<br /> . - „
<br /> . .....,.._._r....:,�.:...,..�..._ .-._..,_...._ ... .. ... .. , _ . .. . . . _._._.�._ ,
<br /> , ' TOOETHER WIYH all tAO ImprovQmUnts nov� or hero�Rar arooto0 on tho properly, nnd ull ooaemonta, BppuRnnpnCOS,und
<br /> • ' fb�ture3 now or hoteaRer e peR oi thai property.All rep{ocamonts and ndditlons ahail niso bo covcrod by thls Saourily In3trumont.
<br /> ; AII of tho foro�oln8��rofcned to In tht9 Scourriy In3trumont as tho"Pro¢cAyr."
<br /> BORFtOWER CAVENAIVTB that 8artovior la IserNlry aolr� of tho oetato hCrpby oonvoyod nnd hao tho ►I�t to grant and
<br /> „ , eonvoy the PropeAy and thnt the Proparty ts unonaumbered, axcept for encumbranees ot rocord. Bonower warranta end wlit �• _.�.
<br /> dotand esnaotfy tho tUto to tho propariy ngntnot ntl olnkns and dem�nda. aubJuot to ony oncumbrencos ot rcoord, (�
<br /> THiB b'�CURIYY IN�iTRUMENT eombtnos unNortn aov0nankf for nattonat ueo nnd �on�unttorm covenante wkh Ilmltad �j
<br /> ' � vnriatlonu by JurMdiotlon to oonatltuto n wttom►aQaurity InBWmont oovaring rQUi property. � , � �
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTB. eortower and�endor c.�v�nant and¢aroe as tolbwo: �
<br /> . 1. �ayment of Prinetpe! and tntereat; b�eepeymen�end t.�2e Ch�r�Jea eoROwar seau promQ�y puy wnor.
<br /> ' duo tho prtriCtpal ot Cnd intCro�t en th�dcbt nvldanced by tAo Noto t�nd any prepeymont end tato ohnrgos duo undat tho Noto. __
<br /> '' 2. FUOdd f0i TN(EO Afld IflEU�dRCQ.SubJeat to appibnbb 18w or to�a written wnHttr by Lundor, 8ort�wer sho8 pay ���
<br /> to londor on tho dey monthy paymonta cro duo undnr the Noto, untA tho Noto Ns paid N futl,a sum ('�unds')for. (e)y�rly
<br /> _,:,t,;;;�� ' texes and assossrrtonta whloh may atteln priorlty ovor thls SaCUrity Inatrumont as a I3en on the PropMy; (b)yatuy basehotd �s�.'
<br /> •-~ • paymenta ar ground ronts an tha Proparty, t!any; (o)yearry harard or propoAy tnaumnce promtuma; (d)yeary itood insumnce �___
<br /> ,. � "�� prembms.d any;(e)yeary mortgago insuranao promiums,it nny;and(Q nny auma payable by Bortower to I.onder In acaordnnce �u
<br /> with tAo provfsbns ot parapmph 8, In lieu ot tho paymont of mortgags Insurance promluma. Theae items aro caned "Escrow �"�`�
<br /> Itnma" lsnder may, at any tkne, aolteot and hoid Funds In nn amount not to oxcaed tho maximvm amount a tonder tor a p-,_.
<br /> � fedem�ry relnted moRgago loam m�y roqulre tor dortowers osorow acocunt under tho tedemt Reut&scate Sotthmont Procoduros ��
<br /> ' Aet at 1974 as nmended trom tlme to time, 12 U.S.C.�260/ et seq.('Fi�SPA"), unless another lavi that applles to the Funda
<br /> ' �� sota n tesser nmoun� if ao,Lender may,at any time,ooilaot and hotd Funds N nn amount not to mcceed tha losser amount. �_
<br /> Lender rt�ay estYnate the nmount of Funds due on tho basla o}ourtont daw and reasonnbte esttmutes ot o�andlturos ot Nture _
<br /> � °' �� ' Escro►v Itoms or otherwiso in accordslnce rdth eppliaebls law. -
<br /> � Tho Funds ehall be held tn an tnstRutfon whoeo deposks are Msured by n tedcsrei egenay,hsdumenffility. or entRy(InoludHg �r'e
<br /> n Lendor, if I.ar►der Is suoh an hsNfutton)or In eny Federat Home Loan Bank. Wndar shaq appry tho Funds to pny tho Esorow �`_�'
<br /> ° Itema.i.es�der msy not oherge Bortower for hoWing ond epptytng tho Funds, annualry anaryzhg the ssorow sccount,or verifyinn
<br /> the Hs�rov� Items, unless Lendur pays Boreower hterest on tho Funds and appl�cable law pormlts Lender to maka auoh u '__
<br /> " � � ohargo. Howsver, Lendor may reauYe Borrowe�to pay a onettne oharge for an independant roat estate tex r�pailne scrvbo -
<br /> �� . unaed by Lenetor in oonnqodon wfth thb toan, untesa eFpliauble Inw provides otharwise. Unless nn agreemanf Is mede or �i;�_�
<br /> c.. apqf�abte luw►equkos Inte�ost to to paid,Lender bNaQ not bo required to puy Bortower any interost or earriings an the Funds. r�_:�;__.
<br />� Borrower and Lender may agree h wridng, however, that hte►e�t ehap be pald on the Funds. Lender eh�tli pHa to 9orrower, r'""�^
<br /> " ' .�_ wltAeut chorge,an ertnuat a000unting of the Funds, showing credtts und debfta to the Funda end tha purpose for whtoh eaoA ___
<br /> debH to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledQad as addkbnni security tot atl aums secured 0y tAe C�curily inatrument.
<br /> If the Funds he�d by Lendet exceed the amounta perm�tted to be held by opplicable law,Lendor shaA ctccount to Bqrrqwer _
<br /> •� Mt the exceso Funda In ttccardanee wRh the requlrementa of eppllraDfa law.It th�amount cf the Funda huSd Cy Lendsr at any
<br /> � � ' tNrte 1� oot suNbient to pay the Escrow Itams when due,Lender may so notNy Bortorrnr In wdting,and,in suoh ease BoROwer
<br />� • '� .�.� shaa pay to Lendc�rr the emount necessary to malca up the defbienoy. IBOrrower shali make up the defbtenoy in no more then
<br /> � - tweNo monthy payments,at Lende�s soie discretton.
<br /> •` Upon payment In tuil ot aD sums s¢cured by thts Seourtty Ustrument,Ler�der shaU promptry sefund to Bortowar ctny Funds
<br /> _.,_:._- ..__ . _
<br /> . iteid by i.entiw. ii.under paruyiBYri 2i,i.eri�ds�oi�BB SGquirs 8t a8R ttis S'lop�ti'f. l.osst�t��!:s :htt ECQnts4�'!t at�Q!!t!8
<br />~�'?;�u, pmpeRy. shaQ eppry eny Funds hetd by Lender at the ttme ot acqut�kton or saia aa a oredit cgatnet tho eums socurod by this
<br />�;rid.'�;r
<br />,.Y,,,k,��. � 8gcurity Inatrument.
<br />..Y�•`�b�3�, 3. Applieattoe� ot Pt�ymente. un�ess app���e �aw provtdes otAerwtse, all paymenta receMed by Lender under
<br /> •:n'•�:-..•• .,
<br /> _.,., ,.;�, �I,;.i ,� paragrephs 1 snd E sAeA be appued: fir�t, to any prepaymen4 charpes dua under the Nota;sPCOnd,to amounts payabte undar
<br /> - ��„ parepr�h sf lhYd,to Intdreat dua;hsurth,to pnc�pal due;and tas�to any tato oharpes due undAr the Note.
<br /> � .. ��;;r.'�?�' '� 4. �h�1'gES; LIEl10. Borrower ehall pay all texes. assessments, aharpea, Qrtes and tmpv8ftbne attributobb to the
<br />'��I '�-�'��`� � PropoRy whbh may attab pBorUy ovisr thb Seourity Inatrument,end leasehold paymonts or ground rento,M any. 8ortawer ahal!
<br /> -'�"'y�"Y' •'�"� pay these oblipatbna h the menner provided b pu►agrapN 2,or If not paid h that manner.Borrower ehail pey thero on t9m9
<br /> ��n'``��' '�:'�;: dfreotry to the person owed payment. Bortower shnn promptty tumbh to Lender aq not�es of emounta to be patd under thia
<br />-1;�:T����r paregreph. If Borrower mnkes these payments dteotty, Borrower shail ptamptly tumtsh to Lender recelpts evldenchy the .
<br />�.:4`,=....., , Paymento.
<br /> -;. .,. .e:-",'r�� •,� Borrower ahati p�ompty disoharge any i3en whbh has prbrity over tAls Securlry InsWment unbss Bortvwer. (a)egreAS !n
<br />_:rr,iwnz•�vi.-.-,::�;y�y writinp to the payment ot tha oblipatbn seeured by tne Iten h a manner acceptable to t.ender; (b) eoMesta h pood tekh tha
<br />��'�s�� ��� Uen by. a detends agshst enM�c�ment of the Ilen In, leQal proceedinps whbh b the Lenders ophbn opernt� to p:ewnt the
<br /> �'_.. .
<br /> ,�,�r J,�� e�torcement of the Nent or(o) securea from the holder o!the lien an agreement satlstaotory to Lender SuborEhatNp the Iion to
<br /> —_.����� ,,,.a�� thts Sacu�ly Insbument.If Lsnder determines that eny paR of the PropeAy Is subJeot to a Ibn whtob may attah prbrRy over thb
<br />�� -- �'� &ecurt3y lnsaument,tsnder may pive Borrower a notke k�enttrying tAe flen.Bcrtower ahail outl�t�r tho pm or tr�ce one or moro of
<br />�o'ocr:.swee,sr�u�
<br />�;�r��1;�� the eeticmo se!torth nbove wkhh 10 dnys of the givhg of notbe.
<br /> - . . : , 6. Hezerd er Properly Inaurance. 8ortowe►aAaA kvep the Ynprovements now exFsthg or hereafter ereated on the
<br /> �•��.����^-s.-: • Property Insursd e,painst Iosa by fte. herarda holuded wkhb the term 'extended covaage'and fu►y other her�uds, inoluding
<br /> _��� tbods o�Ibodinp,for whbh Lendor requlroa hsurance. 7h1� hsurance shnll be mahtained h the emount3 and tor the pertava•
<br />`-�" �_,•._.�� that lender requires. The hsurance carrier provtdhe the hsurenae shail be ohosen by Borrower eubjeot to lendOrs epprAval
<br /> =- whkh sfie9 iot be unrensonaby wlthhob. If Borrower tatb to mahtah covorngo described above.lendsr may,nt tsndoPa
<br />—�-,--M���� 8(3t�0�1�Ob1CfR QOYCiCa?!O p1ULC1;'l�.5iidot'b i:�h2Cs�ii tA8 f'i��iGiiyf:i&CGGld3fiC0 LJ::fI�tQQP'..�5��. .. _-_.
<br /> - 8(3 U
<br /> � �-=&'�;y� � All �suranc0 polbies end renewub sha9 be acceptabte to Landor and shali h0lude n stnndnM mortgcpe oiause.Lander
<br />'.,=�n shaA have the right to hoid the poUoles and rertc�rr�ls. It Lendef requites,Bortower ShaV promptly glw to Lend�ua reae�ta of
<br /> �;.
<br />-�;,,_, � patd prom4�ms nnd�enav�tl notieos. In tho m�ent ot bsa,Borrower ahatl gko prompt notiCO to tho hsurenav eerrk�r end lender.
<br /> �"�"f�� ' r'�' � Lender mey make proof of bss M not made promptty by Borrower.
<br />��'� �..-f°.'' .;
<br />- .� ,n • Unbsa L�d�and BoROwer athenviso agroo In wriNnp, insuranc� proCeoda 8halt bo�pAlfed to testornttan or repalr of tho
<br />-=_� •• - �•�:�i'� Propertp demaQed,�the restoratbn or repaU b eoonomlcnAy fon3lbto nnd Ltinders eecurUy ts adt teosened. It the restoratlon or
<br />-�` �.. „' ., ', repair Is not oeonombaly faasibte or Lendefa seourity woutd bo fossened,tho Insu►anee proeeAds shall De spplbd to the euma �
<br /> �+���' ' eecured by this SctourNy �nstrumeat, whothor or not then duo, wkA any oxcosa pcfd to Bortower. It 8orrower flbandons the
<br />�.:...,. .
<br />�,•;+�„. � Proparty, ar does not answer withh 30 daya a notke from Landor that tho f�9uranco aartbr ha8 oiterod to s6rib n ota(m,thcn =_
<br />- Lendar may ooUaot tho Insumrtae proceeds. Lender may use the procseds lo repak or reatore tho Proporty or to pay suma
<br /> � secured by this Secudty►nstrument,vvhethor or not than dao. Tho 30�day pertod wW CegY►wRen the notfco b gNen. �=__
<br />-� ��:��"��� UaleeB Lander end Borrower otheiwise egree In w►itirtfl, any epplicntlon of proceed3 4m �rinopai oheli not cudrnd ac _
<br /> ;.i;�;�.;.;�'�-`.�.;�`�>'����� posWAne the duo date of tho mont?�y pnyments rotamad to �n parapraphs t end 2 or ohanpo 1�o amount ot tho paymtm2s. t� __
<br />�;, ;�;:•'.•�'��� � � . under parepraph 21 ihs Proporiy Is aoquked by Le�der, Bortow�a rlght to any �nsumnco polbbs tind procoeds re�uRhp fra�m ��-
<br />_;�-�-;,� , damago to th� Prcg�rty pdor to thn acqubRbn s4�n11 pass to Lander to the etttent ot the auma by thts SocurUy tnsUUment �.;�,;
<br />�`' ,.��' irttmedlat0y ptbt to th0 e0quist4bn. _ � a�.. �='�=°
<br /> — 8. OCCUpaYlcy, Prcacrv�iion� nnei�nnnae and 'rrvieciion bi 'u`�c, �vpe.a�� o..,�....a. o ..,�, 4:-:.
<br /> Ap�9E1CaU011� LCQaQN01dd.Borrow�t aheq OcEUpy,o8ttibUsh, end use th0 Propaty fl8 8ortowers pthRip81 rosldette0 wkh�n =
<br />�. �. sDcty dnys atta tho emcutbn ot thls SecurNy ins4rurtr.:nt and shau eontinue to ooeupy thu Property as 8ortownta pnc�ip�t -
<br /> �� rosidonco for et bnst ono yoar after tho dato ot otxupancy.unle�a Landor othorwiso agroes h wrUtrtg,which consent shall not
<br /> bo unroasonaby�vitNhold,or untosa oxienuating eYeumstnncos exist whbh nro bc3yond 8or►owere aonVOl. 8orro�ror shutl not
<br /> n
<br /> � dostroy. demaga or impak tho Proport�r,allow the PropEMy to dotariorate,or commtt wasto on tha PropcAy. 8orto�YCr shaU ba h ••
<br /> - dalnult it eny torfetturo aetton or proce�eding. whethor olv(I or crimhat, t3 bogun thut h Lundofs good taRh �udg�nent eould rosu8
<br /> r in tortokuro of the Propcxty or othcrwfso mataiNy(mpatr the Ilon crtiatod by thb Socurity InsWmont or Lendnre socurity Inttac�st.
<br /> - :r�:
<br /> :,.
<br /> � . �:�--� :,:
<br />�_
<br /> _ .� F101Q1M�p/U9) P�p��ot 6 � �+...
<br /> �, . 00753
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