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<br /> Thr Fun�is shail bc hcld in un Ir�stitution whosc dcposits urc ir�sured by s► fe�ieral ugency, insirumcntalily. or�ytity _';,,;
<br /> (including Lxrtder,if l.endcr ix s►uli un inxtitutiiml ur in uny Fedcad Homc la�un Sunk. IAnder�huil upply thc�und�to � thc :�., }
<br /> " Etirmw Itcmti. Lcndcr may nu►churgc St�n�o+vcr fur hul�iiig amd upplying thc}=und�,aunually nncslyr.ing thc esrrow u�:munt,ur �
<br /> �. �: verffying the Escr��w Iterns, unle�s l.endcr pays 8urrn�ver imcretit on the FunJ.und uppliruble law�nnits l.ender a�make such )i,,,,.,,
<br /> .''� ` •� i�rhurge. Howevcr, l.endcr n�ay rcyuirc �urn�wcr a�puy u anc-tMu churgc for un indrpcndcnt rwl ctitutc tux npu�ting t�rvicc ;;:;t:',;
<br /> uscd My Lendcr in cY►nncction �vith thiti h�un, unlcss upplirublc luw pnwldcs othcrwi,c. Unlcys an agrccmcnt i. mudc or 4;�,7.;,�,-
<br /> � upplicnblc!uw rcyuires intcrest tu bc paid.l.cndcr tihull nut bc rcquircJ to pay &�rn►acr uny intcrctit air curnings on thc Hundz. .?k�;;
<br /> � B�rrc►wer mid l.ender muy ugree in writing, howovcr, thut intcrest shall bc pi�id un thc Funds, l.�:ndcr til�ull �ive tu &�rrowcr. �_,-
<br /> � ' withnut char�c, an annuul uccuunting af thc Ftuids, shnwing crcdits und dcbit+tu thc Funds and thc pur�+otic Cor whinc�mch _ x^-
<br /> � drbtt ro the Fundx wa.�nade.The Funds are pledged us udditionut seruniy ti�r ufl yuro,+�curcJ Uy tbiti Security Instrument �` �
<br /> ` '�`. If the Funds heid by Lendcr exreai the umounts permiated to be hctd by upplicublc luw, l.ender tihull uccuunt tu&►rcower �Gp _
<br /> •�-':� to�oP:e excess FunJs in ucrordnnre with the requieem�:nts ot upplicubte luw. {f the unwunt of the Funds held by l.ender ut e►ny (� __-
<br /> ��"� tim�is not sufficie�it to pay the�scraw Itertu;when dac, ixnder�nny so autify Burmwer in writing.and,in s�ach cnxe Hormwer Y �
<br /> shc�ll pay to L�:nder the umount necrssnry tu inuitr up the de P►c iency. BUrmwer s h u l i m u l ce u p t�ie deficienc y in no more thacs�
<br /> twelvc monthly payments,nt Lender's sole d+acretion. �-�•
<br /> � Upon payment in fu1L af ull sums sccui�ed by this Secudty lnstrument. I.ender shull proi�dy rethnd to Borrower any� �w=-
<br /> .t:. Funds held by Lender. If,m�_dar�arn�rnph 21,l.ender shull acquire or sell tl�e ProRetty.Lendcr,prior to the ncq�isidon or sc►le �_-
<br /> •����:. ; af the Pmperty.shall a�ply any Funds held by l.r:nder ut thr time of ucqattiittu�i ur sulc us a crcd'oc u�uinst the tiums ucured by� u-.
<br /> ���•"'•�� ' ` this Security Inswment. -
<br /> •� +� ' x 3.Appit¢ntlon of Peyettents.Unless upplicAblc luw provides otlicrwise,all payments received by L.endcr under paragraQhs�
<br /> • °• " s� 1 tutd 2 shal�he upplied:fint,to any prepayment chnr�eti due undar tha Note:sccond, to nmounts puyubte under purngrupix 2:
<br /> ', � � third,to interest due;fourth.to princi F r,►!duc;un d last.to uny lute char ges due under the Note.
<br /> -`� •• 4.Chu►ges; i.tens.B�rrowcr shall pay�il tnues.assessments. chnrgcs. fines nnd impositiona attrl6utable ro the Property
<br /> " �� �vhich mny attain Qdority over this Secudty Instrument, and leasehald payments or ground rents, if uny. Borrower shull pay •
<br /> ° these obligutians in the munner provided in parsigraph?..or if not paid in that manner.Bornuwer sttalt pay them oa time di►ectly
<br /> ar
<br /> �� �� � to the persun awed payment.Borrower Rltali prompdy fi�rnish to I.ender s�ll nottces of amountg tn be paid under thi�paragraph.
<br /> If Barrower makes these payments dirertDy,Borrower shall promptly tumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> ,..r: . ��'i , Bonower shsi!!pramptly discharge any llen whtch has priority over this Scc4rity Instrument unless I3o�ower:(a)a�rees in
<br /> � . writin�to the payment af ttue obligation secured by the lien in a munner accepiuble to Leader;(b)contests in good falth the lien
<br /> + �� •�„�` � by. or defends ageinst enforcement of the lien jn, legal proceedings whtch in the Lender's apinton operate to prevent the __.
<br /> ; �:,�.• • enforcement of the llen;or (c)secures from the holder of the lien an ngreement satisfuctory to Lender subordinating the lien to =
<br /> ;..' � this Securirj Instrument.If Lertder determines thut any part of the Property is subject to u lien which may uttuin priodty over
<br /> this Securiry Instrument,Lender may ive Borrower a natice Identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien ur toke one or
<br /> -°;;:,.;�.:;N morc of the acttons set forth above w1�in 10 duys of thc gtving of notice.
<br /> =rT,,�-'.:� 4 S. Ht�trd or Property Incurnrtee. Borrawer shall kcep the improvements now existin� or hereafter erectacl on the
<br /> ��s-:�": Property insured ogalnst losa by fire,harerds included within thc term "extended covcrage"and nny other hnrards.including
<br />`?`'-�;YF" `=`:,__ __ ����t��n�l�ng; for which Lender reyuires insumnca.This insucance Shall be maintelned in the amounts and for d�e pedoda
<br /> �` � thut Lender requi�+t;s.The insurence cucrier provtding the insurunee shatl be chosen by Bornower�uFij�:t�a ].,�aQ�r's appsavs!
<br /> -' ��� !«�Kr which shall not bc unreasonabty withheld. If Bonower fails to mutntsin coveraga descdbed abuve. Lender may. at Lender's
<br /> =-`TM�,��.+ •. optlon.obtain rnverage to pmtect Lend�r's r�ghts in the PropQrty in uccordance with parngraph 7.
<br />-��,M;�4II�"��,_�`,. All insurance policies end renewals sha�l be acceptuble to Lender and shall inelude a standa�d moK�age clause. I.ender
<br /> —����a� shsitl have the dght to hold the poltci�s and renewals.If Lender requfres.Borrower shall promptty give to L.ender all receipts of
<br /> '�"'"_�"'°``e� paid premiums�d rencswn!notices.In tho event of Inss,Borrower shall�ive prompt nottre to tha msumnce currier and Lender.
<br /> �_�.-..�xJ
<br /> �:_;�°����'�;: Lender may make proof of luss if not mnde pmmptly by Borrower.
<br /> -�=-��',�;���;,, Uniess Lencler and Borrower ot herw lse agree in w r l t in�.ins u r c t r►ce p ro c�e d s s h a p be u p plied tn reswratlon or repnir af ths
<br /> ;,,�,',s x.
<br /> y-- •rMi ~�� k��+operty damuged.if tho resweation or ropair is economicnlly feasible urtd I.ender's securiry is not(erssenad.If the restora on ar
<br /> '°=r� repa�r js not economlcally feasible or L,ender's security would be lessened,the in�urarzce prucoeds shall be applted to the sums
<br />-,: ��;;,;. • secured by this Security Ir�suument,wt►ether or nat then due. with any cacess paId to Borrower. Tf Bormwer abandons the
<br />---=�=;.e?�� pro�Ky,or does not ansvver within 30 ciuys a notice�rom I.ertder that the insurancs carrier has offemd to settle n cluim,then
<br /> - �-�-��"'•� L,ender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to re�uir or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> - A'-'- secured by this Security Insuument.whether or not then due.The 30-day period wdl be8in when the notice is given.
<br /> ____^:z�� Untoxa I.ender and Rorrower othenvise agree in wdtiag. any epplicutIon of proceeds to principal shaq not extend or
<br /> ���_,�� postpone the due date af the monthly payments refemad to in paragrapha I and 2 or cbange the amount of the paymer►ts. If
<br /> -...�a��.� under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Born�wer'c right to nny insurance polic�es and prooeeds resulting from
<br /> `--:"�°*.�1°�m damage to the Property priar to the ucquisltion shall pass to Lender to the extent of the soms hecua�d by thls Security Instrument
<br /> ,�;;;�{� isnmediately prior to the acquisltton. gfl��y��.+s���A lics�don; IRaseholQs.
<br /> �:`=1.;: 6.CJc�v�ancy�Praervntton, MNntenunce and Protectton o`the Property;,
<br /> ������"�;� Borrower ahail occupy.establish,and ase the Propeny ns Borrower's principul res►dence withln stxty days aRer the execudon of
<br /> --- - �rt""''"e this Security Instrument and shnl! continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for ut lesut one year after
<br /> —���"�� the date of accupumy.untess Lender othenvise agrees in writing. which rnnsent shull not be unreusonably withheld,or unless
<br />--
<br />