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�t . .. <br /> `�, �, <br /> ,� • � <br /> ' ,. . . ,.�� , <br /> .. `�. _ � • :��. _........ _ .. � . �. ._ •• __ . . . . .. ., a� <br /> 1-- ;{ <br /> Borrower may cure suoh a detautt flnd ro�notnto, uo provld�A In parogreph t8, by cuustn� tho nottan or proccading lo tio . <br /> � dl,mtsood wlth a ruting that, 1n Londare Qood fnitb doterminat►on,preoludes toMafturo of tho Borrowofo Gntero3t in tho P►ApeAy ot • <br /> othcr mntort�l Impalrmant o}tho Ilcn oreated by this 8acurlty Inatnrmont or londero aoou�ity intarast. Borrovrcr ohall abo bo In <br /> �• detauft H Bortowor,durinp the luan opp��atlon procosn,gava mntariairy taiso or Inccourato Intormatton or attttcmanto to GunO�r 1or , <br /> � tal3od to provido Lcndar wtlh any mntErtAl Intormntlon) In connnotlo� wtth tho tarr� ovtdcn►COd by tho Noto, InoNding, but �ot '�""" <br /> ' fUnited to, roprosentatlOnu oonCSming BoROwor4 ocoupanoy ot tho Property no n prino�nl rosttlonoo. It tht� Scourily <br /> ' Inntrument ts on a buaahotd,Borrov�or nhntl oompy e�flh 411 iho provlslone ot tho Iesso. If Bortowor aaquUOS too ttit�to tho �� • <br /> Proparty.the leasehotd artd the ft�e tltte ahaU not mergo unbso Lcndor aQrcos to tho morQcr tn vrtlting. � <br /> �- 9. R�oteetton of Lendar'e Rlghto In tho Property.It 8ortowar IAlls to pertorm the covenanta and aprea�enta � <br /> oont�lned In thl� S:curayt �natrum�nt, or thcro Is a to(�n�proco�ding that msy ofgn8kantry niiCOt Lcnd£�r'a righto In tho Property � _ <br /> (euch as o procaedlnp In bankNptop,probate,br oondemnatlon or fortolturo or to oniorco t��vo or ropuL�ttona),thon Lander may -- <br /> - do nnd pay tor whatovar�3 nocossary to protaat tho vuiuo ot tho Propsr4y and londefs dphta In tho PropaAy. Landor's satlona � _ <br /> • ""� may Inotudo puyin8 t�ny auma aacured by a I!en whbh hno pdortty ovor tht9 Soaurity ingtrument, appearin0 In eourt,RaY�9 <br /> �.'?�' ruaaonabb attomeya'tues and entering on tho Proporty to mako repaks. ANhaugh Lend2r may tnko natlon undar thts paraSraAh � �.� <br /> '�._. <br /> 7,Landar doos not hava to do ao. � <br /> My amounta dl��ursad by �cndor undar parugraAh 7 shall boaama addRional dobt of Bortowor�oaurod by thb Soaurtry <br /> ; inaHu�r�ent. Unfass Barrorrcr and Lendor aflrov to othar Wrma of paymant,Mose cimounto shalt boar intattr�t trom the dato of <br /> disbursemeet ot the Note rnto end ahell be puynblB,wilh Intarciat,upon notice kom Lnnder to Bortower roquonthg paymant <br /> u <br /> � S. Mortgaga Insuran�e. It Lendor rc3quired mortgego (ncurunte ae a oanditton of mnking the toan tteCU�d by this - <br /> SoCUeity ineUUmenf,Benowor ehaQ pay tho prembms requtred to msintnh ihe moRpago h�uranco Y►oNeo�It,for any roason.the <br /> moRgage Inaurance covstaSe reRuYed by L:�+ndur tapaes or coasos ta bo M otbot, Bortowor shnil pay tha premiums ntqulrod to �-.:� <br /> � obtatn aoverego subatantlaly equNatent to thc�moRgego Inaurance prevlousy In eNaat, ot a ooat subettsnttatty oquMabnt to the �>� <br /> aost to Bortower of the rt�atOsse �nsumncs prevbusy tn effeot, hom an aHemata moRgapo insurer npprovod Ey Lsndar. If _ <br /> �- �: <br /> .;� substant�a�ry oquHalent mortftepo Naurence Covetago Is not avei4tbia,Bortowar ehnU pay to Lendor eaoh montb a aum equat to <br /> 'x ono-tweHth ot the yeairy mortpago hourenco prerolum besg paki by 8orrorrtx rlhen the tnnurflnae savera��ePsed or ceasod to = <br /> � '� be In eNeet. Lende�wfl eccept. use and�otatn these pnym�r►ta as a los8 resenro h iteu of mortgege insurnnae. LosB teserw �� _ <br /> payr�nta rt�ay oo tonger be requted,nt the aptbn of tsnder,U mortgege Insurance coverage(h tRe amount and tor the perbd _ <br /> that Lendar rc�rsUes) provtded by an Inourcr approvod by Lunder agek+E�moa ava�t�bb nnd ts oDMtrtod. Bortowor ehatl pny �;_,_ <br /> - �hs Pre�niuma requaod to�taln mortpa8o insurance In eftaot,or to proY�9e a Ioss reserve,unttl tha roquiroment far mortgaSs <br /> . ; . .�, insurunee ends h eceordenco wtih eny writmn u9reums.nt @c�.eraen Bortorver und Lendtx m ePPtleabF9 taw. — <br /> �� 9. Inepeotlon.Lenda�or ka uqe�t may meke re�ss�a0te entrbs upon and Inspsxtlans ot the Proparty. L.endE�r ehnil gNe <br /> Bor�wer nodca at the tlma al or prbr to an{nopoetbn spociryh�reasonabb aausa tor the hspeoqon. <br /> 10. C�ndemnation.The prooesds of any eward or olaim fot damapes,daaot or oonsequontlal,b oonnectbn wRA any <br /> eondemnatto� or other takhg ot ony paR of thfl Property.or tor aonveyanoe h Ibu o4 oondemnation,are hetebY tsasigned Md <br /> • shatl be pald to Lendrn. <br /> In the event of a totsl tahbg ot the Properly, !he pr000ads ohall be applisd to th� eums secure� by thts Sacurily <br /> tnsuumerA.whether ar nct then due,with any�xc9s� to Borrowa. In the event of a ps�4lal takMp ot the Proporty b whbh <br />- ' ,�� the Mk meiket vfllue tlt the Propetly ImmBdi�tOy DMom tha tekinp i3 equai iv m qro'sim ittssi 2t�Ss�sn!0!!!!s�sesl9 ear_.�uad , - <br /> � " by this Securlhr Instrument Inmodiatety bt�arra the ta'�i�g, uniesa Borrower and Lendor otherwise aproe h wrking. the aums <br /> ' ' seaured by t�ls Securily InaWrresnt shail ba mducod 4y sAe amaunt of the proceeds muRlpOed by the toilowhn haotbn: (a)the <br />, s:,.���'� total amount ot tho eums secured immodlataty betoro tho mkhp,divided by (b)the fnir merket vatue of tho Property Gnmedintob <br />? •�" tp2toro the takhp.My bat�nra shalt ba patd to Borro�+�r.G�t he even t o f a p a r tint tekh g o!tho Prc�rty tn whbh tho taY mMcet <br /> � u9Nte of tho Propt3Ay Yln►►�f+�+frF�y betore the Wking Is i�`-`�.an tho art�ount of the sums secured immed(nteiy betoro the takln8. <br />':�� �' �• � Uf1I898 Borrowet and Londer atherwise agme b wrkir:e a7 untess appi�abb Iaw otharvii�a provides, the pracoeda ohnil bo <br /> ''�"':::,""' applied to tho surtu�secured by this Sucurll�r lnotrument whether or not tho sums ere then duo. <br /> -� �";•� If the Propertp is abar►daned by Bcrtox�er.or ti,atter notice by Lendor to 8orrower thnt the condomnor oite�s to make an <br />---`--=� ' nwerd or sett�e a a�tn for dama9ea, 8arrower talis to respond to Lender wfthh 30 days aftor the date the notico b qhren. <br /> °`,��:;,, Lendor Is authortmd to colbct end appl�tho proceeda. at He opUon, eRher to restomtlon or ropaa of tha PropEV4y a to tho <br />'_+�''•`.�'�� sums secured by thES 8ecu�fl�nshument,whether ot not thon due. <br />'°�`"`L�"����`� Unless lender end 8arower otheiwise e8re0 h wr�0� any apPllcaUon o} proeoods to pdnapv shap rtot ext�►E or <br /> ���1� postpone tAa 21ue date ot the montt�y paymsmte rete�ed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or ehMao the amount ot euoh payrt�ents• <br />;�;;,:--=-,��.�, 1�. ��r�awer I�ot Reteaaed;Forbearanae By Lend�P�1ot a Watv�r.Extensbn of the ttne for peyment ot <br /> =T,r��;� modilicatton af amo�tlratb�of the suma soaured by thts Securdy Inawmant qrented by Lender to any auccessor in„tarest of <br />`' -"��' 8pnpwer sh�ll not cparat�to relense the leb�ihr of tho ar�r,lnat Bonowsr or Bortowofn cuocossors h Mterest. I.en�oro hal�l� _ <br /> T�� � bo roqutred tn commanc�pro�eedhya c�nhet any suacoasor M hterest or retuso to �xtend time fflr p�►yrt�en <br />`��'`t'����;, modly emorttmtbn of tho aums soourad by this Seau�►lnswmunt by roason ot any demand made by trie o�iphal Bnrrawer or - <br />��v��V 8mrowers succeasore In Intc+u�t. At+y Q�rbaa�e��e bY �^�h �a�� �^y�ht or remedy ahail not bo a waNer ot cr _ _ <br /> �.,_.r4•;_.',:- Preotude t�e exaafse of noy►inht or��medY. <br /> r::_� tZ. Sucaessors and AsslQea 8ound; Jotnt and Severel Uabltiry; Co�tgnere.n��co ven�nts end . <br /> �y sgrepmant�ot this&ec�,ny 1nsWur�xsnt shati bad und be�►ent tne 3YCCC�'SOIfl 8tlt�d55i�pla Af L6t1G��ttd 2QlY0...... !�hjm�fn fho <br />�--`�""�`�,.;-� provisbes of peregrapA r�. �ortowara aovenants Md egreements ohnU be joht end aeveraL My Bortowat who eaaigns thb <br />.- - °�' � Securiqr Instrument Out Qoos not moacute tha Noto: (a)Is aasipninp this Sc+curiry Inetrument any to mortpa0e.p►eM eed aonvay <br /> -��;.:,;: . <br /> ' ,�''.'.��" thnt BoROn�ate Interest fn U�► ProDurh'under tho torms o}thts 5ecurity lnstrurt�nt; (b) is not personatqr nbligatsd to pay o <br /> ' surr� aocursd by this S'ecurity Inswmont; end (o)agroo�lhat Lender and any othor Borrowor may a�eo to extand,modfly. <br />;.�.�Y forbaar or mako eny acaemmadationa w�th re8nrd to thv terma of thb 9ecurity Inslrument or the Noto wkhout titat BoRCwera <br /> t:. . . <br /> .� . •., conuent. <br />� : 13. Loan Cherg� u tho br� �c�curod by cr��s Soeurity inntrumx►t L� oubJoot to a Iuw whbh tst� ma�dnwm loan _ <br /> q?� Chorgws,aed that taw is tNfliy hterp7otosD so that the interest or other ban chtugc3 colleatod or to bo eoikioted in connaoUon _— <br /> : �� �vkh tho bnn oxcoad the pertnkmd l7rtEts•thsn: (a)ony suah lonn charQo shatl bo teduced by tiea mmaunt nocossery to reduco <br /> tho eha�go to the permittod Iimi� ancl 23�)any sums ahreadf�eoibatod irom Bortower whbh oxeao0es!petmRted Ilmita wlll bo -- <br /> _• � retunded to 8omower. Lendar maY ahoose to make this rofund by reduolnp tho prirtoipai owad urtdor!he Noto or by making a = <br /> „ i dUeot paY�t to Bmravc�r. if a �stund roducos D�abat, tho roduatton wlil bu tr�ntad aa n p�tlai propaym�.�4 wEhout nny _ <br /> " RroDng►�ront Chnrgo under f4�3 Noto. _ <br /> � T , 1�.(8a"3UG��.My notico to eortoirer provtdad for h 4hi�&ecurtty inswmont shntl bo gMen by dolkerin8lt o•r by maiing 8 0- <br /> py�USt ctas.n meH unbss nppQCabte Inw�qutus use of another mo�. Tho notico shail be dlrectc3d to tho Property Add�ss e: <br /> � �.�v etlsar address Bo�rower dnsignatos by not�o to Lcx�dor. Rray noHco to Londcx shail bo gMx► by flrcit ol�as mall tc ��-_ <br />. .,'" .. � .�. __.t.� ____`-_'IN M IAIn -. <br /> _._._..__-� <br /> -, �., .__._ - _. _ � <br /> �'� � �� �'� Lender3 cddrasa stated Aoreln or any othar uddresa Lonticr ttcsiqnatos oy nori�v io ovRV�. .=v •�•,••�.^--�---.-- _. _._ `_ <br /> • ' ` SoCUrity Inatrument shaU bo doem.9d to hnve been phrcm to Borrowar or Londor when gMen ao provided in thb parnBraPA• <br /> � •' 16. Governing taw; Severebliity. This Socuritp InoVUrt�ent ahatt bo govomed by fedorat taw and the l�w of tho <br /> - juri�dietion h whbh tha ProNeAy Is toeatod. U tho ovent thnt nny provlsbn or etnuso ot thb Socurilp tnsWment or fhe N�to : <br /> . civon�elteat wfthau�o eonri�otin9 Proviaten.To M�ond thehP�vf�b e of t b ISeeu�r(ty"�trument Euttd the Notv ae�n dxE9rodto <br /> . 8 <br /> 0o sovorebb. <br /> 18.Barrower's Co�y Flortowot Ohatl bo ptrL�t ono contOrmod Copy o4 thp Noto ond Ot thi3 6oCUtitp Instntmont. <br />- � r � � F� <br />- .. P�D��ot G � <br /> - - R�Dt0.LtR0(�/OD) <br /> .� .. �1- <br /> a90?� _ <br />