• .. . . `1�`..;itaL ,.
<br /> .... -! ' . .. / .�,.e��
<br /> ,� � .. . ... .. . _. . ._ _ .. . _. .. . .,......"""""""_"...... . ......__..
<br /> ..�.__.__�__✓a.�._�.r...___�_..,.�.. . . .. .... ... .. .... . .. . . .
<br /> ��a
<br /> b7.Te�nster of the Property or a 8enetictni lnterest dn Borrower. lf all ar uny part uf the Prope�t� ur nny intcrcat in it .
<br /> Tc
<br /> is sold or transfecrcd(or if a beneftcial lnterest in Bnnower is sold or traasferred nnd Borrower is nat a nutuinl penon)withaut
<br /> •L.ender's prfor written consent, l.ender m�y, m its aptian. require immediate pnyment in fuU of all sums �ecured by this �:
<br /> . Security lnstrument.Howr.ver,thi�o�tian shall noc be exercised b�� Lender if exercise is prohibtted by federnl Inw us af the dute � , -
<br /> af this 5e►.urtty Instrument. ".�
<br /> " �� If Lcnder exercises this option, l..ender ahall give @arrower notice of ncceleration.The notice shall provfde u per�od of nat �
<br /> less thnn 30 doys fram the dnte the natice is delivered ar mntled within which Bamwer muRt pa�� all sumc secured by this �
<br /> ' � Securfty Instrument. lf Bormwer fnils to ps+y these sums pdor to the expirntion af this periad. Lender ma}�invake nny remedies � ,,�
<br /> •� ' permitted by this Security Instrumem without further notice or demAnd on Dorrower. *
<br /> � 18. �oerower's Rl��►t sn Reic�.atUtc. !f Borrower mc�.ts ccrtnin conditions, Rc►rrower shall hnve the riFht ro hnve �,=
<br /> .- � tnforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at tuiy dme prior m the eazlier of: In1 4 da}•s (ar such other period as � �-
<br /> +�,.,-��,�,,� appltctible luw may specify tor minstatement) befote aule of the Property pursuant to ;►m• pov✓er of snle contnined in this
<br /> c
<br /> ���..y Security lnstrument;or(b1 entry of n judgment enforcing this SecuHry Ins[rument.'Y'hose condltions�re that Borrower:(a)pays � �_
<br /> L.ender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrumem tutd the Note as if no nccelerntton hud occurred:(b) -
<br /> ' • � cures any default of any other cflvenonts or agreements: (cl pny6 ali expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Ins�rument. I_;-
<br /> ; " :� including, but not litnited co. reasonable atcomeys' fees; end(d) cake.s such action sis l.�ndet muy reasonably res�ulre to assum t_'�
<br /> � that lhe lien of this Securiry {nstrument,Lender's rights in the Property nnd Borrower's obli�ation �o pay che sums secwed by �__
<br /> � chis Security lnstn�ment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secutity Insuvmem and the �-
<br /> . �. abligatioas secuted hereby shall rematn fully effective as if no acceleradon had occurnd. However, this right to reinstate shall --
<br /> � not apply irt the case of acceleration under para�raph 17. s�•-
<br /> 19. Sule of Note; Chan�e of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a panial incerest in the Nore (together with thls Security
<br /> Inscrusnent)may be sold one or more cimes witbouc prtor notice to Borrower.A sale may result in n chaage in the endry(kno�vm ...-
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly paymencs due under the Nate and this Securiry Instrument.7t�ere also may be onz
<br /> ar more chenges of the Loan Servicer unrelated co a sale of the Note.If there ls a change of the L.oan Servicer,Borrower wlll be
<br /> ' • � "" given wrinen notice of the chan�e in accordence with par�s r�ph 14 above and appiicablc law.The nattce wiA stste the name aud _
<br /> ' address of the new Loan Servlcer aad �he address to which payments should be made. The notice will aiso ca�2ain any other
<br /> �, � �.�;` infarmation tequired b�•applicabte law. -
<br /> 20. Haxar�laus Substances. Borroa�er shall not esuse or pernux c�ie preseuce, use, dispos:�R, scomge. or release of any
<br /> ,,: ' ;� Haznrdous Subs�ances on or in the Properry. Borrower shall aot dc�, �nmr allow anyone else co do. enything affecting the _
<br /> __ Pro�erry that is W violation of aay Environmentel Law. The precediag two seaiteinces shsll not apply to the�+r�euuce, use.or
<br /> "1"•��.,• storage on the Prpperry of smsil quantities of Hazaratous Substaaces that are gener.ally recognized to be appropriate co norn�al -�-
<br /> � resldential uses and to main[enance of the Properry. _
<br /> ` Horrower aball promptly give Lender wrltten notice of any Investigatlon. claim,demead, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> _..9.; � . i�f� governmental or regulatory agency or pdvate party involvIag ehe Property and aay Hazardous Substance or Envimnmencal Lnw
<br />:,,, �.` of whic6 Borrower has actual lrnowledge. If Sorrower learas,or is aotified by any goverameatal or regulatQry aut�ority that
<br />_��•;_L,:,,. any removal or othet remediation of any Hazardous Subscance affect[ng the Property is aecessary�.Borrower sha4C�romptly take
<br />��:f�:;.,.�; .• all necessary remedia!actions ia accordance with Envimnaientel L.aw.
<br /> -.:`'`�'�^' As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous �ubstam:es' am those subseances dcfuiiaf+u t��ic 3i 487.da�i"vii5 sa�c�t� °
<br />- � •'"t' Envlronmental I,aw and the following subseances: gosoline, kerose�e, other flammable or toxic peuoleum producu. toaic
<br /> ..���-zl�i,�-{,',..�
<br /> -��-��,���� pesticIdes and herbicides,valatlle solvents. materiais contaiaing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioACiive materials. As usod�n
<br /> -��-`'� this p raph 20. "Environmental Law' means federal Iav✓s aad laws of the�urlsdtct�on wbere Ne Ptoge�y is locat¢d that
<br /> �`i��� �►� relace tao health.�fety or envlronmental proieciion.
<br /> ,,a,.� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower aad L.ender fl�her covenant anA�gree as fouows: p3i_
<br /> -y_.=r',�+•�)�,� 21. r400eleraUon;Re�nedlrs.I.ender shell�ive notice w Borrower prior to arceleemtion foflowtag Bdrrower's 6read► ,__-:
<br /> "'� ''�'"�"%�:4s�e� of nny tover,�.m or agreement in t6Ss �ecuriq' IeuWment (6ut not prior w aoceleraUon up�er�►graph 17 uaisss
<br /> -==��u--'��`�`=� eppltcable la�v p�arovldes otherwtse).TAe notice shall sp�xify: (a)thr default;(b)the action requie�ed to cure tt�e defnult; _
<br /> --��'�-`�'�� <c)a d$te,not tess ttian 30 duys from the dnte the notice is 6iven ta Barruwer, by whtch trie dePaealt mtm be cured;t�uz�i
<br /> -�;u� (d)tP��rt failurn to cure tlhe defautt on or before t6e dlute speclfted in the nrotice mey�vlt in ncceleratdan of the strra�s
<br /> --��°�_;,,� secured by this�ecudty Imtrvmeat und saee of the 1P�nq�peKy. ��notice shali further infoim Borraw�or the right ta
<br /> - _--�-- refaswte after acceteration azed the risht to brieg a court actloa W assert tde non-eu[stence of a detaa�t or any oihu _
<br /> deteme oi Bon�owv to acceleratton and sAle. If the defnult is r�r3 cured on or bsfore the e3ptt speciffed t�c the �ai�c�,
<br /> ----..�-- Lender. at I2a��,ption.moy require immediitte p$yment in 4'Wl of mfl sums sosw+ed by tltfs Socwity Ynstevment wii'�aa�1i
<br /> ��- further danoed�nnd mey invoke the power of sole nnd an��other remedies pr�taed by apFlisable law. l.ender sha711t�r
<br /> -��� Pntitlyd to ooilect ell expeusas incumed in puesuing the resucdtes pmvided in�9s para�ruph 21.includlRg,but no!Iimltod , _
<br />`-------- io.r�onable attomeys'[ees and costs of dt�e evldence. '� ;:;:�:
<br />- -ffi--��-�� It thep�w�r ot sale is invoked�Trusice shail record a nottce of default ta each �oanty tn whQoh oqy part of the ��:•
<br /> ^��u'���' ts nrar3ed and shmll m�11 caples of such notice in the�ner rescribed by appllcable law to Bomowtr aad to. !� :
<br /> ,_ ...�.�,;� �P�Y t p _
<br /> ��'=�""'�-� the other persons prescribcd by appltcable Iaw.Mter the time re�aaired bv appJfsable taw�Teustce shull give pub�ic nmi9ce •
<br /> -�������-.-_-=- of sale to the�sons and in the ma¢�ner pressdbed by epplicable law.'�rustee.wIthout d•..mend on Bon+ower.shap ee�}1 ;,.,
<br /> __�� .� the A nnerty at eu6lic sucNor,to the hi�6cgt btdder at t6e ttme and place and under the tenns d�st�aated in the n�ottse of _ ,
<br /> -_`.�.��s� sra�r in one or mom parcels end in any�ord�r Ziu,nee dezenjinc�. Tnrstc..mnj ��SFee sste o; �r a����rcc� nf ti��
<br /> ___ Property b�� nbltc�►nonncement at the ttme and place of any prtvtousty schedWed sale. l.eatder or its designer may
<br />__���,� pur�huse tha��rDper¢y at any sale.
<br /> _ :-,.
<br /> -_-..'c.�,L'wY.�.
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