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<br /> y substantiaUy equivulcnt murtgu�;d insutunrc cavc�a�c is nat uvuilublc.Son�nvcr ahall puy to l.endcr cash month u tiun�equul to t•.
<br /> ' nns•Kveltlh of�he ye�trly martgnse insurancc prcmium briug patd i�y Bortower Khen thc insuranre rc�ven►ge lupseJ ur ccused to �;;,,.
<br /> � bc in cffcct. I.ender will accept,usc u�id retuin the�e payments a. a loss reserve in Ifcu of martsuge in�;urnnre. l.oss eeservc �--
<br /> payments may no lunser bc rcquircaf.m ihe��ption nf i.ender,lf mortqagc insurunce covcruge(b tbe unwunt nnd fi�r the periad �L,-
<br /> thut I.endcr reyuirew){smvidal hy an insurer upprovcd by Lendcr Again hecomex avnilublc und is ohtuiited. kkirr�wer shull pay
<br /> the premiums requirect to mnintuin mi�rtguge intiurance in effec►,or t��provide u Inss mscrva until the rcyuiremcnt fi�r murtgage �;`
<br /> insuruncc ends in u��sarduncc wlth any writtcn u�rcement betwecn Barmwcr unJ I.cndcr i�r oppliruble law. ��
<br /> . 9.IIagpecfion, l.ender or its ugcnt muy muke re;►t;unubic cntries up�m and inspectiuns of thc Pruperty. I.crtdcr shuil give ����
<br /> � [iunawcr notice at the time uf ar prior w un inspectian speclfying re:►sonuble cause fi�r the inrpectiun. �,�
<br /> 10.Condemnntlon. The prrnced�of uny awurd or c[aim fi�r dnmuges, dircct nr mnsequentiul, in cunnecNun with Any ��;=-
<br /> wudemnntia��ur+►thcr tukinb of':�ny part af the Fraperty, or far conveyunce in liet���f c�ntlemnation, are hereby n�signed ond
<br /> � �_2..
<br /> x shall bc paid to l.cnder. ��
<br /> '' in the event of n tatal takin�of the Property,the prcxeeds shall be upplied to the sums secured by ibis Security Instrumenb �
<br /> • ;...•- �
<br /> ��r;,;,;:� whether ar nat thcn duc, with uny excess paiJ tu Borrawcr. In the event of u partia� talctr.g af the Property in whlch the Pair
<br /> . ..,...:a� market vulue of thc Property immediutcly befure dte taking !s equal to or grcuter thnn the amount uf the nums secured by this � -
<br /> ` '. � Security lnatrument immediutely befarc the tuking,unl��q Bunawer and Lender otherwise t►gree in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> , this Secucity instrurrtent hhull be raiured by thc amount of the proceeds m�nEQiplied by the fallowing fruction: (u) thc tot�l � _
<br /> �• ;, nmount af the sums securcd immaliutely before the talcing,divldal by(b) th�faiP market vulue of the Praperty immed'a;it.ly �
<br /> �, before the taldng. Any balAncc shull bc paid to Burrowcr. In thc event uf u partiul tukin�of the Property in wtdch t��e fair
<br /> mnrket vulue oF the Property imrned[utely befare die tattinB is less thun the amount of thc sums secured Immediutely before the
<br /> � taldns, unless Borrawer nrtd Lender athcnvisc u�tree in writing ar unless appllcuble law otherwise provides, the procecds shall
<br /> .' be applied ta the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums ure then due. �
<br /> .�, If the Property is abundoned by Borrower,or if,after natice by I.ende�to Bonower that the condemnor offers to muke nn
<br /> � •� awurd or settle u cluim fur dwnages. Bon•ower fuils to respond to l.ettder within 3U days nfter the dute the notice is given. _
<br /> '���' w�� L�ndor is authorized to coltect and apply the praaeeds,at its opuon.either to re.storution or�pair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> �,'"�';j;: :�..�. secured by this S�x:urity 1►isuaniu�tt.whnthar ar aot thcn duc. .
<br /> .;���i�.;;� .� ticatton of roceeds to rinci al shull not extend or �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise A�ree in writin�, uny app p P P
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referre�to in puragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount oY such puyments.
<br /> • 11.Burrower lVa!Xteleused;Forbenrnnc�f3y I.ender Not a Walvee.6xtension of ehe time for payment or modificatioa __
<br /> � • of amortizution of the sum�secured by this Securiry lnstrument granted by I.ender to any successor i�intercst of Borrower shal{
<br /> not aperato to release thc liab{lity of die or��insil Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lcnder shall not be myuired to
<br /> commence proce�clings a�ainst nr►y successar in tnterest or refLs�to extend dme for payment or othe�wise madify�morc�zation �.
<br /> � ' . of the sums secured by this Security Instrumera by mason af uny demand made by the originul Borrower or Bamower's
<br /> successors In interest. Any forbearance by I.en�ler in exercising any right or remedy shell not be a wniver of or preclude tl�e
<br /> � exercisc of any right or remedy.
<br /> • 12. Suc�s,wrs and Assigns Bouatd; Jotnt nnd Several Uability; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> °1-�`� Sscwity Instrument shull bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bonawer.subject to the pr+nvisions of
<br /> � parngraph 17. Sorrower's covennnts and agreements shull be joint and several. Any Borrower who cu-signs this 5ecudty
<br /> ;,,;,'.�,n:� ° Instrumcnc bui dues nui cxcx�tcs t�o iJote: (a3 is:.u-stg�ing this Sccurity Ittotzusneni ul�l; eo ssion,��gs, grans en�! c�nvey�hat .
<br /> Borrower's intcrest In tho Prope�ty under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)ie nat personally abligated ta pay thc sums
<br /> =•��"�'� secured by this 9ecwriey Insttument:and(c)agrees that l..ender and any othar Bortowar may agree,to extead,modjfy.forbearor
<br />_'_�=': �' make any accommadeulons with regard to the terms af this Security Instrument or the Note wIthout thai Borrower's consent.
<br />=-�=� ' n�.Loup Cfwirges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subje�t to a law which sets maximum lann charges.
<br />�^T'��• and thAt!aw is tlnapy interpreted so that the interest or othe�loan chacges rnllected or to be copecte�in connectlan with the
<br /> -T°••"��� loan exceed the permitted limits.then:(a)eny such loan cherge shall be reduced by the amount neces to raduce the charge
<br />:�;r..:.��:
<br />_'+;��1;;�; to the pertnitted lirrdt;attd(b)any sums nlre�dy collected from Borrower which exc.�eded permitted ifm ts wip be refl�aded to
<br /> ( Bortawer. C.ender may choose to mnke this rcfund by reducing the princi al owod under the Notc aT by mak3ng a direct
<br /> -�.,�';�`� �r payment to Barroaer. If u rcfund reduces pr�ncipal. the raluction wlll �e tre,ated as a pastial puepayment without eny
<br /> _�±�,���;�;:�,• � pmpnyment chnc�e under the Noto.
<br /> 14.T+iotlas.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shui!be given by delivedn�it or by mailin�
<br /> _____ it by ft�t class muil unloss applicable law rcquims use of another method. The notine shaiD be directed to tha Froperty Address
<br /> =- �� or any ather uddness Horrower designates by notice ro Lender. Any natece to L.ender shall be given by first closs mail to
<br /> _= Lender's addre.ss 9tatat herein or uny other addms4 Lender designates by notice ta Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> --��>-g*� Secudty Insuument sFisll tse deEmed to huve been given to Borrower�r Lender when given as pr�ovided in th�s paragraph.
<br /> _ __— 15.Governing Lsw; Severabiltty. This Securlty Inatrument shall be governed by federal law and the lnw of the
<br /> __---_ jurisdietian In which the Pcoperty is locuted. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security instrwnent or the Note
<br /> j ��i' contlicts with applicable law,such cunflict shall not affect rnher provistons of ehia Securiry Instrument or the Note whtch csin be
<br />=�-�'�',�`�.�� given effect without the aonflicting provision.To this end the provis{ona of this Securlty Instrument and the Note are declamd
<br /> - - = to be severable. _
<br /> _=--� 16.Borrowe�'s Copy.Borrower shall bc given�ne oonfornied copy of the Note und of this Security instrument.
<br /> -.^^�r'.���: 17.Tranvfer ef the Property ar a Beneflcial Interest in Borrower.If ull or any part of the Property or any.inteoest in it
<br /> '��=��•`-, !s sQl�or tranfern!�!(or Ef a benefioinl interncr in Rrnmwer is sold or transfen+ed and Borrower is not a natutal�erson)wlthout
<br /> -_-----���°; Lender's prior written consent, Lender may. at its opdon, uire inuundi�payn�ent in fuil of ali sums sscuiai by �►j� ��
<br /> �i�3F�; Securit,y Instniment.However.this option shall not be exeiviaod�y L•ender if exercise is prohtbited l�y federul law as of the date
<br /> :��-;� of this Secm�ity Iust�vment.
<br />.--`��"�' �� If Lender exerclscs this optton. L�e�lder sh�ll give Borrower notIce of acxlemtion.The notice shnl! rovide a period of not
<br /> ,,;�._�., .
<br />�•s?,se���'`:' ' less thun 30 disys from the dute the notice is delivemci or mailed wlthin which Homower must Pay al sums secured by this
<br /> ::�;»,`.:=.:'. � Sacurtty lnstn►ment.If Honower foils to pay these sums pr�or to the expi�ntion of this periai,[.ender may lnvoke any remedias _
<br /> , • permltted by this Securiry Instrument wtthout further notice or denu�nd on Rorrower. _
<br /> ',r ; 18. Borrower's �ight to Reinstnte. [f Borro�ver meets certufn oonditions, Borcower shall havc the dght to have �
<br />- • i enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discondnued at:ury time prior to the eariier of: (u) S days(or such other per�od u.s ___
<br /> . appltcable luw mny specify for refnstatementl before sule of the Property pursunnt to uny po�v�r of sule oontuined in this
<br /> � .� Securlty Instcument;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcin$this Security Instrument. 'IY�nse oondittons are that Barrower:(a)pays °
<br /> Lencler ull sums which then wauld be due under this Secariry Instrument and the Naxa es if rto nooelerutton ha�occurrod;(b) �, �
<br /> ' cures any default of Any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses irccur�in enforcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> - ! tnetuding.but uot limital tu,reasonabte ac[orneys' fees; und id)t�kes such uciian us I.ender may reasonably re�uire to t+ssure �
<br /> �• thut the lien of this 5ecurity Instcumcnt. Lender's rights ln the Yroperty and Horr+�wer's obli atian to pay the sums secured by. � —_
<br /> � this 3ecur�ty Instrument shnll continue unchanged. Upon rrinstatement by Borrower. t�is Securlty Instrument :ued the . �_
<br /> -__-. '�"_"i__t_�_ _._..1 LL... d.i......M��...ui..u�u�veholl �� _
<br /> " a. . Ob1IFjIIYIOIIS�Cl'UfCU ItCPCbY SRIIII fClltalll tlttty CtiCC'iivt to�i ini 6Cxc�c�aiwu uav.n�w..w. .w�'�. ....�..e...•�•..••«�-»�--- _
<br /> • ; not npply in thc cnse of ucc�leration under parasruph 17. ��-
<br /> 14. 5ule oY Nofe; Cim»ge nf I.oan 5ervte2r. The Notc or n partinl intemst fn the Note (together with this Serudty • �.;:
<br /> �,:_:
<br /> . Instnament)may be sold one or more ti�nes wtthout prior notice to 8orrower. A sWe muy result in o change in the entity(known e..
<br /> �. as thc"Iuan Serviccr")that rnit��cts monthly payments due under the Nnte and this Sccurity insiru�nznt.There ulso may be one, ��
<br /> . or more chanQes of the Loan 5ervfccr unrclutecl w u sule of the Note.If there is v chungc of the Loa��Servixccr,Borro�ver will be
<br /> � ° , given written notice nf the chanIIe in urrordance wuh parugraph 14 ubove und appUcabic law.The noticc will stute tiie n:une und
<br /> address uf the ncw I.oan Strvicer and thc addresx to which payments shc�uld be made.The notice will ulso contain nny other
<br /> iniormatton ra�uircd by upplicublc Inw. �
<br /> » " 20. Hnzardaus Substnne�s. W►rn�wer shail not cuusc ur permit the pmscnce, usc, dispasnl, storagc. or rcle:�sc of any �:'
<br /> - , i{�u�rdous Substunc�es im or in thc PmReny. Burrowcr shnll oot do, nnr ullow unynnc else to do, unythin� uffa:ting the __
<br /> Property that is iu violatiun ut'uny �nvimnmentul Lnw. '1'hr prcccdin�;twa �cntenc�w shall nnt upply to thc prcscnre. u�c,ar --
<br /> ., stom�;e on thc Prop�rty of+maU yuantiticti��f Hu•r.c�ntuus Substunccs tNat urc gcncrulty rcrngnir.ai to Nc appmpriutc to normul �;=
<br /> � •� residcntial uscs und ta ma6ntcnuncc of thc Prupcny. �j
<br /> .. VLa�3 nl 0 Form 3028 91i39 �.�
<br /> r
<br /> 4 �.
<br />