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<br /> I�AItYO � PDRAT.IiB :. �>R
<br /> - � � • n8,�are�c�cr'e tdl�s3 ta l3eiroi�te. Natwlths;anding [.ender's nsaterndon of tke surr� �ecured by chfs Decd of -__
<br /> • ' � T�ust. d�se to�aY[ower's 6rEZCh.Bn�urer st�all hAVe tke right to Mve aay proceedinga beguu by Lender tu enforce i61a �_,-
<br /> ' Q2€A p�7�NSt(I:IECdAtIAUtd et s�ny d�Q prlot ta the earltec to ocsnr aff(1) tho 8flb day befare tiie sale of tho Propectyr �_
<br /> 4' purausint to t�e power of eat�canEala�tn tdis Deed otTnest ar(ii)entry ota Judge�ent eufancing tdls D�ed of Trust if:(a) ___
<br /> �arrov�ret prys 1(.ender alt sun�s �vhtch would bs thsu dua uuder thie Dced of Tcust aad tke YVdie had�acceleeution =
<br /> - "� oacnn+ed; (b) IIorn�wcr cu�es ell bre�he� af any athsr cavgnants or agrcemsnta ni AarmwPr canmia�ln Ibls Qee�of —
<br /> ; � Tcust: (c) Bonowet pays nll reawn�bl9 expens�a Ins��rred by l.c�ulet aad Trusteo in enforctag the caveuansn and ---
<br /> agccements af Borrowcr ce�nutf�xd in tAls Dced of Teust and in onfarcliig I.cnder's and Trusteo's e�mesllet as pr�vtded in _-
<br /> � �ifiii$adijiL I� Itili'"rUP. Oswiu�lli�. Gut c:at iinil¢cfl to. rea�nbafste esmm�ye' fe�s: t!R� (C�I ����YY tE4C9 filSBll EtSt�011 tl� ;-
<br /> �-���� I.eMer�ay oexsonabty requlre ro assuce �hat the Iten uf cbls Deed ot Teust. LCAQBT'8 II1tCICSt I11 the Ptoperty and
<br /> ���,.; Boxnvnr's abllg��tnu r►pay tho sums sxumd by�hts Decd af't'cust�hall cen�ta�ue unimp�ired. Upon sucb paya�-nt anA
<br /> ,���� curo by Barnnver. thls Uoed of T�ust aad the abllgattous secumd hereby sbaU remain In fliU fomo and eftixt a�tf no
<br /> , ,� ucoelen�dsn tud ocxut�,
<br /> •f: 19..A�fgnm�nt of ReN� Appalnrinait oP ttooeiver� Len�d�r in POossession. As ed4idanal se+curlty he�euuder�
<br /> �� ... 1Bor�av�ze he�2by assigu3 to Lc�sdxr tht rents af�hs Pm�rty. pmvIdes+!t6�Borrower sh2Jl1�p�lor to scoelcaclon under
<br /> �• paragzapb 17 hezcof or ab�nndonmem of the Proptrty.have th�tight to collxt aad t+eatfn s�6 tents as ttt�y bixomt dne�ud --
<br /> paytbls.
<br /> •. EJpon axeleradon under paragta�h 17 hereof�r abandonn�ent of the PropeYty. Len�r.iia pc�smm.by egent or by
<br /> judlciaUy apgointal txdver shalt be endtled to enter upon,talce possessioa of and m3n�ge tho�ropenY ead w coAect tde
<br /> renss ot the Fcoperty tncluding those pt�st due. A!t rents coUecced by Lemler or the teceiver shnll 6o at+�lied Sist to
<br /> �� - p�yment of Ihe costs of nzan�gement of th�Property and collocdon af cen�. inclut�uE�but aot limited Qo,c+oceiver's fees.
<br />.� � _ p�iams on meiver'�bunds ond reasanabte aaoraeys' fees.aad dzw eo t�e suuts secuced hy a6is Drc�af Tns�c.Lead:r �
<br />�� � '° and tL+e ceceives ahall be liable w aoco�wt only for those mnts acaa�ly roceived.
<br /> •• � ?A. &2erc�veyanoe. Upon payrafnt of all sums secu�ed by this Dee�l of Tn�st, Lead�r s1�11•r��st Tnestx w
<br /> ;,�.;.:,,,�i � r�oomey the P[operty nndl shall sumndar this B�'d af'IYust aad aU uutesevideucing indxbit�doess s�cuarcd�y tt�is D�dof
<br /> , 'lYust to T�.T�e�stee staall resomeyr tha Pioperty�v�t}tout wast•�nty and arld�aui chtr�e to ths peiso�os�as Ieg�UY
<br /> »��#;.` . . endded thenw.Such peison or pe�shalt ps►y aU cost�of raooidadon.If any.
<br />.`.��;.t.;,' � 21. SubstiWte Tr�4ee.Lender.at II.e�'s opdon.may&om d�me to dme cemove Trustee smd uppoi�nt a s�oc�sor
<br />_:;;';`.:',.. t�ustee to any Tmstee appointed hea�sueder by an iusW�ent resorde�d in the oounry in which thfs Derd of Tn�st!s
<br /> ="�?r^��:= , cecorded. 1A►�thout com�ya�e of thc Property� the r►uccessor nustee shall su�oeed to uU tite dde. power and dudes
<br /> - �:.• .
<br /> ���'rz`. couferred upon the 7Yustce b�+efn aod by applicable law.
<br />�-�+,�- - 21:ReQues4 for Natl�. Borcnwee requests tbst coples of th� rotioe of def�ult aud mda oi�lc be ses�a to
<br /> `-='�'''�;fti�,�,;,,, Bonower's address which ia t�e Pmpeny AdMes�. �o� Y
<br />_.._ �--,�,.�,,.,.:; �3.Hax�OUS Snbetanoes.Barmw�sha�1 wot cQUSe or pe�mit t�presence.usc�diq�9, ,os nlease of�n
<br /> -��`�`"'� Eiemrdaus Sb�tanoes on ox ia the Prnperty. Bonrower s4ai1 not do�aor allow an}one else w da.�mg�d%n��ffxd��
<br />,�� �coperty tLtt ts in violad�n of any Brnironmenul Lxw. 1he pncedinS t�w sente�es sbatl mt�pgly c�t,�(pttsence.Use.
<br />,�?�! or seo�ge on t�e Aropeny of small 9waridos of Huardous Substai�oes tluet arES generally reoognt�ed�ole �ppmp�xiate to
<br /> .=.�i��-� mmml resldendal uses and to maintenanas of tho Pcopeity.
<br /> "- - Borcower sha11 pmmptlY Blve Lender wrltten nodce of any tnvestigtdon,clxim,demuod.U►wautII o�ather acdon by
<br /> = °"=°� �Y 8ov,tmmeatal oi re$ulatary agency or prlvato party iavolving the Pmperty aada� H�da�s S�bmnee or
<br />--�-u--_�'�v��� Bnvlmntuental Law of��ich Hornower has actuaD kaowled�e. if Bom�oweY leams.or is�wdfled by any$ovewmenhl oY
<br />=�=�� n�ilawrY authoriry. thar any cemCbvai ar othe.r remndiadon of any H�mrdous Substance aff�d�e ProPertY i�
<br /> -- ,;�t-� npxssuy�•�onemver shall piomptlY tsi�ce nU nece,�y rev�edial action�in cceardnnoe wlth Bmlmnnseat�t!i�tw.
<br /> —,�;�� As dsc�',m this puapft�Dh?.3�°Hamrdo�SaD�stamus"aaa¢Il�:ose subsmnoes de8�d as wa�ic oi htacdoua substas�oes
<br /> , by Bmirunmenml Ls�w Ati�d the following�: gesaiine� ��rosene. other flamrrable az taatc t�olcvm products.
<br />:;:';�� tm�tc pesdcldes aud hcxbiCides.voLdie solvenss�a�merLils oonmfning asbtstos ar facm�tdehyde.md r�ilo�3lve muerl�is.
<br />'�-�---—_ - Aa uscG ia t6is pu�h 23, "B►SiI��D4ICDtaI L9W°tiiCa114 fC�Cl8I IiWS i0d IA6'VS Of WO,�IILISAI{x10II Wjli'lE:fhe Fr�opecty€�
<br /> _:__w-,�� toc�ud that nIate to 1�e+lth,s�ety or cmimnmental pmioe¢ion.
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