., . - ,
<br /> .. ,
<br /> , . .
<br /> ..
<br /> .
<br /> .. ... .:_,...d,,.. , ,. .. . _ . .._. ... . _ . . .... .�� _ .._.__..
<br /> " � TQQETHER WITH oIi !ho Improvzrr�snta �o�v or harenRar oroatod on thr� proparty. and all eaacmonto, tippuRenences, and
<br /> � ' tbRuros �ow on c�rpnRer n part ot!Ro property.Ail ropLcamnnta nnd ndditiono ehali elso bo oovorod by thla S9eurtty Inatrumont f �
<br /> AII ot tho torcQolnp is roTar►od to M tMig Eeaurily Inotromant a9 the"Prop$rty.' �
<br /> BQRROWER COVENANT& t1►at BortOwnf Is Wwtuly eol�d ot the oatato horeby aonvoyod und hae the ripht to�rant ttnA .
<br /> aonvay tho Properiy nnd thU the Prope�fy 1� unencumbsrod, axce,�t tor artaumbrnnco3 ot rcoord. 8ortowar wnnanta and �vm
<br /> dotcnd gencmiry tho tlite to lho Property C�gnlnot uli ota6no nnd dymnnd3, aub��at to nny enoumbrpno�3 af�cord. �
<br /> THlS SECUFlITY INS1�iUMEN1' combines unlform aovanantu lor nAtlanpi uco and non�unitorm Cov4r1Mlt3 rilth IUn(IOd ,:
<br /> vnrutiona by Ji�A�dPotlon to conatttute n uniform seauriq 4tntntrttpnt eovoTinp rasl prqpetty. �� .�
<br /> �� UNIFOAM COYBNANYB. 8onowar end Londar oovennnt nnd aproo no fotlowa: . ;:
<br /> 1. Payment ot�rineipnl end letereai; Rrepeyenent and Lete Charg�a.eanowar snen prompiy Aay wnm► ���:;
<br /> � duo tho �nalpnt ot and In4crest on tha dcbt cvldoncad by Iho Noto and nny propaymnrt nnd I�to ahargo3 duo und�r Iho Noto. �
<br /> Z. �unds tor T�xea end Insurnnae.Sub�oot to appl�Cahb�tuv er to n wriiten waber E�y Lender, 8orto�v�r shnli ptly � -
<br /> � to Lendor on the day monthy paymanta are due under tho Noto, untll the Nota 13 paid h tull,a sum ('Funds'i for. (a)yearly ,
<br /> .;,;,;,�;� texes nnd a8as3omente whbh may ettah prlority ovFa thts Sacurtry Instrument ao a tbn on lhe Properry; (b)yeFUy fouGOhotd ,;�,
<br /> � �'" �' puyments or qround ronts on tho Proparty, It enY; (o)YoarEY heuird or propariy Ineurance premiums; (d)yenrty(Laad Msuranco � _,�;,.-..
<br /> premiums,If cny; (e)yc+�ariy mortgsgo Inaurartco promiums,U nny;and(Q eny ouma paytible by BoROwer ro Landor tn aceordance � `;,�-
<br /> with tho provbtene of p�upmph 8, In Ileu of tho pay�nt of mpRpege inaurance prcamluma. Th�so itoms aro eriEad "Esorori
<br /> Itoms" Londer may.at eny tYna, ootlnot end hotd Funds h an amount not to exceud thp msvJmum amount a londor tor q � �-�_-"
<br /> tederatq ref�ted mortpape taan mAy mquire tor BoROwors escroN accaunt undar tfio tod��Rql Estate Sstttnment Procoduro� ;:v_
<br /> ; Act of 1971 as amen�fod hom t6ne to tima, 12 U.S.C.�2601 02 sc�q.("RF6PA"), unte�n nnothor taw thnt epplbs to tho Funds f,;;
<br /> ast8 a I�eer orttount. If so,LonEor may,at eny tUno,catbot and hotd FundB in an nmount not to oxcoad tha Easaer amoun� � �o�.
<br /> Lvnder may estirrtaro thu umount of Funds 6ue on tho baois ot aurrent data and roasonnbb ostimatos of andtturos ot tuh,ro ��?`�
<br /> �P 11::_
<br /> • Escro�v Items or olharwlso in eceordenco witb appticabb law. `-
<br /> The Funds sh4f1 be hold h en tnEtitutfon whose doposfta aro tnaurad by a tndoret rtganay.Inswmentatiq+. or enlry (tnoA�ding �4:_
<br /> ;; ,," � r� Londor. N Lendar b suoh en inetRutton)ar In any Fedc�at HamU Loen BMk. Lendar shall Cppry the Funda to pny lho FSOmw , �._
<br /> ltems, Lendee may not oharye Bortower tor AoWlrtp atd applyinA tho Funds, ennuflly enalysM►g the escrow euount,er vs�rkYg
<br /> � tRe Escrow ttoms,unless Lertder pays 8or��w3r Ir:�reat oa Me Funda and applkabb ts�r psm►Re Lender to m?ke seah a �
<br /> • chsrQe. Howwer. lencler may roquto Bo�ro�uor W [.Ay a onedMe ah�rgo far nn.InQapandont rual estato tax repoMnp service --
<br /> er
<br /> �° ^ • uaed by Lsnde► b eonnectbn �rRh this lean, uetl�t�s app{lecblh law provklas otha�w�e. Un{aso en a9reement b mado er _
<br /> " " " appl(cabEe 4�w�qulrss htamst to bo pntti,1.6ndar s�nit not bo raquifed to puy Sarrowar nnY U�tmest or e9minps an tP�o Fund�. a_�
<br /> � Bortower ond Lan09�r mey apraa In a�fcd'c.g, Aa'n�rst, thut hterest shatt bs paid on tho�urtd�. I.ender oha!!flMe to Bortorrc�r,
<br /> �;, �� wftAOUt ch4rge, en annual acoountNg of thd Funetsa,eAowhp credRa and debf!9 to tho FunJa c�t the porpose Eor whksh oach
<br /> debft to the Funds�vas mudo. Tho Funds oro pitrl�d as addRbnnt securd�r tor e1f suma ss�curod by the Secudry tnsUUmen4 ���i.;:
<br /> � If the Funds h¢td by Lertdss exceed the emauau permkied M be heW by app3cnbie taw.L�nder ehau ecx:unt to 8orrowrx e�;;
<br /> tor tho excesa Funda In¢sxoMance wRh lhe�equBee�ente of appRceblB law. it th�+arrtount of the Funds hatd by Lendor at any -"-:`'�
<br /> y � timo ta oot suNkbnt to pay tho Escrow Items whon due,Lender may so nntNy Borrower in wrkhg,end,in suCh ca9e 8ortower --
<br /> '- � ' ' sh�li pny to lsnder Mo amount nucessery to make up Ne detkbnoy. Borrowat shatl mnke up the deitabnay h no moro th¢n
<br /> ;�.r�"°... ;` tareko monthy pnymt�nts,at�ender's sote dtscnetbn.
<br /> ��,,.s: .., Upon piymmnt in NR ot atl aums soRUrod by this SecurR�r instn�ment,Lender oAatl prwryfty retund ta Ec�►ver eny Funds
<br /> `'� !��S; !_.�. �t,•m!�► nnn�rnoh 21,Lendor ctt�St ecqutre a soU tho PmpeAY.tsnd�x.prior to the acpuisdbn or sab of tho .
<br />"�'�� �� Prope�ty�BhdN 9jlp�y 8tly FURd3 R8k1 by LCRdOt QY N18 ti119 O}CCQU14ftI0f1 Ot Stik)fl8 6 CfQd@ 8B8Y18t tA8 6U1t7S 66WfAd by tN3
<br /> y�� . '•.'. SeCU►ily InStfluT{BtIG
<br /> - .;,..:
<br />_ -r-'�'�'�r-.•, ,•
<br />=�rt:,��s�;;.��� 3. App1iClltiOtl 04 PAC�i1�R�13�1. Untesa epPlMwbt� icw provides oMaw�se. aU p:q�ts received by I.en�Dar undot
<br /> "'�`�4„`•:`, hg 1 t�1d 2 ShflU be flpp8aik Q58t. to eny proPayrt�ent oharyes due under tho Note;s�an0,to am�unte peysbte undor
<br />'t,::...,�....s.r., P�P
<br />-m`',r,+:'.�;�� Ppra�aPh�third,to hte�est duet tou»h�to prho�nl dudc and kat.to any iate c2sa,�os duo under the Note.
<br /> %=;:•;.-,,{,.�;,; 4. ChaigCB� I.IQI18. 8orcowor Bhnli Qa�► a!i texes. assesaments� eRt�;�a�, flnes and Ynposkiona elb�utcble to tho =
<br />�:�"`_�,. , propoAy�ICh may ath(rt prb�ity ever thia Ssat�lnsbumerit,end leasehotd F3yments or Wound rento,B nny. Bomower ehnll
<br /> pey thqse ob8pntbns h the mannnr providod h pam�reph 3.ar It rtot puld h thut mnnna,Borrowor shntl psy tham on ttsc►0
<br />-�'�'�"�-"� di�ctty ta fhe person owed payma►4 BoROwe►shaU promp4�r A�Tn�b to L.candor all noUaes of emounts ta be peid undrx thk�
<br />`�`'�'�'°"'�� pArograpA. tl 9ortower makes d►o�e paymants dY�eetty, Borrow�v eAuu pcomptry fumf�h to Lendor rece�te evldench+g tho
<br /> ---:.'•�.:�� pay►net�ts.
<br />� r'�r:'''. " Bortower shue�rompty disuhargo eny Iien whbh has P�� �thls Seeurtqr lns4rument unless BoROaer. (a1 a�ees In
<br />_'='=':'�•-,�:;Y.��
<br /> -�-•-��-�� vnEtnp to tho paymont o? the obllpatlon secu�ed by the pen (n n ma►ner eccoptable to Lender. Qb)aontests h pood taRh the
<br /> --�=-��,�� Iler►by. or de�ends epehst enf�rcoment o! tha tien M. lepal ProceedY►9s arhbh N the lenders ophbn opente to prsvent tAs
<br />-�"'""`��R�r;'t antorc�t ot tta i'wn;or(e)seeuc�►trom the holder ot the Yan a�4�yeert�ent catlstaetory to Lenda su0ardhnthp the Iten to
<br />-�°'`.--.���;�:�3��^:' this Seeuriry Instrument tf lurtdev¢7�selmhos that eny paR o!!he PropaAy is subject:o a Uan whbA mey nttah prb�cy over this
<br /> - --���:�'1a� Spqu�y Inf�umenb Lender rtwy glvo 9onow�er a rtottee Id�ntFtyhq the Uen.Bortower eha9 actbly Me lien er take one or more ot __
<br />�::.��� the nction9 se!tarth Qbo�e wlt�4n ta days ot the�W of notbe.
<br />_.�-�;;:�,-; &. Ni3�d tmP PfOpt3l� aJ1StltADCC.Bortawer eh�l kaop the im�¢��rmenta now ex6sUnp or he�or�eated on tho Ir,;�.=•
<br /> �-";���� PrcpCrLy hsyred egnhst tos� Qy mr,e,he�ards holuded wRhin lhe tam•cu�n�d caversae"and eny oth�r.h�zards. tnnl�s�k�g -
<br /> 7�,1''�j"�� ftoo��t tbodfnp�for whbh Lsndar requites hsurenCO. TFtls hsurenCe 6hgtl b8 1f�ikttakod b tM�e�erounts en0 4ot the�t1o�s ---
<br /> _<'��:,�: that I.ander re q uYes. The insuronca eartlor prowdtnp the inswance sheA Iso ehosen by Borcowcr eubjeat to lun0er'8 e{r�r�me
<br /> - whiah sheN not be unreasonaby wRhheid. if Bonowe►tcib ta euh ffi h eovaraye d e r�e r b e d a bove�L e rt d 4 r+r�Y�a t L a n d a f s
<br /> =—'�� �tion,a0'�Li er,ro�-�a!a protca!k.a�d�s i'�ti'+ts in ma t'ra�ty tn cc«ord:nco tr:ih Rr�eph 7. �-
<br />� �""°�;: �� AN hsunu►t�p�lcl9s and �enewals shaA�,ircct►P�la to Londet and shaH heUde e sffindard moRgeya cNuse.Lender
<br />—�-��� chaN hava the�FyAt to hold the poYates ared ra�roavsls. If LenOor'requtes�Borrowar s1ia11 prompty pNe to Lender�Y receipts of
<br /> ---tis:..:
<br /> ,_'_,�,.^,`�n�' ; pald Promtums�d tenswni notk�s. tn Me e�ront o!tosa,Bono�r sha8 qko prompt notice D�the hsurartce cerrier cu�d lsnds►.
<br />=-`�"-.��;�� lendor may mahe P�ot o?bss tf rtot made prompiry by 8orrawa.
<br />�.in._...,3;•,,.;_..
<br /> ;�;�:��:,,�����.� un�ess�da ena eonowe►omo��a�h�rw. Insurence P►ocoeds eha�be oppAsd to restoratton or ropat of Mo --
<br />_ _ .-ir.;•' P�pPpm►�g��U tho �oatoraUon er ropalr b econcmlcely tedsble end lsnders cecurky Is no!br«.erta� tt tho restamtlon ar =-
<br /> , . . ropair b not eaonomianPr toasbte or Lmduto socurdy would bo Ic3ssened,tho Ys3urenrs proceeds sheU ue r,�R�d to tho cum� �
<br /> socurod by Nis S�curfly InsUumont, whothor or�ot thon duo,wRh nny maxss Dafd to Boaower. tf 8arc�ves abandona tho __..
<br /> � �F,�;; � Proaexty,or doa�net anuxm+�te9n 30 da�rs a notk�trom l.mdor thnt tho hsuranae eerder has oftered to settle a oteYn.tAen _
<br /> - ;,;�Y,!".�° , lende► may Collxt tno hsumme�procoodu. Landor may u,e tho pr000eda to ropair ot reslore Me?napuA�r ot to pay �:ma --
<br />-- , ,•!;t;�,,:1'�. secured by Nts Seca:�tq+tnatrumonL whethtx or nat tieen 6ue. ihe 30�day p�lod wa Eapin r�hcn tho natke Ls ytvan, _
<br /> • � • Unless LenQer cx�� Bortawor othawESe ag►ee h wrBhy� eny c+APGCattcn ot procoed� W prlrtaqN sha8 not eMOr►d or `
<br />`t� . , �" Posutarm tho d+s���tv ot tfio montAy payrntnto re�rte0 4o M P�OBDAa t ond 2 or chanpo tho entour�4 n�tho ps�ymonte.tt -°
<br /> c14J
<br />- • �,... : under parepreqt�2� tP�o Propmty ls scquYad by landar� Borro�olo�igM to ctny hauranCO potiCbs Hnd F�aedu m:.uahg hom E,:,.
<br /> - _ ,;�}:,�;..• a damage to the PtopeAy prior ta tho acQutsEbn aRa1 pass to Lendor ro tho u�Rant of tho cwms by thts Soc�ryr lnaUniment ���
<br />_ � ���re�: hunediatey prior to the acqu�itiati �_
<br /> - ^ l - �-------- " --•-- u.�..�.....n� .nd pr.�tfnn n? dfe PPOae7lu: B�(h9YrC8'� �fl "`
<br /> .. _ ..: +..---� v. asFav�O(sG:� r�coc..a.....q ..,�...�..�..� -- •--------- -- - �-
<br />- ' aPPlicactton; �.eas�h�td�. eonowar 6rn�e oeouar.e�u��n. end use me prooere�r na ear►owers prrecrpe�.�siaence w�n�n _
<br />= sbd�r etuya etter Uo o�mcutlon o} thb Soeurrttyy In�trument ana sAe9 eontisuo to oeeuAl► the ProP�fi � B�'O�8 Princbat -
<br />- ' rosidsrtco tm at bast orte year eftEx tho date of axupsnoy. wloss L.c3nda etrtaw�o asrees in wrgb+p.which consent eRa9 rtot
<br /> e
<br />- b9 unr�easonabip wtthhnid.or unbss E�donuathp CtcumsUtrtces extst whbh are Dopord 8ortowara conVOl. Borrower GRaD not
<br /> tn , de:,troY.dar��a at �patr tha PropoR�r.e41ow tho RroAeM�to Qaf�ioreto,or comm@ v�W on the FropaRy. Bortovrer eAalt be tn
<br />- . Y�i torfaiNre ot Mo Propo�t�r or ot dwise maiaiatti FmAaM Mo Uon crodflnd by Mis Soeuriqreteatrum�t w Londrn's�secutrid�r hte�est�
<br /> Y � Pay�?016 _..5� -1�—
<br /> ' ^ Ft9tB.UKO(tl00)
<br /> �- ., . C:OTe
<br /> „ �� -
<br /> • -' :" _ - - - - -- -- - -__ . . .
<br /> ,- ......_..�_.�__...._�.. ..._-- ••_ "'-�---._._.—_.--'---'--""'^"'^"'•,-'..._.-�-'----'^.._.-:--.":.:�'�__.--_ .--
<br /> ......�. .,._.._^_.l.'•r.^1:r__...-;..,.Y_,.
<br />