /> �• �..:s (known as tho•Lonn Sav�er")thpt ool6�ota monlhy payrnca►ta dud undar tho Nato and this Sacur4y instrument. There also may =
<br /> be ono or more ohanges af thp Loon 3ervicer unre0ted ta a sak� ot the Nola. it there Is s ahange ot the Loan S�rvk:er,
<br /> , ' :, � BoROwer wW be gNen wrkton notice of tho ohango fn sccordence wRA paropruph 14 above end appllcabie la�v. The notbe wltl .;�.=
<br /> etate tho namo and oddrosa of tho ne�v loan Servkgr ond tho address to whhh payments shoutd be made. The noNce wtli also F'
<br /> r'�'��` . �� contah eny other Ntomnstion roquUpd by applkabie Ww. �,!;-�^
<br /> qit�.;.��,.1���t �, , �.�. H�dl'dAU9 SUTA8MD4Q� Bor►owet 8h&tl not Ceuee ot potm!the preseneo.USO�dISpOBEII�GtORi$e� 0►f810880 Of
<br /> ..;,��t;;,;ti� any Hanardous Subatences on or 6+the Properiy. 8orrowet ahull nut do,nor allow anyons o�s to do,anythhp aHeathg the � ,=__
<br /> ,�'•;r;p��`t' °
<br /> Proportyr 4hat is M vbt�tton of any Envkonm�v►t�1 l.aw. The preceding two aentances sha0 not apply to the presence, ueo, or
<br /> ''�, storage on tho Ptopflrty ot small quentkles of H�mrdous Subatences thet ere Smare�b reoo8nirad to be npproprfate to nortna! _.
<br /> restdonttcil uses end ta n�a►htonence of the Propertyr. —
<br /> ,, ''" eorro�vsr �hat! promptry A1'�e Lender �vritten noUcs o} eny Invesligstkn. oHtrn, demand. 0wsuk ar other aatbn by any
<br /> govc�mmental or regulatory agenoy or prNate parh�4rvoHhg the Property end any Hamrdous�bamnce or Environmental Luw of
<br /> � `-•U:�,_ wniah eonower has aotuat knowladgo. If Bortower bams, or ts mailtfad by any 8ovemmentnt or regufatory authodry, that any
<br /> .; . .. _._*_--
<br /> � romoval or oMer romediation ot tiny Haaerdous 8ubstanco afteating Proput�f b necessary. e�omoWer 8ha� Pr�mPiy tei�s e •-
<br /> � necessary remedlSl actiona k:acoordance wkh EnvUonmantai Lsw. -:_.
<br />�;� �� ; ;, Aa used in this pemgraph 20, "Hezardous&ubatnnces"are those subatareces delhed as taxb or harardoua substances by ���y.
<br /> :'t;:%��, Envkonmentsf Law and the tollo�vinp eubstnnces: gasollna, kerosenv,other 1lqmmabie or toxb petroleum produota, toxb m_
<br /> � �.t,l.,,.
<br /> . '„ %tr�':�' ' pestictdes and herbbides,vobti'o coNer►te�matorials contahing asboatoa or lormeklehyde,and redlosotNa materiais. As used fn
<br /> ptiragraph 20, "Envtronmentat Law" means fedaral taws and W�vs ot tho jurbdictlon wAere the Proporiy is toont¢d that reiate W
<br /> ' � heatth,stitety or nmhonmenta�protootion.
<br /> � ° 1� NON•UNIFO,�,"U�COVENANTS. BOrrowet and I.mndor fuRhor covenant and c3Drca as to�lows: -
<br />' ' �. �1. AccelereUon; Remediea. Lender shatl giva noUcs� to Borrower prtor to eccelerat�on
<br />_ �� fo�6l.�tzdfueg Borrower's breach ot eny covenen! or ep�reement in thts Security Instrument (but nst _
<br /> �•�"�. ', prior Qo eccelereUon under paregraph 17 unleaa appltcabte Iew provtdea otherwise). Tho aolfac�
<br />'!��:Yi,x+�1•.
<br />��;;-F:��s shalt epecHy: (a) the detautt; (b)ffie mctlon requtred to cur�the defauR;(a)e det�� not tess tha�n
<br /> '--,-,--,: 30 deya hom the date t0ie rtoUc�a ia given 4o Borrower. by avhl�ct� tho det�Wt muat be au�ed; end
<br />