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, � ii � <br /> � „ .. ..�� <br /> .. - . •• _..n': .. " .:..--�-�---.... ... ,. . . . . � <br /> � 17. Transter mt ti�e Property A� a eenefictnl Interes4 in Borrower. It pp or uny pnrt of tho Proaorty or <br /> ' uny Intorost In It Is oofd ar trnnot3msd(or If n benoibial tntoro3t In Bormwor Is ootd or 7anslYrcod and 8onov�er Is not n nnturai <br /> � puroon)v,Ahout Londo�s prlor w�itton aonsunt,Lendar mny,at ito optlon,roquUO tmmadi�to pnymcnt In tuA ot nl►aums oaurad by <br /> thte&ecurlhr InetNmenQ.Howevcr,thl�option ohnll not bo oxcrolsod by Lcndor If oxaro�o fs prohibltod Dy fodern�l�w ae ot tho <br /> dnto of thly 8eour4y inotrumant. <br /> If Londar exoraise3 thls optton,Londor shait flNo 8orrowor notiso ot aacok►ratlon. Tho nottco ohnil provtdo a pertod of not � <br /> ,. toao tAnn 30 dayo hom Iha dato tho notbo Is dolNorod or malbd withln whbh BoROwor muct pay nll aumo 000u�od by Ihla � , . <br /> },. 3c�our�ty �netrumont. It 8orrower faUs to puy theso sums prlor to tho oxplrntton of this pariqd, Lcndor rtmy Invoko any ramodbs ` <br /> pormittvd by this Seeurlry�nsVumant without fuRhar not�e or domend on 8anowar. <br /> " 98. B�PP6�1lU@P'6 RGqI14 Ri3 F�CI7it3T01C. I! OOrtOViCr m�5tfl certain oondttlone, BottOwCr ahnll hnv0 th0 ttght t0 huv0 � , <br /> � untomement ot tht3 8acurity Instrument discontinued at any time p�lor to tho oarlbr ot (a)& dsys (or auoh othep perlod ns � � <br /> � uppucnbb Ww msy epcjoly ta rolnsWtomont)beturo tsnb o}tho Propsrty pureuant to any powo� �1 srib aontalnod 1n thl�Sscudty � <br /> • � InaWment;or(b)aitry of a Judg�+x�nt ontorcing this Seaurfty inatrumont.Thoso oond[21ons eio that 8ortower. (a)paya landor at� <br /> auma whkh thon would bo duo undor this Security Instrument and the Note as if no accsbmtton had occuROd; (b)cures nny � �-k;;;� <br /> defauit of any other aovonant or agreemsnts; (c)puys aU exPonses Naurtod N enforohp thB Ss3curity Inetrumant Inoluding,but __ <br /> not IMitod to,reusonabie rsttomoys'tovs;nnd(d)tnke8 suoh BotlOn�s Londor muy reaeona0y roqubo to aesuro thnt thB Ilen of �� ati.� <br /> this Securih+ �natrumant,Londer's �Ights 1n tho Property and BonowoPs obllgaUan to pay the sumc ac:aurcd by thts Si°curity <br /> Insuumant ohuli oontir►u0 unohanged. Upon roinstatoment by Borrowor, thb Seaurfty InsWment and tho obltgatipne sooured °`- z <br /> ` hproby shall romein(utry of�ocllve as R no accoieratlon had ocourtod. However,this rtght to retnaWto shall not appy in the osso �„� <br /> 1 of acceiemtion under pamgmph 17. ='�'-� <br /> ' 99. SB�Q 0} NOt@; CD1811g8 01 LO01f SflPVIQ@�. Tho Noto or a 8 paR�i Interest In tho Note (togethet wtth this .�+,.._._. <br /> Securhy Instrument)may be eold one or more ttmos w(thout pr�or natico to BoROwer.A sale may result in u ohengo tn lhe entity _ <br /> " (known ea the"Loen Senricer') that ooUeota monthy payments due under the Noto and thls Seaurlry UsUUment. Thore aiso may <br /> � Ba one or more oha�ges ol tho Loan Se�vber unr��t0d to a eal� of ths Noto. I!Ihere is e ot�en4e o} the l.aan Serv�or, �4__ <br /> " ,j 6orrower w���be BNer� viritten notke of the ohange In aacordance wRh Paragmph 14 above and appllCabiO law. The nOtiC9 v�ffl �_:.. <br /> .�.;�;; stale the nsmo and nddress ot the no�v loan 3enker and tha addr�as to whbh payrrents ehouid be made. The notice wttl aino _ <br /> �r, contnin enY other lnhfrtnatlon requY�ed by aPRI�����r. �-l�" <br /> ;�?�, �� 7p, l�i�ld�lCe SalbSt9nC88. 8onowur sha9 not cause or permit the preseeca�use.dlsposat, ato►eye,or rebase ot '�� <br />�i'" ciny Hamrdous Subs�nces on or in the Properly. Borrawor shat�not do, nor unow enyone else to do,anything nflscttng thc� <br /> n �•,:._ <br />�''�" Property that is In vf�lption ot eny Envlronmental Law• The precedirtg two sentenaes shai not appy to the presence,use, or <br />_;i'�) � `-_--- <br />=" store.go on tho Properly of amalt quantfties ot Herardous Substancos that are genareP/�eo8ni�d to be approprfa4e to �ortnal _ <br /> •� residential uso3 und to matntenance ot the Property. B�.^�� <br /> • 8ortowrsr ahnll prompty ghrA Lender written not�e of eny hwsttgatton. cla4n�dernand. �awsuft or other actton by any • <br /> • � govommenta�or rogulatory epenoy or prNats party tnvoNk►g the Properly s�d eeY Harardous Subatanee or Enviromatenlal Law a9 <br /> whbh Borrower hss aoNat knowiedge. It 8orrower leums, or ts �otfffed by tiny govemmontal or roguiatory authorfty,thGt any <br /> � removai or otAar rernedlntbn ot any Meraraous ��stanca afioot:i� PraF�tY � �r-"+". �5��� a!�,p Rrnrn�y mke ell � <br /> t;';, <br /> �t�,y¢ necessery remedtsl aotkns h ecoordertco r�ith£nvl�anmeMal• <br /> • .,,?i;' As used In thls paragraph 20,"ti�rt�aus Su�9tnnaea" ure tfioae substances demad as Yoxic or harerdous su6atances 0y <br /> `" Environmental Law and the tollo�vh8 suDatences: gasolho, icerosone, other ftemnwbie or tox�a petrobum produats. tmdc <br />�•���, pesttatdes and habtri�es. vo►attle soNents,materlats cantahhg aobvgtas or fortnatdehydd.end mdtoaotMe matodats. Aa usod h <br />;,�..;'� purBgreph 2a, "Envlr�anmen�l Lsw° mc+�ane federat tawa and Iawa ot the Ju�isdkKloA wher+e tho PropeAy is Icoated 4hat retate to .__. <br /> n <br />=;��- ; heafth,satety or envlronmantal proteot►on. �r . <br /> . „•, . <br /> ' � NON-UNIFdRM COVENANTS.Borrower end Lender furth�r covcnant and apree as lot ows: <br /> l � �� 21. AceetereUon; Remedi�a. Lender ahalt giva nottae to B�rrower prfor �o eceeleratl�� <br /> toilowtmg Borrower'o breaah ot eny covenent or agreement In this S�aurtty Inatirumerat (but not <br /> - :` �rtor to eoceler�Uon under pnragraph 17 unteaa appliceb1e !ew provide�otherwtse). The notice <br />��-"�''' �•��� sMlt epecity: (a)tho de�tn�it; (b)the aetton roqutred to euro the d�ieult;(eD e d�o� not leas tha� <br />_ ::���_.�,;T,=-.— 30 days irom tha dete the �eo3lco la giver� to Borrowe�� by which t�e deteutt mast be cured;enc3 _ <br /> Y•1----�. (d) tNt tatlure to cure the d�YaUlt on or before the date spe�ifled In the rtotice m� �ea�it In <br />�-s{.��:,� <br />-•��:u�- .;•= eccelerettoe�of 4he sume secured by th[a Securiry In�trument end aaie of the Property.The �aUce <br />_.;.,,;L:. '-� aha11 turther infa�a Borrovrer ot the �ight to reinatete aiter ac�mieratlo�nnd the righ1t b b�In� a =,.,_ <br /> ��� ' conrt natton tm s�c�aert Uee non-exlatence ot e dofnutt or e�y other detense of �?m�rower t�o <br /> n,,:. <br /> � ecaeter�tton end s�ie. it the detautt Is eot eured on or bebro th�daRe s�seciRed in 3fie notice� ___ <br />�:.:�';;:~`�--_.: Lender et ite optlo�may requiro immediate pnyment In futl of eil eums secared 6y th�a Sccu�ity <br /> � '� ��" InsVument witEeout Nrther demend and mey Invoke the power ot �nt� ansl any other remedtea <br />:��a►i�:.. -_ <br /> �--- — �ermtttc�i P�y c;�:r�iz:�ie ier�. �.enser €�iB �e� �niiite� tu� t-tilE2�8 e1i e�'ir'a�o Iteyte�Y�!�pse:�s eeg �.-.�_ <br />-`"k�` �� 4he remediea proWded in tF�t$ paregreph 21� Ualudtng� but not Itmited to. reasonaFc�� attorneys' <br /> : .,�„x., <br />-.� ...:.- <br /> hea au�� coats of UUe e��1�on�ce. <br />- � � �i1��.R��" Truatae eh�fi vecord a RoticO of detault In each eounry in <br />_. �.A�:ti If th� power ot sato �a U�voked, — <br /> whieh nny �or8 0! the �r�paer4y la tocnted end �hnll mait copiea ot auch notice tn the�enner <br /> �, prescrtbod by a�+77cebte iaw to Borrawor and to the ather parsons prescribed by appliceble lew. �.', <br /> At�er tho tima Qx�aalred by a�PlleabEe 9�v.Trusteo ohall gtve�ablle notico ot�ate 4o ths peraoas s,.: <br /> . y: �_=_:"-. <br /> an� Eao 4E�e ercernner preaer�b��i �y eppt7cable lew. Trusteo� witP�ut demand on Borrower,ahall sett _ <br /> � the Pr��erty at pubitc e�� to tAe hiphoat bid��� e�t tho U�ne end pGna.�m and under the teriras — <br />- � . de�ignated in tt�e rto38co m4 r�fe In ona ar more �osrr�els and In any or�Jmr Truatee deterenlre��. a- <br /> Twatce may ►x��ano sale o! ell or �r�� pareet ot the Prep��ty by p�abltc anec�nwd�mnent et tho �,:�: <br /> Umo and ptac� �� eny p�evl�u�ty a�P��iuled s�to. Lender cm� IL�deatgnee mm� �rchase the {;:.; <br /> . . properly at any�la, = <br /> � Upon reaetpt of pey���Q of the price bld� '11ra�etee eha�� deitver t� Q�nc purehaee� Twstaa'� -t <br /> -------------- _ . .. - -----�- ��- ---�_,.. .� �„�.�es�a aetd s�tt ts� �zima Mcte evidenao o! �. - <br /> -- — � <br /> Oeea coavcy�ns vxe��.�r. ••� •�••••�.�... _� •------ - - tlee roaeeds o4 the scle in the <br /> the truth of thv amtementa mnde titcrein. Truc�o sha►Q aP�e!► P <br /> . tallowing ord�sr: (e) to ell costs and oxpense8 of exereiaing th�pow�r ot �1�, mnd the sate, <br /> . tnaluding the paymenQ ot th�7ruatco'a faea oetuatly ineurred� not!o exceed tl9ree . <br /> �,. .. 96 of tho prineipsf eneaunt ot the <br /> noto nt ti�e timo ot the dectareUon of defaut4,and reesonabte attor�oy'8 tees aa permitted by taw; <br /> .. �� (bp to ell �ms securod by thts SeQUrlty Instrument; en�i (e)e�y excess to tho Person or pereong <br /> ' Iegeily ��i4t�d to it <br /> ° Ft0t0.LM0 ItN0) P�p�4 ot 6 Q • <br /> • OE�9S <br /> U .. . __--- .. <br />