. � � .
<br /> S �
<br /> , „ .. ,. ., „ " ^ „ ,f.:�,.•r�•.�'�i
<br /> .,. ..,
<br /> . . , , �� .. . __....._.__.
<br /> ,.
<br /> ;_.,._.___..__._.----..^.�.�._ - --. . _ _. . .. �. ._ • . . .. e..
<br /> . .�
<br /> ' 8orrowar mny auro auoh u dotnult and rNnat�to, na provtdad In paragraph 18, by onunlnp tho notlon or procandlnp to bo
<br /> dlsmisacd w(th a ruiing that,In Lendaro good ta11A detormNntton,prsotudos toAOlturo of tho 8onovror'e Intoroat In tho Proporty ar ti
<br /> ° othar motcrfat Impa�m�nt of tha tl;n orcatod by thl� &�curlty inatrumont or Lcnd�r'o acaurity Intoroat. Bortowur ahall also bo 1n �
<br /> � d��au►t tt BoROescr,during tho taan op�llk�ntion pracaan,gavo mntarla�ry ta►so or Inncoumto Intormatton or ototamonta to landor(or
<br /> ' taltcd to provido londor r�dh any matorisi hifOrmaflan) in eonnoolton wRh tho loan evidenced by the Note, InoNdlnfl,but not �' .,��;,--
<br /> 1lmitod to. tOpfO8Q�1tQtI0f18 aonceminp BoROwo�o ocoupnnoy of tho Proparty aa n prinolpnt rosidcnca. If this S�aurlty '� ,
<br /> • Inatrumont Is on n leaaohotd, Bortowot ohnq aompry �v�lh ap tho provlalona ot tho baoo. If Borro�vor noquUOS foo tltto to tho � ., �:
<br /> Proparty,the leaeohold and tho ICa titlo ahail not morgo unle5fl Londar egreo�to tho morgor tn viritin8.
<br /> � 7. P�ote�Uon of Lender'a Rightm in the t�roperty.ir earrowm rans to portorm the covannnto and nflroemonto � _
<br /> � contnlnad In tht�Soaudty Inatntm�m, or thero Is a lo8u�praaCndinp that mny algnlfionnty ctNoot lnnda�'o rlghta In tho PropoRy �''.
<br /> (suoh aa u procueding In bnnkruptoy,probntc�,tor condenmatkon or lort�liuro or to cnforco tavrs or rCpulatlono).thon Lendar mny ��J,�
<br /> � do und pay tor whutovor Is necosaury to protost the vatue o4 the Proporty and Londers rlghte In the Proporty. lendurs aotlona
<br /> '--..-,.�, muy Inohido pnying any sums saaurod by a Ibn whi�h hnt� prEodty over this Seourity Inouument, apponrin9 In aourt, pnyNg R���
<br /> 'r ' ,,,�,�;y.� �easonnbto nttomoys' tees and ontorinp on tho Propsriy to muko roQnlrs.Atihaugh Lendor mny tako aotlon under thls paragraph �u
<br /> 7,Londor doos �ot hnva fo do so. "`s�+:_
<br /> � ' My umoun4s dlsbursod by I.ondar undor paregraph 7 shalt become addttional dobt ot 8orcownr secured by thls SocurRy 7,i
<br /> ° inatrumant. Unbsa Bartower and Lendar agroa to othar torms ot payment, these amounts aholt boar Intorest hom tho date of E„_,_
<br /> � disbureemont ut the Note mte and ohatl bo payabb,wfth Intc;resR upon nottce hom Lendar to Borrowor roquestinp payment. C -
<br /> 8. Mortga8e Insurence. 1f i.Endor roqulrAd moRgagB Haurance as a condklon ot making the loan oeoured by lhis l'`
<br /> • Sncudty Insuument, BoRnvrer shall puy tAa promlums roquYc►d to matntah the mortgago insuranee in etteot.If,Por nny mason,tho �
<br /> , ;, � moRgspe Inou�nCO eovorage requhed by Lendar lt�psos or censes to bo in eNect,BortoL�er sha0 pay the pramlums�qulred to ��a.
<br /> �, . obtaln coverage substantfuly oqubalent to tho mortauga insurance prevlousry In eftect,et a oost substantialty equtva�ent to the
<br /> ,;�:' �''�
<br /> aost to Bonower of the mortgngo Nsuranca prsviousiy In eHeat,hom en aftemate mortgage Ineurer t►pproved by Lender. If !___
<br /> , � ' �;tr�.�;� suh3tnntlnLy equivatsnt moRgago Insurartoe owerege Is not avaitnble. Bortower shall pay to Lender eaeh month a sum equal to =
<br /> -.�•r.jii�' anC�tv�lRh ot the yesry mortgRge Ins�r•ns�ce promium beMp pald by fiortower when the Msurence coverage tapsed or ceased to L
<br /> • ' bo fn ettaot. Lender wiil aecept�uso end rotoN thsse payments as a toss reserve In If9u of mortgagti insursnco. Loss resave
<br /> �":• • „�' payments may no Ionger ba raqutred,at the option ot Lender,B mortgeg0 Inaurance coverage(in t0e amount and tor the period _
<br /> - ' thnt Lender roquaes) provldod by un Inaurcr approved by�ndar agatr►brseomas nvaltabi�and b obtalned BoROwer shail pay [r,r
<br /> tho pnGrrtiuma requtred to maintnin moRgago Insurence in etfaot, or to provEde a losa reseTVe,untll tho requirament tor mortgago F.,
<br /> insuranco ends in ucaordence wHh any wrUten egreement botwean Bosrowar end Lender or appticabte law. -
<br /> fl. Inspecdon.Londer ar ita agont may meko roeaonabla�ent�k�s upon and hspeattons of the Proporty. Lender shall pMe G-.
<br /> .�'� ` 8orrovrer notfce at the time af or prbr to an�spootlon apoalrying reasonabie oause for the hspenUon. ^
<br /> i Q. C on demne t t o n. Tho proc e o d s of an y awctrd or ataM tor damapos, dtrmct or consequential,In aonneaHon wRA any
<br /> aondemnatton or other takhp of any part of the Proporty, or tor eonveyence In Ileu of oondemnation,are hereby asslgned and
<br /> . ';-�: ehall bo pald to Lendet.
<br /> In the ev6nt of a total tu►cing uf 1ho Property, tho proceeds eha0 bo app0ed to the sums seeured by this SeeurRy
<br /> '-+� ��.�� Inatrument,whether or nat tNnn due,with any excoss pakl to Borcowor. In the evant o}a partial taking ot the Pro(Derty h whbh
<br /> �r��•
<br /> n� `, � , ��e��m�� ��� �� �$�►,p�e,n,tnw faktnc ls equai to or greater than the emount of tAe aums secure
<br /> ?-s�. - by ihts Socurity h:strur�an1 Immedlntoly botore tho ttlkinp. uniess 8ortower a�d Lender otherwlso agree� in w�'.inB� the sums �
<br /> ```i9�''" ' � saour�d by this Seaurit� Instrument shall be►educed by th�►amaunt of tho proceedg muitlp�ied by tho topawMp hextlon: (a)the —e
<br /> �'•�r�.f••a`;' ' tomt�extu�t ot the sums seeured Ynmedlntey betore tha t�klnp.divtdad by(b)the fatr market vak�e of lho Property inmedatery --
<br /> .,.,��t.� �,+ �>;
<br />��l�r.,Stn>>�� botorm id'm ta'cinq.My batance shnll ba patd to 8omower.In the svent of c►paRial takhp of the Praperty h whbh tAo tair m�rlce4
<br /> 'Mr;^>�••'`� vaiue oY tT�a Property kr►roediaWy betore the takhg is Iosa thtn fho amount ot the sums secured immedlately betore the tefchg,
<br /> _�" '°'O untos3 Bortowor�tnd Lender otheiwtse agrae h wrRing pr unlestt appUaabb Inw otherwise provides. ths proceeda sha0 be
<br /> °- :;���-sr
<br /> •;�;:r:i;.;��•' uppUnd to No sums seaurc+d by thls Securfty fnstrument wRtither or not the sums are then due.
<br /> 'T'-T���`� �t the PropeAy Is abendonnd by Bortower,er tt,after not�e by Lendor to Barrower that the oondemnor ofter3 to make an
<br /> -��`��1• award or eettte a ateim 1or damages, Borrower taits to rospond to Lender wtthb 30 days after the �ato the no4�e Is qken,
<br /> .��`�� Lander b authorlmd to aolbot nnd nppy the proceeds,nt its optbn,eRher to rostoratlon or re�aM ot the PropeRy or to the
<br /> -r�cM';,°���� sumo socured b�this Security inoWment,whother or not thon dua.
<br /> �.,y.i�c;�!t: �
<br /> — �•.._., Unte�s Lender an� 9orrawer othurwtso agreo in writhp. eny aAP�batiQn ot proceeds to prinolpal ahatl not exton or
<br />_�"_�y-.�;�� postpone the due dxte a�t tho monthy paymc�ats retertod to N parn��apha 1 and 2 or ohange the amount ot subh paymonta. —
<br /> 91. Bor�ower �1ot Releaaed; Ferboarerece �yt I.ender Not a Wefver.�ctanebn of the time for parment or
<br /> ��°`�-�'�� modtii�sttbn of amoRiratbn of tho sums soourod by thb Scicurity Inotrument prantod by Lender to any euccessa� M hterest ot
<br /> =���.•�"7`���G� Borra�rxar ehnq not oporate to roleasa Qhe IfabilRy ot the orighnl 2orrnwer or Boaowe�s auocessors�n interest Lender ahall not `
<br /> _`r��_��� q,3�pu�od to oomme�ce proeeedings ognhot eny succesaor In tnlerest or retuse to extend Ume fur payment or otherwkse
<br /> ,-,;�;M'� modHy umortimUon ot the euma seeursd by this Socumy Insuument by reason of any domand made by tho orlg0�e1 BoROwsr or �,,..
<br /> -���+� BoROwor3 auccessoro h Intorest My forboaranCO by Lo�tider h exerolsing eny right or remedy shall not tro a waMor ot or
<br /> f��+�� 61 '
<br /> proetude the exeroise of eny tipht or remedy. �1��=�
<br /> rv�__�;-�; 1a. sucaGSaoro end Aea�pns 6ound; Joint and Severet Llebility; Co-atgners. 'rns aovenanre and
<br /> '°�_ s t�({roo�nente of thts Securdy Inotrumont BhtiD bad and bonoflt the euccesaore and assigno ot Lendar and Borrower,subJect to the =
<br /> ,-�;��;� provi5lans of peraQraph 17• Borrowere covunnnts and agreemento shall bo joht and Reve►aL MY 8orrower who caslQna thfs
<br /> ' ` �� Secur[t1r Instrumer+t bet does not exc�euto tho Note: (a)Is co-slpnV�O thb Security InsWment onh to moRpaQo,qrent end convey -
<br /> � --— that Bosrowor's ii.�rasa b+tho Fropcs�iy under the terms sf ch��ruy L�nGut�+a�34: (b} � aat p..:..a�«!h� oQ4�s►3�Q t4 'eY �hP " -
<br /> :;:�",�?,�,� sumu seCUrad by thls Seaurlty Instrumont; csnd(o)ngreos that Lunder and any atAer BoROwer may agreo tC�xt9nd. modHy, �
<br /> :�_;;::.:�; forb�s�s m.°make any eccommodutiona wRh regard to tho torms of thi�Securityr InsWment or the Note wRhout that Boaowera
<br /> -`-^-?`�:'�cr' CanRVnO.
<br /> - " ' " D�. 0 OSD Chitlg�8. It the IoIIn eoCUrRd by this Socurlt�r �nstrument is subloat to a taw wAbh seta meximum lann _
<br /> ehorgos,and thnt taw [s tinaly �ntorpreted oo that tha Intvrost or other IoAn eharges eolbeted or to be aoitected in conneati�n �
<br /> :�� � � �n wrih the loan oxcoed 3P�o pormittod timks,then: (a)any suoA ban chargo shat!be�sduced by tho amount rtacosaary to reduco �;.:
<br /> � thu charqo to tho partnfttud OmN; nnd(b)any auma atready coifected from Borrower wh�b exceeded pFxmttted Ilm[ts wttt be �:,,;.
<br /> ._ . . y�i�� rGNnded to Borto�ver. Lenda mpy ohoose to mako thb rolun�by raduoinp tho prinolpat owad undor tho Note or by maktnfl a _
<br /> ,. �•}';�',, dlrect �ayirtant to Borro►rer. It a rotund roducos pHnofpul tho �eduotlon witi be troated as a patttal p[apaym�nt wRhout any —__
<br /> � • •�' b` propayment chnrgo undEr tho Note. "�-;
<br /> �� 14.NOUC@8.Av�y notba lo Bortower provlcSoO tor tn thb SCCUrity Inetrum�t shall bo gNren by delNBring k or by maAhg k t;.::
<br /> •—•� �- by fkot ol�ss msD un�iss applloabt� Inw roqutres usa ot CinotP�or mvthod. Tho rtatico aht�ll bo dUected to tha P�apaty Address �:�i.
<br /> -;::�. �'.�•+'_
<br /> ,,' or any other address Borrowor dosignntos by notice to Lendor. My notico to Lender shaU bo gNcn by tUSt ohsn mstl to �,_
<br /> Y....._..w,e.me �e..wu. �asn.ma hv notico to BCrtowet. My noiiGO provtded fot h thM3
<br /> . ='-:x; lortRG�iS sdoroso 8insoi+r`�a:o:. .n m.� ....... ��.--- ---.--. ----� - • —
<br /> Sscur�r Motrumont ahaV bo doamod to havo beon glvae to Bertowor w Landar whon glven us providad in this p�8mph. ��_
<br /> 9 6. Governing Law; SOVCiAb1111�1. This Stcudty Inatrumunt ehntt be govomud by lederal Iaw end tho law ot tho a_'
<br /> jurisdbtton In which tho Proporty Is located. In tho avont that nny provblon or aleuse ot this SecuMy Insbumont or tho Noto �y;.
<br /> contilat8 wtth oppi'�cabb t a�r,sue h con t t i C t a h a p n o t 4 N e C t o t h c i r p ro v�s t o�n of thb Secufl t y insWmon!ar the Noto whbA cnn bo ���
<br /> �',.
<br /> � qken uNoot whhout tho co�Natlnp provbton.To thb ond the provtslona ot thb Securtty inawmcmt nnd tho Noto oro deeinnid to �•.;
<br /> bo aavombto. R °
<br /> • 18.�orrower•s Copy.Bortower shall bo gtvcn ono conbrtned copy ot tho Note and ot this Socurily tnstrument. �s
<br /> w;�
<br /> ,. . s Y
<br /> . ,' , —� �1 _
<br /> �1!J ,D
<br /> �
<br /> .• ��� Ft910.1M�(�l00) Pap��of 6 c.
<br /> • oa�a
<br />