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. .: . <br /> „ , <br /> ,� . • ,. . <br /> . .. . .. . . � .}', <br /> �_,'. <br /> ..� ....�r.n r..._ .. �� ., n ... -. - _ . . ......,...__.._........._._ <br /> . �. ' . . <br /> . .�.._.a.. :. .. ... .. .. . - ..""_ ... . . <br /> ...._��._..----.,_._�._.__ •v <br /> f <br /> : ' 9arrowrar may nuro auoh a dnfautt and roinatatv, an �rovidad In parngraph 1B,by oauning tho aotton or procesding ta bo <br /> dl3mtsstsd with e N14�g t0a1,In I.c3nda�e good faith dctctminotlon,pr�ssNdss fotfe►ture of the 8onowero Intareat h th�PrqgleRy or - <br /> � olhcr mutorinl Impairmont ot tho I�an nrestcd by thhs &sourky InsWment at Londa's socufity Intarost. Borrouvs►shpit at3o bo In <br /> - d3tttuit il 8onowar,durinp tho loan appCCatMn procsss,aavm m�terialty latso or tnuccurate intormat�on or etaternenta to Lender (a • <br /> -� �� tailed to provide Lender wkh any matertal�tormatton) in oonneotton with tho toan mldenced by tho Noto. Inofudinp, but not <br /> Ilmltod to, roproaontc►ttono aoncemin� BoROwora oCaupnrtay of tho Property na a prino►pat roald�noo. It thla S�ou►Ity� F�����_ <br /> Inotrumant Is on a l�4sohoid, BoROwer ahall eompry wtth uit tha provlatons of tho Fsaao. If Bartowar noqutros foc�tRb to tht►� '"�-;-. <br /> PropnRy,tho leaanhotd nnd tho taa titb ahat►�pf inorgo untoao Londar uproos ro the rt�erpor In wrltln�• � : <br /> � 7. P�otectton of 6ender'a Righte tn t7�e Properry. If eonowaz lauus to pedorm the oovennnts nnd tgra�monta..� �• <br /> aontotnod !n this&ecuriry Instrumant, or therfl is a bgat proccsodin8 that rnar algntlleantly atfeot Londs�e rf$hla In the P►opeAy t�� ':�•`.. <br /> (suoh as o protd;:d{ne In banlcniptCy,probato,for condcmnstlon or feACi4uro or to anforco I�wo or roguk+ibna),than Londcr msy �., _ <br /> � •� do and pay tor whatovet�S nece3sary to proteot the valua ot the PropeRy and Lende�e riphto in the P�opa�ty. Lendertt aotfono � <br /> - __._..� may Irtolude paying any eums aeeured by n Ilun whbh has prbflty over Ihb Eoaurlty Instrumont, appenrinp In eouR. DeY�B � __ <br /> , ranaonnblB Bttomoya'tcjes nnd enterirtg on tho Praporty to muku ropa6e.ARhough Londer mny tnko aoilon undor tht3 parngreph � _ <br /> ' •. "-�' 7,Lender does not hsvo to do so. <br /> � My emounts disbursed by Lcnder undar pcmgraph 7 shuq traaom� additfona� dobt ot Borrowcr eeaGred by this 8ocu�ity "',_ <br /> � Insbumen4 Unbso Bor►ower and Lend� eprpo to other tarms of poyment,the�o umounta ahptl be�u Interest kom the dato ot _ <br /> dbbursoment at tt�e Note Nte and shs0 be payabW,N(th intCrat,upon noth:o hom Lendar to Borrowar roquo3thg paymenA �r= <br /> �� <br /> � 8. Mort�ago Inaura`�ca. if lendaf requYod mortgage Insurance aa a eondlNon of makhe tho taan eeaured by this =.-- <br /> Securlty Inahument, Bortower shall pay thfl promfums roquirod to matntain the moApage hsurance In otfao�14. ta any reason,Mo �-: <br /> inortgago tnsumnca aoverage requirod by lflnder topse�or ceases to be tn oHoot,Bottowcr ahaU pay the premlums requYOd t0 _- <br /> oDtnin coversgo eubatantfalry aquNat�nt to the moRgago tnst��ance prevtousy In etteot,at n eoat substentktity aquh+abnt to tho 0 <br /> ooat to BoROwar ot the mortg� t�surence previousy In t►ftoct, trom un aGemalo mortflago fnsurer approved by Londer. It _;. <br /> ��� substanttstly eQuMatent moRgaga �suranCe eoverege�S oot avatlaDie,Borrowaz shatl pay to Lend�esoh month a sum aqual to ��- <br /> � �{ onetweHth of the yparcy mortgage insu�ance premlum boing patd by Bortower►s�Aen the Msurance eoveroge �yaed or aefsed to 6�: <br /> ' � �� bs In eHeo� Lend�r wUl accept, use and rotain these payments es n toss resen+e in Ileu of mo�gage ��auPaaoa. Lass rescnr� M:, <br /> ' •� .� paymerita mny nn bn0or be requlred,at the opUon of Lender� Q mortgage Meurence oovarage(in the amoun4 and for the poriod _- <br /> that Londer requlres)provided by an Insuror approved by Lender agah bocomes evailable and Is obtalned. Bormwer shall pay � <br /> " ��;' tho premiums►equtred to muinta�mortgago Insumnoo in effeet,or to provlda o bss roscrve,until the requirt�.ment tor mortgago <br />�• .. ' Insuranoe enda b acaordance wlth any writt9n a9reement between Bortowor and lender or eppibable law. �• 9 <br /> y� 8. �RL�ICC�It9T1. lendor or fts ugvnt msy meke ressonabl�entries upon and innpeottons o}the PropeRy�. I.ender sha11 gNe _- <br /> - Bortower noUce at the tMe of or prtor to an fispaatbn speotylnp reasonabta oause tar the hspeotbn. <br /> �. � 10. Condem�attan. The proceods of nny award or olalm for damagos,dac�ot or oonsequenttat,h aannoctlon wkh any --- <br /> ;';:£��n eondsmnatton or other tc�khg o!any paR ot the Property,ar for oonveyanee 8r� Oeu o}eondemnatlon, ere h�reby easigned end <br /> �;�y���r•... ehall be patd to Lende�. - <br /> �n the event of a total taking a} tAe Property, tho procoob3 BhEttl i�e eppUsd to tho sums seour�ad by this 6seurily <br /> tnsWment,whe2har az��Ot then dus,wkh any exoess pald to 8arrower. iT the e�ent of a partial taking ot t€�e Property h whbb <br /> � thp tatr market�ahso 04 ihe PropartY immedtateb bofore the takhp �equsl ro ar greater than the amount ot th0 euma aecund <br /> '�°��"��"`'' by this Saaudly Instrument hsmadiutey bofore the takfng, unlesa BoRawer and Lender otherwise epree tn wrn�no� tne aums <br /> =-,,,,,�„>� secured by iht�Securily Inatrument shell be reduced by the amount ot the proceods muttipllad by the folbwMO Meotbn: (a)!he <br /> � - �.;;,;. total amaunt ot the sums socurod imm�dlatery before the takirte,dhrided by(b) the faY merk6!value of the Property Im���cltatety <br /> �,;`�r•- . ' betore the takhg.My b&�nce Bfia�i be paid to Bor►awor.In the event ot ct partial takinp ot the Preperty h whieh tho fair rtw�lcet <br />,;:'y;�;k'.�:� vatue of the P�opwry tmmedlatory before the taking ta tess than the amou�t of tho sums secured ImmedfettYry bQtore the takhg, <br /> +: : -,,�, unbss Borrowar and Lender otherwbe eQresa in w�thg or unless epplSca6ia law otherwlse provtdes,4hx� praceedo ahall be <br /> '";Y'yr'����;� appli�d to the sums seoured by this 14eourily Inelrument wAether or not tho bumsero then due. <br />-:�.. ��t.,:.�ei. <br /> - .. , � if the PropoAy ts ebandonxd by Borrower,or R,after nottce�y Lender to 8arower that tha condertu�ar oNere to maka en <br />--'"'��u±`!�'C� uwerd or settb s oiaim Mr Qame�e, Hortoivor fails to respond to t.endAr wNAh 30 doya after the date the not�o b pNon, <br /> ` �'�;_?F� Lender b nuthortmd to oolieot and eppy tho proaaeds. nt tta optlon,either to restorotbn o�repak ot thg Proporiy or to lhe <br /> sums eooured by titfe Sflcurity tnaWment,wRelhor or not then Cue. <br /> ` ������ Uniess Lendel and Boaower otherwise u(� Ir� writktg, any apppCatbn of prazeeds to prirtc��4 sfutll not extend or _ <br /> - `--=-"-'-� postpone the due date ot the monthiy paymen4s roferted to h pnraarephs 1 end 2 or oAanpe the amount o�suoh p8ymoms. <br />_ --- -- -_ 11. �orrower Nat Reteeaed;Forbeerance By I.e�der Not a W�Iver.�xeonsicn ot cne una far Ray,net+c or <br />-_��,���-� modffkatla�of omo�tFiatlon of the suma seeurod by this Seeur�y Mstnrmmcint 8���bY��d���Y suec�aor In tn?oT�esl of <br /> _____—_— Borrower shail not operate to release the IIabIINy ot the odpinal 9Crrower or 9ortowe�e successors In htec�L6 Lender shaA oot <br /> ----°-- !se tequM9d to tl�mmence prooeedinps eqahst eny enCeossor In htetqst or reNse ro extend tMno tor���mant or otherwise - <br /> ,:_:=:�a� <br /> • �,,� modiy ar►�oR�atlo� ot the surns seeured by tAia Securlty lnsbumont by�esso�a al any demend made by A�i�mrlpjinal8orrotirer or <br /> 'M�.�..� <br /> ='��,__:° Barrowe�c succe3so� h htorost. My torbeeranae by LAnder h e�ce�aisYy enY rt9ht or remedy sheA��9 b� a waker ot or <br />;___._��� prealude the exerolse of eny�nt or remody. - <br /> ";:;;��,;,F,�. 12. SUCCOESOf!{411� Ati8l�fls BOpR�j Joint and Sevare! Llal�llity; Co-signera �e COVenents end <br /> --w `= e�Qreements of thts SeaurNy�Inatrument ahaq bind and benettt the successore snd asstpns ot t�endar end BoROwer.subjeot to tha <br /> .-,._�. <br /> -v�Q__�7 prov�l�ns ef�*�_greph 17. Rert�w�s c�+�+antn and agrentrbnta shaU be lolnt eu�d several. MY Bortowe�who caaipna thl� r- <br /> _ -�__��, 8ecurily In�trument Dut Ooes eot execute the Alote: (a)Is oasipning this Seaurihr fasWment onry to rio��,i�9e,Qr�nt tuid oar�vay <br /> ---�:;�>.� � that 8orrower's hterest h tho PropeAy unflor tAe tcr�ms ot thls S�uM�r InaCumen� (b)ts not pereceaRY pLB�eted ta p�y the <br /> _��;�_ry;� , sums securod by thb Securky lnntruumont; and(o)agraea tlu►t Lender end eny other 8orrower may aQriee to extond,madHy, <br /> .��-.,�-�.., <br /> .-K �h..... to�e8r or mafcd eny eccommodationa wRh rogard to tho tarrns of thb Securtty InsWrteent or the IVote w8ihout thet Bortowet's <br /> ��•�•��,..;;"` cons�ni. <br /> �-.•�`,=: 1g. L,�an �harg�a �e me ioan socured by cn� securuy mcerument�s subJeat fo e tnw wh�c?a set� mudmum ban s <br /> aharpo9,and lhnt �w Is fhaVy Merp�ted ao that tho htarest or otha toan ctierges aotieoted or to bn ooUeoted In connootlon �-_ <br /> •.. . . w�th the leGn c�xCead the pormftted Qm(ta,then: (a)eny suah ban chtvgo sAatl Dn mQucnd bY tho nmounQ necessary to re6uce = <br /> tAa a0ar0o to tha permtttod lYnih, und(b)eny sums s��uut3y aouootad trom BoROwor which�dod pormktod Om�wUl bo �.-- <br /> - • reTundod to 8ortowe►.L.onder may choose to mako this raiund by roduobg tho princpat owed und9r iho Ptote or by mnktng a -"""- <br /> � . dy�t payment to Bortower. It a roficnd re�ucaa pdnopab tho reAuotbn w1U bu troated as n panbsl qnaqa�mo�t wRhout any r;--. <br />��. .• ... �'Y P�Y�t tR3r8t�undor the Note. �'" <br /> � 14. NOtiC�s. My rtotico to @amo+ro►prav)dod br h thb Seeutiq► lncUUmmt ohalt bo pken Dy dalMorhp[t or by maEtinO k � <br /> ,��'`� By tirat cl�ss maU unless appllcabb Iaw requires use at taa�`au mothod. Tho notice ahaA Eo d1rx3�s tm Me Property Addresa <br /> .,.,,',I' r � �� : <br /> � _�:,:. " ar any o4hor addtesa Borro�rEr dosipnato3 by netk;e to lortda. My naUCO to LendFx chn7 0o a?jon by t�st ci�s�u.l' to �`'�- <br /> ���sorn aedraRU smtad Rmr�fn or anr othor addreso Lendor dosiIInateS bY nm�e to Borrotvor. Any no:ics provid&d tbr in thb = <br /> -� ---'- -- Secut'ily instrument 8ReU be deamed t0 hnv9 been pA+en to 8orrower ot L+endar whon 9Aron a8 provi6�d 6� ihB P�P�. - ': <br /> � � 16. t�ovarnleg Lew; SeverebHtty. rn� soc��r insour�t enan�e 9o�ea by r�a mw ond c�e mw of eho �=; <br /> � Jurlsdbttort b whbb ths Frope�tp Ms ioCated. In the ovont that nny provisbn or ciause ot thb&!cu�r lnaWmEmt or tho Noto <br /> m <br /> ° ConIIicto wkh npptiCebb 19w.sttoh COnfUat eltIIll not&f(e0t Othet pfovisbtes Ot 4Ab SeCUrity Instrument Ot th0 Noto whbh Cen be <br /> �. � gken ettaot v�Rhai►t the co�fUating provfslon.To tAis end the pravisbna of ttb SocurHy lnstrumont end tho Note ere daolared to =' <br /> , .. be sever8b19. `'; <br /> . 18. B6TfOWCi'8 COpy.BoROwer 6Ae11 be�MOn one Conformed co0� a�the Notu end ot thb SocurBy Inatrument. <br /> � • Ft9t0.lAt�(tl00) Pay�3 of 6 _ :—.a� - <br /> � <br /> - , 4�?aS � <br /> ` , ......_.. _�.._,s�a--,,.—•--v--�, .- <br /> -______.____."..__"�""'_'_"""__...._....�........._..,"'......_..-.-.r_'�•_.._.�..__. . ir"_.rv. <br />