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<br /> ,''�;•, (�upace Above 14�b Uue For Etcmcdl�Daktl - -
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<br /> "` GC��) DEED OF 'TRLJST �oo��'� �u� a/8,� `� �
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<br /> .:'�,,,;, .. P�Bo:c 244� °3 —
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<br /> .;•..�,.
<br />:-'�:;;�����,
<br />.�,;Y -�.... .Tha uustor i�
<br />';�°s'��',"'.� THIS DBF�.01�'CR[JS'I'("Securlty Instn►�►ent°)is made an ,�an�ar; 21. 1999 �
<br /> --��t� ���
<br />_,.�,,���,.
<br /> ''"�`�.�.:�;' Thomae F. �fnman II and Mari A. kinman, Husband and 411fe,
<br />-,.._1�..'n�_,� —
<br />--.,�„4���.},: ("Bo:mwer").The uustee ie NORWEST BANK NEBRflSYtA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
<br />-�,�r;�:.��ar���
<br /> ',ti
<br /> ._ts;1r
<br /> "`�"�="`� ("Trustee").The benefi�ie�Y 18 NORWEST SANK NEB1tASR!►. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
<br /> --- '
<br />_- -- -- ;,;���guni7ed,and exiating under the laws of TNE UNITEn STAT�S OF AMERICA .end whose
<br /> ',.�' eddmss is 202 WEST 3RD STREET, GRAND ISLAND. NE ttti8ti�
<br /> :,;.,,_, ("Lender°).Barrower owa I.ettler the princlpal svm of
<br />_-�i�l�
<br /> � A 1� allera N.3. �2_!a.gQ6.iQ �' �
<br /> -- ��y rnu� a�o���� �KEn i rm io/ o--�---�---p.
<br /> � � Ttifa'itt:�t��e ovi�n y orrower a nota 8 the s�me da e as ehie Serunty Iasuuraent(°IVWed).wQich pmvtdes fox
<br /> :.,�,�„�,� �Qy�py p�►y,mante,with the fulF debt.if not pa�d earlier,due and payobla on Fabntaazy 3, 2004
<br /> — Tais 9ecuriry Tnatnunent sea�res to Lender:(e)the repuymenf of the debt evideneadivi hy int�er��s�t��advaz�s�undes Pum�ruP�y to
<br /> extensions tmd modificatIons of the Note; (b)the Pa9�rtent of uU other sums.
<br /> _.._-_� pmtect the sc�urtty uf th�s Security Instrument: and(c) the perfom�ance of Bormwer's covenants unA agreementa. For this
<br /> pwpose,Bomower irrevocubly grnt►ta+�nd conveys to Tnist�. in uust. wiU► poiver of sale,the tollowing�ty���
<br /> located In �l�
<br /> �t g� H1QCk 3, Bel–Air Addltion. City of Grand Ialand. �lall Couri�Y� Nebraska
<br /> �
<br /> = _� [saetti c�tyl. -
<br /> ; which has the uddre.gs of 1730 Hanover LN, Grand Isl A����•
<br /> !.__ _ Nebmsic� SS�Q3 �"�°PertY
<br /> ------- ('tip codct
<br /> __.--"= q�p(}g�p�lt W[TH all the improveiiients now or hereafter er�teA c�a th�prop�rty.and usl e��eaients,uppurtenartc�,�nd
<br /> �17
<br /> -. -- - flxt�res uow or hereafter a pact of the propertY. All cePlaoerr•ems ��cd $ddIHons shall also hs a�vered by �this Sscanity
<br /> �s��r��'Q""�■_ Inswument.AII of the foregoing is refemed to In this Sesv��iry insav�nT�s che"I�'�e�ty''" _
<br /> __--•^,•�.�-� BORROW6R COVBNANTS that Borrower is lawfully�eised o3 C7,e estate i:��by conveyad aYnd hus ti�ribl�a tm�+nt c►nd
<br /> '�"��� and that the Froperty is unencumbered. exaa�+t lor ancumbmrteea of recmrd. Borrower warrants and�ulU
<br /> -���":: wnvey the Praperty . ,.
<br /> °";,,�`� defend genernllZ the dde to the Property��ninst ni!ctaicns artd der.a�x+Qs,Aubject W any encumbrano�s of reoord.
<br /> ==�;���r�-;, THIS S1�GURlTY INS'I'RUMBNT combines unifvrm oov�urts fcvr nationtil use nnd non•unigorm wvenants wtth lim;.�c��.:,
<br /> ,:..�L r:
<br /> _ ';,,:,�-��.��,�' vuriat�ons by Jurisdlction to constituto a unlform se.cudry insttument ro�•emng rp1 prnpertY•
<br /> 1. , ' U�pR[�CpVSI�tp}V3'S.Borrowcr and Lender ooven:snt und agree us foliows:
<br /> �.•';:;,i���� 1, pa nent of 1'rinr99u+1 nnd Interesti PrePayment und Y.ute Charges. Borrower shall pmmptly pay when due the
<br /> • =r- : -��� �... .....�..aa.�p.,:�ta�bv�}►e Note artd any prepayment nnd lute charges due under the I3csie.
<br /> - �_.._
<br /> ".�,.�`�r�t"�;,.. pri�pa�m�,���,��.......��------
<br /> ',_,:�4�;,,,., , Z.�tm�s for Ta�ces aQd Inst�ra¢�t•Subfect to upplic3ble Inw or to s wrtnen wniver ory i�emdcr. nonuwc�s��A���i•�
<br /> �_-�����.• :,�,:� Lender on the doy monthly payments are due under the Ploce.unttl the Noie is paid in full.n sinm("�'unds")fnr:(n>year�Y taxes
<br /> ' `._ .;i, nnd a5sessments which may uttnfn priorlty over this Securiry Inst►ument as n lien on the Property;(D)year1Y leaschold payments
<br /> _ ,.� ... : or ground rents on the Pro�rty.if nny:(c)yearly hozund or pmpetty iasumnce premiums:(d) yearly flood insurtuece premi�ams,
<br /> e insurance premtums. if nny;ond(�uny sums p�yuble by Barrowerto Lender. in ctcaoidance arith
<br /> .. .,; -` if any:(e)Yeariy morsgaS
<br /> � the provision�of pa�rnPh 8.in t{eu of the payment of m9nQ�e insurance premiun►s• 1'hese item,�ace c�iled"Escmw[tems."
<br /> Lender may. nt uny time, oo��ecc and hold�unds in un nmount not to exoeed tt►e mnximum emount a icrtder for a federally
<br /> ' � �� reluted mon�aIIe loan m�y require for Bornower's escm�v uccnunt uttder the federal Rent Estate Settlement Procoduns Act of
<br /> "":� � ° t974 os nmendad fmm time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 16Ut et seq. ("ttFSPA").unlesy nnoiher I:sw thnt c►p Idea to the Funds
<br /> . ,::• sets�9esser amount. heumountnf Funds due nn he bnsis�f urm t datci and reaso ble�rsdm�ata of e pendi resTOf future
<br /> . Lcnder may estimate Iicuble luw.
<br /> ' . Escrow Itent�or othenvisc in nccordnttcc witb npP
<br />� N�GitASKA•S�ngto Fumlly-Fennfo MaelFroddt�Mtto UNIf�QRM iNSTRUMF.�1T Form 3028 8►90
<br /> . ;, , �N112T97 MTO VMPMflATOA�E�ONA3 ��13�703 Dt00 �000iaa+�2s� ocae�or a AmcaAed k3101
<br />