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<br /> �9 ������ 10�376 03/12/1999 ; �
<br /> .. �R=O � P8Ii11LB3 "o : ,
<br /> . .n
<br /> � UtvIPORM CoveNAMI's. Horrower gnd Leader cavenaut and ogroe as foltows:
<br /> 1. �ea� of Prl�ntipal and Inierest. Bmmwer shatl promptly pay vrheu dus tbe pd�xipc�i aiW 6aterest .
<br /> indebtedngss evidem�ed by the Note aad late chctrges ns pmvided!n the Noie.
<br /> �� Z.Fyueds for Ta�sts and Insurance. Subject to applicable la�v or a�vrltteu waiver by� Lender,Hvm�►w¢r ahnll pny ea
<br /> Lender on the day monthly paymenta of principal and interest are payable under the Note. undl ahe Ncvtc i�s Qaid la fi�il. tt
<br /> sum(herein"F�ads")equal eo one•twelfth af Wc yetuly tax�nud t+ssessm�ats tincludlnp con4crrninf.wz�m�M pfannQd unit
<br /> development assessments�If any)whfcD may anain priodty over this Aeed of Trusc,and arnund rentm oA sh.Property. if
<br /> au�r.pius ou2-Le�ralRh of yenrly psemiu�n insmtiments for h�mrd insurturc�.plus on2-nvetflh af yesarly pre��ram installateats .:�
<br /> � for mor�gage �nsurarce� if any. all es teaso�ably esdmuteQ inidally sud fr°m da�s ta dtna by Lsuder on t6ie basla af -'�
<br /> ..,s' _ ir�;.��.
<br /> assessmenta und bilis aad reasonuble esdt�t�v thereof. Bo�ower r,bail aoi be obliIIated to malce sucb plqmeuta of Fun�s
<br /> � ���?~� to Lender to the extent tbst 8omower�kes such a atx to the holder of u pdor mart�8 or d�cd a8 tniqt!f such halder
<br /> �+ ' p � `L��'�
<br /> is an institudonal leader. x
<br /> If 8orrower pays Funda to l,eixicr. ttre Fumis si�all be hetd in an Insdtuttun th�d�psi�lro ur a�cuvt�tA�f whtcd are � _
<br /> und
<br /> ° insured or guaFau�eetf by a Fcdotal ur�tatL age�xy(ist�tuQlttg I�tt�et iP l,et�er 1K suct�at�InEtiteneto�t). Ltte2cr sh�ll apply �:';-
<br /> � , the Fw�ds tn pay sAtd t�es�u.ssessn�entn,lnsurwn�n pretnium�n��il gmutW n;nt�, l�nd�r a�ay�►t �I�e�e(�i7 so hnldl����x1 �_-
<br /> applylug thc Fw�ds� an�lyrl��g �wi� ac«<an�ut vcrifyiiap ai�f cun�illn� �atd asscs.�nxstm ai�d biq�. ai�nta l.cixkr pay�a
<br /> �. Boaow�er iatenst an tho Fundn and appll�hto lew pcnnita Lc�Wcr tn maleo such o rharge,Burr�ovs�er tnd Ue�tdcr n�ay�greo �.�=
<br /> in wtlting at the tiu►e��f caecutian of�hts Qccd ot Trust tha�futer��t�m tite�an�.�sl�all ITa pat�10 Aa+�n�wer.a�xl unless �-..
<br /> e �.,
<br /> � . :, such Agree�ent is amtk ar opplibxble law r��yutr�w nuch fnterest ta he psid, lxnctor s1�a11�x►t 1� c+eq�.hta1 m pay 6+�rn►wer 4
<br /> •x
<br /> ° any iuterest or,�amiags o�tlie Fuada. l.eader s1►�11 give ta sr w t i��euchtde�ithta8tha 6�uads�.na�� '!'�Fu�de an
<br /> � � showlug credits and debita W Wo�unds and tho parpose ._ _
<br /> . �' pledged ms additlon�t scxurity for the sums socured by tbis Deed of Trust.
<br /> � ' If the aunount of the Funds beld by I�emler�together wIth the ti�ture monthly inseatUuonta of Fwmds payable p�lor cu �
<br /> the due dates of tues.assessc�ents. insurauce premiwas and gmuad reats.sh$ll exceed the aneou¢e t+�a.ind eo pny said
<br /> " � taxes. a�sments� insurance premiums suW gmund r�nts as th�y fall dus. sach exc�s shall 60�itE BII�IlOVYtt'8 OQtIOn, __
<br /> • either prompdy rep�id w Bonower or creditod co Bornower on montWy installtuEnss af Funda. If the nmrr�at of the Funda
<br /> held by I�eader shaU aot be suf�lcieai w p1y tues�assessments. insurnnoe premiumE nad gro��d renLS �s thqr fall due� —
<br /> .. .�, Bomnwer shaU pay to Lender Any amount necessazY to make up the deficieacy in om or more wy�,�as Le�der may —
<br /> �Upon PaY�►t in full of all suna�socurcd by this Deed of Tmst.Lender shall pramptly cef�a�d ta Har�xower aay Funds
<br /> j teEld bv Lender.If uader paragraph 17 hereof the I'mperty is sold or the Property is�therv�ise xrqulcad�y Le�der.LeAder
<br /> � - slna�b apply. uo later than imuuedtately prior to the sate of the►�mperty or iis acx�ui�da��I.�-t�.'r��'J F�!�S! D; ��
<br /> �• I�ti�r at the time of applicadon a�a credit ogainst tRe sums secured by tWs Deed of Tn�. �ved by I.c�er�the
<br /> 3.Appqic�tioa of Pnyma�ta. Unless applicabl�law pmvldes otheawise,of��� yub:e to I�kr by Bon+�wer
<br />� .. Note wad p�graphs 1 and 2 hereof shatl be applied by Lender Srst in P�Y�
<br /> ' . �der paiagraph 2 hereof.then w interest payable on the Notc.aixl then to the princ�al of the N�.�.
<br /> • , 4. Prtor Mortgeges and Dee�s of Tru�sti CtiarB�si� wlth a lien wbich�p� oves tts�s� D�eed of&7'cu.�t.
<br /> � � � �wder any mortgaBe. dced of avst or other securlry agcee wb
<br /> ' "�* i�luct�ag Bora�nwor's oovenants to muice pay�nss v�hea due.Bomower shall PaY or cauee to be Q�id aU¢�xc�.assessments
<br /> ;. . ., nnd other cLasges�fines and iasposlcions atarlbu�ble to the Propecty wLich�nay netain u priorisy oy�a ttris Deed of Tausc,
<br /> ._=�, ,..�. af�d 1r,asehold.P�Y�nts or grouu�cente.if any.
<br />'`s:�:..:='M�' S. Fasard I�e• Burtower sh9(1 Iceep dte impmvements aow exisdnB or he�i� on t!n L�copeity
<br /> � �_ i�suYSd Against Ioss by Sze.ha�rds inctuded wlthIn the cerm"eatended covernge°.and such oshcr 2�amzd.a as 1Lcrm�xc�twy
<br /> �.,�.r•_�:.
<br /> .. :...-,�:�! mQtilre�W�d in surh amounte and for swsh pertads as L.ender may recjutes.
<br />-`•�����-�= 11ie ias�ra�r�ee carrIer pmvidiog the in4u�ance EhaU be chosen by Fomower r,ubject w apg�v� hy Lendect Provlded,
<br /> Y: ,. �� t�at such aPProvsl sha11 �t be uana5oaably vv�thhsld. AU insuranoe WUcies nad rene�v�ls thsr$mf slaxtl be ia a fonn
<br />="� •.�. •��''' aoceptable w Lendet aad sLall inclutle a stu�ud mortgnge clause in favor of nud tn u forni ecceptabte to I�eader. Leader
<br /> :'�°= ,.• s1u�U 6ave the rlght w hold the pollcies aal renewals d cereo f.s u b joct to t ho terws of nn y amort�e.dccal of uust or ather
<br />- + .. e;•. '. s�urityr n�mement with a lien which has p�iority over this Deed of Tn�st. --
<br /> ',`..'-� -�--��� '� 1n the�mi of loss.Bomower sb,all give prompt noSce w the insw�ce cateler a�i LeMcr.Ve�ber may malce pmof .
<br /> =•lva�n�r-,^^�
<br /> -;�z -- af tv�lf nat t�de promptly by Bot*�ow�r. _
<br />�a,„. :,_. If t4e Prope�ty ts abandoned by Borruwer. or if Borcawer f�ils to cespo�eo Leaatcr vr6� 3i3�iays from chz a�ce _-_
<br /> -,:.vu���':, ':
<br />-� .� � aWho:izod eo collec and apply the wlnsuraace pmceeds at Lender�'s op on eitho to�swIIadon m�ot�the Propert�►or
<br />- . �. w the sumv savred bY tt�is Deed of Teus�
<br /> • 6. Pa+esavatton and Maintemunae o!Fropertyi Leaseleoldst Condamin[umsi P9tnm2d �trAt lbvdopme�Ra.
<br /> � . � Bom�wer shalt kcep d�e Pmp�rtY in 800d c�ir and shs11�t commlt waste or pocmit imp�fnomem ar dtterloiaslon of the __
<br /> pl,pp�ny and st�all comply with the provision4 of any lease if tWs Deed of Tn�st Is on a le�sehmld. If thi.v Dee(1 oY Tnust ls �._
<br /> �� � on a unit in a condomininm or a planned unit devetopment,Bomower sl�sll perform till of Ban+�vrer'a oblIgatioag under dte �_.v.
<br /> or ov dee condami�dum or planaod uait davclopaeens. t6�Qrl•is►ws and regulad9n4 --•:
<br /> dxlatatlon or oovena�ss e�t8 B ��8 �-
<br /> � af We oonds�r�inium or glanned uait dev�elupment.amd consdtuent documents. -
<br /> ' y. P�tectto�a![.en�'e Secudq'. If Bo:ruwer iaits w perEocm the coven�nts aud a�tee�nts coun�ned ia thfs =_
<br /> - - ... , Dad of Tcust�or if any action or proce�dio8 is commenced�rhfch materInlly aPf�sts Le�ls►'s intcretu in the Praperiy. ttxn �,
<br /> � LBUder. at Lender's option� upon nntice to Bon�ower. aoay malce sicch eppcernnces. disburcc a�uch sums� includiag �.
<br /> -1---- -- ---- .r,.��-..,�:-�rn�� saes.aud take sttch acdoa a�is aocessazY t�ptoteet Lendez's intere�t. af I,swder cequired mortg�8� �.`:
<br /> -.r--- -— . -- ----- . - --
<br /> --_—�-- �,
<br /> � insurance as a oondidon of maktng the loan socumd by tbis Deod of'reust.Bornawec snau FaY m+s p�ma�s�utw��u, _
<br /> .. , matnt�iw susb insvrance in ePtat uadl str.h time as tLe roquiremnt for such insurance tenv�utes �aecardance vrlth '.;
<br /> <•� � Honower's and Le�r's written agroement or appllcable i�w. �
<br /> .� A�asnounts disbursed by Lender pursuant m tfiis puagca�h 7.wlth interosc thereon.at thQ YVote cate.shaU beoome
<br /> addidonal�ad�sbtodaess of Bormwer seciued by this Qeed of Trus�Ual�s Bornawcr amd Leader agee�ereof. NaiLing `
<br /> PaYment� such amounts shall be paYable upon anflce ft+om I.eader to BonoWCr s�clu�tiog PaY�
<br /> ° soatained in tdis parrgcaph 7 shatl requtte Lender to i�cw aay eapense or take any acdon herev�ter.
<br /> �� 8. Imspe�ttou. Ixuder may malce ar cause to be mzde re�sonable enuies upon nnd invpecdoas of the Prapeny.
<br /> ' pmvided t�at L,ender s6a11 give B�rrower notice prior w any sach iaspecdon specit�ing reu�ursab!e cause thenfor retated tu
<br /> Le�der's interest i�u We Pcoperry.
<br /> rtceR�tas�a�a tros Osigia�i(�t000rd�d) Copy�nsaa�tbl CopYt��t�o�) rasa Zots
<br />