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<br /> " pnymenta muy ao longer be required,ut the option o6l.ender,if mortguge iusucance covernge An ehe amount Artd far che period ;,,._,
<br /> thut Lender requires) provlded by an insurer npproved by l.ender agutn becomea nvullable und i�obtnined. 8orrower shnll puy ��'
<br /> � the premluma requlred to maintatn mo�tgage iasuraz'-�e 1n effecc,or to provlde u loss reacrve.until the requiroment for mortgagQ ��
<br /> inaurance onds ia accordance with any written oQree�nent between�orrawer and Lender or applicable lnw. `'�•
<br /> 9.In�peetton.I.cnder or[ta agent moy make reasonabie entrlea upon and inspectiona of the Properry. Lender shall give� .�=,_„
<br /> ' Bonowec notice at the ti�no of or prlor m ar►inspeccion specifyin�rensouable cnuse for the lnspection. ,
<br /> n �� "�'+ 10.Condemnatloa.The proceeds of any nwt3rd or claim for dnmuges. direct or consequentiN. In connection with nny� _
<br /> r �~
<br /> condemnetion�r other tnking of any purt of the Properry,or for coaveyance in lieu of xondemnation,are hereby ussi�ned a�td �
<br /> � I� '
<br /> .• �,�,�; shall be paid to L,�nder. C� -
<br /> In the event of a total taklug oP the Prope�'ry��e P�ahall be applted to We sums secured by this Securiry Inatrument, r�
<br /> �r'�'� whether or not thea dae. with any excess pnid to Borrower. In the event of a partiai taking of the Property in which the fnir � �:R`.�
<br /> `"'"`""°'''�� market value of the Pronerty immediatety before tine taking is egual to or�r�ater then the amouat oP the suma secured by this .
<br /> � � Security Iastrument tinmediatety before th�tekinII,unless BorroW+er and L.ender otheiwise agi+ee in wdtiag.the eums secuned by
<br /> �`—
<br /> _. -� � this Securlty Inauument ahall ba reduce6 by the amount of the procxeda multiplied by the following fruction: (a) the totut � �.
<br /> , "�,, • amount of the suma secured immediately t�efore the tekjnQ, dlvided by(b)the f�ic�useket value of the Ptoparty i�uraediately _'
<br /> b$fore the taking. My balance ahall be paid to Borrower. In the eveat of a pArtial takiag of the Progerty in whicb the falr �_.
<br /> �, market value of the Propeny immediately bafore�e t�.king is(ess than the amaunt of the sums secured immediately befor�the __
<br /> '� '',:,� takiag,unless Borrower and Lender othenvlee agree ln wdtiuB or unl�sa appiicable law othenvise pmvides.the proceeda sha11 �
<br /> " ; be appNed to ttee sums secured by this Sectwiry Instrument whether or not the aums are then due. _
<br />- � ��,��. , If the Pcoperty is abundoned by Borrowor,or it,after aot{co by Lender to Bflarower that the condemnor offera to matce an
<br /> - � �","';. . award or sett(e n claiin for damages. Bo*mwer fails to respond to Lender withim 30 days after the date the aottce is siven,
<br /> '���� Lender is suthoriud eo collect And apply We proc�da,at ita opdon,either to restora�tion or repair of the l�roperty or to tha suma �;��.
<br /> `�����'`�'� secured by this Se�urity instnunent,whether ar not thea due. _"
<br /> ,�r;y��,t. Iication of rocceds to rinci ai shall aot eatend or _
<br /> ,_�••: � Unless Lender and Borrower ad�erwise agcee in wdting, aaY aPP P P P =•�
<br /> �•=' ha 1 and 2 or chanAe the auiouat of sush�aymente.
<br /> � �� ' postpone tha due date of ttie monthlY paYments refcrrod to[n paragep
<br /> Il.Hor�ower Not Rcl�ased;Forbea�ance By Lender Noi n Waiver.Extension of the time for payeYnsnt or modi8cadon �,,
<br /> "� ' of amortization of ihe sums secured hy this Secudcy IuatYUment granted by Lender to eny successor ln inte�est ot Borrower sholl �r:=::
<br /> . �'�.;,w ';, not operata�to celease the lisbility of the orlginal Bormwer or Borrower's auccessora ia interest. Lender shall aot be requ:s�:�co
<br /> ,• ;� commence praceedings againat any successor in inw..rest or cefuse to extend tlme for payment or otherwise taodify amortizat�Dn
<br /> :••.•,�-• i'�'•`���
<br /> of the eums secured by this Security Inat�u�nent by reason of aa,y demand roade by the ori�inal Borrnwer or Borrower's
<br />�:��'��,� � saccessors {n iawrest. Any forbesrance by I+ender in eaercislag any d8ht or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclnde the ..
<br /> �:„�� - �,.
<br /> „r��R��i'.: �,,�+r}gn�f ana,rioht ar remedy. .
<br /> J�-;,..,t•,�<',;, i2• S��rcessors nnd Asslgns�aund;Joint and Severat Llabiltty; Co-stBne�. �tfie cavenants and ;�.��ss�f t�3s
<br /> -=-�•�ti•�`.)t.�n Security Inatrumene shall bind and benefit the suc.cessors aad assigas of Lender and Sorrower� subject w the proviaions of
<br />-�'P'";�""�-'���� paragraph 1%. Borrower's covenauts and agceementa shall be jotnt aad sevatal. Any Borrowet who ca-slgns thia Seaurity
<br />__�„����'�' Insuument but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-slgaing tl�ils Securlty [nstn►menc only to atortgage, grant aad convey that
<br /> '�;'���h� Borrower's iatere.st in the Pzoperty under the terms of thia Secartty[astNment;(b)ls not personaUy obltgated to pay the sums
<br /> --��r;;� secured by tLis Secmriry Instrument;and(c)agrees that i.ender�nd aay other Bosrower may agree to eatend.ma�. forbe�ir or
<br /> -�-�,� makas any accommodntions wtth regard to the terms of this Securlty Inetnunent or the Note without that Bormwur's consent.
<br /> -^—p 13.Louat Charges.If the loan secured by thia Securlty Insuumeat is subject to a law which sets maximwn loan c,harges�
<br />—�°.:v�=�-f.A� and thac law is tinalty iater,prEted so that the iater+est or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connecdoa with the -
<br />_-===-- loan exceed the pecanitted limita.then:(a)anY such loan eharge sha111�e reducecl by tha amount necessary w raiuce tha charge ^
<br /> ==�-� to the permitted li�ir and(b)any sums already copected from Borrower which exceeded permittr,sl limits will he reti�adad to ,;
<br /> ----- Bon+nwer. Lender may ohoose to make thia rethad by redua[ng the priactpal owed uader the Note or by making n direct
<br /> __,;�,�, pnyment to '8orrower. it u refund redu�es Pt1u�iAal. the reduction wtll be treated. as a purtial prcPayment wlt�oat any
<br />------__ — ptcpayment cliatge uader che Note. _
<br /> � � 14.Na�tfces.a.ny natice to Bornower provtded for ia this Securlry Insaument sha�l be given by delivering it or by mniling :-
<br /> '?��� it by flrst ctass mstl uNesa tipplicable taw requlres use of enother method.The notice shall be directed to a�ha Froperty Addre�s ,� '�
<br /> - °� or any other address Borrower designates by notic� to Lender. /!ny.notice to I.ender s�ll 6e given by first clese mall to
<br /> --'�""°''=v� Leader'a uddress stased hereia or any other addcess Lender desigautes by notice to Borrower. Any notice pmvlded for in this -
<br /> ��� Security insuumcnt shall be deemed to havc bcen given to Borrower flr Lender when giveu es pmvtded in thia paragraph.
<br />__=�4_� sd.np��,�(� �4Yj �Co�rar�hliity. This Security Instrumett: sha11 be Saverned by federal law aod the law of the , _
<br /> __ -- jurisdictton in which tho Pxoperty ig located. In tAie event that eny pmvision or ctaus..of this Security Ia►irwu�ut ur t�IVOte
<br /> -__ = - coatiicts�vith upplicable law,sucb oonflict shall not affect other proviaiona uf th9s Security[nsnument or the Note which cnn be
<br /> ��"'"�'!' given effect wlthout the oontlicdng proviaion.To this end the pmvisioaa of this Sauriry W�trument and the Note nre declared
<br /> -_°�"'�'�� to be sevemble.
<br /> �°3�� 16. Sornower's Copy.Bormwer sha►1 bc gtvcn one coaformed oopy of the Notu and of this S$cw�ity Inatru�ent.
<br />- �:l,,t�,;,: Fotm 9028 8/80
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