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���+. ^'� , f' ''y;:'•�rs.:t�;�r,.,.)ir i <br /> , .� '..11 J ' . . . .,. ..,.. •ir, , <br /> • • , . ;'.� ,� , <br /> � •` .. ..,, . .. . <br /> . <br /> , <br /> � , <br /> � . ...,ti.C�IKtAM�e•qvsw•,�� . . . . .. ...�_""'_,.._._...,.._..'_'.._�...... .�.�� <br /> . . .. ... ...., <br /> . . � .. is..n..a: �i� <br /> ; .., a �• �..�., ry�,: ._._.__�._....__.... ""-...—�.._..._�___ -. . <br /> .' ..._---..._....__....._.____... .'_".-- �._. <br /> • .3 �. <br /> 8armwer nl�utl p��oo�ptly give E.ender�vritten natice ef imy inve+tipntian, clui�n, demund, liuvsuit or other actian by any A_ <br /> "^ gavcrnmentnl or mIIulatory uIIency or psivate party invaiving thc Property i►nd any Huzurdous Snbstunce or Environmcnusl �. <br /> "' � ' '�' o f whtch aorrowcr lu►g actuul knowledge.[f Borrc�wer leurns,��e iw notiflcd by uny�avarnmentut or rcgulatory�UUIUIU y.►hut <br /> „�� ',` nny rc:maval�r uthcr remediutiun af any Huzurdous 5ubstanrc affciting thc Propcny is nccessary.Borrowcr s hn l l pmmp t ly tu kc �° <br />' •.:'+�. all necesuuy rem�dial ucttans in nccnrdc►nce with�nvironmental l.u�v. — <br /> �� ��;;�'`'.: As oseci in thiw paraBa+pfl 20. "Huxardoug Substurtces"ure thase substances defined as t��xic��r liu��unlaug substunceti by <br /> �nvieonmentat l.u�v utt�i the followfng subtitanccs: gc4wlinc. kerasene, other tlunUnable nr toxic peualeum prcutucts, toxic <br /> . ' ,�.�. pesticides and herbicidcs.valutilo salvcntn,matcriuls contuining as6cstos ar farmuldehXde,und radiuuctivc materials. As used in <br /> - thls pamgmPh 20. "Environmental" m�ans federnl luw�wid Inw�;uf the jurisd�ctian whcre thc Praperty is locuced thut � <br /> - '•' relatc to health,sufrty or er.viront�emnl protectian. m � <br /> _.;y_�,� NO1V-U�IIFORM CQYENAN'fS. Botrowcr nnd I.cndcr furthcr c�venunt and ugre+:ati fufluwh: � <br /> << Zl.Accelerntiou;Remedtc.w. Lende��hnll alve notice to Borm�r•er priox to accele��utlon folloivin�Borro�ver's br.�cl� <br /> !-� of n»y rnvenant or agrcement tn ttnPs SecuriQy Iirstrument (but not nrlor ta uccelerntion under pnrogrnph 17 un4ess <br />-° appltruble iaw pmvtdc�othenvise).'II't�a�tice shadl spesif'ys (u)the defuult=(b)the uctlon requlred to cure the defuu{!; <br />'-;� <br /> (�)a dnte,n6t Icss tiian 30 daya from the dl�te th2 rooStce is given to Borm�v¢r,by whlch the defnult musl be cwrd;and <br />' �x � (d)¢ftae 6uilnre to cure the defuult un o� Ixtm�e tl�a d�Qe speciiled in the��tce r.v�3y resa�lt i�a accelermtion of the e�cams � <br /> ,::! sQC�I by!h!s Security InStcument u^_d�!¢�?the�pevty TFtB RDUCC 6It3d�rlll7lQCP�OYOiill HOlfrOWCt(iQ I�LL'[I7��14�� R_ <br /> mtR�tate is6t2R uccelernt�on nnd tRe r13C4 to�s(n�a conrt actto� to as.5ert the non�xi.gte+�ce oY a defaea6a�s any aSh.rx <br /> ' ���.�.i� defense oP II3�rro�ver to uccelerutaom ai:�1 sule. IP the de[sult fs not cured on or t�efore the daRe s�eciiied In the modise, <br /> " �}'� �7i� � �aader, at its aptton, ee�,y eayoEQe ira��ediate [x�Ymemrt im fm�D oP all sums secu�ed by ttafis Security instrneaeeat v�t¢rmua <br /> ;:l�.y,'� `} ' fe�rther demnnd nnd c�iw�+otse the power oP sale ur�r��ny dlQ�er remedles�ecrnE4ted by u�plEcuble 1��.i.erz�cr shul7 be <br /> . , .. entttted W rnllect nll�xcpc�tcs i¢ca�ed in pursWrt�QRe eemedies p�rovided In thla�anSrnDh 21, incla�d[�.�ea�rtat tim[ted <br />-� .,'��•.�• to,rcasonable nttorneys'f¢es csn�D casts o!dUe evtdeuce. � o!the <br /> �:.-�,i�K, If the power of mle ls Invoked,Trustee shuli record a reottce of defaolt in each ca;�se t�`V i��wer uttd to <br /> _��.. �. �r8�rty ts lasnted and�all mall m�siea olsuch nottce in tde m�naer prescribed by s�{a�A <br /> �,;�;��,1;;;� the oiher persons Rrescrlbed by mppll�ble la�v.A6�er the tfmo requ[nd by npplEcoble lc�v,Teastee si�:�E!�ive puDiEc nattcc <br />--'.'-:•;�.+. — of sale to the persons tind tn the manmer prescrtbt�by a�plicable Ifl�v.Trustee,�vtthout��n�om���wer,shalf sell <br /> the propErty at pubitc mccttun to the highest�7�dflrr at the time nnd place und under the terms des}g�a4ed In the rtatice of <br />.._:.."`-��� sale ia otte or more parccis und in�qy order Tn�st�ge�te��•Tm��,y��W�n�e.�Lender or ita deslgnee�nay <br />- � ���� Prupee�tyr by publtc annnuncement ud the time und p Y p <br /> � :'�;�� pu�+chase the Property ut any sale. <br /> '�'' -- <br />;v��r� lJpop reoeipt of payr.tent of the price bid, T�ust�shail dPliver to the purchaser Trustce's deed comveying the _ <br /> �`�-�-�'f� propert�•.'fhe recitals in the Trustee's dc�ed shall be priina facie evtdectoe of t6se truth of the statements mede therein. <br /> =�`�'"""� Trust¢e s6u11 apply t�e prooacds of tQee sale in the follo�vtng ordert(a)to all costs nnd expertsPS of exerdstng th�power ot <br /> - ---�z'� ssdte,and the sate,inciuding the ps+yment of the Trnstee's[ces adually incurred,no4 to exceed `�"° - <br /> ----;�, of the pr[ncipal amount ot the nole�rt the titne o!tDte declaration of default,and reasonable uttorneys'faes ns I�ezmltted <br /> --__-� !�;lz�:i�s)t�s!3 s�ms s�n.wA by thBs Securtty Instmmenti and(c)u0.Y excess to the person or persous Iegalty entitled to <br /> �'_''��1�i� it. <br /> --'� 22. Reoonveyunce. Upon payrrcent of ul! sucns securrcjid by this 5ecurity Iastniment, Lender sh�l1 �aquest T�ustce w <br /> ���� reconvey the Property end shnll surr�ader this Security Instniment and all notes evideacing debt secnred by this Secucity <br /> _:;;� Instn�ment to Trustec.Trustee Khsll mconvey the Property w�d►out wnrranty and wlthout charge to thc rer9ol�or persons legnUy <br /> ____:\i;� enuded to it.Such person or persons shaU pay any recurdaiion costs. <br /> --— a3.Substttute Tnu4ee.Lender, ut its optdon, may from time to time remove Ttuawe and�►ppoint a snccessor tntete�to <br /> any Tfustee appointed hereuttder by an�nsuument nteocded in the wnnty in whlah�thfa Secudcy Tnsuumeat ix cecorded•Without <br /> conveyunce of the ProperiY.the sucxessor tnistee shnll succead to all the utie.pnwer and dudes confen�¢ti upan Tn►su:e herein <br /> -- --�--- t�nd by a�pttcuble taw. <br /> _____=��'=— �d.Request for Nottoav. Horrawer�+eqnesta that copies of the nodces of defuult and sale be sent w Borrower's uddress <br /> °-_�"� �tifiich is the Property Address. <br /> --- -==s 25.Itlders to thts Secur[tY Iastnunsnt.If one or more rtdera t�re executed by Bormwer and recotded to�cdter with this <br /> � Security Instnin�ent.tho covenonts end ngreemem3 of e�eh such rider ahall be incorpornted Into and shaU wnend ared supplement <br /> the covenuuts uncl ugre�raec►ts of this 3ecunity Insnument as if the dder(s)were'a paat of thls 5ecurity Instcu+eent. <br /> � [Check appli�ble box(es)1 <br /> Adjustable Rnte Rtder Condomiaium Rider 1-4�Fuinily Rider <br /> - - ti�nduuted Puytn�nt Rider Planned Unit Deveiopment Rider &iweefcly Puyn�ent Rider <br /> _____ ���n�i�r Itate Impmvement Rider Sexond Hone:Rider <br /> V.A.Rider Other(s)[sPecifl'1 <br /> :�:r��� <br /> .::.,;ril� <br /> - ;�-"-�� <br /> - --� BY SIOIJIN(i BB1AW.Borr��'►'er acapts nrtd ogcees to the terms und wvenants oonwined in this�curity Instruenent and <br /> -.:�?"a� in any rider(s)executed by Bormwer and neootdod with[t.� <br /> . .�°if;=� wimess w: t ) <br /> yY!f1�1'_:F.�;t 1 � Se8� <br /> �`-�`�•� ODtas F. Ki ri II -Borrowcr <br />.�..w-•.;�;� <br /> :.,., . � <br />-.:i_.�;«;���� <br /> `_-�ti"{,;'� �� /� ` . (`d�31i <br /> JlY j:.:.:f �L (/I J �d - __ <br /> my;:,�%;,•�;.:�i j'�S!' jZ1111D811 -HommYr <br /> ,iq�.1�Ni�.S� <br /> _-. ;41t`�'Y':"�W <br />.'.r,1�.,' _ �`��< �p,�,�1\ ��� <br /> �7GL11/ <br />- -- ���4°== -- -Bottowct , -ov,..�..�, <br />-:,•.m;" .� <br /> • . ' � _�-- /�G'� . o11IIty 6s: /� <br /> ;;, STATE OF 1VEBh2�5ICA, � t!�(G� vf �`�d <br />_ .. °�� Y The f reBoinB insuv�nent as owledged before me this � -��°f r����,���1. <br /> � <br /> V .. by ���`j�,e ��t�yl� � ��/� .�u LY�'� <br /> Witness my han oad nowrinl Eeal nt ��� d tn County.the nf d. <br /> , i� '�e�L� , c <br /> =� � r �� <br /> °.�:i,�;F� My Commission Bxpire�: <br /> GfNEtt�l NO1�AY�Stete clNebi�sE� <br /> Ho Publ <br /> . . �1, _ l011N lE1tiH OILlENBECK <br /> n � s ��4D �fij Ccmm Eip Stp110.1949 Form 3028 8190 <br /> pepo s ot 4 <br /> a <br />