;�_,r;:.r:::,,: ,:
<br /> ; .. . , • �"��'- ` :�� .
<br /> , .
<br /> _ � r'�i
<br /> n � . U • ,� . �
<br /> � . ... .. � - . , ..� ..;iw,n._.
<br /> � ,:-rwi..,,.. . �- . ._ : . ......_-°---_._..
<br /> t�,�aaza #► BB�ss ,9,�� 9.QY.6`�'4 ioaa�6 oa/ia/i999
<br /> � • 9.Condannatton.'t`he proceeds af aay awnrd or cl�tm fur�m►u�c�,direct or consequendal. Ili C01�A,�Ct�OA Kilth IU1Y
<br /> . � condemr�don or other tuicing of the Ptopecty. or part thereof, .�r for conveyan�ce ia lleu of coudem��aa. um hereby .
<br /> `' ' asslgned�and shull be paid to Lepder,subject to the tem�s af any mnnIIuIIe,d�ed of tra�st ar other securiry Agree�rceat wlth a
<br /> , lten v+hicb hns pdodty over tbis Deed of Tcust.
<br /> �, 10. Iiore+owgr Nai Re2casedi Forbearnn� By Lender Nat o Watver. Bate�ti�n of the ttme for paym�ent or
<br /> ' madlRcudon af amord�adan af the sum�secure�by thls D�.�d of Tru&t grantod by 1.en�er to uay successor in iaterest af
<br /> Borrower shalt nflt a�erate to release. ia uny a�wer.tho liabtltty of the ariglnal Barrower ttttd Barrower's successnra in
<br /> iaterest.Lender shull not he required ta comsnQUCe proceedlaffs aBAlnst such success�:or cefuse to eaten�drae far p�yment '
<br /> a ° ' ar atketvulse modtfy runartlradon of the sums r�ecuce�t 6y tGln Dee�!uf TNbt Uy rc:.zs►zati of uny demsud aL4e by t�te oriainal _
<br /> Bnrrawer artd Bonawer'x successc►rs in{nterest. My for�ear+�rne by Lender in exen:(slag any dght or remedy hereuader. ,
<br /> - ��r atkenvlse afforded by applicabte luw.shall nnt be a waiver of or pre�lude the exen:f�+at any such riQht ur remedy.
<br /> . . 11.Bacc�saore�nd As�f�ro Boundt Jotnt and Sisvcral I,Int�llltyi Casl�nere, 71►e covemwta cttd agreeraents teercin
<br /> °., cpntained shnll bfnd.rutd Ute rightx hereunder st�all inure tn.dio r�spa:tive sucassors aad assigns of Letuler aa�Borrnwer. ',
<br /> �-uhJect to tica provfaiw�s at�ttntagt�ph I6 here��f. AII cmennnus and agreer�nentti og Dorrower stuUl be Jofat and several. `..i.
<br /> �. Any 13ortawet whu rn-sigas this Dcrci uf Trwt.but dc�es nc►t axccuta tha Noie,(ts)��m-slgnitl8 dtis R�ed of Ttust only to r�:_.�
<br /> ° gra� aad sonvey tl�at Bnrniwer's lnterest in the Properiy to Tcustee under the tatwr at thie Deed�f Tcust. (b) is nat ��-'�_
<br /> ;�,:.
<br /> �.,;;�. persoaally liable on the Nate or uader this Deed of Tcuat. sad(c)ngree�that Lend�ec�nd anY other Bomntver hereunder
<br /> � �. � :,,:� u�y ngree ta eaten�f,modi$r.fori►Par.or m�lce any other accommodndnns�vich regud ro Hus cerms of�rie Dc�et of Tcusc og
<br /> the Note,wlthout that Hoirower's consent aad wlthout rele�astpg tliat Bocrovrer or utodlfying this Deed af Tzust as to thut �
<br /> � Bonower's faterest in thy Pcoperty.
<br /> „ 1Z.Notlx. Bxcept for any aatice recluimd under applicablo law to be given ia aaother maruser. (a)uaY uotice to f
<br /> Bottower pmvIded for lp th�s Deed of Ttvst shall be given by doliveriu$ It or by a�eiiing s¢ch aatice by cesdfed�ail =__
<br /> ., 'F,�, addcessed to Homnwer at Wa Fcaperty Address or at such other add�ss as Borrowec may desi8nate bY notice to Lendzr as ---
<br /> . pmvided hereln.ornd(b)anY m:aice ta Leader shall be given by ceidfied mail ro Le�er's addcess stazed hereta or to such � -
<br /> �'� �:��
<br /> other address as l.end�r may d�t@ by aodce to Borrower as provided henin.Any�avdce provtded for in t63s Deed of =_
<br /> T[ust sLall bE deem..�d to h,1ve Nsen given w Borrower or Lendor�hen IIiveu ta thr uaantesr designated herefn. __
<br /> ua er n
<br /> 13.Goea�ning Law1 Ssv�bility.T"ue s�u¢�and locul luws applicabla w ttils Dcea!of Tivst shal�be the lnws of tice �_.� .
<br /> 3wl�dicdon ia whtch tde Pro�sryr is located. Tl�e foregoing sentc3nce shall uot limit the upplicztbility of Federal law w t63s _
<br /> Daed of Tcust. In the evenII tt►te saY pmvisIon or clause of tbls Dced of Tnut or tbe Nox contUcts witb appllcable I�w. —
<br /> � sach conAlct sdall noi at�'ece ot�ttr Pmvistons og thIs Deed ot Tmst or ths Nate whlch can be gtven offect withovrt the
<br /> conAicdng pmvisIon.sud ta tt�s and the pmvdsinas of thla Deed of Tn�t and the Note are doclaced w be sever�bla.As
<br /> . , �. used heiein. 'casts". 'e�epens�s' ts�d "attoca�ys' fe�s" include all sums to the exteut not prnhibited t�y a�plic�tble Iaw ur
<br /> _ ''::.�.• Ilwited hereia. °
<br /> , �� �f;;;, t 14.Bomuwer's Copy. Hanrn��er shalt be fumished a conformed copy of the Not�nac�af thla Deed of TnLSt�s�he
<br /> , -r,;,.�. � time of execudon or after record�ian hereof. ---
<br /> iS. Re�abfliEn�Eon I.oaa Af;'tamt�t. Borrower st�U fv1611 a11 of Borrower's obligatiot� w�der nay home
<br /> • rehul+iUtndon,lmAum�em�nt, mpr�f+r ar oiker loan age�eement which B�rro��r enteta into wlth I.ender. II�uder.at Levder's
<br /> - opflon, m�Y ralu�re Horrow+er ta ex,�ute aad dellver to Ixnder.ln a fornn aocepnble w Lender�aia�.sdgnment af any
<br />. rights�clnimg or defenses wh�C6 Bnr�wtr may have agc3a��es who supply tabar,materials or servlas�a conr,�cuan
<br /> � ..: ; wlth improvements made to she Pta�,sxty.
<br /> � 16.Teutt�'Per ot the Prop�r¢y aar a lieae+�s�ul Interest N Sorrower. If all or aay pact of the Pca�rty ar any�ntec�est
<br /> tn it is sold or uau�cfemed (ar if a E�tneflcis� inte�st in Bacrower is sold or trn�sfemed and Borrower is not a°atu�l
<br /> ,, :, pc�son)wltkout Leader's prlar w�3jttaa coase.m. Lender msy.at its opdon. re9uire immediate Pa�t in fWl of all sums —
<br />- ' �,,.,�::
<br /> -�%,�..,..;";�t sa�tc+ed by this Deed of Tn�st.Idwrtwer.this opdon sLaU not Qte exerctsod by Leader if e�erdse 9s�aohibited by feQeral
<br />�Y!,�FF'1:.SJ.��.
<br /> _ _ ._..-,,,.. Inw es of dte dute of this Bo�d o�"I�.'ust.
<br /> .-..y`,,...-;�...: � If Lend¢r eaercises this op23on� I.ender s'hal!gtve Boao�ver notice of acoeleradon. 'lhe�dce sl�at!pmvtck a�period
<br />' � - of noi less thnn 3m�9ays froLn the d�s the noilc�9s delivemd ar a�uiled wi�n whic7�Bouowu m�st�Ag�ID sums sesu�od
<br /> �: n
<br />=� � � by thts Deed of Tnist. If BarnowcQ�i�ils to pay these sums pdor ro the expicadan of thls pertod. I�1er m�+y irnol�e anY
<br /> ` � remodles permitted by this II�eed a�f 31mst wIt�out tiuther nutfce or demwd on Botcower•
<br />-p� NON-UNI�oItM COV�NANTS. Hocmwer end I.ender furthercovenwt and agc+�ees follo��,e � �� __
<br />_.. ..':,�., i�. Aoodrrattoni Rcmttii�+. �aco�t as pa+ovlded tn pur�grxAh 16 heseof�Wion
<br />��,}.�z^..'�,— aov�asnt or�g.�ins of Hor�ms�s in t�7�DeRd of Tn�► �u�E��a'e i�1lue+e to pu�y,by t6e aed o!10
<br /> ._ �F�. �.t�-r:��-,�;Qlt�:C.:�� �=:e�o sar��!�*M Ay tlils Dad ot'�'avst.I�P�or to sa��i�#ton shdl�ive
<br /> °P.,:�',': :.::,�: nattoe to Boe+rowa�as pru�da�ia pneageAph iZ hereo!sped,lytnR:(1)tl�kre�ch�(2)t6e ac�Urm re9�ed io cu�
<br /> �� ,�:aN c .,.
<br /> �',��.:: ` , aucb brcaeht t3)a d�te.nrt�irta�4han?A d�s ft�an the dafe 8ae notfce ts maUed to Boree�wer.by whic8
<br /> � ' mu�4 bQ au+cd;aad(�tturd E11Glure to�+e such breIICb on oe beiore t�e dAte spvdfkd ia thc notloe mAY resWt in
<br /> ' a000la�stton ol the s�mss ceEw+m�d by t6�is�ed of Tr�st and s�ki of tho Pierope�t9. The natice s�a11�tnfo� _
<br /> .. . , Bo�ver o!tho ei�ht to r�aut�Ye aRa aaoED�n�tton and t�n r1QEt to b�in8 n cou.a�adtan w ass�41Ds�eaoe of
<br /> . ��,, a dc�autt oc aqy ath�e de�as sr'1 Borrow�3o aoodeextt�n a=cd sak.It tho brrsch Eg not amed�or bd'are tthe dwio �--
<br /> , 't� sportiged tn the natloe.l�mdur,t�t l.endcr's aptton.mny dodcue sU ot the s�s see�nM by thls DeW o!'Gtr�i to b� �-a-
<br /> �5�;..
<br /> � ,�;. , tmmedlately due and pmynbfa without th�dc�ataad nnd mny invof�e ltn�po�of salo and er�y a4htr e+e�aedtes r
<br /> ' ,,� 0�'�� �7 eA�lltablo itt�r. Y�.r�tdet sitt�il i1C e�tttl�ed to 4Qu utn�ltmltM ot4r�somble�oene�e•f� � ���,,,
<br /> - • . pt�t�tdug tlw remedka pmv.dtE9�4hi4 p�u�aFh 17.Iftdadictg��
<br /> � It the pawtvr oi salm!s�n�a4,Te�atce sLall rtaar�a mmttoe ot dd'antt tn eudf oountt tn whfc6 the @NopMy ar
<br /> , .' same port tba+eof is toxa2a#tnad stWl maq copica oi sucb oot�oe tn 3be m�nmr Presa�lbed bl aPPlk�bie QAw W ,�;
<br /> � Boerowtr aiM to tha a4htc ptr�on9 prescrlbtd b9�pPllca6te Inw. Atter t6e lsp�e of sucD tt�e as an`tp-+Jbe e+eqide+�d`b.�_'
<br /> R__�__ _l�tl J� •��- �� -�a��tA��lA�]Y�'��� � �Y�L� �^Y�7 T�'�_ �:•
<br /> -- -_-- = II�IIp'p'iC iaw� •nrnce�mau p�Wva.►..v...�...�.�.�.....r-� _._ ��!t tbE t�ffi7Q
<br /> . � Imn.'�'eustce►�vltl�u!dtmwad An Bon+owcr•sh�ll sdl t�e Pra�dRy tt puDltc tt�lon to tt�e gtth�t
<br /> � and pWee and under 2ht¢m�ms d�ed in the nattas ot sale ta one or mare pireds�nd!n eucD order as'Mr�tee
<br /> � . mc�y detcm�tnc.Tavetmo cnt�/postRone sate of alt or any pwntel ot tDe Propaty Dy pub8c aanoimoc�t at 4be Wne .
<br /> and pla�e af eoy proelou�ly schr.dWM sale.I.ertdcr or i.endcr'e�S!&�ee msY P����'°t��'
<br /> Upo�n reodipQ of pmyrncnt of the pdoe bid�Tescstce sAnll deli��!o thc pu.r�er Tn�tee'a doed eomeyln�the
<br /> . .. 1Pe+oPaiY�ld.'i�e rea�to9s in the T�rust�e's deed�hall �e�rima �adx e�it�e af tde Reath at t6e d�teneula m�tde
<br /> tt�rin.Tn�toe sha11 a�pty the prnoeeds ot t�e s41�tn ttse fotlowing oa^den(�to�11 e�bl�o�a��iDt
<br /> , . � the salG lndudln�r Dut uot ltmited to•Tn�,tee's fa�uc�taUS►Incaur�d af nat rnoe�e than S 9b of the�ross eak pda�.
<br /> a
<br /> - .� ne�sonabie dtormya' [bcs end oosts uf t[tte evfda►oe� (b)to atl s�senntid by thOs Dmed of 7lnntt � t�)the
<br /> � aco��tt aoq.M t6e p�rson nr pa�a�ns ledapy ent�ttod tQtt�o.
<br /> HeDraaka 26876d 1/98 originoi(tteaordaeD Capy tB=��� copytCuo�oa�af rsso a urs
<br /> � .
<br />